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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

August 20162023 First Friday FIRST FRIDAY
Year C



W e Christians are “expectant people.” We are people

who live in the expectation of something very impor-
tant: the coming of the Lord Jesus who will lead his
faithful ones to the banquet of eternal happiness. He himself,
and more than once, assured his disciples that, after his “depar-
ture” (his death and ascension), he would come again to take his
own to the abode he has prepared for them so that, where he is
they also may be. (See Jn 14:3.)
This promise gives our life a dynamic thrust which makes us
look forward to something wonderful that is reserved for us. It
also removes from death the dark cloak of total annihilation, and
portrays it as our encounter with the Divine Bridegroom who will
lead us into the “banquet hall” of eternal happiness.
But the Groom’s coming is to be awaited not in slumbering idleness, but with vigilant
expectation, rooted in faith and rich with deeds of love. Such is the message/challenge that
comes to us on this First Friday of September, the very first day of this month.

you all! P – Lord Jesus, you constant-

All – And with your spirit! ly remind us that it is not
enough to profess our faith
Penitential Act in you, but also insist that
Entrance Antiphon our faith must be accompa-
(To be recited only when no
P –My brothers and sisters, to
prepare ourselves to participate nied by appropriate behav-
Entrance Hymn is sung.) ior. Lord, have mercy!
in the Eucharistic banquet pre-
The designs of his Heart are pared for us by the Lord Jesus, All – Lord, have mercy!
from age to age, to rescue their let us call to mind our sins and P –May almighty God have
souls from death, and to keep humbly implore his forgiveness. mercy on us, forgive us our sins
them alive in famine. (Pause) and bring us to everlasting life!
P –Lord Jesus, you have opened All –Amen!
Greeting for us the gates of eternal
P – In the name of the Father, life. Lord, have mercy! Collect (Opening Prayer)
and of the Son, and of the Holy All – Lord, have mercy! P –Grant, we pray, almighty
Spirit! P – Lord Jesus, you instructed God, that we, who glory in the
All – Amen! your disciples to remain Heart of your beloved Son and
P –May the peace and joy of Je- vigilant against all the lures recall the wonders of his love
sus, the Divine Bridegroom, who of the enemy of all good. for us, may be made worthy to
comes to take us to the eternal Christ, have mercy! receive an overflowing measure
wedding feast of heaven, be with All – Christ, have mercy! of grace from that fount of heav-

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enly gifts. isles be glad. Justice and judg- the wise ones replied, ‘No, for
Through our Lord Jesus ment are the foundation of his there may not be enough for
Christ, your Son, who lives and throne. R. us and you. Go instead to the
reigns with you in the unity of * The mountains melt like merchants and buy some for
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever wax before the Lord, before yourselves.ʼ
and ever. the Lord of all the earth. The While they went off to buy
All –Amen! heavens proclaim his justice, it, the bridegroom came and
and all peoples see his glory. R. those who were ready went
into the wedding feast with
* The Lord loves those who him. Then the door was locked.
hate evil; he guards the lives Afterwards the other virgins
of his faithful ones; from the came and said, ‘Lord, Lord,
1st Reading 1 Thes 4:1-8 hand of the wicked he delivers open the door for us!ʼ But he
The apostle Paul knew that them. R. said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to
the devil is always on the attack. * Light dawns for the just; you, I do not know you.ʼ There-
Hence, in today’s short passage, and gladness, for the upright fore, stay awake, for you know
with the concern and authority of heart. Be glad in the Lord, neither the day nor the hour.”
of a loving father, he reminds the you just, and give thanks to his The Gospel of the Lord!
Thessalonians – and all of us – of holy name. R. All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
the basic truth that God wants Christ!
that we become holy, and refrain Gospel Acclamation Lk 21:36
from any form of immorality. Homily
All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
R –A proclamation from the Be vigilant at all times
First Letter of Paul to the and pray, that you may Prayer of the Faithful
Thessalonians have the strength to stand P –Exhorted by Jesus to imitate
Brothers and sisters, we before the Son of Man. the wisdom of the five virgins
earnestly ask and exhort you in Alleluia! Alleluia! who welcomed the Divine Bride-
the Lord Jesus that, as you re- groom with the lighted lamps of
ceived from us how you should Gospel Mt 25:1-13 a burning faith and the splendor
conduct yourselves to please In today’s parable Jesus ex- of virtuous deeds, let us turn to
God -- and as you are conduct- horts his audience, and us, to be him in full trust and say:
ing yourselves -- you do so even always ready to meet him with All –Lord Jesus, hear our
more. For you know what in- “burning lamps” that symbolize prayer!
structions we gave you through hearts afire with a strong faith, C –That the universal Church
the Lord Jesus. and rich with virtuous deeds. may at all times be ready to wel-
This is the will of God,
P –The Lord be with you! come the Lord with the eager-
your holiness: that you refrain
All –And with your spirit! ness and preparedness of the five
from immorality, that each of
P – A proclamation from the wise virgins of today’s parable,
you know how to acquire a wife
holy Gospel according to let us pray! R.
for himself in holiness and hon-
or, not in lustful passion as do Matthew C –That the Holy Father, our
the Gentiles who do not know All –Glory to you, O Lord! bishops, and other religious lead-
God; not to take advantage of Jesus told his disciples this ers may never tire of remind-
or exploit a brother or sister parable: “The Kingdom of ing their flocks of the duty to be
in this matter, for the Lord is heaven will be like ten virgins vigilant in the faith and eager to
an avenger in all these things, who took their lamps and went witness to it through a life im-
as we told you before and sol- out to meet the bridegroom. bued with Gospel values, let us
emnly affirmed. For God did Five of them were foolish and pray! R.
not call us to impurity but to five were wise. The foolish C –That all parents, teachers,
holiness. Therefore, whoever ones, when taking their lamps, and civil leaders may inspire us
disregards this, disregards not brought no oil with them, but with their constant examples of
a human being but God, who the wise brought flasks of oil a strong faith and a behavior that
also gives his Holy Spirit to with their lamps. Since the gives glory to God, let us pray!R.
you. bridegroom was long delayed,
they all became drowsy and C –That our children and young
The Word of the Lord! people may be ever more con-
All – Thanks be to God! fell asleep. At midnight, there
was a cry, ‘Behold, the bride- vinced that faith must always
groom! Come out to meet him!ʼ be accompanied by appropriate
Responsorial Psalm Ps 97 good deeds, let us pray! R.
Then all those virgins got up
R –Rejoice in the Lord, you C –That all the devotees of
and trimmed their lamps. The
just! the Sacred Heart may prove the
foolish ones said to the wise,
* The Lord is king; let the ‘Give us some of your oil, for sincerity of their devotion by
earth rejoice; let the many our lamps are going out.ʼ But upholding and practising the val-
1 September 2023
ues taught by Jesus through his poured out blood and water from P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
preaching and his behavior, let his pierced side, the wellspring All –For the kingdom, the
us pray! R. of the Church’s Sacraments, so power, and the glory are
that, won over to the open heart yours, now and for ever.
C That all the members of our of the Savior, all might draw wa-
community may be like the wise ter joyfully from the springs of Sign of Peace
virgins of today’s parable, rich salvation.
in faith, hope, and an exemplary And so, with all the Angels Breaking of the Bread
Christian life, let us pray! R. and Saints, we praise you, as
without end we acclaim: All – Lamb of God, you take
C –Let us pray in silence for All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God away the sins of the world: have
our personal intentions. (Pause) of hosts. Heaven and earth are mercy on us. (2x)
Let us pray! R. Lamb of God, you take
full of your glory. Hosanna in
away the sins of the world:
P –Lord Jesus, our Eternal the highest!
grant us peace.
Bridegroom and source of our Blessed is he who comes in
hope, give us the grace that we the name of the Lord. Hosanna
need to imitate the wise virgins in the highest!
in today’s Gospel parable. May P –Behold the Lamb of God,
we, like them, have the privilege Memorial Acclamation behold him who takes away the
to welcome you with joy and ac- P –The mystery of faith! sins of the world. Blessed are
company you into the Wedding All –We proclaim your Death, those called to the Supper of the
Hall of heaven where you live O Lord, and profess your Lamb.
and reign for ever and ever. Resurrection until you come All –Lord, I am not worthy
All –Amen! that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.

Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no
Preparation of the Gifts All – Our Father . . . Communion Hymn is sung.)
P –Pray, brethren . . .
All – May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands, for the NOVENA PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS
praise and glory of his name,
Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
for our good and the good of all Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
his holy Church. you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively faith
and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart Ć
Prayer over the Offerings and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask this favor:
(Silently mention your petitions.)
P –Look, O Lord, we pray, on To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source
the surpassing charity in the of all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the trea-
Heart of your beloved Son, that sure Ć which contains all the riches of your kindness and mercy?
what we offer may be a gift ac- Ć Where should I knock Ć if not at the door through which God
ceptable to you and an expiation gives himself to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I have
of our offenses. recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation when
Through Christ our Lord. afflicted, Ć protection when persecuted, Ć strength when burdened
All – Amen! with trials, Ć and light in doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace I
implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have only
Preface of the Sacred Heart to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I am most
P –The Lord be with you! unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for me to be
All –And with your spirit! discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you will not refuse
P –Lift up your hearts! a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of you, Ć
All –We lift them up to the Lord! and your kind heart will find in my miseries and weaknesses Ć a
P –Let us give thanks to the reason for granting my prayer.
Lord our God! O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard
to my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and
All –It is right and just! serving you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of
P – It is truly right and just, perfect resignation Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć which
our duty and our salvation, al- I sincerely desire may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by all your
ways and everywhere to give creatures for ever.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing im-
mighty and eternal God, through possible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suffering or
Christ our Lord. in distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus, Ć and grant me
For raised up high on the the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć through the Immaculate
Cross, he gave himself up for Heart of your most sorrowful Mother. Ć You have entrusted me to her
us with a wonderful love and as her child, Ć and her prayers are all-powerful with you. Ć Amen!

First Friday
Thus says the Lord: Let P –The Lord be with you. your dear ones ever closer
whoever is thirsty come to me All – And with your spirit! to Him in a communion of
and drink. Streams of living P –Bow your heads and pray love and peace.
water will flow from within the for God’s blessing. (Pause) All – Amen!
one who believes in me. – May the Sacred Heart of P –May almighty God bless
Jesus mold your hearts in you: the Father, and the
Prayer after Communion imitation of the Immacu- Son, and the Holy Spirit.
P –May this sacrament of late Heart of Mary, the most All – Amen!
charity, O Lord, make us fer- faithful and generous of his
partners in the fulfillment P –Go in peace, glorifying the
vent with the fire of holy love, so Lord by your life!
that, drawn always to your Son, of God’s plan of salvation.
All – Amen! All – Thanks be to God!
we may learn to see him in our
neighbor. P –May the Lord console you
Through Christ our Lord. in your afflictions and
All –Amen! strengthen you in your
struggles against all forms
of evil.
All – Amen!
P –May He draw you and all


by Jess P. Balon

A ll too often we hear members of other Chris-

tian denominations claim that we are saved
by faith alone, and not by our good deeds. The
only about their lamps (which symbolize their
faith or their devotion) but did not bother to
bring along also enough oil (which symbolizes
truth is that, as responsible adults, we can attain their good works). The other five were, instead,
salvation only if we believe in Jesus and put his considered “wise” by Jesus and were admitted
teaching into practice. He himself stated, “Not to the banquet of heaven because they provided
everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter themselves with both lamps and sufficient oil –
the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who i.e., faith/devotional practices and good deeds.
DOES the will of my Father in heaven” (Mt 7:21). Today’s parable contains also the warning to
Faith and “good works” (i.e., actions performed not postpone doing the good that we should do.
according to God’s will/commandments), then, The unwise virgins could have bought the oil that
are complementary. They are both necessary to they needed long before the arrival of the Bride-
enjoy the eternal life offered by the Lord Jesus. groom. They did so only when it was too late.
This important teaching can be applied also That delay caused them the exclusion from the
to our devotion to the Sacred Heart. It is not feast of heaven. (See vv. 11-12 in today’s Gospel
enough to perform all the acts of piety that are text.)
part of this devotion, such as having a beauti- There is a lesson for all of us in this. Someone
ful picture or statue of the Sacred Heart in our has expressed the same truth through the saying,
home or office, putting flowers or lighting lamps “Don’t put off till tomorrow the good you can do
in front of them. Our daily life, i.e., the moral today.” “Tomorrow” (= the future) is not in our
choices we make, must be in accordance with hands. The “cut-off” time of our life is in God’s
the demands of our devotion. hands, and it is not for us to know the precise day
This is also the message of today’s parable of and hour. Hence, Jesus’ warning, “Be always
the ten virgins, five of whom were foolish, while prepared, for the Son of Man will come at an
the other five were wise. The first five are called hour you do not expect” (Lk 24:34). (See also the
“foolish” by Jesus because they were concerned conclusion of today’s Gospel passage.)

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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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