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SERVICE MANUAL GP The Fisher 202 Stereophonic AM-FM Receiver oR AAA & shee & | ‘The fllowing equipment required to completely test and align modern high-tdality amplifier, tunes, and receivers. Line Voltage Autotransformer or Voltage Regulator 1c Vacuum Tube Voltohmmeter ‘Accurately Calibrated AC Vacuum Tube Volimeter ‘Osslescope (Fat ro 100 kHz Minimum Low Distortion Audio (Sine Wave] Generator Intermodulation Distortion Ansiyzer Harmonic Distortion Analyzer 2 = Load esstors, Ohms, 100 Watt (Minimum Rating! AMIFM Signal Generator oN teumt Many of these its are included only 38a reminder ~ they are normal procedures for experienced techniisns Shortcuts ‘may be taken, but these often cause sional damage to {tansistors circuit components, or printed circuit boards. SOLDERING: A welltinned, hot, clan soldering iron tip tll make soldering ease, nithout causing damage t0 the Drinted circuit Bosra or the components mounted on it Regular uie of = Sponge cleaner will raintain 2 clean felderng store. The heat avalcle at the tip, (not the watt fe of the ron) i important. Some BOnatt irons reach femperatures of 1,000 F, while others will hardly matt folder, Smalliametgr tips should be used for single solder Connections, pyramid end chisel ips for large aes Always disconnect the AC power cord from the line when foldering. Turning the power awiteh OFF isnot suticient. Powerdine lskage path, through the heating element ofthe inom, may deswoy wonssors. PARTS REMOVAL: If o part is not being returned for In warranty fetory replacement, it may be cut in half (vith ‘diagonal cutting pliers! to. make removsl easier. Multia ferminal parts such 36 IF arsformers, of electrolyte ‘apecitors, should be removed using special desldering tps Image especially for this purpose. Removing solder om ‘rminals, reduces the possibilty of breaking the printed ‘rout board wien the par removed ACCIDENTAL SHORTS: A clean working area, tree of metal patcis, seraws, etc, is an important preventive in ‘voiding servicing problems Screws, removed from the Chast during sorvicing, should be stored in a Dox until ‘ede. While st Is operating i takes any an instant for Deantorolector short to destioy a Wansator (and others ‘irectcoupled to i). 19 the time it takes for 3 dropped ‘machine screw, washer, or sewdtiver, 10 contact a pair of Soke! terminals (or tetminal and chassl, 3 trosisor con be fines SOLIDSTATE DEVICES: Integrated Circuits contain the ‘sauivaient of many circuit pars including transistors, diodes, Fesistor, and capacitors. The prefered troubleshooting pro: ‘Gedure requires ‘slating the trouble to one stage using AC onal tracing methods ‘Once the suspect stage is locste, ‘the DC voltages o the input and outut lea are measured 1 five an eceurate indication ofthe operating conditions ofthe C00 NOT use an ohmmeter to check comtinty with the 1G mounted onthe printed ceuit boar. Forord basing the Internal junctions within the IC may burn out the transistors Do. not repisce = defective IC unt all external resistors, Capacitors, and transformers are checked fir, to prevent the Faplacement IC from fang smmesiatly duc to defect in {he connecting components, Soler and unelder each led Separately using a pilers or other neat sink on the lad 12 prevent damage from excessive heat Check that the leads are 10.7 MHz Sweep Genertor Muttiniex Generator (preferably with RF output! 485 kH2 Sweep Generator Ferrite Test Loop Stick 2 Full Range Speskars for Listening Tests ‘Stereo Soures ~ Turntable, Tope Recorder te ‘Soldering Ion with Seal Tp, Fully Insulated from AC Line ‘Suction Desolderng Toot Id be ser race onneeted to the coreet locations on the printed circuit ‘boar before turning the set on Whenever possible, # transistor tester should be used to de {ermine the condition of a tanestor or diode. Ohmmeter ‘Check do nat provide conclusive data, and may even destoy ‘he junction) within the device. Never attempt 19 repair # transistor power amplifier module Until the power supply Fitercapsitrs art fly Gischerge. 1H an output or driver transistor becomes defective lope or shorts), nays check ALL. divect-coupled Yansistors and ‘odes in that chancel. In adition, check the bios pot. ane ‘ther parts in the bios network, before installing replacement tanstors All outaut and drver transistors in one chant Imay be destroyed ifthe bios network aefective. Aer parts Feplacement, amas check the bies adjustment Tor specified ‘ating eure. 1m some apolictios,eplaernan of transistors must be made ‘om the some beta groun arte origina ype. The bets g/ouD indicated by 2 colored marking on the Wansstor Be sure fo include tie information when ordering replacement transitore When mounting @ replacement power transistor, be sure the ‘bottom ofthe flange, mica insulator and the surface of the heat sik, are fe of foreign mater Oust and grit wil prevent fiat contact, eecing hect tansfr to the heatsink Metalic particles can puneture the Insulator, cause 2 short and oeetroy the transistor. Silicone greose must be used between the tensor and the Ihiceinsslator, end between the mies and the heat snk, fOr Dest heat transfer Use Dow-Corning OC 3, or an equivslont Compound made fr power transistor heat conduction Use care when making connections to speakers and output terminals, To reduce the possibilty oF shorts, lgs should be Used on the exposed ends, or stranded wire shouldbe tinned to provent frayed wire ends, Curent inthe speakers ond out put cieuiey Is quite hgh ~ poor contacts, or small S260 fire, cam eae sgnificant power losses in the system. For ‘hie length geste then 30 feet, 18 AWG, or heavier, should VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS: All voltsoes are measured wath the fine voltage adjusted 10 120 volts All messed Voltage are M10%. OC voltages ere measured 10 ground Wich a VEYM, wth fo. sigal input unless otherwise note. TRC" anal voltages are measured urder the conditions {ecified onthe sehematic ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES: 00 NOT attempt retgnment Cnieas the requited. test eauipment is availabe, andthe Slignment procedure is thorosdhy understoo. BECAUSE ITS PRODUCTS ARE SUBJECT TO CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT, FISHER RADIO RESERVES THE RIGHT “TO MODIFY ANY DESIGN OR SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE ANO WITHOUT INCURRING ANY OBLIGATION. | 2 | mechanical disassembly required test equipment mechanical disassembly tial stringing harmonic distortion test chassis layout power supply main chassis preamplifier REMOVING DRESS PANEL (1) Unplug AC power cord {2) Remove the crews seeuring the top and bottom covers {G) Gently pull off ta SELECTOR, VOLUME, BALANCE, TREBLE, BASS, PONERISPKRS and Tuning control Knobs fom the contro hats, (4) Remove tha two serewt on the top and two Serws on the Remove the dress pane! By pulling t forward (Gl Reverse se procedure for reassembly REMOVING TUNING METER AND STEREOBEAM INDICATOR LAMP (1) Remove dress pane, Refer to REMOVING DRESS PANEL procedure. {) Remove the two serena onthe bottom side ofthe chasis Tocated shove the MUTING ON-OFF ait, securing the bracket of the tuning meter ang STEREOBE AM indicator lamp, Note the ground lug of renttor RIG seeured vo the bracket {@) Remove tuning meter end STEREOBEAM inecator lamp (4) Revarea th procedure for rarely REMOVING DIAL GLASS (1) Remove the dress pana. Refer to REMOVING DRESS PANEL praceduree (2) Remove sre attaching ground lug of resistor RIB to tuning meter and STEREOBE AM ingiestor bracket located ‘onthe chassis ove the MUTING ON-OFF suite (G1 Tope ia cord to tuning drum. Remove cil cove from tha pulley whieh fe ettached tothe dal Rousing. (4) Remave the four screws securing the cal glass and meter (5) Remove the dia lst and mater housing (6) Remove the dal pointer by sing its mounting eacier from ite ing eal. (1) Wary gent litt up the dil lass ad meter Rovsiog ana turn the housing towards you, Takes knife and petly detach the indicator Boer and mete cures tothe dial glans by ‘oublesded adhesive tone {@) Use krite and pry loose the dl ses, taking care not to ‘arape the foem rubber mountings, (9) Reverse procedure for resserbly control amplifier power amplifier am, fm if, and meter fm rf am rf multiplex tuner alignment component connections REMOVING INDICATOR LAMPS [11 Unplug AC power cord [2] Remove the sora scaring the top and bottom cover of the chavs, Remove the cover {3} Uses air of liar and hold socket of detective lamp, nd genty pl dofectve frp out of housing {a} Trace out late of detective amp to terminal sep and (Gh Reverse procedure for lamp replacement. REMOVING DIAL LAMPS 11) Unplug AC power cord (2) Remove the sre eecring the top and bottom covers of {3} Remove thet sermon top of cial glass ad meter housing, Se it lp brookot tothe ree, an gery drop the bracket to get tothe dal amps. 1a) Replece defective tmp. {5} Revers the procedure fr ‘eplacernen of lamp bracket. REMOVING PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS (11 Unplug AC power cord. Remove tho serous securing the top ang bottom covers othe ches. Remove the covers {a} Aemove the screws securing printed board to te esos NOPE" MPx Burd mounted on a hinge, Remove two {ens close fo ANG Fl Board, The MPX Board ean now be (at Remove ess panel, Reter 10 REMOVING ORESS PANEL procure. (a) Remove hex nus from VOLUME, BALANCE, TREBLE, and BASS contrls. Remava Control Ampliter Boar {6} Remove sere len azcure clamp holding both Driver (6) Pull Driver Boards straight upto remove boats from (3) Remove sere wich seures heat ink brack3t of traraistor O01 of Power Supply Bosrd to chasis. {G) Remove te screws which seeure Power Supply Board to chasus, and remove board {a} Remove snap-on shield of FM RF Board. Remove two {Seren seousing tuning drum t9 tuning eaneitr shat, Sis umm ofthe shat. 1g} Remove sere securing FM RF Boor and remove bosrd REMOVAL OF POWER TRANSFORMER DIAL STRINGING (11 Remove screws securing top and bottom covers to reciver choris Remove covers, Unenap pointer fm ite sing tarrnr Remove case from tera {2) Rotate tuning drum fully clotkwrse. (3) Remove oa dist cord. Be earful not to remove dal spring from ite arin the cru {@) Ti end of noe cord Yo end ot aa pring. Make sore that ‘al spring i fastened to tuning dram ae shown inthe gure (5) Gutde at core through rim slot and wand 3 fll turn round! dram, Guide cord around pullys 8, B, and C. Wind Gal coral tree times around tnng shat and ver pully D HARMONIC DISTORTION TEST caution: (a Measure the poner of one chan (B) Lire measurements to 10 minutes. (C) Uses lad vesstor with armmum rating of $0 watt (1) Set BASS and TREBLE contol to flat (1, SELECTOR siteh to AUX 1. and POWER/SPKRS switch to AC OFF (2) Connect lowdistorion sine wave ihe! generator Banweon L AUX IN jock and chasis round Se ha signal generator frequency to T0002 snd output lve! to minimum ae = Wind cord 3/4 tute eround tuning drum and throug sisi. (6) bul da cord taut and hook cord to end of cial Spring (2) tate using drum clockwise and eouncereioekwis fsxibute to tens.oning {2} Repeat step 6) sna (7) unt spring tensioned. Then tie dial cord securely to sed af spring (9) Place dal cord aver and under tabs on pointer case (see igure). Snap pointer into sing cari. (4) Turn tuning drum fully counterclockwise. Side pointer to indicate tro on toring dat while hoiing tuning rum fully counterciocoie {18} Check cal caliation, Refer to FM/AM ALIGNMENT. () Conosct the @:Onr load raitor between L MAIN SPKR 434 COM terminals. Connect an AC VTVM, exciloscope, and harmonic datortion analyze across the Bohm los resistor (a) Set POWER/SPRRS switch to MAIN. Turn VOLUME ontol slowly to maximum, {61 Adjust te signal generator output unt the AG UTM indicates 14.18 V FMS (25 wats), The HD ansiyzer should Indicate lee thon 1% Aarmonie distortion, (G) Repent step 1] through 5) forthe right chan aa Tes chassis layout TO POWER TRANSFORMER AL403I-05 To cit, FL F2 +62V +15.5V power supply A A A 7 | Meas oa me Ei eC ELT hit 9 | Peel Cas ERR A a am, fm if, and meter || -RATIO_DETECTOR TEST POINT ‘AM AUDIO AE DENOTES COMPONENT MOUNTED ON SOLOER SIDE ‘ouTPUT AL4o3I-o1 Au B+ L To. +i5v beenRiTe INTENT ‘ANTENNA | | | | | | | 2 wore @ TH (455 kHz) Lis IF TRANSFORMER ‘AM OSC COIL @ un (sete ‘TRANSFORMER ard 7 ee a ‘nilteiten > (455 2) ore TE © pig "F TRAP lhe crenet cae 8 8 on 15, 18, CONTROL sgpbaney casdatan ae fm detector @ “a a FM ALIGNMENT [1) Set SELECTOR awitn to FM, Turn VOLUME contol to Iinimum (0) St MUTING ON-OFF snitch to OFF. Set FM [ATTEN suaten 10 NORMAL. {2} Connect the output of a 10.7 Miz sweep generator Board ane the ground lead of the generator to chasis gourd [ai Connect ociloneope vertiel input through a 100K, 1/2 ‘wat reustor tothe junction of resitor R41 {3.3K} and dod 1004 on the Ad, FA IF and Her Boar, ard the ground (al Using’ generator output level a Tow as possible, cust land bottom cores of tansformers T1, T2, and Ton the AM, FM IF, and Mtr Boars for maxim agin and symmetry ar ‘shown on ariloscope depiy. See FM I ilutration {5} On the AM, FM IF, and Mote Boord, connect an Sajutt the bottom cove of T fst, then the top core for ‘maximum gein and symmetry on the esiloscope display. Soe Fa DETECTOR illuntration (6) Oiseonnect 10.7 t= sep senerstor and oxcitozcope (3) Connact an FM signal gonertor tothe FLU ANT terminals with each lead of the generator. Connect an oscilloscope and [AC VIVM betwaen LRCOR OUT jack and chassis ground. {@) Set generator tregueney and racavers lal pointor sccurtely to 90 Miz, Modulate the generator with 400 He He 75 kHz deviaion, Reduce generator output unt noise potitve and napntiveha-cycles. See SYMMETRICAL TUNING Muctration, On the FM RE Board adjust care of ‘oscillator coil L03, or on boards without adjustable cores ‘expand or compress tums fer maximum indication on the (9) Set che generator frequency end the receiver's dial pointer ‘accurately to 105 MHz. Read|ust generator output until rose positive and negative halfcyeies. See SYMMETRICAL. TUNING illustration, On the FMI RF Board adjust oscillator “TC2 for maximuen audio ws indicated on AC VTVM. (10) Repeat ste 18) and (9) for accurate ial calibration and ‘maximum audio indicated on AC VTVM. CAUTION: The eautralization adjustment procedure dlseribed in step (11) should be performed only if the tel effect transistor FETON has been replaced, or if receivers tuning meter inaicates with no sign input 111) Diszoonect FM signal generator and connect @ 270-ohm resistor across receiver's FM ANT terminals, Tune receiver to [RF Board so that receiver's tuning meter indicates no reading with no signal input. Disconnect 270-ohen resistor and reconnect FM signal generator to FM ANT terminals. {12} Sot FM signal generator fraquency to 100 MH, 2 mV moter indicates between 4 and 45. (131 Modulate generator with 400 He, + 22.5 kHz deviation, and adjust FM Audio Output potentiometer VRO! for 3 350, ‘mV indication on AG VTVM connected to the L RCD OUT jack. (14) Sot MUTING ON-OFF snitch to ON. Sot gonerator frequency to 100 MH2, 10 vV output level and adiust FM [5 Set genorator frequency 0-90 MH at an output oul of signal generator EXTERNAL MODULATION input Moduete wth 19 ks 175 kez deviation (10% pilot, no (36) On PX Board connect 8 DC VTVM to test point TP3, Bajse transformers T1 nd T2 for maximum DC ouput ar Indeatad on DC VTVI, (171 Madaate Fi generator with 1000 Hz let and 19 KH (18) connset AC VFVM and oscitloscape bativen test point TP? and chasis ground. Adjust transformer T3 or maximum 119} Conneet AC VTVM and oscitoscope to L RCDR OUT ‘AG VTVM to R RCOR OUT jack. Adjust Seperation Controt potentiometer VR2 for maximum separation. {20) Modolate rh emannel with 1000 He and 19 kHs* 7, ket deuation, Recheck soparation, and readst Sepa Separation, left to ght and ight to lets achioved (21) Set Stereo Trigger Potentiometer VAI to minimum. {22} Set FRI rgnal georator 10.90 Me at an output vl of MONO-STEREO suit 19 MONO. Connect oscilloscope tetweon the postive terminal of copector C9 and ground Aalst eo! L for minimum output (23) Modulate signal gonerstr with 67 kHz. Inercase ovation unt signa! output spears onthe oxcloscope, ‘Adjust col L2 for minimum output. {2} Modulate signal gonerator with 77k, Ineresa ws 508

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