Electrochemical Formation of Silver Nanoparticles

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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138



Electrochemical formation of silver nanoparticles and their

applications in the reduction and detection of nitrates at neutral pH
Catherine M. Fox1 · Carmel B. Breslin1 

Received: 2 May 2019 / Accepted: 21 November 2019 / Published online: 4 December 2019
© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

A glassy carbon electrode modified with silver nanoparticles was employed as a nitrate sensor to give a calibration curve
with a sensitivity of 2.6 μA μM−1 cm−2 and a LOD of 4.1 μM N ­ O3− at a neutral pH. The calibration curve was generated
using rotating disc voltammetry coupled with constant potential amperometry, giving efficient diffusion of the nitrate to the
surface. Reasonably good selectivity for nitrate was observed in the presence of nitrite, chloride and phosphate anions. The
nitrate diffusion coefficient was estimated as 1.41 × 10−5 to 1.73 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 using a combination of cyclic voltammetry
and rotating disc voltammetry, while the rate constant for the nitrate reduction reaction was estimated as 0.11 cm s−1. Some
deviations from the Randles–Sevick and Levich equations were seen at higher scan rates, consistent with the slow kinetics
and nitrate adsorption. While stable silver nanoparticles were electrochemically formed in the solution phase and incor-
porated within a hydrogel matrix, the best approach in forming the nitrate sensor was the direct electrodeposition of silver
nanoparticles at glassy carbon at − 0.50 V versus Ag|Ag+ following a 60-min seeding period at the open-circuit potential.
Graphic abstract


0.3 -

Current/mA cm-2


0.1 -

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

Keywords  Silver nanoparticles · Nitrate sensor · Nitrate reduction · Electrochemical synthesis · Nitrite · Hydrogel

1 Introduction
* Carmel B. Breslin
Nitrogen is an essential and important element for plant life,
giving higher plant yields with the application of nitrogen-
Department of Chemistry, Maynooth University, Maynooth, containing fertilisers [1]. As population growth continues
Co. Kildare, Ireland


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126 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

to increase and the demand for food intensifies, greater electrodeposited directly at the substrate electrode, eliminat-
amounts of nitrogen-containing fertilisers are used. Nitro- ing the need for reducing agents and a non-aqueous solvent
gen normally exists as nitrates in fertilisers, and in this form system. For comparative purposes, the electrochemically
it is soluble and leaches from the soil into water systems. generated nanoparticles were drop-cast onto the substrate
Eventually, it escapes into drinking water. It is well known and also dispersed in a hydrogel matrix formed at the sub-
that nitrates have significant health risks and have harmful strate. These modified electrodes were then used to reduce
effects on ecosystems. In particular, when nitrates are pre- nitrates and their performance as a nitrate sensor at neutral
sent with phosphates, eutrophication occurs and this depletes pH was evaluated. Silver was chosen, as nanostructured sil-
the dissolved oxygen content in the water, causing detrimen- ver electrodes have been shown to reduce nitrates in neutral
tal effects on the life that is supported in ecosystems. Fur- solutions [23, 24], while, in many studies, acidic conditions
thermore, ­NH4+, which is bound to the soil through electro- are employed [25, 26] or alkaline conditions are used [27]
static attractions with the clay, which is negatively charged, requiring pH adjustments before analysis. For example,
is readily converted to nitrate by microbes [2]. Nitrates and Jiang et al. [24] electrodeposited zinc onto a silver electrode
other nitrogen-containing compounds that are easily con- and subsequently removed the zinc using anodic dissolu-
verted to nitrates are also produced from various industrial tion to give a nanostructured silver layer that enabled the
processes and from road traffic. As a result, Environmental detection of nitrates in neutral solution, whereas Zhad and
Protection Agencies have set Maximum Contamination Lev- Lai [23] electrodeposited leaf- and branch-like structures of
els for nitrates. The European Communities Drinking Water silver and used the modified nanostructures to detect nitrates
Regulations 2000 set nitrate levels at 50 ppm (0.80 mM) without any pH adjustments.
while in the US, it is even lower at 10 ppm (0.16 mM).
It is no surprise that there is considerable interest in the
monitoring of nitrates and the development of nitrate sen-
sors. Various methods have been developed and reported 2 Experimental
and these include spectrophotometry [3, 4], chromatogra-
phy [5, 6], chemiluminescence [7], capillary electrophore- 2.1 Chemicals, electrodes and equipment
sis [8], fluorimetry [9] and electrochemistry [10–17]. Each
analytical approach has merits, but also has a number of All chemicals were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich and the
disadvantages and these include the need to derivatise the electrodes were purchased from Goodfellow Metals. Glassy
nitrate or nitrite, initial sample preparation and separation, carbon (GC) (99.99%, 3 mm diameter) and bulk silver rods
interference, mainly from chloride, and specialised equip- (99.99%, 2 mm diameter) were encased in Teflon using
ment, which makes the analysis more expensive [18]. In epoxy resin. The electrical contact was achieved using a
terms of electrochemical detection, the relatively low cost copper wire, which was threaded to one end of the elec-
and portability of the sensor and equipment are attractive, trode and this section was then encased in resin. The exposed
but the electrochemical detection of nitrates at unmodified surfaces were polished to a smooth finish with successively
electrodes, such as platinum, gold or copper, is limited due finer grades (from 300 to 1200 grit) of lubricated silicon
to selectivity and sensitivity issues and the slow kinetics carbide paper, rinsed and sonicated in deionised water
of the nitrate reduction reaction [18]. Some of these issues between each grade. Using Buehler MetaDi Monocrystalline
can be addressed by employing metal nanoparticles. The Diamond suspensions with particle sizes between 30 and
nanoparticles have the potential to give higher catalytic 1 µm, a mirror finish was achieved. Platinum sheets (99.9%,
efficiency, have a higher surface area and are promising in 1 × 5 cm length × width) were employed to form the silver
electroanalysis for a number of different molecules [19, 20]. nanoparticles in solution. These sheets were polished using
Two approaches can be used to modify an electrode with a Metaserve Universal polisher with water-lubricated sili-
nanoparticles: electrodeposition or drop-casting the synthe- con carbide paper to a 1200 grit grade. The electrochemical
sised nanoparticles onto the substrate. However, the adher- experiments were carried out using a Solartron (Model SI
ence of the synthesised particles drop-cast onto the substrate 1287) potentiostat and a Princeton Applied Research Model
electrode may be an issue, particularly in terms of long-term 636 ring-disc electrode system. UV–Vis spectroscopy was
stability. Nanoparticles are normally formed using chemical performed with a Varian Cary 50 UV–Vis spectrometer and
synthesis, and many of these synthetic routes use harsh reac- scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive
tion conditions combined with organic solvents and toxic X-ray (EDX) analyses were performed on a Hitachi SEM
reducing reagents [21, 22], although in recent times there is model S-3200N which was fitted with an Oxford instruments
more focus on developing green synthetic approaches. EDX system with a Penta FET Precision INCA X-act detec-
In this study, silver nanoparticles were formed in an aque- tor. FTIR spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer system
ous solution using an electrochemical approach and also using KBR discs.


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 127

2.2 Formation of the silver nanoparticles silver nanoparticle solution (10 mL) was then added. Poly-
merisation was initiated using freshly prepared ammonium
The silver nanoparticles were formed using two approaches; persulphate and tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED),
direct electrodeposition onto glassy carbon and electrofor- which were added with vigorous mechanical stirring. A
mation in the solution phase protected with PVP (poly(N- 1-mm diameter electrode was immobilised in the hydrogel
vinylpyrrolidone). For direct electrodeposition, the silver by suspending the wire in a 5-mm diameter straw, with a
nanoparticles were formed at a glassy carbon electrode in plastic plug at the end. The gel solution was then poured
a three-electrode cell, with a silver reference electrode and into the straw and gelation was allowed to occur. Once set,
a platinum counter electrode in 1.0 mM A ­ gClO4 in 0.1 M the plug was removed and the gel was released. The hydro-
­LiClO4. Initially, an oxidative pulse, 1.0 V for 15 min in gel-modified electrodes were then suspended in deoxygen-
0.1 M ­LiClO4, was applied to remove any intercalated sil- ated deionised water and maintained in the dark for 24 h to
ver from the previous experiment. Then, the electrode was extract any unreacted chemicals.
immersed in the silver-containing solution at the open-circuit
potential for 60 min and this was followed by a single-pulse 2.4 Electrochemical detection of nitrate
electrodeposition step to deposit the silver nanoparticles.
The PVP-protected silver nanoparticles generated in The modified electrodes were first cycled in the background
solution were formed using a three-electrode cell, with two electrolyte, 0.1 M L
­ iClO4, between − 0.2 and − 1.6 V versus
platinum sheets, serving as the working and counter elec- SCE for 30 cycles and then transferred to the various con-
trodes and a silver wire as a pseudo-reference electrode. centrations of nitrate (­ KNO3 in 0.1 M L ­ iClO4) and cycled
The solution consisted of 5.0 mM A ­ gNO3, 0.1 M K ­ NO3 at 50 mV s−1 until a near steady state was reached (about
and 423.75 g dm−3 PVP to give a ratio of ­Ag+:PVP of 75:1. 30 cycles). Constant potential amperometry using a rotat-
The electrolysis was carried out under constant agitation at ing disc was employed to generate a calibration curve. A
fixed potentials between − 1.0 and− 6.0 V versus Ag|Ag+. saturated calomel electrode was employed as the reference
The potential of the silver pseudo-reference electrode was in the three-electrode cell and all solutions were deoxygen-
checked against a saturated calomel reference electrode, ated with nitrogen.
before and after the experiments and no significant potential
drift was observed.
3 Results and discussion
2.3 Formation and characterisation of the nitrate
sensors A GC electrode was used as the substrate to support the
silver nanoparticles as it does not facilitate the reduction
Nitrate sensors were fabricated using the electrodeposited of nitrates and therefore the nitrate signal can be attributed
silver nanoparticles and the PVP-protected solution phase to the silver particles. For comparison purposes, the sil-
silver nanoparticles. For the silver nanoparticle-modified ver nanoparticles were electrodeposited directly at the GC
GC electrode, the size, density and surface area of the elec- electrode and drop-cast onto the surface of the electrode.
trodeposited nanoparticles were estimated using Image J The electrochemically synthesised nanoparticles were also
software (US NIH), from 10 random sites on each sample. dispersed in a hydrogel which was formed around a wire
As the particles are viewed as 2D circles, with an area of electrode, with a view to protecting the nanoparticles from
πr2 rather than the hemispherical shape that they most likely escaping to the environment.
adopt with an area of 2πr2, the data were adjusted. The sur-
face area of the silver nanoparticles deposited onto the GC 3.1 Electrochemical formation of silver
electrode was also estimated using lead underpotential depo- nanoparticles in solution
sition using 10 mM ­PbCl2 in 0.1 M HCl and by the reduction
of surface oxides. It is well known that poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP)
The PVP-protected silver nanoparticles were formed at can be employed as a protecting agent in the formation
a glassy carbon electrode by drop-casting the PVP-pro- of silver nanoparticles [28, 29]. The nanoparticles were
tected silver nanoparticle solution onto the electrode and formed at different applied potentials to generate nano-
then the electrode was air-dried until all the solvent was particles with a narrow size distribution. A typical cur-
evaporated. They were also protected in a polyacrylamide rent–time transient recorded at a fixed potential of − 1.5 V
hydrogel composite. This composite was prepared by dis- versus Ag|Ag+ is presented in Fig. 1a, where reduction of
solving the acrylamide monomer and N,N′-methylene-bis- ­Ag+ is evident with a reduction current of approximately
acrylamide (MBA) in 10 mL of water, under a nitrogen 0.15 A after about 200 s where near steady-state currents
atmosphere. The aqueous and deoxygenated PVP-protected are achieved. As evident in Fig. 1b, higher steady-state


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128 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

(a) -0.10
currents are achieved at lower applied potentials and this
gives rise to the production of larger amounts of silver
nanoparticles. At these potentials, the reduction of H­ + and
water occurs at the platinum substrate and these redox
reactions will contribute to the measured current. As the
-0.20 solutions were agitated continuously, variations in the
interfacial pH will be limited. The current remains low

until potentials exceeding − 1.0  V versus Ag|Ag + are
applied, while the current becomes limited by mass trans-
port effects as the potential is varied from − 2.0 to − 4.0 V
versus Ag|Ag+. The concentration ratio of A ­ g+ to PVP,
the applied potential, electrodeposition period and charge
-0.35 were varied to obtain the optimised conditions to generate
0 100 200 300 a narrow size distribution of particles with good repro-
Time/s ducibility. The optimised conditions involved a solution
of 0.1 M K­ NO3, 0.05 M A ­ gNO3 and 423.75 g dm−3 PVP,
(b) 0.00
while an electrochemical pulse of − 6.0 V versus Ag|Ag+
-0.05 was applied until a charge of 180 C was reached.
The concentration, stability and size dispersion of the
nanoparticles generated were monitored using UV–Vis
-0.15 spectroscopy. The UV–Vis spectra of three separate solu-

tions of PVP-protected silver nanoparticles generated

using the optimised conditions are shown in Fig. 1c. The
-0.25 reproducibility is impressive given the competing H ­ + and
water reduction reactions. Furthermore, the nanoparticles
appear stable with little evidence of particle agglomera-
-0.35 tion and this is clearly evident from the spectrum recorded
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 following 1 month, as shown in Fig. 1c. There is only a
Potenal/V small change in the absorbance, indicating very good sta-
bility. Furthermore, the bandwidth is narrow indicating a
small size distribution. The protective properties of the
(c) 1.0 PVP are illustrated in Fig. 2a, where FTIR spectra for PVP
and PVP-protected silver nanoparticles are compared. The
0.8 carbonyl stretch is seen at 1663 cm−1 for pure PVP, but
is red shifted to 1656 cm−1 for the PVP-protected silver
nanoparticles, as the coordination of silver with the PVP

weakens the > C=O bond. This interaction between the
PVP and silver nanoparticles prevents agglomeration of
the electrochemically formed silver nanoparticles.
These electrosynthesised silver nanoparticles were
incorporated into a polyacrylamide gel (PAAm). Typically,
gelation times for this system were 15–20 min using the
0.0 conditions summarised in Table 1; however, in the pres-
200 300 400 500 600 ence of the silver nanoparticles, instantaneous gelation
Wavelength/nm was observed. The amounts of APS and TEMED were
reduced to control the gelation period, as illustrated in
Fig. 1  a Current–time curve recoded during the formation of silver Table 1. Similar effects have been observed with a silver
nanoparticles generated at − 1.5 V versus Ag|Ag+ in 0.05 M ­AgNO3, electrode [30] and A ­ g+ [31] and this has been attributed
0.1 M ­KNO3 and 423.75 g dm−3 PVP, b steady-state current recorded
during the formation of the nanoparticles as a function of the applied to the generation of radicals from the dissociation of per-
potential. c UV–Vis spectra of the formed nanoparticles red line, grey sulphate in the presence of silver. The SEM micrograph of
line initially and blue line after 1 month. (Color figure online) the dried composite is shown in Fig. 2b. The surface shows
a globular-like morphology.


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 129

(a) (b)

% Transmission 55





4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 8 µm
Wave number /cm-1

Fig. 2  a FTIR spectra of pure PVP (top trace) and PVP-protected silver nanoparticles (bottom trace) b SEM micrographs of the surface of the
dried PAAm-PVP-Ag nanoparticle discs. (Color figure online)

Table 1  Reagents for the synthesis of polyacrylamide-PVP and and then the cleaned silver electrode was immersed in the
the polyacrylamide-PVP silver nanoparticle composites, PVP silver-containing solution for 60 min under open-circuit con-
(423.75 g dm−3) and APS (1% solution)
ditions, prior to the application of the reduction potentials.
Hydrogel AAm MBA PVP APS TEMED The open-circuit potential in the silver-containing solution
/g /g /mL /μL /μL is shown in Fig. 3a, where it is evident that potentials of
PAAm-PVP 4.0 0.175 10 400 10 approximately − 0.05 V Ag|Ag+ are reached and these are
PAAm-PVP-Ag 4.0 0.175 10 300 5 sufficient to deposit silver from the solution. The presence
of deposited silver was confirmed using stripping voltam-
mograms. A typical stripping voltammogram is shown in the
3.2 Electrochemical formation of silver inset in Fig. 3a. The stripping peak at about 0.20 V versus
nanoparticles at the GC electrode SCE shows that indeed a small amount of silver was depos-
ited under open-circuit conditions. The reproducibility was
The silver nanoparticles were deposited directly at the glassy significantly improved using this cleaning and immersion
carbon electrode using a single-pulse method, at applied routine. For example, stripping voltammograms recorded
potentials between − 0.25 and − 1.0 V versus Ag|Ag+. A following the deposition of the silver nanoparticles but with-
cleaning pulse at 1.0 V versus SCE was employed initially out this pretreatment step are shown in Fig. 3b, where it is

(a) 10
(b) 0.3
Current density/ mA cm-2



0.3 -10
-0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
0.0 0.0

-0.3 -0.1
0 2500 5000 7500 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
Time/s Potenal/V

Fig. 3  a Open-circuit transient of a GC electrode immersed in Stripping voltammograms recorded in 0.1  M L ­ iClO4 at a GC elec-
1.0  mM ­AgClO4 in 0.1  M L ­ iClO4, inset shows the corresponding trode modified with silver nanoparticles deposited at − 0.5  V versus
stripping voltammogram recorded in 0.1 M L ­ iClO4 at 50 mV s−1. b Ag|Ag+, but without a cleaning and nucleation step


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130 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

clearly evident that different amounts of silver are deposited. and there was no evidence of any smaller silver deposits
This cleaning and immersion step enables seeding which on the surface. At these low potentials, which are close to
gives rise to stable nucleation sites at which the nanopar- the onset of silver deposition, the silver ions preferentially
ticles can be formed, increasing the reproducibility, giving deposit at the more stable silver deposits rather than at new
near identical stripping voltammograms with less than a 1% nucleation sites, giving rise to a few large deposits.
variation in the peak currents. The surface area of the silver deposits was estimated
The current–time transients recorded at potentials of using the charge associated with silver oxides, under poten-
− 0.25 V, − 0.50 V, − 0.75 V and − 1.0 V versus Ag|Ag+ for tial deposition of lead and Image J software. Data are shown
50 s are shown in Fig. 4. A reduction current is obtained on in Fig. 6 for the method employed using silver oxides. In
application of the potential and this current decays as the this approach, the charge associated with the reduction
deposition period is increased. Higher currents are obtained of the surface oxides which are generated in the forward
for deposition as the potential is varied from − 0.25 V to sweep is measured as a function of the inversion potential.
− 1.0 V versus Ag|Ag+. The corresponding stripping vol- The voltammograms recorded for the bulk silver electrode
tammograms are presented in the inset of Fig. 4. The strip- cycled to various inversion potentials in 0.1 M L ­ iClO4 are
ping peaks are similar for deposition at − 0.50 V and − 0.75 presented in Fig. 6a while the corresponding charge plot
versus Ag|Ag+; however, the quantity of silver deposited is is shown in the inset. The reduction peak at approximately
much lower at − 0.25 V versus Ag|Ag+, and the stripping 0.35 V versus SCE corresponds to the reduction of the sil-
peak is also slightly lower for the silver deposited at − 1.0 V ver oxides, and this peak becomes progressively larger as
versus Ag|Ag+. This is probably connected with the compet- the inversion potential is increased. Two linear regions are
ing ­H+ ion and water reduction reactions which occur at this evident in the charge plot. The linear region which is seen at
high overpotential. the lower potentials is related to the reduction of the silver
Figure 5 shows the SEM micrograph of the resulting GC oxide/hydroxide monolayer. The electroactive surface area
surface when potentials of − 0.50 V, − 0.75 V and − 1.0 V can be calculated using the charge computed at the intersec-
versus Ag|Ag+ are applied for 50 s in the silver-containing tion point [32, 33]. The reduction charge was computed as
solution. While the number of particles is similar at the dep- 1.14 × 10−5 C and given that a monolayer of AgOH/Ag2O
osition potentials, the particles generated at − 0.50 V versus consumes approximately 2.10 C ­m−2 [34], the real surface
Ag|Ag+ have the narrowest size distribution and most of the area was calculated as 0.0542 cm2 for the 2 mm silver elec-
particles have diameters lower than 75 nm. At this potential, trode, Table 2, to give a roughness factor of 1.73. Similar
there is a high density of silver particles deposited on the data were recorded with the silver nanoparticles, deposited at
surface as the potential allows nucleation to occur during − 0.50 V versus Ag|Ag+ for 50 s at the GC electrode, Fig. 6b.
the entire pulse, but the potential is not sufficiently low to Again, the silver oxide/hydroxide reduction peak is clearly
facilitate rapid growth and consequently there are few larger evident, but with the silver nanoparticles, this reduction wave
particles. Flower-like deposits were seen at − 0.25 V versus appears at a slightly lower potential of 0.28 V versus SCE.
Ag|Ag+ (data not shown), varying from 1 to 2 μm in size, As the applied potential is cycled to higher upper potential
limits, the peak current increases initially, but then begins
to decrease as the silver nanoparticles are dissolved at the
0.00 higher applied potentials and the silver ions diffuse from the
surface. Two linear regions are seen and the reduction charge
0.20 of 1.53 × 10−5 C, computed at the point of inflection (at
0.15 approximately 340 mV), gives a calculated real surface area

Current /mA

0.10 of 0.0729 cm2, Table 2. The surface area was also computed

-0.10 0.05 using the underpotential deposition of lead and Image J soft-
0.00 ware and these data are summarised in Table 2. Good agree-
-0.15 -0.05 ment is obtained between the different methods employed to
-0.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 estimate the surface area. There is a factor of approximately
1.3 between the surface area of the bulk silver and the elec-
-0.20 trodeposited silver nanoparticles at − 0.5 V versus ­Ag+|Ag
0 10 20 30 40 50
for 50 s. All currents recorded in the detection of nitrates
were normalised using a real surface area of 0.0543 cm2 for
bulk silver and 0.0729 cm2 for the silver-modified GC elec-
Fig. 4  Current–time transients and corresponding stripping vol-
trode. In this way, the increased area of the silver nanoparti-
tammograms (inset) for the formation of silver particles using
a single pulse at green line − 0.25  V, black line − 0.50  V, blue line cles can be accounted for, enabling the true catalytic activity
− 0.75 V and red line − 1.0 V versus Ag/Ag+. (Color figure online) of the nanoparticles in the detection of nitrates to be obtained.


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 131






25 50 75 100 150 200

2 µm





25 50 75 100 150 200
2 µm






25 50 75 100 150 200

2 µm

Fig. 5  SEM micrographs and size distribution histograms for silver particles deposited on GC by the single-pulse method at a − 0.50  V b
− 0.75 V and c − 1.0 V versus Ag|Ag+ for 50 s


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132 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

(a) 0.06
(a) 0.5

0.20 -0.5
0.02 -1.0

0.10 330 360 390 420 -2.0

Poten al/mV -2.5

0.00 -3.5

-0.05 -4.0
-1.5 -1.2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0
-0.10 Poten
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Poten al/V
(b) 1.0

(b) 0.10


0.04 0.0
0.10 0.00

240 300 360 420 -0.5

0.05 Poten al/mV
0.00 -1.0
-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fig. 7  Cyclic voltammograms recorded at 50  mV  s−1 a in 5  mM
Poten al/V ­KNO3 and 0.1  M L ­ iClO4 for bulk silver electrode, with
space electrodeposited silver nanoparticles at GC and with
space GC modified with PVP-protected silver particles b in 10  mM
Fig. 6  Cyclic voltammograms for a a polished silver electrode and ­K3Fe(CN)6 in 0.1 M ­Na2SO4 at platinum, platinum modified
b silver nanoparticles deposited at GC cycled in 0.1  M ­LiClO4 at with polyacrylamide and modified with polyacrylamide contain-
50 mV s−1 to different anodic inversion potentials and corresponding ing PVP-protected silver nanoparticles
reduction charge of silver oxides as a function of inversion potential

­KNO3 in 0.1 M ­LiClO4. A broad peak at approximately

Table 2  Surface area values calculated using different methods − 0.90 V versus SCE is evident for the electrodeposited
Method Surface area/cm2
silver nanoparticles and this corresponds to the irrevers-
ible reduction of the nitrate anions. The reduction of nitrate
Bulk Ag Ag nanoparticles begins at approximately − 0.60 V versus SCE and the cur-
UPD 0.0543 ± 0.005 0.0706 ± 0.007 rent continues to increase until the peak current is observed
Image J – 0.0725 ± 0.006 at − 0.90 V versus SCE. The onset of the water reduction
Ag oxides 0.0542 ± 0.005 0.0729 ± 0.008 reaction is evident at about − 1.4 V versus SCE. There is also
a visible reduction wave at about − 0.38 V versus SCE which
was evident in the background electrolyte. This was attrib-
3.3 Electrochemical detection of nitrate uted to the reduction of surface oxides at the silver-modified
electrode. There was no evidence of nitrate reduction at the
The performance of the silver particles electrodeposited GC substrate, indicating that the broad wave seen in Fig. 7a
directly at GC, the bulk silver electrode and at the GC elec- corresponds to the reduction of nitrate at the silver particles.
trode modified with the PVP-protected silver nanoparticles A similar response, but with a significantly lower peak cur-
is compared in Fig. 7a. The data were recorded in 5.0 mM rent, was observed for the bulk silver electrode, while the


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 133

PVP-protected silver particles formed at the GC electrode with the peak currents lower than that observed for the bulk
by drop-casting the nanoparticle-containing solution showed electrode. While this approach may be suitable for larger
a similar response to the bulk silver electrode. As PVP is nanostructures that provide a conducting path to the sub-
soluble in aqueous solution, the PVP will be largely removed strate, the nanoparticles are too small and well dispersed to
from the silver particles. Indeed, this was evident on cycling facilitate the reduction of nitrate.
the electrode in the nitrate solution, with the current increas- A typical calibration curve is shown in Fig. 8 for the GC
ing on cycling, enabling the adsorption of the nitrate at the electrode modified with the electrodeposited silver nanopar-
PVP-free silver deposit. However, peak currents similar to ticles. These data were recorded using rotating disc voltam-
that obtained with the electrodeposited silver nanoparticles metry at a constant rotation of 2000 rpm and at an applied
were difficult to obtain with good reproducibility, while potential of − 1.10 V versus SCE. The response time was
the GC modified with the electrodeposited silver particles within 3 s. A linear response is observed at the lower con-
showed very good reproducibility. It is clear that the direct centrations up to about 0.1 mM ­KNO3. Using the linear cali-
electrodeposition of the silver nanoparticles at the GC elec- bration curve, R2 = 0.999, the limit of detection was found
trode gives currents that are significantly higher and as these to be 4.1 μM ­NO3−. This was obtained using the expression
currents are normalised to the real surface area of silver, this in Eq. (1) where Cm is the detection limit, Sb is the standard
highlights the good catalytic activity of the electrodeposited deviation of the blank response and m is the sensitivity cor-
silver nanoparticles. responding to the slope of the linear calibration curve. The
In Fig. 7b, the influence of the polyacrylamide composite sensitivity was calculated using the linear calibration curve
is shown where the electrochemical response of the ferri- as 2.6 μA μM−1 cm−2.
cyanide redox couple is compared for platinum, platinum
modified with the polyacrylamide composite and modified Cm = (1)
with the polyacrylamide composite containing the silver m
nanoparticles. It is clear from this plot that the redox reac- The limit of detection falls well below the maximum
tions of the ferricyanide couple are inhibited due to the slow concentration levels set out by the EPA for groundwater
diffusion of the anions through the polyacrylamide. There is limits of 0.16 mM N ­ O3−. Furthermore, the linear calibra-
no increase in the peak currents on adding the silver nano- tion range, extending up to 0.1 mM nitrate, covers elevated
particles to the composite, indicating that the particles are nitrate concentrations. These data compare very well to
well separated and do not provide a conducting path to the data recently reported for copper nanowires (sensitivity
electrode. Furthermore, there is no evidence for the disso- of 1.375 μA μM−1 and LOD of 1.35 μM) [27], for silver-
lution of the silver nanoparticles which would be expected modified carbon (sensitivity of 0.07–0.12 nA μM−1 and
at potentials between 0.40 and 0.70 V versus SCE, Fig. 6b, LOD of 3.2–5.1 μM) [23] and for copper-modified graphite
again consistent with the lack of a conducting network. As (sensitivity of 0.675 μA μM−1 and LOD of 0.59 μM) [35].
expected, a poor nitrate reduction response was observed

Fig. 8  Steady-state currents
from constant potential amper- 0.6
ometry recorded at 2000 rpm
plotted as a function of ­KNO3
concentration recorded at the
Current density/ mA cm-2

silver-modified GC electrode
Fig 4



0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40


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134 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

The relatively high sensitivity observed in this study can be seen on increasing the chloride concentration. The typical
linked with the enhanced diffusion at the rotating disc elec- concentrations of chloride in water/wastewater are between
trode. It also shows that the nanoparticles are stable and not 2.0 and 7.0 mM and at these concentrations, interference is
removed during the rotation of the electrode. Lower sensi- seen. It is likely that a layer of AgCl is formed on the surface
tivities were obtained using cyclic voltammetry, with values of the particles. The influence of chloride anions on the peak
of 0.53 μA μM−1 ­cm−2 for the silver-modified GC compared potential is shown in Fig. 9b, where a near linear response
to 0.10 μA μM−1 ­cm−2 for the bulk silver electrode. Linear between the peak potential and logarithm of the chloride
plots were also obtained using the charge associated with concentration is evident. The peak potential is lowered as
the nitrate reduction wave plotted as a function of the nitrate the chloride concentration is increased indicating that the
concentration to give a high sensitivity of 4.3 μC μM−1 ­cm−2 reduction of nitrates becomes progressively more difficult.
but with a poor LOD value of 16 μM. This is consistent with the formation of AgCl that inhibits
The influence of chloride and nitrite as interfering ions is the adsorption of nitrates. Although interference is seen with
shown in Figs. 9 and 10. The data presented in Fig. 9a show the chloride anion, it is possible to estimate the chloride con-
the influence of different chloride levels on the peak cur- centration using the nitrate reduction peak potential, Fig. 9b.
rent recorded using cyclic voltammetry in a 5.0 mM nitrate Consequently, by monitoring both the peak potential and the
solution. In the absence of chloride anions, a peak current peak current, the concentration of chloride can be obtained
of 2.75 mA cm−2 is obtained. It is clear that chloride con- and the peak current adjusted to give a reasonably accurate
centrations of about 0.5 mM give rise to a reduction in the reading of the nitrate concentration in solutions with high
peak current, while further reductions in the peak current are chloride content. Similar data recorded in the presence of

(a) 3.0 (b)

Current density/mA cm-2

Peak potenal/V

2.0 -0.95

1.5 -1.00

0.0 -1.10
0 0.1 0.5 2.5 5 25 50 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
[Cl-]/mM [Cl-]/mM

Fig. 9  a Peak currents and b peak potential plotted as a function of the chloride concentration with the nitrate concentration at 5.0 mM

(a) (b)
0.4 -0.90
Current density/mA cm-2

Peak Potenal/V



0 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.005 0.5
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

Fig. 10  a Peak currents and b peak potential plotted as a function of the nitrite concentration with the nitrate concentration at 1.0 mM


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 135

nitrite are presented in Fig. 10. The concentration of nitrite shown in Fig. 11b. The pH has little influence between 4.0
was varied from 10 μM to 0.5 mM to reflect the expected and 10.0, but increases considerably in the more acidic solu-
and high concentrations of nitrite in water/wastewater and tions. This indicates that adsorbed ­H+ species facilitate the
the nitrate concentration was reduced to 1.0 mM. At low nitrate reduction but as the pH is increased, hydroxide ions
nitrite concentrations, there is relatively little interference occupy the active sites and hinder nitrate adsorption [36].
from the nitrite anion, with only small changes in the peak The influence of the supporting electrolyte is also shown in
current. On recording cyclic voltammograms in the pres- Fig. 11b, where the plotted pH values (open symbols) repre-
ence of nitrite, the reduction of nitrite was seen at around sent different solutions, including ­H2SO4 (pH 1.5), chloride
− 1.12 V versus SCE but with a considerably lower peak (pH 8.7), sulphate (pH 5.3), phosphate buffer, PBS, (pH 6.7)
current indicating that silver nanoparticles are a rather poor carbonate (pH 11.4) and NaOH (pH 12.6). It is clear from
surface for the reduction of nitrite (data not shown) and this this plot that the perchlorate anions, which adsorb less than
is consistent with the data in Fig. 10. At 0.5 mM nitrite, there the other anions, give rise to the highest peak currents. The
is evidence of interference and this may be related to com- nitrate signal in L
­ iClO4 is well defined, stable and reproduc-
petitive adsorption between the nitrate and nitrite anions, ible. It is also evident that a high phosphate concentration
giving rise to lower nitrate reduction currents. As shown in (0.1 M PBS) gives peak currents that are only slightly below
Fig. 10b, there are only small changes in the peak potentials the current obtained with the perchlorate supporting elec-
at the low concentrations of nitrite; however, the potential trolyte and this indicates that interference from phosphates
is about 50 mV lower in the presence of 0.5 mM nitrite. is minimal.
While interference is seen with the nitrite anion, it is only
evident with the higher concentrations and little interference 3.4 Kinetics of the nitrate reduction reaction
is observed at the typical nitrite concentrations expected in
water or wastewater. Details on the kinetics of the electrochemical reduction of
In Fig. 11a, the performance of the silver-modified GC nitrates at the silver nanoparticle modified GC electrode
electrode is shown under extended periods of cycling, with were obtained using scan rate studies and rotating disc vol-
the peak current plotted as a function of cycle number. Ini- tammetry. The silver-modified GC electrode was cycled in
tially, the current increases and this may be related to the 4.0 mM ­KNO3 at scan rates from 5 to 200 mV s−1. The
reduction of silver oxides enabling more efficient adsorption corresponding data, represented as a Randles–Sevcik plot,
and reduction of nitrate. As the cycles progress the peak Eq. 2, are shown in Fig. 12a. For slow scan rates below
current decreases before eventually reaching a near constant approximately 70 mV s−1, a linear trend is observed; how-
value of 2.2 mA cm−2. The peak current then remains stable ever, deviations from linearly are clearly evident at the
with only small increases after 800–1000 cycles. higher scan rates. The non-linearity coupled with a non-zero
The influence of the solution pH on the nitrate reduction intercept is consistent with a system which exhibits kinetic
peak current was evaluated in 5.0 mM ­KNO3 and 0.1 M control and this is probably connected with the adsorption
­LiClO4. A plot of the peak current as a function of pH is of nitrate, which is time dependent, prior to its reduction.


Current density /mA cm-2

Current density/mA cm-2

1.5 3.0
0.0 1.0
0 250 500 750 1000
Cycle number
0 5 10 15

Fig. 11  a Peak current as a function of the cycle number and b ­H2SO4); pH 5.3 (0.1 M ­Na2SO4); pH 6.7 (0.1 M PBS); pH 8.7 (0.1 M
peak current as a function of pH recorded in 5.0  mM ­KNO3 and KCl); pH 11.4 (0.1 M ­Na2CO3) and pH 12.6 (0.1 M NaOH)
0.1 M ­LiClO4 where the open symbols correspond to pH 1.5 (0.1 M


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136 Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138

(a) (b)
Current density/mA cm-2 -900

Peak potenal/mV

0 -1000
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1
log (scan rate/mV s-1)

(c) (d) -3

Liming current/mA cm-2

Current-1/A-1 cm2

-10 -50
-100 -9
-15 -150

-20 -250
0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30

-25 -15
-1.5 -1.2 -0.9 -0.6 -0.3 0.0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18
Potenal/V Rotaon1/2/s-1/2

Fig. 12  a Peak current as a function of the square root of scan rate at green line 400, yellow line 600, grey line 800, black line 1000, red
and b peak potential as a function of the logarithm of scan rate in line 1500 and blue line 2000  rpm, corresponding Koutecky–Levich
4.0 mM ­KNO3, c rotating disc voltammograms recorded at 10 mV s−1 plot (inset) and d Levich plot. (Color figure online)

The diffusion coefficient, D, was estimated using the linear achieved and a value for αn’ of 0.45 was computed using the
region and Eq. (2), where jp is the peak current density, n is gradient. This value is in good agreement with 0.43 which
the number of electrons, D is the diffusion coefficient, ν is was obtained using the shape factor analysis.
the scan rate, Co is the concentration, α is the charge transfer
| | RT
coefficient and n′ is the number of electrons transferred up |Ep − Ep∕2 | = 1.857 (3)
| | F𝛼n�
to and including the rate-determining step.
( ) ( )1∕2 1∕2 1∕2
jp = 2.99 × 105 n 𝛼n� D v Co (2) | dEp | 29.6
| |
| |= (4)
| dlogv |
| | 𝛼n�
The αn′ value was determined using Eq.  (3), where
|Ep − Ep1/2|, corresponding to the shape factor, was measured Using a value of 0.44 for αn′ and Eq. 2, the diffusion coef-
at different scan rates. The shape factor drifts slightly with ficient, D, was calculated as 1.41 × 10−5 ­cm2 ­s−1. This value
scan rate, varying from 107 mV at the lower scan rates to compares well with the diffusion coefficient of 1.31 × 10−5
115 mV at the higher scan rates. An average value of 111 mV ­cm2 ­s−1 obtained for nitrate reduction at a copper electrode
was used for |Ep − Ep1/2| and the value of αn′ was calculated [37], while Gartia reported a value of 8.99 × 10−6 ­cm2 ­s−1 at
as 0.43 with Eq. (3). The αn′ term was also estimated using a silver microelectrode [38], and Reyter et al. [15] obtained
Eq. (4), where Ep is the peak potential, expressed in mV, and values from 1.0 × 10−5 to 2.0 × 10−5 cm2 s−1 at copper elec-
log v is the logarithm of the scan rate. In Fig. 12b, a typical trodes in alkaline solutions.
plot illustrating the relationship between peak potential and Rotating disc voltammetry was employed to monitor
the logarithm of the scan rate is shown. Good linearity is the hydrodynamics of the nitrate reduction reaction. The


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Journal of Applied Electrochemistry (2020) 50:125–138 137

modified electrode was cycled in a potential window of a combination of recording the charge associated with sur-
− 0.05 to − 1.45 V versus SCE at different rotation speeds. face oxides and underpotential deposition of lead and by
The Levich and Koutecky–Levich relationships, Eqs. (5) estimating the size and coverage using SEM micrographs.
and (6), were applied to give insight into the diffusional A calibration curve with a sensitivity of 2.6 μA μM−1 ­cm−2
and kinetic limitations of the nitrate reduction reaction at and LOD of 4.1 μM N ­ O3− was obtained for nitrate using
the silver nanoparticles. In these equations, n is the number rotating disc voltammetry coupled with constant potential
of electrons transferred, F is the Faraday constant, A is the amperometry. The impressive sensitivity was attributed to
electrode area, v is the kinematic viscosity and C is the con- the enhanced diffusion at the rotating disc electrode.
centration of nitrate. Figure 12c shows the response of the
silver-modified GC electrode to various rotation speeds. The Acknowledgements  This research work was funded by the Irish
Research Council, Ireland.
voltammograms become more drawn out and the potential
of the limiting current shifts to lower reduction potentials,
from about − 0.91 V at no rotation to − 1.28 V versus SCE
at 2000 rpm. This is indicative of sluggish kinetics where
a larger overpotential is required to facilitate the reaction.
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