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ROLL NO.- 2023BCS0153

mkdir- to make new directory ( folder)

cd- to change the working directory
Step 1:- made a directory named ITWorkshopl
Step 2:- entered the directory to make changes.
Step 3:- created a new folder named Lab1.
Step 4:- entered in the folder(Lab1).
Step 5:- created a text file, having my name and roll number.
Step 6:- verification of text file.

Step 7:-Entering of data

Step 8:- creating copy of text file

Step 9:- verification for the copy of the file.

Step 10:- Verification of data present in the copied file.

ls- used to checking list of files.

mv- used for renaming files.
Step 11:- changed the name of the file from mycopy.txt to
Step 12:- checking the list of files present in Lab1 folder.
cd .. - to get out of the directory.
cp -r - to copy the whole directory.
Step 13:- got out of the main directory.
Step 14:- created a copy of main directory (ITWorkshoplcopy).
step 15:- entering into the copied directory.
Step 16:- checking the files/ folder’s present in the copied directory.
Step 17:- entering the folder present in the main directory.
Step 18:- checking the list of items in the folder.

Step 19:- verification of new directory and copied folders.

Step 20:- Verification for the list of files in the folder directory.

rm -r - used to remove the whole directory.

Step 21:- exiting the entered directories.
Step 22:- removing the ITWorkshoplcopy directory.
Step 22:- Verification for the removal of the copied directory.

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