3rd Term Proyect, Part 3

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Part 3: The World Ends in a Museum

"Some things just inherently, aesthetically you need to be in

the presence of them. Other things, it's not necessary."
– Kevin Guilfoile, Museum of Online Museums
If we think about it, and if we commit to doing a bit of research, we might find that
there is virtually a museum for every subject you may think of. Provided there is
someone willing to curate an exhibit about it, of course. Money and time are necessary
to keep museums running, but they also have to keep with unreasonable demands:
high-end facilities, fascinating websites, technological implements and exhibits; all
while charging the lowest cost possible (people are stingy when it comes to paying for
knowledge and culture, you see.) Regardless of the fact, museums are a great source
of information that we should never look over wherever we go. Who knows, maybe,
someday, your life and work will be part of a museum exhibit, it all depends on how
you play your cards in the future.
For the final part of the project, you will hand in two tasks:
• Team task: make a short presentation on the topic or subject that you
choose at the start of the project using the knowledge you acquired
during the museum visit. Write as much as you want about the topic,
curious facts that you found interesting, add photos or images from the
museums, or just report what you learned. You have to mention the subject,
the museum you visited, and what exhibits you explored. Make a slideshow
or a brochure and send it through Algebraix. Only one person will send this
task for the entire team, so decide who.
• Individual task: write a commentary on the overall experience of the
project. While we did not spend a lot of time on the museums, you can
revisit the websites later and visit some other places. Since it is an open
commentary, you can write while answering these questions: What do you
think about the idea of virtual tours through museums? Did you learn
anything new, or did anything new catch your attention? If you had the
chance, would you visit the actual museum or do you think the virtual
museum is enough? Why do you think so? What do you think could
improve the idea of virtual tours?

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