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Chariss Joy C.

Lacaya July 29, 2023

MAEDA – COC Phinma


What are the key principles of effective teaching and how do they contribute to
students outcome?

The key principles of teaching are:

1. provide feedback to the student;

2. engage the student in active learning;
3. individualize the learning to the personal needs of the student and;
4. make the learning relevant.

First key principle – to provide feedback to the students. In every lesson discussed,
teachers should give feedback right away to the learners so that they will know or
they will be aware of their own answers or actions taken. So that they will be able to
assess themselves and think about how to improve themselves.

Second key principle – engage the student in active learning. It is vital that we
should actively engage the learners especially during class discussion. Active
participation will lead to positive learning and motivation of the learners. The more
the learners actively engage in their learning, the more they are motivated and learn

Third key principle - individualize the learning to the personal needs of the student.
Each learner is unique. They are not the same. Mostly in a public school scenario,
each classroom has heterogenous learners. The teacher should always consider
and prepare different kinds of assessments based on the learners needs. Teachers
should not discriminate or taken the learners for granted. Teachers should well
prepare and give the appropriate assessments in each learners depending on their
needs. We should respect and give importance of each learner.

Fourth key principle - make the learning relevant. Teachers should teach the topics
that relates to the subject itself. Teachers should discuss the topic that will relate to
the learners. Teachers should avoid discussing things that are not related to the
subject. Talking nonsense will disrupt the learning process. Teachers should always
carry their bible, the Daily Lesson Plan or Daily Lesson Log so that they will be
guided as to what to accomplish in that day. The teacher should always make
learning exciting and enjoyable for learners.

I believe these principles focuses on the students (learner-centered). The

application of these principles can lead to more effective learning. The poor teacher
can become a good and the good teacher can become an excellent teacher.

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