Resolution Projects Explanation

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Resolution Projects

1. Possible Working Paper: document that lists the proposals made by the
committee, it is recommended to write it down following the resolution
2. Official Working Paper: it is the approved version of the above document.
3. Draft Resolution: document that lists the proposals made by the
committee, including preambulatory and operative phrases, sponsors and
4. Official Resolution: it is the approved version of the above document, it is
the final document.

Structure (mandatory in the Draft and Official Resolution):

● Title: Resolution adopted by (committee´s name) on (date)

● Header of the resolution (left superior part)
○ Name of the committee
○ Topic (full name)
○ Sponsors (delegations that will support proposals economically)
○ Signatories (delegations that wrote or agree with the proposals)
● Body
○ Name of the committee followed by a comma
○ Introductory paragraphs: preambulatory phrases/clauses
○ Proposals: operative phrases
Format (mandatory in the Draft and Official Resolution):

● Times New Roman 12

● Justify text
● Line spacing 1.5
● Title in bold with 14 letter
● Number the proposals
● Preambulatory and operative phrases in italics and bolds
○ One preambulatory phrase per proposal (comma between them)
○ One operative phrase per preambulatory phrase (dot between them)

Proposals redaction (delegates):

For one proposal to be considered as a “well written proposal”, the committee must
be qualified to develop it according to its capabilities. Also it has to be able to
answer the following questions (WH Questions):

1. ¿What? (main idea of the proposal)

2. ¿Why? (reasons and motives that justify making the proposal)
3. ¿How? (action plan)
4. ¿When? (when will the proposal is thought to be launched and for what
period of time is it going to be implemented)
5. ¿Where? (place or country where the proposal will be implemented)
6. ¿Who? (delegations that will cooperate in the implementation of the
7. ¿How is it gonna be economically financed? (delegations or organisms
that will give money for the proposal to be implemented, the committee can
only exhort 3 NGOs in the whole resolution and cannot force any delegation
or organism to be part of the proposal).
8. Some recommendations: be aware of the faculties and capabilities that the
committee has, have a continuous and wide communication within the chair
in order to solve all the doubts, write the proposals in the specific format
from the beginning to avoid wasting time rewriting them once they are done,
focus on the main topic being debated and bear in mind the Model´s agenda
and schedule.

Preambulatory phrases/clauses

Affirming Having considered further Noting with deep concern

Alarmed by Having examined Noting with satisfaction
Approving Expecting Noting further
Aware of Expressing its appreciation Noting with approval
Bearing in mind Expressing its satisfaction Observing
Believing Filling Reaffirming
Confident Fully alarmed Realizing
Contemplating Fully aware Recalling
Convinced Fully believing Recognizing
Declaring Further deploring Seeking
Deeply concerned Further recalling Taking into account
Deeply conscious Guided by Taking into consideration
Deeply convinced Having devoted attention Taking note
Deeply disturbed Having heard Viewing with appreciation
Deeply regretting Having received Welcoming
Desiring Referring
Emphasizing Keeping in mind
Having adopted Noting with regret
Having considered Having studied
Operative phrases

Accepts Deplores Solemnly affirms

Affirms Designates Strongly condemns
Approves Draws the attention Supports
Authorizes Emphasizes Takes note of
Calls Encourages Transmits
Calls upon Expresses its appreciation Trusts
Condemns Expresses its hope
Confirms Further invites
Congratulates Further proclaims
Considers Further reminds
Declares accordingly Further resolves
Deplores Further recommends
Designates Further requests
Draws the attention Has resolved
Emphasizes Notes
Endorses Proclaims
Encourages Reaffirms
Endorses Recommends
Expresses its appreciation Regrets
Expresses its hope Reminds
Further invites Requests

Resolution examples:

Resolution adopted by the Commission on Crime Prevention and

Criminal Justice on 14 March 2020.

Committee: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

Topic A: Ensure Law Enforcement Legitimacy and Transparency on Hate Crime
Sponsors: Swiss Confederation, Russian Federation, Kingdom of Sweden,
Kingdom of Spain, Kingdom of Denmark, Canada, Japan, Republic of Austria, The
Federal Republic of Germany, United States of America, French Republic, People's
Republic of China.
Signatures: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.

The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice,

Desiring the reinforcement of an existent organization in which officers appointed

by the organization would monitorate hate crime cases - the officers would make
sure that the cases are being treated with total legitimacy and transparency,
Expecting that in the several countries that allow the implementation of these
resolutions, they will be part of the observation of law enforcement subjects and
will take part as an insurance for transparency,
Noting with approval that after the crime, victims will have the right to be given
the necessary information provided by the police and the government,
Emphasizing to other delegations the importance of providing justice and the
necessary information on all the cases of hate crimes,
Observing delegations in a long term approach to establish stronger punishments,

1. Approves the organization to encourage further investigations into the

cases if needed.

2. Authorizes the implementation of international observers who make sure

that the law and transparency is being implemented fairly.
1.1 CCPCJ will exhort the General Assembly to reinforce the existing
organization so it can work alongside CCPCJ.
3. Recommends the surveillance established in detention and confinement
centers in order to monitor compliance with the guarantees of those
suspected of having perpetrated a hate crime and to assure a
well-functioning internal legal system and a non-proliferation enforcement
regime for crames.

4. Endorses that the organization created with help of other NGOs such as
Human Rights Watch, will be in charge of the process, llaw enforcement
members will treat everybody in an impartial way.
5. Reaffirms that those who infringe or wrongly follow the legal process of the
law with a rigid system or use that law with other purposes, will be applied
before established.
5.1 This reminding that while making the punishments, always keep in mind
that the punishment has to be in a constructive way, only taking into account
the people in charge of enforcing the law in each country,

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