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Trabajo bimestral de inglés

(English bimonthly work)

 Marcelo Motta (coordinador)
 Yussethy maylin (participó)
 Nicoll Orellana (no participó)


Marcelo: Hello Yussethy, how have you been?

Yussethy: Hi Marcelo, well, tomorrow I'm going to have

a test at school.

Marcelo: Oh, I had one today, it was not complicated.

Yussethy: One question, when is your birthday?

Marcelo: My birthday is January 30 and I am from the

year two thousand and nine.

Marcelo: And when is yours?

Yussethy: My birthday is February 16 of the year two

thousand and nine.
Marcelo: I’ve been drawing lately, you could say it’s a
hobby, do you have one?

Yussethy: Yes, now that you ask, I love playing

volleyball and you could say it’s a hobby.

Yussethy: They have told me that you have joined a club

that is it?

Marcelo: It’s a martial arts club and they also teach me

how to handle a katana you could join if you’re

Yussethy: No thank you i’m busy at the moment.

Marcelo: Well, you could say that you already practice a

sport, volleyball, and I practice martial arts and katana

Yussethy: Yes, although yours is a bit complex, I don’t

think it will resist, I’m going to stress.

Marcelo: Well I have to go do some things take care see

you another time.

Yussethy: Ok take care you too good afternoon bye

Thank you so much

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