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Industrial Demilitarization of


Conventional Ammunition

tates procure more conventional ammu- capability occupy the international market.
nition than they use. Despite other Many of them are former or active ammunition

disposal initiatives, much of a nation’s producers that have re-engineered their pro-
surplus ammunition stockpile eventually duction lines for demilitarization. For instance,
requires demilitarization—a process by which Nammo Buck GmbH in Germany was an ammu-
ammunition is safely dismantled or destroyed nition factory before the reunification of East
while, ideally, its valuable materials are recov- and West Germany, and has been involved in
ered. This control measure is a component demilitarization since 1991 (Nammo, 2012, p. 2).
of conventional ammunition stockpile man- Other companies focus exclusively on manufac-
agement and features prominently in the UN turing and marketing demilitarization equipment.
International Ammunition Technical Guidelines Industry contractors operate under private,
Research Notes

(IATG) (UNODA, 2011b). government, or mixed ownership. Indeed,

In many countries, excess stockpiles of public–private partnerships are common.
obsolete or unserviceable munitions have The contractors demilitarize all types of
reached a level requiring demilitarization on ammunition under normal competitive tender-
an industrial scale, often in a race against time, ing rules. National procurement and logistics
because the ammunition tends to become agencies publish requests for proposals (RfPs),
unsafe with age. Since states rarely have the and often use regional organizations to issue
capacity to demilitarize the surplus ammuni- them for large disposal programmes. The
tion stockpiles of their collective security forces, NATO Support Agency, for example, manages
they often turn to the demilitarization industry. RfPs for the disposal of surplus ammunition
This Research Note provides an introductory holdings on behalf of NATO Ammunition
snapshot of the ammunition demilitarization Support Partnership and Partnership for Peace
industry in Western and Central Europe as well (PfP) countries, monitoring these contracts
as the United States, which account for the vast until completion. A well-documented PfP
majority of industrial demilitarization activity Trust Fund case study is Albania, where three
worldwide. It summarizes the findings of the successive projects significantly increased the
associated chapter from the Small Arms Survey country’s indigenous demilitarization capacity
2013: Everyday Dangers (Gobinet, 2013a). (Gobinet, 2012, p. 39).
The contracts usually cover ammunition
receipt; storage; internal movement; demilitari-
Actors, markets, and contracts zation processes; the processing of by-products,
The demilitarization industry’s main contrac- such as explosives and metals; and the disposal
tors are mostly based in Western Europe and of all scrap materials. They can also include
the United States. A core group of approximately transportation costs from military storage to
30 major companies with proven operational civilian demilitarization locations.

Photo (left): A projectile’s nose fuse being removed remotely during the automated disassembly process, Kirikkale, Turkey, September 2007. © NATO Support Agency
Photo (right): The saw-cutting of high-explosive projectiles to expose their energetic content, after which the components travel on a conveyor belt to the next station
to melt out the explosives, Lübben, Germany, 2012. © Spreewerk Lübben GmbH

Small Arms Survey Research Notes • Number 37 • December 2013 1

Contract values vary largely accord- Table 1. Summary of the ammunition demilitarization stages
ing to ammunition types. Prices are
Process stage Description
usually expressed per item of ammuni-
tion. For a given ammunition family, 1. Transport Compliance with dangerous goods or hazardous waste
demilitarization prices per item are regulations that apply to the transportation of ammu-
always context specific. There is no nition and explosives earmarked for demilitarization
generic unit cost basis for specific 2. Storage until demilitarization Compliance with relevant quantity–distance standards
munitions types processed through
specific demilitarization techniques, 3. Manual unpacking and preparation Sorting and unpacking
yet it is generally accepted that open 4. Pre-processing and disassembly Separation of projectiles, propellants, and casings;
competition is the most effective way exposure of energetic material prior to removal
to control pricing.
5. Energetics removal Physical removal of energetic materials from their
Recent estimates put the average
housing or casing
cost of demilitarizing one tonne1 of
conventional ammunition in the 6. Energetics disposal (primary destruction) Decommissioning or destruction of energetic materials
United States and Western Europe 7. Energetics disposal (secondary destruction) Production of scrap material ‘free from explosives’
at approximately USD 1,600 (RTO,
8. Pollution control system Compliance with regional or national environmental
2010, p. 3-3), and costs are increasing.
regulations covering noise, air, water, and land emis-
Demilitarization remains cheaper in
sions, as well as waste management and recovery
Eastern Europe, where countries often
receive external funding for this activ- Source: Gobinet (2013a, pp. 196–97)

ity. In this context, (1) the economic level

of the host nation, (2) local capacity,
(3) the training levels of local staff, and
Processes Capabilities and capacities
(4) donor priorities factor into the Demilitarization is defined as ‘the In NATO countries, the technology
demilitarization price and preclude complete range of processes that render exists to destroy the vast majority of
easy comparative analysis. In 2012 weapons, ammunition and explosives ammunition types regardless of
TRZK estimated its demilitarization unfit for their originally intended pur- whether the ammunition is clearly
costs on behalf of the Serbian Ministry pose’ (UNODA, 2011a, p. 8). The term labelled or stored in suitable conditions.
of Defence (MoD) at EUR 780 (USD applies equally to serviceable and Equipment capacity is dependent
1,000) per tonne, and claimed that they unserviceable surplus material or on the type of ammunition processed.
would fall below EUR 500 (USD 650) equipment. Capacity is an issue in the United States,
per tonne following the upcoming Many demilitarization techniques where the amount of surplus ammu-
installation of an explosive waste are available, categorized by the stage nition grows faster than it is being
incinerator and new disassembly of the demilitarization process in demilitarized. In Europe, however,
machines (TRZK, 2012). which they are applied (Table 1). Not most NATO nations have under-
The United States is the largest all of these steps are systematically utilized industrial demilitarization
market for demilitarization services required and some can be combined. capacity. It could be argued that
and will remain so for the foresee- Demilitarization is considered complete these capabilities are rarely located
able future. US figures from the 2010 once all residues from the reverse where they are most needed; that is,
Demilitarization Symposium in Tulsa engineering or destruction process in ‘client’ countries in Eastern Europe
indicate a demilitarization stockpile have been destroyed or recycled. with significant surplus ammunition
of 587,000 tons, with annual funding Many contractors use a mix of stockpiles, but no funds to address
of approximately USD 146 million.2 open burning and open detonation them (RTO, 2010, pp. 1-2, 4-1).
Large quantities of surplus munitions (OB/OD) with other, more environ- There is no standard unit of meas-
are disposed of each year, but a similar mentally friendly methods that aim to urement for industrial demilitarization
quantity is declared surplus. Cluster recover valuable materials. The decision processing capacities (NIAG, 2010,
munitions, especially multiple-launch to choose any particular technique is p. 171). NATO and contractors typically
rocket system rockets, still represent based on cost, safety, environmental use all-up weight and net explosive
an important segment of US demilita- considerations, customer preference quantity, but will also express standard
rization activity. In Western Europe, and timeframe, logistics, availability, throughput rates in ‘rounds of speci-
demilitarization stockpiles are gener- the type and quantity of ammunition fied ammunition type’ per time unit.
ally growing at a much slower rate being destroyed, the physical or chem- Generally speaking, a company such
(NIAG, 2010, p. 82). ical condition of the ammunition, and as TRZK can process more than 3,000
In Eastern European and Common- the value of recovered material. tonnes of conventional ammunition per
wealth of Independent States countries, Contractors also modify technolo- year (TRZK, 2012); Nammo Vingåkers­
industrial demilitarization remains a gies to be mobile or transportable so verken in Sweden can reportedly handle
domestic activity largely inaccessible to that they can be moved from stockpile 15,000–20,000 tonnes of conventional
open, international tender competition. to stockpile (Gobinet, 2013b). ammunition per year (NIAG, 2010, p. 71).
them (Gobinet, 2012). While MoDs
usually have oversight whenever
munitions from national armed forces
are concerned, their oversight of the
private contractors operating in their
respective countries is not systematic.
When appropriate risk manage-
ment processes are applied, industrial
demilitarization is not inherently risky.
Yet the nature of the activities involved
means that explosions can occur
during processing or storage, even in
NATO-standard facilities. When built
according to strict quantity–distance
standards, facilities confine all explo-
sive damage to the workshop where an
incident might occur. The buildings
used to store or process munitions are
self-contained, often partially buried,
and designed to send any blast upward
and not outward, to minimize damage.
In countries where industrial demili-
tarization is less developed, involving
contractors that do not meet relevant
standards, there is greater potential
for accidents. Poor MoD oversight
over inexperienced private demilitari-
Warheads are transported to be detonated in controlled explosions in a dedicated facility 800 m below ground, Lökken Verk, Norway, 2012. zation companies may result in their
© Nammo Demil Division developing, selling, or using non-
functional or unsafe demilitarization
equipment. The Survey has published
massive ammunition stockpiles have
Regulations, transport, and case studies of such explosive acci-
not formally been tested or classified dents in Gerdëc, Albania (2008), and
general oversight under the UN system, this represents Midzhur, Bulgaria (2010) (Lazarevic,
The IATG include a comprehensive a major hurdle to the demilitarization 2012; Gobinet, 2012, p. 91).
section on ammunition demilitariza- enterprise, because the ammunition
tion and destruction (UNODA, 2011b). cannot be transported legally across
Aside from these guidelines, there is borders unless it is officially classified
Environmental issues versus
currently no common international under the UN Globally Harmonized
standard, legislation, or compliance System of Classification and Labelling cost-effectiveness
mechanism that specifically addresses of Chemicals (UNECE, 2011a), which Many munitions and propellants are
ammunition demilitarization by com- requires a range of expensive tests. harmful to the environment, so demili-
mercial contractors. Industry oversight is necessary and tarizing large quantities of ammuni-
Transporting ammunition and equally complex. Industrial demilita- tion requires the rigorous control and
managing cross-border cooperation rization implies the withdrawal of the processing of toxic substances. The
represents both a costly logistical weapons or ammunition from service packaging material can also require
undertaking and a regulatory chal- and a transfer of responsibility—and handling and treatment to contain the
lenge. It is estimated that logistics can eventually ownership—to the demili- heavy metals and persistent organic
represent as much as 50 per cent of tarization industry. As a rule, demili- pollutants that were often used as
the total cost of some demilitarization tarization companies do not own the preservatives in wooden ammunition
contracts. Transport by rail and road ammunition until they deliver a cer- packaging before it was banned. Some
must comply with (1) the European tificate of destruction. of the demilitarization processes them-
Agreement concerning the Interna- Various national authorities and selves generate additional environ-
tional Carriage of Dangerous Goods by ministries oversee the activities of mental hazards, such as air pollutants,
Road and (2) the UN Recommendations demilitarization contractors. Research pink water,3 and other hazardous
on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, shows that the activities of demilitari- secondary materials.
also known as the ‘Orange Book’ zation firms are usually overseen by All of these substances have been
(UNECE, 2009; 2011b). In a number of ministries of industry, trade, or the the subject of regional or national
former Warsaw Pact countries, whose interior, which accredit and monitor environmental regulation covering
noise, air, water, and land emissions, <
as well as waste management and re- admin/docs/C-Special-reports/SAS-SR15-
covery. Any demilitarization process
must ensure that there is appropriate
—. 2013a. ‘Burning the Bullet: Industrial About the
Demilitarization of Ammunition.’ In Small
control of the materials at all stages, Arms Survey. Small Arms Survey 2013: Small Arms Survey
and particularly the final disposal of Everyday Dangers. Cambridge: Cambridge The Small Arms Survey serves as the
University Press, pp. 186–217. principal international source of public
any hazardous waste stream. Yet —. 2013b.Dynamic Disposal: An Introduction to
information on all aspects of small arms
strict adherence to these standards is Mobile and Transportable Industrial Ammuni-
and armed violence, and as a resource
not always possible, given countries’ tion Demilitarization Equipment. RASR Issue
centre for governments, policy-makers,
local demilitarization capacities and Brief No. 3. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.
Lazarevic, Jasna. 2012. Costs and Consequences: researchers, and activists. The Small Arms
national legislation, which may be Unplanned Explosions and Demilitarization Survey, a project of the Graduate Institute
less demanding. in South-east Europe. Special Report No. 18. of International and Development Studies,
Environmental legislation has Geneva: Small Arms Survey. Geneva, hosts the Geneva Declaration
largely spurred the development of Nammo. 2012. ‘Small Arms Survey Question- Secretariat. For more information, please
naire for Industrial Demilitarization visit:
recovery, recycling, and reuse (R3) proc- Contractors.’ Unpublished questionnaire.
esses to reduce the reliance on OB/OD, NIAG (North Atlantic Treaty Organization
which remains a common, yet contro- Industrial Advisory Group). 2010. Final About the
Report of NIAG SG.139 Study on NATO
versial, practice, even when combined
Industrial Capability for Demilitarization Regional Approach to
with industrial dismantling. R3 proc-
esses have become an important require-
and Disposal of Munitions. 13 November. Stockpile Reduction
Unpublished document.
ment in the demilitarization industry. RTO (Research and Technology Organization). (RASR) Initiative
Yet the environmental compli- 2010. Environmental Impact of Munition The RASR Initiative addresses the threats
and Propellant Disposal: Final Report of Task posed by excess, unstable, and loosely
ance process, often involving multiple Group AVT-115. AC/323 (AVT-115) TP/274.
secured stockpiles of conventional weap-
licensing requirements, has also made Neuilly-sur-Seine: RTO, NATO. <http://
ons and munitions. RASR encourages
demilitarization systems more com-
affected governments and partner organi-
plex and expensive to develop and RTO/TR/RTO-TR-AVT-115///$$TR-AVT-
115-ALL.pdf> zations to develop a regional approach to
operate, thereby increasing the costs TRZK (Tehnički remontni zavod Kragujevac). stockpile management and destruction by
of demilitarization for cash-strapped 2012. ‘Small Arms Survey Questionnaire building local capacity, sharing best prac-
client governments and prospective for Industrial Demilitarization Contractors.’ tices, and synchronizing resources in order
donor countries. Unpublished questionnaire. to maximize efficiency. Ultimately, RASR
UNECE (United Nations Economic Commis- aims to prevent disastrous explosions or
The current debates surrounding
sion for Europe). 2009. European Agree- destabilizing diversions of conventional
the environmental impact of OB/OD ment concerning the International Carriage weapons and munitions. For more informa-
and the extent to which R3 revenues of Dangerous Goods by Road (‘ADR’).
tion, please visit
can offset overall demilitarization costs As applicable from 1 January 2011. ECE/
TRANS/215, Vols. I–II. Geneva: UNECE. Publication date: December 2013
reflect the underlying struggle between
—. 2011a. ‘Globally Harmonized System of
environmental imperatives and the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals
need for cost-effectiveness in indus- (GHS).’ 4th edn. <
trial ammunition demilitarization.
04files_e.html> Author: Pierre Gobinet
—. 2011b. ‘UN Recommendations on the Copy-editing: Alex Potter
Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model
Notes Regulations.’ 17th edn. <http://www.

1 Demilitarization figures can reflect short Design and layout: Richard Jones
tons (US), tons (UK), or metric tonnes for rev17/17files_e.html> (rick@
either the gross weight of the ammunition, UNODA (United Nations Office for Disarma-
or the gross weight of the ammunition and ment Affairs). 2011a. International Ammu-
packaging (which is referred to as tonnes nition Technical Guidelines: Glossary of Terms, Contact details
all-up weight). For each figure, this Research Definitions and Abbreviations. IATG 01.40. Small Arms Survey
Note reflects the unit of measurement used <
47 Avenue Blanc, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
in the corresponding source. convarms/Ammunition/IATG/docs/
2 Author correspondence with the US IATG01.40-Glossary_and_Definitions t  +41 22 908 5777  f  +41 22 732 2738
Army Defence Ammunition Center, %28V.1%29.pdf> e
20 November 2012. —. 2011b. International Ammunition Technical
3 Pink water refers to waste water contami- Guidelines: Demilitarization and Destruction
nated with explosives or their by-products. of Conventional Ammunition. IATG 10.10.
References Destruction%28V.1%29.pdf>
Gobinet, Pierre. 2012. Capabilities and Capaci-
ties: A Survey of South-east Europe’s Demili- For more information about stockpile man-
tarization Infrastructure. Special Report agement and security, please visit: <http://
No. 15. Geneva: Small Arms Survey. April.>

4 Small Arms Survey Research Notes • Number 37 • December 2013

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