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Name i Pail Asbagkuaos atkapasad.

Roll No
Endepueneuahip ahd snal
Buginess Marogement
Q: Descube obecties o MSME.
0 Micvo enterprises aim to Create lavgescale emplayment
in the econd mysepanvate Prom the tomad Secto
Can achieve thi tavjet cuith veny inited
ond they
finances ond inestment
Another objectire is to spread industries and tade in
an ecDnomically backward Dreo Ihi helps in theis
deve lbpmeut the oveval econormy
the bockwar areas into the plan tor nattOnal
developmeut ipo they aim to promote regiona develo pmevit
6 MicYD enteypmiee, also aim to inprovethe mobilization
of the abundance ot natur esdrces in bUr
Condittong o au the citizens
6T inpove the
where they lie and work.
the County imespctineo
integrated intemati'onal platfom to
bolster sMEs

for po-SME polrcies and proqammes and

enactmets as prionty tector o the Cov
infoTmad onderrtanding about sME Sector,
forr them.

faced SMES Qnd Oppovtntes

faclitating sMÆ: to establish new and
exatingreloctionship with their
courTerparts oveeS
hey busines Opportuties
the skits the SMESport oun en/monapen
ond ther employees as wel as
capaaty develepment
o the SME SUppovt ins tito trong to Tend seryices
lpuPAGE No,
DATÉ . //

0 Facilitotih SM for adeption t modeyi and

envivonmeht friendty opportunities
ethical tnt een business
3 the înfoTmation g0p and
SME: to becore pårt d theiAlobaJ value

Ortelpi poticy
of the SME secton Q
forrmulatron by fia
well as markets
througkrereaireh istudies and suvey s:o
Encouvaging inn ovating among -SMEfor then
sostain abl development


0.2- Mentron Causes o industria sickness.

’.he ftute 8ank b Tndiar has defined a Sick Unt asone
"euhich tail to fenerate an inteal surplus
continuoU basi Ond depends for ib survial up on
Preqvet nfusin o funds.

Causes ok industrial Sicknes: msdora

A htena cavres oP industial scknesrcE

O Management Problem It ii one ohthe rearon for indus trial
sic knes hich inefHectie or bad corporate manaemenD
which inclvdes!

Lnpoper covpovate plahning

Poor Tnventomy Managem ent
(ack, of coordination andConrol

9Tmpoper cholce technalotg - Smal enterpriser connob afford

to take technica! gudonce Prom expert n choosing proper
machiheny An mproper Chatce t trchnolegg, Urnguitable prndct
COntmbute to
mix ad
single pradot technotog4
Pcustal sicknese

Chcompetent Entrpreneug- (ack oft knouledge about market

Customen corting marketing accovntrfnance ete Could
alsa lead to Tndustia! silknesr.

Lack of Finance-Tái; Poblems ae qeneelly facod

Small uut of ten the finanaatly base f the sma Unt
weak. Iheygenerally borrow from their own knoun


SOUTCes om bank rathe than approachig maret:

Generally they ome unadle to méet ther destt gbligation

M time andtheye debt acoumvlate.

Ta crease In Cort due to Tbn plementation o

delay n

praject - Mayor prject have to be Imnp lemented în trme.

Rny delay causes problem ot lost business Lt wiu be the

rearon for los Especially the project o bi size haye.

Neyand the
to be plonned properlyR upy
oisch edules of thepayme are to ber carefully dòne.(

6xtenal causes dk Tndurtria) sickness?

Recesion in the Morket Industnal:'sicknes aso
coused becoure o increareîn recesslon in Caloc!
and global market Recegsßn leadi to downteni o
to mqor tor 10ss and closure fon
cconbmy. lenin
various ndusta) Untt

(2) Decline h Narket Demandfor the productA product

maymeach a stage f dectlne Thit happen ewhen new
and better prodvct nvade the market and made
the otc product eedwe' edundant

Exce gsive Compe tition în the markat- x cesine Com PeTtion

the suriral' the fittest fim
The hiph Cost Unt orer tme will become weak
and fatl sicka


Shor tage of Power Supply- Without power supply and

fuel the comparq cañnot Ten the manv factöin
actintes Loss Vo production due to the unavailabilte
of the power reason for companies"
to go ib toss suppy becorihg
GDelay attihg inancial assistance- he ganizatin
the basis of mÙngy avalable when reguired'
Uns On

Fínancial inrtitutiorg have back fom thi? purpore. he

ete cannot
f aw matena nôn
be improyed
-oyai lability of
good man power
wfthout the aval abilitg
of finance

03. Dircus about Sabina Chopa.

Sabina Chopra s the co -founder o Yata: com and
Sered ar the
Compong' Chiel Operating okeo ok
Corp orate hotelr

She is.ra lady multiple talents and an

inspiration to
budding entreprene
Chopra eorly lite thclvded a BA eree Prom the
Delhi Universy She today boostr fean
enviable cwork expemience.

he has wmked nas ar manager in maor comporate,

sUch as Hewett Associater Japan Airlines. She went on
to head eboo kes Irdia the Ihdianacountepart of
EuTope!s target online travel plattom
she would be multítude of functrony
lhere handlting Côm mtmi cationg, ales
such a
and Customen
the tavel
ttere qreat corporcte backqoUnd. in
a' trael
indurtny prepped her up
COmpany her bwn
Tn 2006, she launchedYatra' wth the other co-founder
She semved as the Vice Prenident of. Dperettiong


The tavel agercy started ar headqvarteved out

Gunugram Hegna.
Tt wentt on to become a preferved plattonor
l Trdien tonit atike rating investment toom
ahomessUch o the Reliance Venture Web lg
and Dntel Capitalta

2011, Yatra had funded 28 mtron USD

Creative înnovatiors Rch as thet hotidlos -cum -shápping

Cav in associatrion with the State Bank of nda
Created mone press and. curtomen nterert

Chopra cwas Yecently appointed to the RT Thatite

as the directon She pribritizer RcC's
odr tyayel market bort
ChopTa heretf t extremely wett-verred with au
facetr of the Sndian trave! and the
COmmunit tereih
hen comes to buSiness she enjoq the travel seton
the most. Ihi becaubfe f the mad the


Chopro is a sucken for u

not wking she loves thing cultunech. When
to qo "for o walk and
the refreçhing Bangalore weathen she toves
to on mus)c, dance her heart out and tet
hesel o0se

She atso believes in

back to society
She does her philanthopic bit epecialy tor the
qit child' na NGOS

Chopra "I alusag believe in the 'Neer Giye p"


She coe ve calt that there uwas a time when she

had to take a break to suppot her a the
UDman ot the house

However, thé never let hemive up on her career

She retmmed to pick up Pom where she had (eft.

And how! Inventia draws ingpiratibn from ond
Saluter th wonder woman of aw tÉmes

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