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Multiple Choice Questions in Basic Science:

In every question there are 4 options. You have to tell which one is correct. Some
questions are set in such a way that they may have more than one correct option.

1. Compared with plasma, aqueous humor has an increased concentration of which one of
these components?

A) Protein

B) Ascorbate

C) Glucose

D) Carbon dioxide

2. Which vessel(s) provides the predominant blood supply to the surface nerve fiber layer of
the optic nerve head?

A) Short posterior ciliary artery

B) Peripapillary choroidal vessels

C) Pial vessels

D) Central retinal artery

3. Indentation tonometry gives falsely low readings under all of the following conditions

A) High myopia

B) Decreased central corneal thickness

C) Excessive fluorescein

D) Greater than 3 D of with-the-rule astigmatism

4. Which one of the following chemical burns is MOST likely to be associated with an
acute elevation of IOP?

A) Chlorine bleach

B) Sulphuric acid

C) Hydrogen peroxide

D) Sodium hydroxide

5. Which one of the following does NOT result from a failure of the optic fissure to close?

A) Optic nerve coloboma

B) Lid coloboma

C) Iris coloboma

D) Choroidal coloboma

6. The following are all remnants of the hyaloidal vascular system EXCEPT:

A) Mittendorf dot

B) Corneal leukoma

C) Persistent pupillary membrane

D) Bergmeister's papilla

7. Which is true about the vitreous?

A) Collagen is the major structural component.

B) Its strongest attachments are at the vitreous base, optic nerve, and retinal vessels.

C) Posterior vitreous detachment results from the collapse and contraction of

collagen fibers, which occurs with age.

D) All of the above

8. Which one of the following statements about the myelination of the optic nerve is

A) Myelination begins during the seventh month of gestation.

B) Myelination is completed after birth.

C) Myelination progresses posteriorly from the lamina cribrosa.

D) Myelination allows more rapid transmission of nerve impulses.

9. Which bone does NOT form part of the orbital floor?

A) Maxillary

B) Lacrimal

C) Zygomatic

D) Palatine

10. All are true of the lacrimal pump and mechanism of lacrimal drainage EXCEPT:

A) Evaporation accounts for approximately 10% of tear elimination in the young

B) The contraction of the orbicularis muscle provides positive pressure in the tear
sac, pulling tears in the nose

C) When the eyelids open, negative pressure is produced in the sac and maintained
by the valve of Rosenmüller

D) The majority of tears drain through the lower lid punctum rather than the upper lid

11. All of the extraocular muscles receive blood supply from the ophthalmic artery EXCEPT:

A) Lateral rectus

B) Superior oblique
C) Inferior oblique

D) Medial rectus

12. Within which bony structures is the nasolacrimal sac located?

A) Lacrimal, ethmoid

B) Maxillary, ethmoid

C) Nasal, lacrimal

D) Lacrimal, maxillary

13. Which type of epithelium lines the nasolacrimal sac, duct, and canaliculi?

A) Stratified squamous epithelium

B) Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

C) Cuboidal epithelium

D) Stratified columnar epithelium with goblet cell overlay

14. Where in the nose does the nasolacrimal duct open?

A) Above the inferior turbinate

B) Through the valve of Rosenmüller

C) Through an ostium partially covered by a mucosal fold (valve of Hasner)

D) Into the superior meatus

15. Which one of the following is NOT a true basement membrane?

A) Descemet's membrane

B) Bruch's membrane

C) Lens capsule
D) Bowman's membrane

16. Which muscle originates from the annulus of Zinn?

A) Superior oblique

B) Levator palpebrae

C) Lateral rectus

D) Inferior oblique

17. Which statement regarding lens structure is FALSE?

A) The Y suture represents the ends of the lens fibers.

B) The lens nuclei are concentrated near the equator.

C) The lens fibers in the nucleus continue to divide throughout life.

D) The anterior Y suture is oriented upright.

18. Which statement regarding Müller cells is FALSE?

A) They are modified glial cells that provide structural framework supporting neural
elements in the retina.

B) Their nuclei lie in the outer nuclear layer.

C) Their basal processes extend out to form the inner surface of the retina (inner
limiting membrane).

D) The apical or outer cell processes extend beyond the outer nuclear layer, where
they are connected to the photoreceptors by a system of terminal bars that
comprise the external limiting membrane.

19. Which statement about the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is FALSE?
A) The RPE interdigitates with the apical processes of the rod and cone segments.

B) RPEs are densely adherent to Bruch's membrane.

C) RPEs comprise the inner blood-retinal barrier.

D) RPE cells are taller and contain a greater concentration of pigment in the macula.

20. All of the following statements about the choriocapillaris are correct EXCEPT:

A) It communicates freely with the optic disc capillaries

B) It is arranged in a segmental pattern that varies with location

C) The endothelium has a pore size sufficient to allow larger molecules, including
proteins, to escape into the extravascular space

D) It is a major source of nutrition for RPE and outer retinal segments

21. Which one of the following is found in the inner plexiform layer?

A) Axons of the ganglion cells

B) Axons of the amacrine cells

C) Synapses of the photoreceptors

D) Footplates of the Müller cells

22. How many a degree is the fovea displaced from the optic nerve?

A) 15°

B) 23°

C) 10°

D) 6°

23. The uvea is attached at all of the following sites EXCEPT:

A) Ora serrata

B) Vortex veins

C) Scleral spur

D) Long posterior ciliary vessels

24. Which statement regarding the innervation of the extraocular muscles is FALSE?

A) The levator palpebrae is innervated by a fused central nucleus.

B) The superior oblique is innervated by the ipsilateral IV nucleus.

C) The inferior oblique is innervated by the ipsilateral III nucleus.

D) The superior rectus is innervated by the contralateral III nucleus.

25. Which of the following is true of the optic canal?

A) It is between 8 and 10 mm in length.

B) It is located within the lesser wing of the sphenoid.

C) Sympathetic nerves pass through this canal.

D) All of the above

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