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Jack Waine



Merchant Of Venice Antonio: A Jew Ha a Jew, he a Jew whom thinks he can trick Christian men, to whom live in innocence, to wade into infested waters. He he is a serpent, digging his fangs into needy Venetians, letting poison slowly seep into their veins contaminating their blood, turning a man into what they never thought they would be. But what is a debt, if it only can receive a debt. A debt for a debt is trading from one man to a Satan. But then again, arent thou a Jew? Not a good holy man of the Bible, of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For we, us men, could never conceive of such a deed, one of the devil, that fuels the ever burning inferno. We, us merry men, give out ducats, to anyone in such need; Oh sir, are you in need of a ducat? Here have three. Take and do not draw on such deed as it is so much an act of good faith. Be thankful, praise to the heavens. But the Jew, no the Jew, it is his job, to take men and toss them to the groundlings, to rot in the sewers with feces and flesh. He might as well be horned. Now he tries to act as a Gods man. But how do you play a lords character in a play of Satan. He not charging usance, for which I have talked my way out of, so skilfully. He now, even more of an act of Satan, asks for a pound of my flesh. For I would give my whole, nay my soul for Bassanio. Just so he can go do as he pleases; and be the wooer of fair Portia of Belmont. He can encase her in all the pleasures he hath offer. For he is in love, and if he hold true, so may she be, and in merriment they may liveth in the lords glory, together. But this does not matter, it is just a meagre three thousand ducats that I doth owe. By days end, I swear it, no more will it be. For my ships will return in a month, but I have two. Never has one of the seven beasts hungered for my claims. Always do I see a mast swaying back and forth gently upon the

Jack Waine



horizons of venice, and by noons close, a hull. It returns to home as a man child who hath no money. I need not worry, for she treats me well. And my flesh, my blood and life is but fools to anyone who seeks gold. This silly Jew hath made a monkeys bond. As time and time again, as written in books such as the Bible, in parable after parable, a gods man, one who lives and praises the lord, shall overcome a self full, greedy, arrogant Jew. For no sweat shall drip upon my brow, no minutes of my sleep be lost. For it is a small sum and he he is a Jew.

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