Magho, o Feiticeiro - Bruno Henrique

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Magho, o feiticeiro

Dragonborn Lesser Aasimar

Planar Sorcerer 6 / Incantatrix 10 / Argent Savant 4

FOR 08 + 16(BITE)
DES 16 - 02(RACIAL) + 06(GLOVES) + 04(TOMO)
CON 14 + 02(RACIAL) + 08(BITE)
INT 14 + 06(CIRCLET)
SAB 08 + 02(RACIAL)
CAR 16 + 02(RACIAL) + 05(N�VEL) + 05(TOMO) + 06(CLOAK)

FORT 06 + 06(CON) + 12(CAR) + 05(VEST)

REFL 06 + 07(DES) + 12(CAR) + 05(VEST)
VONT 16 + 00(SAB) + 12(CAR) + 05(VEST) + 02(IRON WILL)

HP 6d4 + 10d4 + 4d4 + 120

BBA 10 + 07(DES)
INIC 05(DES) + 02(BELT) + 05(WEAPON) + 02(SANDALS)

CAST CD 10 + Spell Level + 12(CAR) + 04(AURA) + 01(FOCUS) + 01 CUMULATIVE(SPELL


Aspect: Wings

----------------------------------------------- Evolu��o do Personagem


LVL 01: Metamagic Specialist, Spell Focus (Evocation) (TALENTO), Draconic Aura
(FLAW), Spell Rehearsal (FLAW)
LVL 02: -
LVL 03: -, Energy Substitution (TALENTO)
LVL 04: -
LVL 05: Domain Acess: Mysticism, Force-Charged Energy
LVL 06: -, Arcane Thesis (Wings of Flurry) (TALENTO)
LVL 07: Energy Admixture (TALENTO EXTRA), Focused Study (Enchantment)
LVL 08: Cooperative Metamagic
LVL 09: Metamagic Effect, Practical Metamagic (Energy Admixture) (TALENTO)
LVL 10: Maximize Spell (TALENTO EXTRA)
LVL 11: Metamagic Spell Trigger
LVL 12: Seize Concentration, Extend Spell (TALENTO)
LVL 13: Empower Spell (TALENTO EXTRA), Instant Metamagic 1/day
LVL 14: Snatch Spell
LVL 15: Instant Metamagic 2/day,Practical Metamagic (Widen Spell) (TALENTO)
LVL 16: Twin Spell (TALENTO EXTRA), Improved Metamagic
LVL 17: Force Specialization
LVL 18: Force Armor, Practical Metamagic (Twin Spell) (TALENTO)
LVL 19: Extended Force
LVL 20: Ablate Force

------------------------------------------------------- Itens

Weapon: Warning Dagger +1 (8.300 PO)

Body: Robe of Arcane Might (21.000 PO)

Torso: Vest of Free Movement Resistance +5 (37.000 PO)

Head: Headband of Intelect +6 (36.000 PO)

Face: Raptor's Mask (3.500 PO)

Throat: Amulet of Umbral Metamorphosis (22.000 PO)

Shoulders: Cloak of Major Displacement Charisma +6 (86.000 PO)

Arms: Bracers of Arcane Freedom (2.300 PO)

Hands: Gloves of Retribution Dexterity +6 (40.500 PO)

Waist: Belt of Battle (12.000 PO)

Feet: Sandals of the Swift Passage Vagabond (11.500 PO)

Rings: of Arcane Might (20.000 PO), of Sustenance (2.500 PO)

Tomes: of CAR +5 (137.500 PO) , of DES +4 (110.000 PO)

Tools: Ioun Stone Orange Prism (30.000 PO), Metamagic Rod of Quicken
(75.500 PO), Wand of Sirine's
Grace (30.000 PO), Wand of Ruin Delver's Fortune (30.000 PO), Ioun
Stone Dust Rose Prism (5.000 PO)

Places: Otyugh Hole (Iron Will) (3.000 PO), Metamagic Storm (Widen Spell)
(5.000 PO)

POs Gastos: 728.600 PO

------------------------------------------------ Spells Relevantes


Arcane Spellsurge(7)
Assay Spell Resistance(4)
Bite of Werebear(7)
Blast of Force(2)
Bulwark of Reality(1)
Magic Missile(1)
True Casting(1)
Orb of Force(4)
Wings of Flurry(4)

----------------------------------------------------- Op��es

1� rodada:

Magho voa, gra�as ao Aspecto Winged;

Gra�as ao Mysticism Domain, por 6 rodadas, mod. de CAR nas Resist�ncias;
Arcane Spellsurge Extended (1 de aumento de n�vel da magia);
Bite of Werebear Extended (1 de aumento de n�vel da magia);
Sirine's Grace Extended (1 de aumento de n�vel de magia);
Ruin Delver's Fortune Extended (1 de aumento de n�vel da magia)
Bulwark of Reality;
Wings of Flurry Maximize Empower Twin Energy Admixture 3x (Swift, Free e Standard
Action, usando o poder de Arcane
Spellsurge, Metamagic Specialist, Quicken Metamagic Rod), como uma magia de 8�

396d6 + 396, sendo 264d6 maximizados, 75% disso tudo dano por Force, em 289
quadrados (18m de raio). CD 31, 32 e 33
de Reflexos para metade. Sem Assay Spell Resistance, +23, +25 e +27 pra passar de
RM. Dano m�dio: 2442, 1221 num
teste de reflexos bem sucedido.

2� rodada:

O dano � o mesmo, mas a CD de Reflexos agora ser� 34, 35 e 36, e +29, +31 e +33 pra
passar de RM, sem Assay Spell

3� rodada:

A CD de Reflexos agora ser� de 37, 38 e 39, e +35, +37 e +39 pra passar de RM, sem
Assay Spell Resistance. S� d� pra
se repetir isso 3/dia, a partir da 4� rodada, ser�o apenas 264d6 + 264, sendo 176d6
maximizados, 75% disso tudo ser�
por Force, em 289 quadrados (18m de raio). A CD e o bonus pra passar RM continuam
aumentando, at� Magho conjurar algo
diferente de Wings of Flurry nessa sequ�ncia.

Vers�o do Ruin Delver's Fortune:

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