SB Part 1

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1 All about me
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives

1A The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker

B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?

1 2 3 4
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

20 EXTRA PRACTICE:  Workbook page 2; photocopiable activity 1A Vocabulary

UNIT present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives LANGUAGE 1A

1 5
All about me
A Complete the diagram with the adverbs of frequency in the box.

hardly ever never often usually

100% 0%
1 simple and2adverbs and expressions
of frequency
3 ■ personality
4 adjectives

1A BThe only
Underline friends
the adverbs you
of frequency in theneed
text and complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
Adverbs of frequency go before / after most verbs, but they go before / after the verb be.
1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).
Grammar present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency
Things that arefunny
always patient
true: kind polite generousRoutines and habits:
Does Ahmet live in Ankara? No, he lives in Istanbul. How often do you see him? I usually see him at the weekend.
Do tospeak
Spanish? practice:
Yes, I speakpersonality
a little. adjectives, page
How often are136
you late? I’m never late!
2 Look! Weintroduction
Read the also use expressions
to theof frequency
text. forsentences
Are the regular routines
true e.g. once
(T) or a week,
false (F)? every month
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 to Grammar
There are fourpractice: present
different types simple and adverbs andfriends
of friends. expressions
in yourof frequency, page 112

63 AA 1.51.3 Pronunciation:
Match the types final
of friend in the
-s/-es box with
sound Listendescriptions
and repeat 1–4. Listen andThen
the sentences. check.
match the
verb endings in bold with the sounds: /s /, /z / or /ɪz /.
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
1 She likes Italian food. 2 He teaches at the university. 3 My brother knows him.
BB Do1.6 How any
you have do you say like
friends the verbs?
these? Listen, check
What type and repeat.
of friend are you?
believes says changes thinks uses wants goes watches hopes

7 AFOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
Add adverbs and expressions of frequency to make sentences about your partner.
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
She usually catches
1 He/She catches the
of the bus to
friends to work.
He catches
be happy.
to work/university.
Instead, hebus tothe
says university
4 He/She
He believes that there
types ofevery
are four
day. we have is
types in the and
of friends morning.
He/She goes to bed
He/She is patient.
all at
help us at
11.00 in night.
different ways. So, what are these
5 He/She four friends
watches films inlike?
6 He/She is late for class.

B Read your sentences to your partner. He/She will tell you if you are correct.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 158, Student B page 166

8 Read the text about two friends. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

get have not have invite like think


1 Lots of people 12 I’m really serious and 3 I never go out, but that’s not true! 4 I’m
very hard-working
You share everything with Theseand my job
friends in the
know bank
you veryis difficult, so I 2 are very much free
These friends time.
These friends are very
these friends andI play the guitarwell
you often in aand
group and we …
honest usuallysociable
twoyouor three times a week.
usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all yourI secrets. really honest.
cooking, They4 always
so I often have atogood
people time when
my house you
for dinner. sometimes a bit serious. They
They’re patient when youfriend tell
My best you the
is Luca. He’struth, even in the group
the singer are with
and them. They’re very
he’s completely hardly
different fromever forget important
ring them late atme.night with
He’s when
a student at you don’t want
university tobe honest,
and, to funny and
he’s they
a bit make
lazy andyou
he hardlydates
ever … like your birthday!
a problem and they5 don’t to hear it, but
lessons this isBut
on time. because
he’s funny laugh when you’re
and generous and wesad. All
always They’re very busy and have
complain when you 6 tell they care about you
a great time when we go out. and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
9 A Choose a friend and tell your partner his/her name.
4 BChoose
In pairs,the
the prompts toto
words ask and answer
complete thequestions about
sentences. youryour
Check friends.
answers in the text.
1 1 What
Do //Does
be / he/she
we have / like?
the ‘right’ friends? 54 How
don’t/ /you / talkwant
doesn’t to / him/her?
you to make
2 2Where / he/she don’t
Dr Greenberg / live?/ doesn’t think we need lots 6 What / you and
a mistake / usually / talk about?
get hurt.
3 What / he/she
of friends / do?
to be happy. 7 5 How
You often
usually/ you
have/ asee / him/her?
good time when you is / are
4 3Where / he/she
He say / says the/ work/study?
types of friends we have is 8 Where / you
with them. / meet / him/her?
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write a description of yourself and of someone you know who is the opposite of you. 5

PRACTICE    Workbook
2; photocopiable
1 UNIT SKILLS LISTENING listening for the main idea ■ contractions ■ hobbies and socializing

All about me
1B 21st century hobbies
1 Match the activities
LANGUAGE in the box
present withand
simple pictures a–h. and expressions of frequency
adverbs ■ personality adjectives
meet up with friends go to concerts bake cakes play chess
1A The only
go on social friends
media youdoneed
collect records exercise shop online

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
a b
6 (less important). c d

honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

e 3 A 1.3 Match
f the types of friend in the box
g with descriptions 1–4. Listenhand check.
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker

B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS ofmorefriends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
2 InNEED all help
pairs, ask and answer the us in different
questions ways.
Do you …? So,
How are these
often four…?
do you friends
for thelike?
activities in exercise 1.
A Do you collect records? B No, I don’t.
A How often do you do exercise? B I go to the gym once or twice a week.

Go to Vocabulary practice: hobbies and socializing, page 137

Skill listening for the main idea

It is important to understand the main idea when someone is speaking.

• Think about who is speaking and what they are talking about.
• Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the words.
• Remember that speakers often talk about the main ideas more than once.
1 2 3 4
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
3 1.8 Read the Skill box. Watch or listen to the first part of a webshow called Learning Curve
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
and tick ( ) the main
tell them all your secrets.
really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
1 People
They’re patient when you have less
telltime for socializing
you the truth, even today. are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late2 atMany
with hobbies
when youare don’t
nowwant to
online. funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and 3 they don’t
Old hobbies hear
are it, but this
becoming is because
popular again. laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same A stories1.8 again
or listen
you toComplete
make a the tabletoo.
them, with thefriends
With online like
always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
Traditional activity Online activity
play team sports
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
take cooking classes
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
2 to
shopping centre
don’t / doesn’t think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
go out to meetto
of friends new
happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
B Inmore
think of more traditional activities that you can 6now dohardly
They online.ever forget / forgets important dates.


PRACTICE    Workbook
3; photocopiable
UNIT listening for the main idea ■ contractions ■ hobbies and socializing LISTENING SKILLS 1B

1 5All about me
1.9 Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Choose the correct options to complete
the sentences about the main ideas.

Viktor David Suzie Rebecca

LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives

1A The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient kind polite generous

1 Viktor …
Go to Vocabulary
a plays chess a lot.practice: personality adjectives,
b does lots page
of activities 136
online. c meets up with friends every day.
2 David …
2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a likes computers. b exercises at home. c prefers exercising at the gym.
You …
3 1 Suzie need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 a There are four
downloads different
lots of music. prefers to relax at home.friends in your
types ofbfriends. life. her hobby with other people.
c does
3 4 ARebecca1.3 …Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
a does lots of activities online. b doesn’t like meeting new people. c spends lots of time with her family.
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
6 1.9 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 BViktor
Do youplays chess
have anywith friends
friends like every
these?day. Rebecca makes videos of her cat.
What type of friend are4you?
2 David goes to the gym five times a week or more. 5 Kate only likes traditional hobbies
3 Suzie loves music from the 1980s. like rock climbing.

7 FOUR A Ask your classmates
We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
the questions
friends? Dr AdaminGreenberg,
the boxes and write down doesn’t
a psychologist, their answers.
think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
What do you do in your free time? Do you have any online hobbies?
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED B Do you think onlineall help
hobbiesus in
aredifferent ways. So,
more popular thanwhat are these
traditional four friends like?

8 1.10 In pairs, complete the sentences from the show with the contractions in the box.
Listen and check.

don’t I’m he’s that’s what’s can’t

1 your name? 4 You do that online!

2 really enjoying the game. 5 I use it when not at the gym.
3 Computers interest me. 6 Wow, Suzie, amazing!

Listening builder contractions

1 2 3 4
When with
You share everything people speak,
Thesethey usually
friends makeyou
know contractions:
very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends andWeyoudo not
oftenmeet up with
well andfriends. →honest
they‘re We don’t…meet sociable
up with friends.
and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all yourShe
secrets. really→
is not very sporty. She’s not
honest. very
They sporty / She
always isn’ta very
have goodsporty.
time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
I am ready
They’re patient when you to go tell
climbing. → I’m
the truth, ready to go are
even rockwith
them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
9 1.11
complain when you tellRead the Listening
they builder.
care about Listen
you and theyandyour
circle the contraction
friends and family love that youlotshear.
of things to do every day,
them the same 1 stories
We’re /againWe aren’tdon’t
/ Wewant you to make a
can’t them, too. 4 WithIt’sfriends like
/ It isn’t but they always find time to
/ It doesn’t
… and again!2 He’s / He isn’t /mistake He doesn’tand get hurt. these, life is5never
don’t / Theyhave a coffee
can’t / Theywith you.
3 My teacher’s / My teacher’s not / My teacher isn’t 6 I’m / I’m not / I don’t

104 Discuss
Choose the
the correct words
questions to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
in pairs.
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
1 Is it important to have a hobby? Why/Why not? 4 Are your hobbies different now from when you
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
2 Which hobbies are most popular in your country? were a child? If so, how?
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 Do men and women usually like different 5 Can you think of any dangerous hobbies?
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
hobbies? Would you like to try them? Why/Why not?
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write a paragraph about one of your partner's answers in exercise 10. 7

PRACTICE:    Workbook
3 photocopiable activity 0.0
1 UNIT LANGUAGE present continuous and present simple ■ useful verbs

1 All about me
1C Famous families
1 Who are musicians a–c? In pairs, match them with their relatives: Anaïs, Skip and Eve. Read the text
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives
and check.

1A The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
Their faces may look familiar, but if you’re wondering who these
6 (lesscool
young people are, the clue is in their names. Meet the
children – and grandchildren – of some of music’s biggest stars.
honest funny patient kind polite generous
Anaïs Gallagher is the daughter of Noel Gallagher, former
Go toguitarist
Vocabularyand songwriter
practice:with Oasis. Inadjectives,
personality our photo, she’s
a gold hat and already looks like a star! Anaïs, 16, goes to
a 2 Read school in London,to
the introduction and is text.
the currently presenting
Are the sentencesa music andor false (F)?
true (T)
1 Youfashion
and, in
need lots
of on
to be TV.
wants to
2 There are four different types of friends.
She lives in London with
be a film director.
3 her
It ismum
friends in your life.
important to have different types of

Skip Marley wears his hair in dreadlocks and looks just like his
3 A famous
1.3 Match the types
grandfather, Bob.ofHe’s
with descriptions
also a musician1–4. Listen and check.
who sings and plays the guitar, the piano and the drums.
in Miami,the partyhe’s
where animal the Business
studying good listener the straight talker
at university.
Right now, he’s recording some new songs and planning to go
B Doonyou have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?
b Eve Hewson is the daughter of Paul Hewson, better known as
Bono, from the rock band U2. Eve, 25, is an actress and is living Eve
THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
in New York at the moment, where she’s playing the part of a
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS nurse in a TV series. Does she miss her hometown of Dublin?
of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
Yes, but her sister and a lot of her friends from home live
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED nearby, and her parents often visit.
all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?
With so much talent – never mind those famous connections –
we can expect to see a lot more of Anaïs, Skip and Eve in
c the future.

2 Read the text again. Complete the sentences with the correct name: Anaïs, Skip or Eve.
1 lives in Miami. 4 is living in New York at the moment.
2 is wearing a white hat in the photo. 5 ’s parents often visit.
3 goes to school in London. 6 is recording some new songs right now.

1 3 A Underline the verbs

2 in exercise 2. Which verbs 3 are present simple and which 4 are present continuous?
What is the
You share everything withdifference
Thesebetween them?
friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friendsBand you often
Choose well and
the correct tensesthey‘re honest …
to complete sociable
the rules. Thenand readyou
Grammar box. organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
1 We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about actions that are happening now
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
or actions that are temporary.
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and We use
2 they the present
don’t hear simple / present
it, but this continuous
is because laughto talk
when about things
you’re that happen
sad. All They’reregularly
very busy and have
complain when or youthings
tell that are always
they true. you and they your friends and family love
care about lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! Grammar present
mistake andcontinuous
get hurt. and present
life is never boring! have a coffee with you.

Things that are happening now or are temporary: Things that happen regularly or are always true:
4 Choose the incorrect
She’s living Lima forwords to complete the sentences.
three months. He lives inCheck your answers in the text.
1 I’m
Donot wearing
/ Does wemy glasses.
have the ‘right’ friends? They don’t 4wear coats
They in the
don’t summer.want you to make
/ doesn’t
2Is Dr working in don’t
sheGreenberg Paris at/ the moment?
doesn’t Do you work asa amistake
think we need lots teacher?and get hurt.
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
Go to Grammar practice: present continuous and present simple, page 113
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

PRACTICE    Workbook
4; photocopiable
UNIT present continuous and present simple ■ useful verbs LANGUAGE 1C

1 4
All about me
A 1.13 Pronunciation: -ng sound Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the /ŋ/ sound.
bringing meeting running singing studying song taking young
B 1.14 Practise saying the sentences. Listen, check and repeat.
1 She’s wearing a long coat. 3 He’s bringing me a strong coffee.
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions
2 She’s carrying a long coat.
of frequency ■ personality adjectives
4 He’s taking a strong coffee to the meeting.

5 Match
1A Thetheonly friends you need
sentences in exercise 4B with pictures a–d.

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a b of friends to be happy.
1 You need lots c 3 It is important to haved different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

3 GoA to Vocabulary practice: useful verbs, page 138

1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
6 A Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the questions.
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
1 What clothes do you wear / are you wearing today?
2 BDo
have/ Are
anyyou having
friends likeathese?
dictionary with
What you
type of at the moment?
friend are you?
3 What do you look forward to / are you looking forward to this year?
4 Do you think / Are you thinking it will rain today?

THE FOUR 5 What clothes do you We usually

6 What do you do / friends?
all know
are you doing
Dr Adam
/ are you usually
friends wearing…
are important
if you
but go
do to
wea have
party?the ‘right’
a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends
B In pairs, ask and answer the to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED Go to Communication practice:
all help Studentways.
us in different A pageSo,158,
whatStudent B page
are these four166
friends like?

7 1.16 Complete the conversation with the present simple or present continuous forms of
the verbs in the box. Listen and check.

meet work (x2) be do (x2) write not know want

Ruben Karen!
Karen Hi, Ruben. How 1 you?
Ruben I’m fine, thanks. What 2 you here?
Karen I 3 my sister for lunch.
Ruben Oh, great. Your sister … what 4 she ?
1 Karen She 52 for a bank. 3 4
You share everything
Ruben withHere These friends
in the city know you very These friends are very
centre? These friends are very
these friends andKaren
you oftenNot normally, but she 6honest … in sociable
well and they‘re the mainand youthis
office usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. week.really
Hey, 7honest. Theyyou always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
to have lunch
They’re patient when you with us?tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
Ruben OK, but I 8 your sister.
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
Karen Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. So, how’s university?
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
Ruben Good, but I’m really busy. I 9 my final-year
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
project at the moment, so …
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.

84 Imagine
themeet your
correct partner
words in the street.
to complete the Ask and answer
sentences. theyour
Check questions in pairs.
answers in the text.
1 1 How
Do /are you?
Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 5 4How’s
/ doesn’t want you to make
2 2What are you doing
Dr Greenberg don’there?
/ doesn’t think we need lots 6 What does he/she
a mistake and getdo?
3 Where are you working/living
of friends to be happy. at the moment? 7 5What’s he/shehave
You usually like?a good time when you is / are
4 3How’s it going?
He say / says the types of friends we have is 8 What’s he/she doing now?
with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write about someone in your family with the present simple and present continuous. 9

PRACTICE    Workbook
4; photocopiable
1 UNIT SKILLS WRITING making notes ■ expressing reasons and results

1 All about me
1D Me in three objects
1 Read the blog and look at the pictures. Discuss the questions in pairs.
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives
1 What can you find out about Sasha, Brady 3 Who do you think is most similar to you?
and Julio? 4 Is it possible to know what someone is like by
1A The only friends you need
2 Who do you think is the most interesting? looking at the things they own?

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to

6 (less important).
honest funny patient kind polite You in three objects . . . .
Learning for life
my laptop coffee my running shoes
Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136
2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? POSTED:
You in three 1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 5 November,
3 It is important to have different types of
objects . . . . 2 ThereSasha
are four different types of friends. friends in your life.
POSTED: 3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
my paints music my backpack
5 November, 16:00
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
You can discover
a lot about people POSTED:
B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you? 5 November,
by looking at the
objects that are Brady
important to them. SEE MORE ...

Post photos of three
things that represent
We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
my cat Dr Adam Greenberg,
friends? Mexicanafood
psychologist, cinema
think we need lots
you, tell us why they of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
are important and
introduce yourself to
the rest of the class!
all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?
6 November,

2 Look at the mind map. Who drew it: Sasha, Brady or Julio? Complete the diagram with the correct
objects. Then read the Skill box.

1 2 3 4
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you 3 sometimes a bit serious. They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when2 you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
Skill making notes
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
Making notes before you write is a good way to plan your work.
1 • Do / Does
Write weideas
as many haveasthe
you‘right’ friends?
can about the main topics. 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
2• Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots
Use diagrams like mind maps to see the ideas more clearly. a mistake and get hurt.
of friends to be happy.
• Choose the best ideas and organize them into paragraphs. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

PRACTICE    Workbook
5 and
74 activity 0.0
UNIT making notes ■ expressing reasons and results WRITING SKILLS 1D

1 3
All about me
A Look at the mind map again. Which idea doesn’t Julio use? How many paragraphs do you
think he will write?
B Read Julio’s blog post in exercise 4 and check your answers to the questions above.

4 present
1.17 Complete
LANGUAGE Julio's simple and
blog post adverbs
with and expressions
the present of frequency
simple or present personality
continuous■form adjectives
of the verbs
in the box. Listen and check.

1A The only
not agree love friends
cook do liveyou need
sit watch study

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
First, I chose a photo of Figaro, my cat, because he’s very important to me.
6 (less important).
I1 on my own at the moment, so it is good to see a friendly face when
I come home. I 2 animals, especially cats. In the photo, he
honest funny patient3 kind polite generous
on the sofa with me. He often sits with me and we watch films
Go to Vocabulary practice:
4 personality adjectives, page 136
I at university in the USA now, but I come from Mexico. That’s why
2 Read the introduction toI the
AreMexican food. I love
the sentences truespicy
(T) orfood
(F)?I often
5 a big meal
and invite all my friends to dinner. It’s great to meet up with friends and when I
1 You need lots of friends to be
taste thehappy.
food, I remember my friends 3 It is important
and to have
family back different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.
I chose some cinema tickets, because I work at a local cinema at the weekends.
3 A I 6 of friend a
1.3 Match the types indegree
the boxinwith
Studies at the1–4.
Listenso movies
and check.are a really
important part of my life. Some people say I 7 too many films, but I
the super planner the party animal. I want to belistener
the good a film director and I learn
the straight talkersomething new from every
Julio’s blog film I watch.
B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

5 Look at the phrases with the highlighted words in the text. Answer the questions.

THE FOUR We all know

1 What type of information comesthat friends
after are important
because? a reason for…something
but do we/ a
have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
2 What type of information comes after That’s why and so? a reason for something / a result
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED Text builder expressing
all help us inreasons
differentand results
ways. So, what are these four friends like?
Reasons: I chose a photo of my cat, because he’s very important to me.
Results: My cat is very important to me, so I chose a photo of him.
My cat is very important to me. That’s why I chose a photo of him.

6 A Read the Text builder above. Complete the sentences with because, so or That's why.
1I think it’s really important to keep fit, I chose my running shoes.
2I didn’t choose my mobile phone, everybody has one and it’s not very special.
3I design websites and I’m always connected to the internet. I chose my laptop.
4My backpack is important to me, it reminds me of travelling to lots of countries.
5I love art, but I’m too shy to take a photo of one of my paintings. I chose my paints.
1 2 3 4
B Who wrote
You share everything with theThese
know youBrady very or Julio?
These friends are very These friends are very
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
7 A Complete
tell them all your secrets. the sentences
really honest.with
Theyyour own ideas.
always haveWrite three
a good timetrue sentences
when you and three afalse
sometimes sentences.
bit serious. They
They’re patient when you
1 My favourite tell you the
is truth, even
, because ... are with them. They’re very
4 It’s really important tohardly ever forget important
, so I always ...
ring them late2 atI think
night with when you don’t want
is very , sotoI ... funny and 5they make you
I am at dates … like your
the moment, birthday!
because ...
a problem and 3 they
I’m adon’t
very hear it, but this
person. is because
That’s why I never laugh
... when 6 you’re sad. All of They’re very
I'm frightened busy and
. That's whyhave
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same B stories
Listen to your partner's
again don’t want sentences.
you to make Whicha sentences
them, too.doWithyoufriends
think are
like true?but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
8 A PREPARE Draw a mind map of some objects that represent you. Then add reasons why the things are
special. Look at your diagram and choose three objects you want to include in your blog post.
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
B PRACTISE Write a blog post with the heading Me in three objects. Use your notes from Stage A to help
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
you organize the paragraphs.
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
of friendsBEST
to beSwap
happy.your blog post with your partner.5Read Youhis/her
usually work
have aandgood time when
correct you is / are
any mistakes.
3 He
How say /you
could saysimprove
the typesit?of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write six sentences with because, so and That’s why about your friends, family and hobbies. 11

PRACTICE    Workbook
5; photocopiable

21 Stories
All about
and expressions
■ -ed/-ingofadjectives
frequency ■ personality adjectives

1A The
2A That’s
in the you
1 A
the photos
words to
in the
text below
a good
say what
Orderis the
words from
1 (very
do you
call theseto
6 (lessof
B Read the text quickly. Match descriptions 1–3 with photos a–c.
honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136

The ‘age of selfies’ began in the early
2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T)21st century
or false (F)? when people started using
smartphones with digital cameras.
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
We now take over a million selfies every
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.
day! Here are three interesting selfies with
their stories:
3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
Robert Cornelius made the world’s first ‘selfie’ when he experimented with a camera in 1839. He
tried to take a photo of himself, but early cameras worked very slowly so Robert didn’t move for one
B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?
minute and he couldn’t smile. That’s why the final photo wasn’t very exciting!
This frightening selfie is of Alexander Remnev, from Russia. In May 2014, Alexander travelled to Dubai

THE FOUR We all know

with a friend. They weren’t interested
Tower, which is over 400 m tall. They Dr
that friends
in taking
are important
normal photos,
door at the atop
so they…decided
but do to
of the building
think we
and climbed
out lots
… and
FRIENDS of friendsWhy
they didn’t use any safety equipment. to bedid
happy. Instead,
they do he said
it? They says they
the types of friends we have is
were bored!
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
Teenager Jack Surgenor wasallvery excited
help when he saw
us in different ways. Queen Elizabeth
So, what II in Northern
are these Ireland
four friends like?on 24
June 2014. He quickly took a selfie and sent it to all his friends. He was very pleased, but how did the
Queen feel about being in someone else’s photo? We don’t know, but she looked a bit annoyed!

a b c

1 2 3 4
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain whenReadyou the
tell text again.
they Complete
care about you
the sentences with the names in the box. lots of things to do every day,
and they your friends and family love
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! Alexander Remnev mistakeJack
and Surgenor
get hurt. Queen these, life is
Elizabeth II never boring!
Robert Cornelius have a coffee with you.

1 took a very dangerous photo. 3 waited a long time to take the photo.
4 2Choose the correct wordstotobe
wasn’t happy complete the sentences. Check
in a photo. 4 your answers in the of
took a photo text.
a famous person.
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
3 A
2 Write the past don’t
Dr Greenberg simple form ofthink
/ doesn’t the verbs. Check
we need lots your answers in theand
a mistake text.
get hurt.
1 begin
of friends to be happy. 3 try 5 travel 7 be
5 You usually have a good time when you/is / are
23 make 4 work
He say / says the types of friends we have is 6 decide
with them. 8 send
B Which verbs are regular and which are irregular?
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

36 EXTRA PRACTICE:  Workbook page 82; photocopiable activity 1A Vocabulary

UNIT past simple and time expressions ■ -ed/-ing adjectives LANGUAGE 2A

1 4
All about me
Underline all the past simple negative sentences and questions in the text. Complete the rules, then
read the Grammar box.
1 To make a negative in the past simple, we normally use
2 To make a question in the past simple, we normally use
+ infinitive.
+ subject + infinitive.
3 The negative ofpresent
LANGUAGE was/weresimple
is and adverbs
/ andandexpressions
the negativeofoffrequency
could is ■ personality
. adjectives

1A The onlypast
Grammar friends
simple and you need
time expressions

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
Positive: Alexander travelled to Dubai. He took a photo.
6 (less important).
Negative: Alexander didn’t travel to Dubai. He didn’t take a photo.
honest funnyWhy did he travel
patient Dubai? generous Why did he take a photo?
kind topolite
Look! Time expressions go at the end or at the beginning of sentences:
Alexander travelled
Go to Vocabulary practice:to Dubai in May 2014.
personality In Maypage
adjectives, 2014,136
Alexander travelled to Dubai.

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Go to Grammar practice: past simple and time expressions, page 114
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
5 A2 There Pronunciation:
2.3 are four different types
-edofendings friends from
friends. Listen to three phrases in your thelife.
text. Say how the -ed
endings are pronounced: /t/, /ɪd/ or /d/.
3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
1 People started using smartphones. 2 They opened a door. 3 Early cameras worked very slowly.
B the2.4
how thethe party
-ed animal
endings are the good listener
pronounced theverbs:
for the straight
/t/, talker
/d/ or /ɪd/. Listen, check and repeat.
climbed decided experimented looked travelled watched
B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?
Go to Communication practice: Student A page 158, Student B page 166
6 A Choose the correct
THE FOUR Weadjectives
friends? Dr
to complete
all know that
friends are
Check your
but do
1 That’s why the final photo wasn’t very excited / exciting!
have thein‘right’
think we
the text.
need lots
2 This frightened / of friends to
frightening be is
selfie happy.
of Instead,Remnev,
Alexander he says from
the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
They said they were bored / boring!
all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?
Teenager Jack Surgenor was very excited / exciting when he saw Queen Elizabeth II.
B Look at sentences 1–4 again and answer the questions.
1 Which adjectives describe people’s feelings? ,
2 Which adjectives describe someone/something that causes a feeling? ,
3 How many more -ed and -ing adjectives can you find in the text?

Go to Vocabulary practice: -ed/-ing adjectives, page 139

7 A Complete the questions with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets.
When was the last time you …
1 embarrassed? (feel) 4 something interesting? (eat)
1 2 2
frightened? (be) 3 5 some4surprising news? (receive)
You share everything
3 with something
These friends know you very These friends
tiring? (do) 6 are very These
annoyed friends
with yourare very
best friend? (get)
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
B In pairs, ask andtellanswer
They’re patient when you
the questions and explain
you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them latewhat happened.
at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
8 Think about a selfie or photo you took. Ask and answer
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same thestories
againin pairs.
don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again!1 When did you take the and
mistake photo?
get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
2 Where were you?
3 What did you do?
4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
4 Why did you take the photo?
Do /did
5 1 How Does
youwe have the ‘right’ friends?
feel? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t
6 Did you send the photo to anyone? think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write down three important dates. Then write sentences explaining what happened and why they are important. 13

PRACTICE    Workbook
8; photocopiable
activity 0.0
2A Grammar, 2A Vocabulary
2UNIT SKILLS READING approaching a text ■ sequencers

1 1
All about me
2B Party like it’s 1829
Describe the picture of a party. Discuss
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives
the questions in pairs.

1A 12 The only friends you need

Why do people have parties?
What do you usually do when you go
to a party?
1 3 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
Do you prefer to organize parties or
6 (less important).
to be a guest?
4 What’s
worst thing about
patient parties?
kind polite generous

Go approaching
to Vocabulary a textpersonality adjectives, page 136
2 Before
Read theyou read a text, predict
introduction to theas much
text. Areinformation as youtrue
the sentences can. (T) or false (F)?
1 • You
the title
lotsofofthe text. Can
friends to you guess what it means?
be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 • There
Look atare
pictures. What types
different people,ofplaces and things do they show?
friends. friends in your life.
• Read the headings of the different sections. What do you think they are about?
3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

2 A Read the Skill

the super box. Try
planner toparty
the predict the answers
animal tolistener
the good the questions abouttalker
the straight the text on page 15.
1 Who was Andrew Jackson? 3 What did the guests do at the 1829 party?
2 BWhere
Do youdidhave
he live? 4 What
any friends like these? What type of friend did the guests do at the 1837 party?
are you?
B Read the whole text quickly and check your answers to the questions.

3 Read We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
the text in more detail. Look at the sentences and write: 1829 party, 1837 party or both.
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
1 There was food atof
2 Some guests caused
party. to be happy. Instead, he says
4 Jackson
5 Jackson
important. He believes that there
the types stay until
of friends
are fourreceived
types ofa friends
strange and
All the guests had all
a good
help time. 6 The
us in different ways. So, what guestsfour
are these ate in the gardens.
friends like?

4 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 Were you surprised by the text? Why/Why not? 3 What kind of person was Andrew Jackson?
2 How would a party at the White House be 4 Would you like to go to a party like one of
different today? Andrew Jackson’s? Why/Why not?

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in the text.

after after that later then

1 … they soon pushed their way inside. , the party got out of control.
2 Eight years , an American farmer gave the president an enormous cheese.
1 3 Jackson didn’t know2 what to do with it; he couldn’t3 eat it himself, but 4 he had an idea.
You share everything
4 with just two
These friends
hours, know
it was you very These friends are very
gone. These friends are very
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
Text builder
They’re patient when you tellsequencers
you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
To say
a problem and they one actionhear
don’t happened
it, but after another:
this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when Iyouwenttell
to the gymthey thenabout
and care I went you
home.and theyI went to the
your gym.and
friends Afterfamily
that, Ilove
went home.
lots of things to do every day,
To say one
them the same stories actiondon’t
again happened
want after a period
you to make ofa time:them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! Two hours later, mistake
I made dinner.
and get hurt. After two hours, I made
these, life dinner.
is never boring! have a coffee with you.

64 Read the Text

Choose builder. words
the correct In pairs,
totalk about an
complete theimportant party
sentences. or celebration
Check youinwent
your answers to. Use sequencers
the text.
to1 explain whatwe
Do / Does happened.
have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
• 2What was the
Dr Greenberg party or/celebration?
don’t doesn’t think we need lots • What did you
a mistake anddo?
get hurt.
• Howof friends to be happy.there?
many guests were •5 Did you have a good
You usually have time?
a good time when you is / are
• 3What did/you
He say sayseat
theand drink?
types of friends we have is • Were there
with them. any problems?
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

PRACTICE    Workbook
9; photocopiable
UNIT approaching a text ■ sequencers READING SKILLS 2B

1 All about me
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives

1A The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136


2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? ANDREW
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is importantJACKSON
to have different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.
Andrew Jackson was president of the United States between 1829 and 1837. He was
3 from
the first president A the1.3Democratic
Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
party and a very popular politician, but he’s also
famous for some surprising
the super planner took
events which place animal
the party at the White House.listener
the good The pictures
the straight talker
below show two memorable parties held there when Jackson was president.
B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?

1 2 3 4
You share everything with
these friends and you often
These friends know you very
well and they‘re honest …
These friends are very
sociable and you usually
These friends are very
organized, but they‘re
tell them
On 4 March all when
1829, your secrets. really
Jackson became honest. They always Eight
president, have a good
years time
later, an when you farmer
American sometimes
gave thea bit serious. an
president They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with cheese,
enormous them. They’re very
which weighed hardly everkg.
over 600 forget important
Jackson didn’t
he invited his supporters to visit the White House and
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
thousands of people followed him to his new home. At first, know what to do with it; he couldn’t eat it himself, but then
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
the crowd waited in the
complain when you tellgardens, but they were very excited he had an idea. He decided
they care about you and they your friends and family love
to have another party to celebrate
lots of things to do every day,
and they soon pushed their way inside. After that, the
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a party the end of his presidency.
them, too. With friends likeIn February 1837, thousands
but they always find timeof to
got out…ofandcontrol.
again!People stood on tables andand
mistake chairs,
get broke
hurt. guests arrived
these, and started
life is never boring!to eat the
haveonly thingwith
a coffee on the
glasses and some even fell and hurt themselves. Jackson − the cheese. After just two hours, it was gone and everyone
escaped out of a window and went to a nearby hotel, was very happy, but the expensive carpets in the White House
4 Choose the correct words
but his staff stayed because they were worried about theto complete the sentences.
were coveredCheck your
in smelly answers
cheese. Thisin the Jackson
time, text. wasn’t
1 Do
building. In the end, they / Does
put lots ofwefood
have thetables
onto ‘right’ in
the worried about 4theThey
mess.don’t / doesn’t
He left wantHouse
the White you to make
two weeks
gardens and the hungry2 Dr Greenberg
guests followed don’t
them / doesn’t
to we need later and the nexta president,
lots mistake and get hurt.
Martin van Buren, was very
eat the food. The White of friends
House wastosafe
be happy.
… for the moment! annoyed because5 You
the usually
buildinghave a good time
still smelled when you is / are
of cheese!
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Choose one of the parties from the text. Write a summary of what happened. 15

PRACTICE    Workbook
9 photocopiable activity 0.0
2UNIT LANGUAGE question forms ■ life stages

1 1
All about me
2C Behind the camera
In pairs, order thepresent
phases from 1 (birth)
LANGUAGE simple and to 8 (death).
adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives
start a career get engaged die go to university
1A The
be bornonly friends
have children you get
leave school need

1 GoHere are some words

to Vocabulary to describe
practice: a good
life stages, friend.
page 140Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).
2 Read the radio guide about Mario Testino. What is his job? Why is he famous?
honest funny patient kind polite generous

Vocabulary THURSDAY
practice: personality FRIDAY
adjectives, SATURDAY

8.00PM 9.00PM 10.00PM 10.30PM 11.00PM
Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
12.00PM 12.10AM 4.00AM

1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of

2 There are four
9.00 p.m. Behind the cameradifferent types of friends. friends in your life.

3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
2 B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you? STORY

We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we needOF
3 FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?

RADIO Mario Testino is one of the greatest photographers of our time. His photos of famous actors MUSIC FOR
4 and musicians, royal families and supermodels are known all over the world. But what do we
know about the person behind the camera? In today’s programme, presenter Andrew Stewart
discusses Testino’s life and work with fashion editor, Sarah Mendes.


3 2.7 Listen to the radio programme. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 Mario was born in Italy / Peru.
1 2 He grew up in Lima 2 / New York. 3 4
3 After school,
You share everything with heThesewentfriends
to university
know you/ travelled roundfriends
very These the world.
are very These friends are very
these friends4andIn you
oftenhe got
job they‘re
in a restaurant
honest …/ hospital.
sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your
5 Hesecrets. really honest.
started his career They alwaysmodels
by photographing have
and a good time /when
actresses youhe worked
people sometimes
with.a bit serious. They
They’re patient when
6 He you famous
became tell you the he
when truth, even
photographed are with them.
Madonna They’re
/ Gianni very
Versace. hardly ever forget important
ring them late7 atHenight with when
photographed you don’t
Princess Diana want to / 1997.
in 1995 funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and 8 they don’the opened
In 2012, hear ait,gallery
but thisinisLondon
because/ Lima.laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
4 2.8 Complete
them the same stories again don’t thewant you to make
presenter’s a
questions them,
with thetoo. Withinfriends
words likeListen
the box. butagain
they always find time to
and check.
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
does did from is what who

4 1 Choose
Where isthe
hecorrect words
? to complete the sentences. 4Check your answers
did he work with?
in the text.
2 1 Do / Does hehave
do after he leftfriends?
the ‘right’ school? 5 4What he doing
They don’t / doesn’t wantat you
the moment?
to make
3 2How his career start?
Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots 6 he still live
a mistake and get London?
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.

PRACTICE    Workbook
10; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
2C Vocabulary
UNIT question forms ■ life stages LANGUAGE 2C

1 5
All about me
Look at exercise 4 again and answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Which question doesn’t have a question word?
2 In questions 1–6, which auxiliary verbs are used for:
a the present simple?
LANGUAGE present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■
b the past simple? personality adjectives
c the present continuous?
1A The only friends you need
3 Which question doesn’t have an auxiliary verb?

1 Here are some question

Grammar forms a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
words to describe
6 (less important).
Most verbs: (question word) + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb
honest funnyWhere do you kind
patient live? polite
Does your brother live near here? What do we know about Mario Testino?
When did you arrive? Did you see him? How did his career start?
Go to Vocabulary are you doing? Is Mario
personality working today?
adjectives, page 136
2C What am I doing?
The verb be: (question word) + be + subject
2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Where is he from? Was he late for work?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
Look! Prepositions don't usually come before the question word: Who did he work with? NOT With who did he work?
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

3 GoA to Grammar
1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
practice: question forms, page 115
6 the super
2.11 planner the party
Pronunciation: animal intonation
question the good listener
Listen tothe
of thetalker
questions from the radio
programme. Does the intonation go up ⤴ or down ⤵ at the end of the questions?
B Do you have any friends like these?
1 How did his career start?
What type of friend are you?
up ⤴ / down ⤵
2 Does he still live in London? up ⤴ / down ⤵

THE We all know
Put the words in brackets that
in the friends
correct arein
place important … but do we have the ‘right’
the questions.
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
1 Was Mario’s father Peru? (from) 4 Did Princess Diana in 1997? (die)
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
2 Why he take Mario to New York? (did) 5 Does live in New York now? (he)
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
3 When did move to London? (Mario)
6 Which does the radio presenter play? (song)
all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?
Say the questions with the correct intonation. Listen, check and repeat.
Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 167

8 In pairs, ask and answer questions with the words.

1 you / busy / 4 where / you / go on

at the moment? holiday / last year?

1 2 3 4
2 what time / you / 5 how often / you /
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friends andwake
you up / this morning?
often well and they‘re honest … sociable and take / photographs?
you usually organized, but they‘re
tell them all your secrets. really honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too.6Withwhich TV series
friends like / you /
but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. watchboring!
these, life is never / at the moment?
have a coffee with you.
3 you / have / a driving licence?

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
9 Write
1 Do four sentences
/ Does about
we have you and
the ‘right’ your family. Read the 4sentences
friends? to /your
They don’t partner.
doesn’t want you to make
He/She must ask questions
2 Dr Greenberg to find
don’t / doesn’t out we
think more information.
need lots a mistake and get hurt.
A I went to university in
of friends to be happy.São Paulo. B What did you study there?
5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
A 3My father retired last year. B What
He say / says the types of friends we have is was his job? with them.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best Write five quiz questions about a famous person. 17

PRACTICE    Workbook
10; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
2C Grammar
2UNIT SKILLS SPEAKING telling a personal story ■ showing interest

Curve 1
All about me
2D That reminds me of ...
2.13 Look at the pictures. In pairs,
LANGUAGE present simple andpredict what
adverbs happened
and on Taylor’s
expressions first day at work.
of frequency ■ personality adjectives
Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve and check.

1A The only friends you need

1 Here are some words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to
6 (less important).

honest funny patient kind polite generous

Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136

2 Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
2 There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.

3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.

the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker

B Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend are you?

THE FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
FRIENDS of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?

2 2.13 Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Watch or listen again and check.
1 Taylor’s new job is in a fitness centre. 4 A big car hit her car.
2 She was worried about being late. 5 The man in the car shouted at her.
3 She arrived at work fifteen minutes early. 6 She was embarrassed.

Conversation builder telling a personal story

1 Starting the story:2 Involving3the listener: 4 Saying how you felt:
You share everything with These friends
Something similar happened to me. know youYou’ll
very never guess
These … (who
friends areitvery
was / what These It wasfriends
so … are very
these friends and you
That often mewell
reminds of … and they‘re honest …happened sociable
next and
/ whatyou
said) organized,
I felt reallybut
… they‘re
tell them all yourLetsecrets. really…honest. They always
me tell you about Can you have a good time when you
imagine? sometimes a bit serious. They
At first, I felt ...
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even But that'sare
all. them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
3 2.14 Read the Conversation builder. Match the sentence halves from the conversation.
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again!Listen, check andmistake repeat. and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
1 Let me tell you about a embarrassing.
2 At first, I felt b not all.
4 3 Choose
I felt the correct words to complete the sentences. Check c myyour answers in the text.
first day.
4 1 ButDothat’s
/ Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4d They
great.don’t / doesn’t want you to make
Dr Greenberg
5 2You’ll never guess don’t / doesn’t think we need lots e areally
mistake and get hurt.
6 It ofwasfriends
so to be happy. 5f You
took myhave a good
parking time when you is / are
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
4 In pairs,
more write three phrases that Taylor’s new boss could use
important. to tellhardly
6 They the story
ever of what/ forgets
forget happened. important dates.

PRACTICE    Workbook
11 photocopiable activity 0.0
UNIT telling a personal story ■ showing interest SPEAKING SKILLS 2D

1 5All about me

2.15 In pairs, order phrases a–h from Penny’s story. Watch or listen to the second part
of the show, and check.

I sent the message to him by mistake!

present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency
My boss had the same name as my friend – Steve Jones.
■ personality adjectives
c He thought it was funny, but can you imagine how I felt?
1A The
d only friends
Everyone you
in the office could hearneed
him! It was quite embarrassing.
e Something similar happened to me at my last job.
1 f You’ll words
Here are some never guess what hea said.
to describe good‘I’m glad Order
friend. you think
theI’m handsome
words from 1 (very important) to
and amazing, but it isn’t my birthday!’
6 (less important).
g I worked at a radio station in London before I moved to New York.
hhonest I sent
funnymy patient
good friend
kindSteve an email
polite message for his birthday. It said,
‘Happy birthday to my handsome, amazing friend!’
Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136
2 BRead2.15 Watch or listen
the introduction again.
to the text.How are sentences
Are the Taylor andtrue
(T) orstories similar?
false (F)?
1 You need lots of friends to be happy. 3 It is important to have different types of
6 2 2.16 Listen and repeat the phrases when you hear the beeps. How do Taylor
There are four different types of friends. friends in your life.
and Penny show they are interested in each other’s stories?
3 A 1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
Skill showing interest
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
Good listeners show that they are interested in what someone else is saying.
B• Do
response expressions
any friends like such as Oh,
these? Whatno!type
of etc.
friend are you?
• Ask questions about what happened.
• Use the correct intonation to show you are interested.

FOUR We all know that friends are important … but do we have the ‘right’
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg, a psychologist, doesn’t think we need lots
Read the Skill box. Put the phrases in the correct columns.
of friends to be happy. Instead, he says the types of friends we have is
more important. He believes that there are four types of friends and they
YOU NEED What happened? That’s amazing! Really? What did he do then?
all help us in different ways. So, what are these four friends like?
Oh no! You’re kidding! That’s awful! Lucky you! Poor you! Great!

Responding to something positive Responding to something negative Showing interest or asking

for more information

8 A 2.17 Listen to phrases 1–6. Which speaker sounds more interested: A or B?

1 What happened? 3 Really? 5 You’re kidding!
2 That’s amazing! 4 Oh no, that’s awful! 6 Lucky you!

1 B 2.18 In pairs,
2 say phrases 1–6 to show you 3 are interested. Listen, check 4 and repeat.
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
these friendsGoandto Communication
you often well andpractice: Student
they‘re honest … A page 158,and
sociable Student B page 166organized, but they‘re
you usually
tell them all your
A PREPARE reallyone
secrets. Choose honest. They
of the always
ideas. haveon
Make notes a good
whattime when you
happened sometimes
and how a bit serious. They
you felt.
They’re patient when you tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night with when you don’t want to funny and they make you dates … like your birthday!
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is because laugh when you’re sad. All They’re very busy and have
complain when you tell they care about you and they your friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
them the same stories again don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
… and again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.

your first day at work/ a birthday or a time when you lost a difficult day
4 school/university celebration something important
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Check your answers in the text.
Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t / doesn’t want you to make
B1 PRACTISE In pairs, take turns to tell your stories. Listen to your partner and show you are interested
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots a mistake and get hurt.
by responding to what he/she says or by asking questions.
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
He say / says another
types partner
of friends we and
is your story again.
with How your storytelling better this time?
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.
4 Personal Best How well did you listen to your partner’s story? Write about what happened and how he/she felt. 19

PRACTICE    Workbook
11 photocopiable activity 0.0

All about me
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
3 Complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs
in brackets.

present simple and adverbs and expressions of frequency ■ personality adjectives

a You are
1A The only friends you need
b Are you
c Is you
2 She
a ‘s liking
1 Here are some
6 (less important). Malaviya
food.words to describe a good friend. Order the words from 1 (very important) to

b like
honest funny patient kind polite generous
c likes Where 1 (be) Ishita
3 take a message? from?
Go to Vocabulary practice: personality adjectives, page 136
a I can She 2 (grow up) in
b Can I 2 Mumbai,
Read the introduction to the text. Are the sentences
(T) and now she
or false (F)?
c Do I can 1 You need lots of friends to be happy. (live) in Manipal, in
3 It is important to have different types of
4 In the summer 2 I There are four
. different types of friends. the state of Karnataka,
friends in 875 km life.
a every day go running away.
3 A
b go running every day
1.3 Match the types of friend in the box with descriptions 1–4. Listen and check.
What 4 she
c go every day running (do)?
the super planner the party animal the good listener the straight talker
5 When here? A few years ago, she 5 (become) India’s first professional
a do you gotB Do you have any friends like these? What type of friend
female surferare now she 6
andyou? (have) a surf school, where
b did you get she 7 (teach) tourists and local people to surf.
c are you get
We went to Brazil
a last
year.We all know that friends are How
friends? Dr Adam Greenberg,When
important … but
a psychologist,
she 9
shedo we have
(go) tothink
(start) surfing?
the ‘right’
university 2007,lots
she met a
b past of friends to be happy. Instead,
more important. He believes can)
he says
student types
of friends
a surfboard.
four types
At first,
10 is
and they

c ago surfed in so she asked him about it
all help us in different ways. and
So, started
what to are these four friends like?
7 The train in the morning.
a late is always What 11 she (do) at the moment?
b always is late 12
She (make) a film about her story. She hopes it
c is always late
makes more people come to surf in India.
8 time did you wake up yesterday?
a Which
b When
c What Vocabulary
2 Rewrite the sentences using the tenses in brackets.
1 I work in a restaurant.
1 Match the adjectives with the definitions.
1I worked in a restaurant. (past 2simple) 3 4
shy embarrassed patient annoying
You share everything with These friends know you very These friends are very These friends are very
2 I don’t wear dark clothes. confused disappointed lazy generous
these friends and you often well and they‘re honest … sociable and you usually organized, but they‘re
I them all your
tell dark secrets.
clothes. (present
honest. They always have a good time when you sometimes a bit serious. They
Someone who …
3 Where patient
They’re do you when
go to you
school? tell you the truth, even are with them. They’re very hardly ever forget important
ring them late at night
Where with (past
to school? whensimple)
you don’t want to funny
1 and they
feels make
bad you he/she
because dates … like
made your birthday!
a mistake.
a problem and they don’t hear it, but this is becauselaugh
2 when you’re
doesn’t sad.
want toAll
work orThey’re very busy and have
try hard.
4 What do you do?
complain when you tell they care about you and theyyour friends and family love lots of things to do every day,
Whatthe same stories
? (present 3 is happy to give money, help or his/her
them againcontinuous)
don’t want you to make a them, too. With friends like but they always find time to
5 Didand
you take a lot of photos on holiday? time.
… again! mistake and get hurt. these, life is never boring! have a coffee with you.
a lot of photos on holiday? (present simple) 4 doesn’t mind waiting a long time for
I buy bread in the supermarket.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.5 doesn’tCheck your answers
understand in the text.
I bread in the supermarket. (past simple)
1 Do / Does we have the ‘right’ friends? 4 They don’t /
6 feels sad because somethingdoesn’t want
badyou to make
2 Dr Greenberg don’t / doesn’t think we need lots happened. a mistake and get hurt.
of friends to be happy. 5 You usually have a good time when you is / are
7 doesn’t like meeting lots of new people.
3 He say / says the types of friends we have is with them.
8 makes other people feel a bit angry.
more important. 6 They hardly ever forget / forgets important dates.


2 Circle the word that is different. Explain your answer.

1 wear carry bring funny
Personal Best
2 rude tired honest sociable
on son 2A
3 boring excited interesting disappointing Less 1A Les
4 retire keep fit grow up leave school
5 tell expect remind unkind Describe two Write two
6 yoga Pilates swimming exercise friends using things you
personality did last
7 get up get married get engaged get divorced adjectives. weekend.
8 hope relax expect look forward to

3 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

Less 1A son 2B
1 Thank you for eating at our restaurant. Please Les
a go back b grow up c come back Describe one Write a
thing you do sentence about
2 She really her mother. They have the same what you did
every month and
eyes. one thing you do yesterday
a looks b looks like c reminds every year. using after.
3 Hayley is really . She spends ten hours a day
in the office.
a hard-working b serious c patient on
Less 1B Less 2C
4 I the meeting to finish at about 3.00.
a wait b expect c look forward to Name five Write two
5 Can you me your name please? hobbies or questions for an
a tell b say c remember activities you interview with
a musician you
6 Ravi most weekends with his family. like doing.
a joins b spends c keeps
7 When I was a child, I swimming every Sunday.
a went b did c played Less 1C son 2C
8 My football team lost the game. I feel so !
a excited b relaxed c disappointed Write a
Think of a
sentence using
relative and
4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. the present
describe two
simple and
of his/her life
go on lose retire wait remember present
learn have leave miss meet

1 In Britain, you can school when you are 16 son 2D

son 1D Les
years old. Les
2 Sonia didn’t the train, but she arrived late.
Write a Give an
3 All my friends social media every day.
sentence about expression to
4 Did Alex to buy some eggs? yourself using start telling a
5 My father is 62 and he wants to next year. because. story.
6 When you go to university, you lots of
interesting people.
7 How often do you your glasses?
son 1D son 2D
8 I’m married, but I don’t want to any children. Les Les
9 This year, I want to to play a musical
Write a Give an
instrument. sentence about expression to
10 Can you for me after the lesson? someone you show you are
know using so. interested in a



3 Keep on travelling
LANGUAGE comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as ■ useful adjectives

3A Tourist or traveller? 1
I want to go to different
1 A Look at the title of the quiz. What is the countries, try unusual food
difference between a 'tourist' and a 'traveller'? and have an adventure.

B Match the speech bubbles with the people in the pictures.

2 Underline all the adjectives in the speech bubbles.

I prefer to stay in nice hotels,
visit famous sights and have
Go to Vocabulary practice: useful adjectives, page 141
a good time.
3 A Do the quiz in pairs. Write down your partner’s answers.

B Look at the results on page 174. Are you and your partner similar?

1 What do you usually do on

holiday? 3 Do you use a guidebook?
a Yes, I do. I like to plan my trip 4 Do you ever explore new places
a I try to see the most famous carefully before I go. a No, I don't. Holidays are about
sights in a city or visit the b Never! Reading guidebooks spending time with friends and
big museums. isn’t as good as speaking to family.
b I like to go somewhere local people. b Yes, I do. You discover more about
unusual and discover yourself when you're on your own.
new things.
Are you
2 Do you prefer to stay
in the city centre or
out of town?
5 What time of year do
you prefer to travel?
a In the summer,
a The city centre can when the weather
be more expensive, is hot and everyone
but it’s the best is happier.
place to be. b The summer is the
b I prefer to be further worst time! Places
away from the aren’t as crowded at
centre. It’s cheaper other times of
to stay out of town. a b the year.

4 Complete the table with comparative and superlative adjectives from the quiz. Can you complete
the other forms?
famous cheap happy far good bad


the most

5 Match sentences 1–2 with the correct meanings a–b. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Reading guidebooks isn’t as good as speaking to a Reading guidebooks and speaking
local people. to local people are equally good.
2 Reading guidebooks is as good as speaking to b Reading guidebooks is less good
local people. than speaking to local people.

56 EXTRA PRACTICE:  Workbook page 14; photocopiable activity 3A Vocabulary

comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as ■ useful adjectives LANGUAGE 3A
Grammar comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as

Comparatives: Superlatives: (not) as … as:

Your hotel is cheaper than This is the biggest museum The beaches aren’t as
my hotel. in the country. crowded as they are in
The festival is more exciting The castle is the most famous the summer.
than the castle. building in the city.

Go to Grammar practice: comparatives, superlatives, (not) as … as, page 116

6 3.3 Listen to Michelle ask three friends for advice. Tick ( ) the advice
they recommend.

roller skates  bus  metro 
the Eiffel  the  Buttes-Chaumont 
Tower Louvre Park
a restaurant  a picnic  fast food 

7 A 3.4 Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen to four sentences from the conversations
in exercise 6. Underline the stressed words.
1 The metro is the quickest way. 3 The ones in the city centre are the worst.
2 The restaurants are much more expensive than I thought. 4 It’s as cheap as fast food, but it’s a lot better.
B 3.4 Listen again and repeat.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 167

8 A Complete the sentences to make recommendations for your town or city.
1 is the most popular tourist attraction.
2 isn’t as famous as , but I prefer it because .
3 is the best way to travel, because .
4 is a great place to buy , and it isn’t as expensive as .
5 is the most traditional food, and the best restaurant for it is .
6 is the most interesting place for lunch, because .
B Compare your recommendations in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree.

9 A Complete the questions with the correct form of the

adjectives in brackets.
1 In your opinion, is a city break as as a
beach holiday? (relaxing)
2 Do you think holidays in your country are
than going abroad? (good)
3 Where is place in your country? (hot)
4 Do you think travelling by car is as as travelling
by train? (expensive)
5 Do you think holidays with friends are than
family holidays? (enjoyable)
6 In your opinion, what is thing about a holiday? (bad)
B Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Try and give more information.

Personal Best Choose three places and make sentences about them with comparatives, superlatives and (not) as … as. 23

PRACTICE:    Workbook
14; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
3A Grammar
3 SKILLS LISTENING identifying key points ■ sentence stress ■ holiday activities

3B Staycation or vacation?
Curve 1 Match the activities in the box with the pictures. Which activities do you usually do on holiday?

sunbathe visit a museum go sightseeing buy souvenirs

hire a car eat out go abroad stay in a hotel

a b c d

e f g h

Go to Vocabulary practice: holiday activities, page 138

2 Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 How often do you have a holiday? 4 Who do you usually go with?
2 Do you ever go abroad? Why/Why not? 5 What do you enjoy doing most on holiday?
3 Where do you usually stay? 6 What is the worst thing about a holiday?

3 3.7 Guess the correct definition of a ‘staycation’. Watch or listen to the first part of
Learning Curve and check.
A 'staycation' is a holiday where you stay ...
a in your country. b at your own home. c at a friend’s house.

Skill Identifying key points

When people speak, listen for the important things they say.
• People usually emphasize the most important ideas.
• After an important idea, they sometimes give an example or more information.
• Find the key words in the questions and listen very carefully when the speaker talks about this point.

4 3.7 Read the Skill box. Watch or listen again and tick ( ) the key points Penny mentions.
1 Holidays need a lot of planning.
2 They can be expensive.
3 Hotels are great for relaxing.
4 Travel can be tiring.
5 You don’t need to travel on a staycation. Penny
6 You can go to your favourite places.
7 You can relax at home.
8 You can continue your daily routine.

5 3.8 Watch or listen to the second part of the show.

Tick ( ) the type of holiday the people are having.
1 Terry and Carol staycation vacation
2 Ayoku staycation vacation
3 Lisa staycation vacation


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photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
3B Vocabulary
identifying key points ■ sentence stress ■ holiday activities LISTENING SKILLS 3B
6 3.8 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences Terry and Carol
true (T) or false (F)?
1 Terry and Carol are having a bad time on holiday.
2 They’re in Ireland.
3 They think staycations can be boring.
4 Ayoku has two weeks off work.
5 He wants to spend the time relaxing in his apartment. Ayoku Lisa
6 Last year he went on holiday but didn’t relax much.
7 Lisa’s cousins have come to visit her in New York.
8 She prefers to show them popular tourist attractions.

7 Discuss the questions about your last holiday in pairs.

Where What did What was the Who did you

did you go? Where did you eat? What did weather like? Did you have go with?
you stay? you do? a good time?

Listening builder sentence stress

English speakers usually stress the most important words in a sentence. You can usually
understand the general idea if you only hear these words.
A staycation is a holiday where you stay at your own home.
You can make time to eat out at your favourite restaurant, or drive to the beach.

8 A Read the Listening builder. Look at the words in the sentences 1–5 from the show. Can you
understand the general ideas?
1 hired car came lovely national park!
2 usually stay home often boring.
3 doing all things don’t usually time do.
4 actually stressful everything planned.
5 family visits, take places many tourists
never see.

B 3.9 In pairs, try to complete the sentences with the unstressed words. Listen and check.

9 Discuss the questions in pairs. Give reasons for your answers.

Which is better…

1 sunbathing or going sightseeing? 3 flying or travelling by train?

2 staying in a hotel or going camping? 4 packing a big suitcase or taking a small rucksack?

Personal Best Write a paragraph explaining to tourists what there is to do in your town or city. 25

PRACTICE:    Workbook
15 photocopiable activity 0.0
3 LANGUAGE past continuous and past simple

3C A traveller’s tale
1 A Read the introduction of the text and look at the pictures. Answer the questions in pairs.
1 How long do you think Alastair’s trip took?
2 How many countries do you think he visited?
3 What type of problems do you think he had on the journey?
4 What kind of person do you think Alastair is?
5 Would you like to go on an adventure like this? Why/Why not?
B Read the rest of the text and check your answers.

In 2001, Alastair Humphreys

was doing a course to become
a teacher, but he really wanted
to do something different. A few
months later, he surprised his
friends and family by beginning
an amazing journey that took him
around the world … on his bike!

In all, Alastair visited 60 countries, and

throughout the trip he kept a blog to record
all of his experiences. Although there were
some special moments on the road, there
was also disappointment and disaster.
One disappointment came early. Alastair’s The trip was tough and Alastair didn’t have
dream was to cycle all the way except enough money to stay in nice hotels. While
for taking boats to cross the oceans. he was cycling through Patagonia, he didn’t
Unfortunately, this was impossible. The have a shower for 24 days!
police stopped him while he was travelling However, one of the hardest parts of his
across Egypt and he had to ride on a truck. trip came when he travelled across Russia
He was angry, but there was no other in winter. Luckily, a friend joined him so he
way to continue. wasn’t travelling alone, but it was so cold
The rest of the time, he rode, rode, rode. On that while they were cycling through Siberia,
one occasion, he was crossing the Arizona Alastair’s beard froze.
desert when his bike broke. Help came But none of these problems could stop him
from a surprising place. To his amazement, from completing the journey. Four years and
complete strangers bought him a new 75,000 km later, Alastair finally arrived
bike so that he could continue his back at his home in Yorkshire with lots of
incredible journey. stories to tell.

2 In pairs, answer the questions. Read the text again and check your answers.
1 Why didn’t he cycle all the time? 3 What was his accommodation like?
2 How did he get a new bike? 4 Where did he experience the worst weather?

3 A Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Check your answers in the text.
1 He the Arizona desert when his bike .
2 While they through Siberia, Alastair’s beard .
B Look at the sentences again and answer the questions. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Which verbs describe completed actions in the past? ,
2 Which verbs describe actions happening at the time of the completed action? ,


PRACTICE    Workbook
16 photocopiable activity 0.0
past continuous and past simple LANGUAGE 3C
Grammar past continuous and past simple

Actions in progress at a time in the past: Actions in progress when a completed action happened:
In 2001, Alastair Humphreys was doing a The police stopped him while he was travelling across Egypt.
course to become a teacher. He was travelling across Egypt when the police stopped him.

Go to Grammar practice: past continuous and past simple, page 117

4 A 3.11 Pronunciation: was/were Listen to the sentences and underline the stressed words.
How do you pronounce was and were?
1 I was driving home at 6.00 yesterday evening. 3 It didn’t rain while Anita was staying in Scotland.
2 They were working hard when I got to the office. 4 What were you doing at 8.00 this morning?
B Practise saying the sentences in pairs.

5 In pairs, ask and answer the question What were you doing …? in 2014 at 7.30 this
this time
last week
with the times in the boxes. Pay attention to how you say morning
was and were. one hour
yesterday last year
6 A Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with evening at 6.00
your own ideas.

1 I was sleeping in bed when … 3 While Barbara was cooking dinner, …

2 They were running in the park when … 4 My boss phoned me while …

B Compare your answers in pairs.
Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student B 168
7 3.12 Choose the correct form of the verbs to complete the conversation. Listen and check.

David Did I ever tell you about how I 1met / was meeting a museum guide in Hamburg?
Emma No, I don’t think so.
David It was in 2012, while I 2travelled / was travelling around Germany. I 3waited / was waiting for a train
to Berlin, but I was hungry, so I 4went / was going to a café to buy a sandwich. While I 5sat / was
sitting there, a man at another table 6got up / was getting up and 7left / was leaving his wallet.
Emma Oh no! What did you do?
David I 8ran / was running after him and 9gave / was giving him the wallet back. But the funny thing is,
when I 10got / was getting to the platform later, the same man 11waited / was waiting for the train.
Emma Really?
David Yes, and he 12was / was being a museum guide at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin! He 13offered /
was offering to show me around to thank me for finding his wallet. The museum was amazing!

8 Think about a holiday or travel experience you had. Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 Where and when did you go? 3 What were you doing when the best/worst
2 What were the best/worst moments? moments happened?

Personal Best Describe an important event in your life. Use the past simple and past continuous to explain what happened. 27

PRACTICE    Workbook
16; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
3C Grammar
3 SKILLS WRITING writing a narrative ■ adverbs of manner

3D Travel problems
1 Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 When was the last time you were at an airport? 3 How do you normally feel when you are at an airport?
2 Why were you there? 4 What problems can happen at an airport?

2 3.13 Look at pictures a–f and order them from 1–6. Listen and check.

a b c

d e f

3 3.13 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Listen again and check.

arrive book buy have open carry receive run see wait

In 2013, Martin Hendon was living in London. One morning, He 8 down the street desperately looking for a
he 1 a quick breakfast, when he 2 a letter new suit, but it was Sunday and the shops were closed. Just
from his best friend, Tony. It was an invitation to Tony’s wedding then, he recognized a passenger from his plane walking
… in Naples, Italy, in two weeks! So Martin quickly 3
slowly down the street. She 9 a suitcase the same
a flight and 4 a new suit.
colour as Martin’s. He asked her politely to open it, and there
The day before the wedding didn’t start well. Martin was Martin’s new suit inside!
5 patiently at the airport when he 6 that
his flight was cancelled. He caught a later flight and arrived in He changed his clothes and jumped in a taxi to the wedding.
Naples the next morning, but he was very tired and accidentally When Martin 10 , he opened the door nervously.
took the wrong suitcase. When he 7 it in his hotel Inside, everyone was waiting for the wedding to begin. Tony
room, he found someone else’s clothes! looked at him and smiled. He was only a few minutes late.

4 Match the paragraphs from exercise 3 with descriptions a–d. Then read the Skill box.
Paragraph 1 a the problem (what happened)
Paragraph 2 b the resolution (how he solved the problem)
Paragraph 3 c the background (who, when, where)
Paragraph 4 d the ending (what happened in the end, how he felt)

Skill writing a narrative

When you write a story, make it easy to follow and interesting.

• Tell the story in chronological order.
• Organize your ideas into four paragraphs (the background, the problem, the resolution, the ending).
• Use adjectives and adverbs to make the text more interesting.


PRACTICE    Workbook
and 75 activity 0.0
writing a narrative ■ adverbs of manner WRITING SKILLS 3D
5 A Complete the sentences from Martin’s story. Check your answers in the text.
1 One morning, he was having a breakfast. 2 Martin booked a flight.
B Answer the questions about sentences 1 and 2.
1 Which word is an adjective and describes a noun?
2 Which word is an adverb and describes a verb?
3 What letters do we add to most adjectives to make an adverb?

6 Underline seven more adverbs that describe verbs in Martin’s story.

Text builder adverbs of manner

We use adverbs of manner to say how someone does an action:

Martin was waiting patiently at the airport.
Most adjectives: quiet → quietly, slow → slowly
Adjectives ending in -y: happy → happily, angry → angrily
Irregular adverbs: good → well, fast → fast, hard → hard

Look! Adverbs of manner come at the end of the phrase:

He speaks Spanish well. NOT He speaks well Spanish.

7 Read the Text builder. Choose the correct words to complete the first paragraph of another story.

Ana Carvalho is from Goiânia, Brazil, but in 2015 and celebrate with her friends and family in
she was studying 1 hard / hardly at university in Goiânia. Ana was very 4practical / practically,
São Paulo. After her exams, she was waiting and the night before the flight she packed
2nervous / nervously for the results, but she her suitcase 5careful / carefully, checked she
was also very 3happy / happily because it was had her passport and tickets and slept
her birthday soon. She planned to go home 6good / well.

8 A PREPARE Match phrases 1–6 with pictures a–f. In pairs, discuss what happened to Ana Carvalho.
Put your ideas into three groups for the next three paragraphs of the narrative.
1 apologize and give her a ticket to Goiânia 4 receive the exam results at her party
2 began to worry on the plane 5 not hear her correctly
3 realize that the plane is flying to Guyana 6 ask which gate is for Goiânia

a b c

d e f

B PRACTISE Use your notes to help you write the rest of Ana’s story. Remember to use adverbs.

C PERSONAL BEST Swap stories with another pair. Tick ( ) three sentences you think are well written.

Personal Best Write five sentences about a holiday experience you had. Use a different adverb in each sentence. 29

PRACTICE:    Workbook
17; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
3D Skills

4 The working world

LANGUAGE will, may and might for predictions ■ jobs

4A The future of work

1 A Look at the title of the text and the picture. What do you think it is about?
B In pairs, decide which jobs machines will do in the future and which jobs will always need people.

accountant fashion designer farmer journalist model police officer

receptionist salesperson surgeon tour guide waiter/waitress

Go to Vocabulary practice: jobs, page 142

2 Read the text. Which jobs do experts think that machines will do?

So, should we be worried? The answer is

no. History shows us that as old jobs die,
new jobs replace them. So, what jobs will
exist for us in the future? Here are our top
I’m at the Henn-na Hotel in Japan. A smartly- three predictions:
dressed Japanese woman welcomes me and 1 Drone controller
asks if I have a reservation. But this is no Drones will deliver our shopping, remove
ordinary receptionist. She is in fact a robot, our rubbish and may even act as police
one of several at the hotel that can carry your officers, but people will still need to control
bags to your room, and even give you travel these flying devices from the ground.
2 Vertical farmer
Robots and computers are taking our jobs. Transporting food will probably become
According to experts, ninety years from more expensive, and with crowded cities,
now, machines will replace 70% of today’s there will only be one way to grow food
occupations. Accountants and telephone and vegetables – upwards! Supermarkets
salespeople may be the first to lose their jobs. will grow all their food above them in
In restaurants, robots might replace waiters special glass buildings.
and waitresses. Models might also disappear
– the fashion designer Ralph Lauren is 3 Space tour guide
already experimenting with holographic In the future, people won’t want to travel
models for his clothes. And in the future, round the world on holiday. Space tourism
when you go to hospital for an operation, will create thousands of jobs for space
even the surgeon probably won’t be real. pilots and tour guides to take tourists out
of this world!

3 Match the halves to make complete sentences. Check your answers in the text.
1 Ninety years from now, machines will a become more expensive.
2 Accountants and telephone salespeople may b also disappear.
3 Models might c want to travel round the world on holiday.
4 The surgeon probably won’t d replace 70% of today’s occupations.
5 Transporting food will probably e be the first to lose their jobs.
6 People won’t f be real.

4 A Answer the questions about the predictions in exercise 3.

1 Which two sentences are about things that are likely? ,
2 Which two sentences are about things that are possible? ,
3 Which two sentences are about things that are unlikely? ,
B Choose the correct words to complete the rule. Then read the Grammar box.
When we use probably, it comes before / after will and before / after won’t.


72 EXTRA PRACTICE:  Workbook page 20;

14; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 3A
4A Vocabulary
will, may and might for predictions ■ jobs LANGUAGE 4A
Grammar will, may and might for predictions

Predictions which are Predictions which are Predictions which are very
sure/very likely: less sure/possible: unlikely:
The traffic will be very bad tonight. It might rain tomorrow. Chelsea won’t win the FA cup next year.
The train may be late.
Look! We can use probably with will and won’t: I’ll probably fail the exam / I probably won’t pass the exam.

Go to Grammar practice: will, may and might for predictions, page 118
5 A 4.4 Pronunciation: want/won’t Listen and repeat the sentence from the text. Match the
words in bold with the sounds /ɒ/ and /əʊ/.
In the future, people won’t want to travel round the world on holiday.

B 4.5 How do you say the sentences? Pay attention to want and won’t. Listen, check and repeat.
1 He might want to look for a new job. 3 My boss will probably want to travel by boat.
2 Robots won’t replace politicians. 4 In the future, you won’t have to go to school.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student B page 168

6 A Work in pairs and look at the topics below. What do you think will happen in the future?
Make nine predictions.
Students won't go to school. Computers will probably replace teachers.


How will education change?
q Students / go to school/university.
w Computers / replace / teachers.
e Students / study / different subjects.
How will transport be different?
r Cars / need / drivers.
t There / be / more traffic.
y We / use / electricity as fuel.

What will the health system be like?

u There / be / more healthcare jobs.
i Robots / replace / doctors.
o We / go to the doctor’s / when we are ill.

B 4.6 Listen to an expert talking about the topics. What predictions does she make? How sure
is she?

7 Did you agree with the expert? Can you think of any other predictions about these topics?

8 In pairs, make predictions about the topics. Say if you agree or disagree with your partner.

the weather tomorrow your next English exam

your country winning the World Cup

the town or city where you live tomorrow at work/school/university

your journey home tonight

Personal Best Write predictions about how five different jobs will change in the future. 31

PRACTICE:    Workbook
4A Grammar
4 SKILLS READING skimming a text ■ pronoun referencing

4B I’m so bored
1 Look at the title and the pictures on page 33. Which jobs can you see? Discuss the questions in pairs.
1 How often do you feel bored? 3 Do you think boredom is a bad thing? Why/Why not?
2 What jobs do you think are boring? 4 What can you do to stop feeling bored at work?

Skill skimming a text

When we skim a text, we read it quickly to understand the main ideas.

• Look at the title, pictures and any headings, and predict what the text is about.
• Read the first sentence in each paragraph carefully. These are 'topic sentences' and are usually
a summary of what the paragraph is about.
• Think about the ideas from all the topic sentences to understand the general meaning of the whole text.

2 Read the Skill box. Then read the highlighted topic sentences in the text and tick ( ) the best
description of the text.
1 Modern technology makes us feel bored more quickly.
2 People can have better ideas after they do boring activities.
3 Boredom in offices is a serious problem for companies.

3 Answer the questions in pairs. Read the text again and check your answers.
1 What do most people do when Joanna Kerr/New Division
they are bored?
2 Personal
How did the scientists use the plastic cups Best
to test2people’s creativity?
3 What activity did some people do first to make them bored?
4 Who was more creative in the experiment? What ideas did they have?
What does Jack White do to give him ideas for new songs?
6 What kind of activities make us feel more/less creative?

4 Has the text changed your opinion about being bored? Why/Why not?

5 A Look at the extract from the text. Who or what does They refer to?
Some scientists think we’re making a mistake. They believe that boring activities can be good for us.
B Read the Text builder. Find pronouns 1–8 in the text and say what they refer to.

Text builder pronoun referencing

We use pronouns and possessive adjectives to avoid repeating nouns:

Sharon had a fantastic idea yesterday. It was really creative.
Carlos always works late. I saw him in the office at 8.00 last night.
My parents earn a lot of money, but I think their jobs are very boring.

6 A Complete the text with the pronouns in the box. What do the
pronouns refer to?

his it he them

Karl Duncker was a German psychologist. 1 is most

famous for thinking of a problem to test creativity. In 2
experiment, he gave students a candle, a book of matches and a
box of pins. He asked 3 to fix the candle to a wall and
light 4 without dripping any wax on the table.

B In pairs, try to solve Duncker’s problem. Explain your solution to the class.


PRACTICE    Workbook
21; photocopiable
photocopiable activity
activity 0.0
4B Skills
skimming a text ■ pronoun referencing READING SKILLS 4B

We all hate being bored, particularly at work.
In fact, most of us try hard to avoid 1it and, thanks
to modern technology, there are now hundreds
of ways to keep us entertained. People watch
videos or play games on the way to work, check
their phones when they’re in boring meetings, and
chat to friends or listen to music while they do dull
administrative tasks. But some scientists think we’re
making a mistake. They believe that boring activities
can be good for us and a recent psychology
experiment tests this idea.
In 2013, Dr Sandi Mann and Rebekah Cadman did an experiment to test people’s
creativity, i.e. how well we can think of ideas. 2 Their idea was to see if boredom had
an effect on how creative we are. They gave 140 people some plastic cups and asked
3 them to think of different ways to use them. However, half of the people spent 15
minutes doing some very boring activities first. They had to read telephone numbers
from a long list and copy 4 them onto paper.
The results of the experiment were very interesting. The people who did
the boring activities first were much more creative and thought of lots of
ideas. Some people suggested wearing the cups as party hats or filling
5 them with fruit juice and freezing them to make ice-lollies. Whereas,
the people who didn’t do any boring tasks found it hard to think of many
ways to use the cups.
Dr Mann says a little boredom can be positive for us. 6 She thinks that we
shouldn’t be afraid of ‘doing nothing’. Many very successful people do
‘boring’ activities in their free time. For example, the US rock musician Jack
White repairs furniture. 7 His hobby helps him to relax and think of ideas
for new songs. At work, some successful people do similar things to be
creative, like tidying their desk or deleting old emails.
However, there are good and bad ways to be bored. You should only do
boring activities for a short time and you should avoid physical activities
which make you feel tired, as this can make you less creative. So, if you
usually listen to music, read the news and send messages to friends when
you’re bored at work, why not try doing less? Make a cup of coffee,
organize your paperwork or look out of the window – maybe 8 it will
change your life … and you can always tell your boss that you’re being

Personal Best Write about a time you thought of a creative solution to a problem. 33

PRACTICE    Workbook
21 photocopiable activity 0.0
4 LANGUAGE be going to and present continuous ■ phrases about work

4C The secret boss

1 Look at the two people in the pictures. What is the relationship between them? Read the text and check.

Carla Pine is the managing director of Cibus, a chain

of Italian restaurants. She works in London and is
responsible for twenty restaurants in the UK. Next
week, she’s visiting two of her restaurants to find
out what it’s like to be a worker in the company, but
she’s going to do it in secret! She’s going to dress as a
member of staff, but because people might recognize
her, she’s going to change the colour of her hair and
the style of her clothes, and become … Katie Rose.
She’s going to Manchester and she has a busy few
days ahead of her. On Monday and Tuesday, she’s
working as a kitchen assistant with George Nowak.
On Wednesday and Thursday, she’s working as a
waitress in another restaurant in the city with Lucy
Carla Lane
Mendez … and on Friday, she’s going to tell George
and Lucy who she really is! Carla Pine Katie Rose

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. Read the text again and check.
1 Carla is visiting one / two / three of her restaurants next week.
2 She is going to change her appearance / opinion / voice so people don’t recognize her.
3 She’s going to see what it’s like to work as a hair stylist / a boss / an employee.
4 On Monday and Tuesday, she’s working as a managing director / waitress / kitchen assistant.
5 On Wednesday and Thursday, she’s working with Lucy Mendez / George Nowak / Katie Rose.

3 Answer the questions about the sentences in exercise 2. Then read the Grammar box.
1 Do the sentences refer to the past, the present or the future?
2 Which sentences say when and/or where she will do things?
3 Which use the present continuous? Which use be going to?

Grammar be going to and present continuous

Future plans: Future arrangements (with a fixed time and place):

I’m going to do a training course. He’s travelling to Manchester on Monday.
The company isn’t going to open a new office. What are you doing this evening?
Look! We can also use be going to with arrangements:
He’s going to travel to Manchester on Monday. What are you going to do this evening?

Go to Grammar practice: be going to and present continuous, page 119

4 A 4.9 Pronunciation: going to and want to Listen to Carla speaking quickly.
How are going to and want to pronounced?
I want to find out what it’s like to work for my company, so I’m going to visit two of my
restaurants … in secret.
B 4.10 In pairs, say the conversation quickly. Listen, check and repeat.
A What are you going to do tonight?
B I’m going to try that new Chinese restaurant. Do you want to come?
A I can’t. I’m going to work late tonight. I’m free tomorrow, if you want to meet up.
B Yes, that’s great. I want to hear all your news!


PRACTICE    Workbook
4C Grammar
be going to and present continuous ■ phrases about work LANGUAGE 4C
5 Tick ( ) the things you have done from the box below. Tell your partner when and why.

apply for a job go on a training course get a promotion leave a job write a CV

When I was a student, I applied for a job as a radio DJ. I didn't get it.

Go to Vocabulary practice: phrases about work, page 143

6 A 4.13 Listen to the conversation between Carla, Lucy and George. Complete the table.

Name Problems Solutions

George Tucker, Head chef George’s kitchen wasn't clean.

George Nowak,
Head chef
Lucy Mendez,
Mendez,Head waitress
Head waitress

B Check your answers in pairs.

George’s kitchen wasn't clean, so Carla is going to …

7 A In pairs, look at the problems and think of the best way to solve them.

1 2 3

Your colleague is going on holiday, Your boss does no work, but she You want to buy a house, but your
so you’ll have to use a complicated wants you to work at the weekends salary is the same as when you
new computer program at work. to finish a project. started work ten years ago!

B Tell the rest of the class your plans.

We’re going to go on a training course to learn about the new program.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 160, Student B page 168

8 In pairs, ask and answer the question What are you doing …? with the future times in the boxes below.
A What are you doing tonight?
B I’m meeting some friends in the city centre. We’re going to have dinner together.

tonight next weekend in two weeks’ time next year

tomorrow next summer the day after tomorrow

Personal Best Write about your work plans for the future. 35

PRACTICE:    Workbook
4C Vocabulary
4 SKILLS SPEAKING telephone language ■ dealing with difficulties

4D Can I leave a message?

Curve 1 Look at the reasons for making telephone calls. Can you think of any more?

book a taxi speak to a colleague call in sick to work ask for technical help
book a table at a restaurant make an appointment call a shop for information

2 Discuss the questions in pairs.

1 How often do you phone people?
2 Who do you usually speak to on the phone?
3 How do you feel when you speak to someone you don’t know on the phone?
4 What problems can you have when you speak in English on the phone?

3 4.14 Watch or listen to the first part of Learning Curve. Who called these people, and why did they call?

Ethan Receptionist Penny Mo

4 4.14 Watch or listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 Penny thinks that communication is easier with modern technology.
2 Penny and Ethan have a video conference call with Simon and Kate at 10.00.
3 Ethan makes an appointment with the dentist for 9.50.
4 Mo says it will take ten minutes to fix the internet connection.
5 Mo says he will bring Penny a telephone to call Simon and Kate.

Conversation builder telephone language

Caller: Person being called:

Hello, this is … Good morning, … How can I help you?
Could I speak to …? Hello, … speaking/calling.
Can you tell him/her that …? I’m afraid he/she’s not available at the moment.
Could you ask him/her to call Can I take a message?
me back, please? I think you have the wrong number.
Thank you, goodbye. Thanks/Thank you for calling.

5 A 4.15 Read the Conversation builder. In pairs, order the conversation from 1–9. Listen and check.

a Thanks for calling.

b Yes, can you ask her to call Fiona when she can?
c Hello, Mo Bensallem speaking.
d Yes, of course.
e Oh hello, could I speak to Julia, please?
f I’m afraid she’s not at her desk at the moment.
g Sorry, I don’t know. Can I take a message?
h Do you know when she will be back?
i Thank you, goodbye.
Fiona Mo

B In pairs, practise saying the conversation. You can change the names and any details.


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telephone language ■ dealing with difficulties SPEAKING SKILLS 4D
6 4.16 Watch or listen to the second part of the show. Does Penny speak to Kate and Simon?

7 4.16 Tick ( ) the problems Penny has. Watch or listen again and check.
1 She dials the wrong number.
2 Simon forgot about the conference call.
3 Kate doesn’t answer the phone in time.
4 Charlotte can’t hear Penny very well.
5 Charlotte doesn’t understand English well.
6 Penny forgot to leave her number.

8 4.17 Listen and repeat the phrases when you hear the beeps.
How do the speakers deal with difficulties?

Skill dealing with difficulties

It is sometimes difficult to understand people when they speak,

especially on the telephone.
• Ask the speaker politely to speak louder or repeat what he/she said.
• Ask the speaker to spell any difficult words.
• Repeat what the speaker says to make sure it is correct.
• Stress the word or phrase you want to check if you have a doubt.

9 Read the Skill box. Put the phrases in the correct column.

I’m afraid I didn’t catch that. Sorry, did you say …? And was that … or …? Sorry, could you speak up?
Can you spell that, please? Could you speak more slowly, please? Could you repeat that, please?

You don’t hear something You need to check or confirm specific information

10 A 4.18 Listen to five conversations and underline the information the speaker wants to check.
1 Sorry, did you say you needed three blue shirts?
2 And you bought the product on 5 June 2015?
3 So your flight is at 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday next week?
4 Sorry, did you say you wanted to book a double room next week?
5 Was that vegetable soup for table 12?

B In pairs, repeat questions 1–5. Pay attention to the words you stress.

Go to Communication practice: Student A page 159, Student B page 167

11 A PREPARE In pairs, look at the situations below. Decide which role you will have and think about
what you will say.

Situation 1 Situation 2
You have arranged to meet a colleague. Call to You are going on holiday to London. Book a
Student A
cancel the meeting. hotel room for your trip.
Answer the phone. The person the speaker wants to You are a receptionist in a hotel. Take details
Student B talk to is not in the office. Take a message. of the booking. It is very noisy and you can’t hear the
speaker well.

B PRACTISE Sit back to back with your partner so you can’t see him/her. Practise the telephone

C PERSONAL BESTAre you more confident at speaking on the telephone in English? How could you
improve? Swap partners and practise the conversations again.

Personal Best
Challenge! Write down one of the conversations from exercise 11. 37

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