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My name is Jaroslav, and I am currently running 4 YouTube channels with over 250K
subscribers in various niches and markets. See yourself some of them down below:

1) Ein Bisschen Besser

2) Trochę Lepiej

My plan is to start a new channel in the niche of Health & Human Body (8-10-minute long
videos). To get an idea about what I mean, please check out the channel below (those videos are
not mine, just an inspiration of how I would like to structure the channel personally when it comes
to quality of video animation & potentially content as well):

- Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

For that, I need a Professional Animator who is REALLY, REALLY INTERESTED in Health,
Human body and these types of high-quality videos / animations 😊. Someone who already
has some animating project under their belt and can make an extremely ENGAGING animations /
video with a lot of details & movement. Someone, who knows how to hook people with not only
the transitions, but also the sound effect and background music.

Here are the benefits you will get:

1) You will do for us one 8-10 minute high-engagement animation.

2) Long-term cooperation and stable income that you can count on.
3) You will be the Head Animator of our channel.
4) We are always growing and expanding, so based on your skills, we might need other
services as well and are open to any further cooperation with you 😊.

Would you like to cooperate with us?

If yes, what would be your best price for us? To be honest your price is quite high for us. If we
were making 1 order it would be acceptable, but you will have many orders every week from us
plus a long-term cooperation with many months & years to come. Our planned budget is 20$
per 1 minute of animating (in the Kurzgesagt style or similar). We have 3 candidates right now
and if your offer and conditions are attractive, we would love to work with you. Please let us know
if you are interested or not.

If yes, then what would be the best price you can offer? For example: What would be your best
price per 1 minute of animating?

Kind regards
Jaroslav Jakl

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