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Management and Production Engineering Review

Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021 • pp. 40–50

DOI: 10.24425/mper.2021.138529

Application of the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Method

to Assessment Occupational Risk at the Workplace
of the Laser Cutter Operator
Michal Palega
Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland

Received: 20 February 2020 Abstract

Accepted: 21 January 2021 Occupational risk is closely related to work environment. For the same positions, but in
different working conditions threats and level of risk can be different. For this also estimating
the degree of damage hazard the largest possible should be adopted effects. However, when
estimating probability occurrence of threats should include, among others: working conditions,
events from the past, or possible employee behavior (in particular those that may be the cause
of an accident at work). The source of the above information may be data from statistics or
observations of work stations.
The article presents the assessment of occupational risk at the position of the laser cutter
operator, which was carried out using the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) method. According to
this method, occupational risk is determined on the basis of two parameters, i.e.: consequences
of C and probability of consequences P . In turn, the probability of consequences is the sum
of three factors: frequency of hazard F , probability of event O and avoidability or damage
limitation A.

work environment, threats, occupational risk, occupational health and safety, laser cutout
operator, JSA method, matrix methods for occupational risk assessment.

Introduction. The essence of occupational risk, one should also pay attention
of occupational risk assessment not only to the possibility of damage, but also to its
consequences (Glendon and Stanton, 2000; Fuller and
Vassie 2004; Mol, 2003; Lingard and Rowlinson, 2005;
According to the definition contained in the Regula- Lingard, 2013; Gallagher et al., 2001; Hopkins, 2011;
tion (Regulation of the Minister of Labor and Social Montero et al., 2009). Because this risk will always be
Policy of 26 September 1997 on general health and borne by the employee in connection with his profes-
safety regulations), occupational risk is the probabil- sional activity (Pinto et al., 2011; Glendon et al., 2006;
ity of occurrence of adverse events related to the work Reese, 2008; Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018).
performed, and in particular the occurrence of adverse Occupational risk assessment is a process that fo-
health effects of the employee as a result of exposure cuses on analyzing this risk as well as determining its
to occupational hazards occurring in the work envi- acceptable level. Based on the occupational risk as-
ronment or due to the way work is performed. sessment, the employer is able to verify whether suf-
Occupational risk means the occurrence of threats ficient measures have been implemented in the work-
in the work environment that are mainly associated place to reduce or eliminate the negative impact of
with the work performed in a given workplace, un- work environment factors on humans (Aven, 2016;
der certain conditions. When considering the essence Oliver et al., 2002; Azadeh-Fard et al., 2015; Zanko
and Dawson, 2012). The results of the risk assess-
ment carried out also indicate which actions should be
Corresponding author: Michal Palega – Faculty of Produc- taken to reduce the possibility of accident and disease
tion Engineering and Materials Technology, Częstochowa Uni-
versity of Technology, Poland, phone: +343 250 782, e-mail: hazards (Marhavilas et al., 2011; Vogt et al., 2010; Krause, 2017; Hayes et al., 1998).

c 2021 The Author(s). This is an open access article under the Occupational risk assessment should always be car-
CC BY license ( ried out when in the workplace (Zanko and Dawson,

Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021 40

Management and Production Engineering Review

2012; Krause, 2017; Quinlan et al., 2010; Uzarczyk, Materials and methods. Occupational
2006; Leso et al., 2018): risk assessment using the JSA method
• new jobs are created;
• changes are implemented at existing work stations;
• changes were introduced in terms of the acceptable According to the Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
level of factors of the working environment, risk method, the risk level is estimated on the basis of
assessment, etc.; two parameters: the consequences (consequences) of
• new protection measures have been applied; the event and the probability of the consequences of
• works are performed by employees of other compa- the event (P ), which is expressed by the following
nies, and this work affects the threat to employees function: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)
of the organization.
The JSA (Occupational Safety Analysis) method P = F + O + A, (1)
used in this article to assess occupational risk in the
position of a laser cutter operator belongs to the group where:
of induction methods. In this case, the occupational F – frequency of threat occurrence;
risk is a function of the consequences of the event and O – probability of occurrence;
the probability of the event. In the JSA method, the A – the ability to avoid or limit damage.
probability of the consequences (effects) of an event The criteria related to the estimation of individual
defined in the risk definition is detailed and presented parameters are summarized in the Tables 1–3.
by three risk parameters, ie the frequency of occur-
rence of threats, the possibility of avoiding or limiting Table 1
the damage and the probability of the occurrence of Assessment of hazard frequency – F (JSA)
the event. These parameters are described later in the Value F Characteristic
1 < Once a year
At this point, the author of the article would like to
draw attention to the review of studies that indicate 2 Once a year
the practical application of the JSA method in the 3 Once a month
identification of hazards and occupational risk assess- 4 Once a week
ment at workplaces. 5 Daily
The literature on the subject presents the use of the
JSA method to assess occupational risk in many dif- Source: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)
ferent workplaces. Examples include: works and con-
Table 2
struction projects (Rozenfelda et al., 2010; Albrecht- Assessment of event probability – O (JSA)
sen et al., 2019), the implementation of assembly tasks
(Gopinath and Johansen, 2016), woodworking (work- Value O Characteristic
ing in a sawmill) (Thepaksorn et al., 2017), and even 1 Irrelevant
uranium mining (Ebrahimzadih et al., 2015). 2 Unlikely
The issues discussed in this article fill the research
3 Imaginable
and literature gap in the field of occupational risk
assessment in the position of a laser cutter operator, 4 Likely
taking into account the use of the Job Safety Analysis 5 Usually
(JSA) method. Source: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)
The article presents synthetically the risk assess-
ment methodology using the JSA method and the Table 3
results of own research. The necessary research ma- Assessment of the possibility of avoiding or reducing dam-
terial was obtained by the author of the work as a age – A (JSA)
result of observing the workplace, interviewing em-
Value A Characteristic
ployees and analyzing the internal documentation of
the company. It should also be noted that the impact 1 Obvious
on the final result of the occupational risk assessment 2 Likely
will depend not only on organizational factors, but 3 Possible
also on the technological advancement of the device
4 Not possible
and the safety measures applied. In the analyzed case,
the laser cutter is equipped with a number of protec- 5 Impossible
tive mechanisms. Source: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)

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M. Palega: Application of the JSA Method to Assessment Occupational Risk at the Workplace . . .

According to the presented method, the conse- and technology for military or police purposes, based
quences of the event (C) are determined in four on the Ministry of the Interior and Administration Li-
classes, which are presented in Table 4. cense granted to it in this respect (Internal materials
of the examined enterprise).
Table 4 The indicated cutting methods (i.e. with a water
Event consequence classes – C jet, laser) are intended for unit, short series produc-
tion and for machining difficult-to-cut materials with
Class Description Characteristic
other technologies. The service is dedicated to a wide
C1 Slight Non-incapable of work audience, including manufacturers of machinery and
C2 Marginal Short inability to work technological lines in the food industry, producers of
machinery and equipment for mining and energy, fit-
C3 Serious Prolonged inability to work
tings manufacturers, manufacturers of laboratories, as
C4 Very serious Death well as in the advertising industry, defense, construc-
Source: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)
tion, etc.
The priority of the surveyed enterprise is to pro-
Then, after estimating all risk parameters, the risk vide its potential and current clients with the high-
level should be read from the matrix (Table 5) and est quality of services provided. Therefore, since July
its category should be determined from three possible 2007, the Company has a certified quality system ac-
variants: negligible, acceptable and unacceptable risk cording to EN-ISO 9001: 2009 (nowadays PN-EN ISO
(Reese, 2008). 9001:2015) standards and successfully passes audits
performed by TÜV Nord Cert GmbH every year. The
Table 5 analyzed company performs orders for both small and
Risk Valuation (JSA) large business entities, as well as individual (retail)
customers (Internal materials of the examined enter-
P – probability of consequences prise).
Class C
3–4 5–7 8–10 11–13 14–15
C1 1 2 3 4 5 Laser cutter operator – scope of
C2 2 3 4 5 6 duties. Threats at the workplace
C3 3 4 5 6 7
C4 4 5 6 7 8 The work of the laser cutter operator consists in
performing activities related to cutting a wide range of
1–2 negligible risk materials, such as (Internal materials of the examined
3–5 risk acceptable
• steel (e.g. carbon, alloy, construction, quality,
6–8 risk not acceptable quality, tool, wear-resistant, galvanized);
• stainless steel (e.g. stainless, heat-resistant, acid-
Source: (Romanowska-Slomka and Slomka, 2018)
• non-ferrous metals and their alloys (e.g. alu-
minum, copper, titanium, brass);
Characteristics of the selected
• stone (granite, marble, conglomerate, sandstone);
enterprise • ceramics (ceramic and porcelain tiles, conglomer-
For the purposes of this work, a company operating • gum;
since 2003 and providing water jet and laser cutting • plastics;
services was selected for the author’s own research. • glass;
Its offer also includes a bending service performed on • wood-based panels, wood-like panels;
a press brake as well as a service of cutting, cutting • special materials, thermal insulation, electrical in-
rollers and profiles on a band saw. Since 2016, the sulation, glass epoxy, delmat, vetrotherm, vetron-
Company has also been involved in business activities ite, textolite, canavasit, micanite, lightherm,
in the field of production and marketing of products deltherm, aramid and others.

42 Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021

Management and Production Engineering Review

In the studied enterprise, the laser cutting machine • operating measuring instruments and apparatus
operator programs, operates and maintains the ma- to check the quality of the machining performed
chine in good condition. The basic tasks of the laser (accuracy of shapes, dimensions, etc.);
cutout operator include: (Internal materials of the ex- • cleaning and maintenance of supported machines,
amined enterprise). devices and instruments;
• preparing the workplace (familiarizing with the • compliance with health and safety regulations
technical drawing or template, preparing tools for when operating machinery and equipment;
work); • conducting inter-operational control of the ma-
• setting parameters and supervising the work of the chining process.
machine tool; Work on the position takes place in a shift cycle, 8
• transport to the workplace of the processed ele- hours per work shift. The employee performs activities
ments / objects and their mounting on the ma- in accordance with the established process, usually in
chine table; a standing or walking position.
• starting and stopping the machine; There are a number of occupational threats at the
• detection of machine work irregularities and re- position of the laser cutter operator, which are de-
moval of minor defects; tailed and described in the Table 6.

Table 6
Hazards identification at the workplace of the laser cutter operator

Hazard Source of danger Effects
Capture by moving machine Moving machine parts and equip- Injuries, injuries, limb amputations,
parts ment (cutting plotter work tables) death
Injury from sharp or rough Workpiece, waste mesh, machine ta- Bruises, bumps, skin abrasions, cuts,
edges and surfaces ble cut limb wounds and heads
Severe injuries, sprains and fractures of
Other machines moving around the limbs, crushing, head and spine injuries,
TH-3 Dump by the machine
production hall concussion, internal organ injuries, dis-
ability, death
Severe injuries, sprains and limb frac-
Machine transport, tilting the outer
Crushing, by machine (crush- tures, crushing head and spine injuries,
TH-4 support casing, closing clamping
ing) concussion, internal organ injuries, dis-
ability, death
Objects stored on racks, fall of Bruises, bumps, bruises, head injuries,
TH-5 Hit by falling objects
moved material concussion,
Spilled fluids (water, oils, greases),
cables, left behind tools and ma-
Bruises, bumps, skin abrasions, bruises,
terials in the wrong place, general
TH-6 Fall at the same level sprains and fractures of the limbs, head
disorder, obstructed communication
injury and spine
routes, improper footwear worn by
the employee
Bruises, bumps, skin abrasions, bruises,
Climbing the roof (e.g. to open),
sprains and fractures of the limbs, head
TH-7 Fall to a lower level climbing machine pallets, using
injuries and spine, internal organ in-
stairs, using ladders and landings
juries, disability, death
Noise generated by laser cutting
Fatigue, headache, trouble concentrat-
TH-8 Noise plotter or other machines and de-
ing, feeling unwell, hearing damage
vices located in the production hall
TH-9 High pressure spray Cutting gas, hydraulic oil Bruises, abrasions, cuts, wounds

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M. Palega: Application of the JSA Method to Assessment Occupational Risk at the Workplace . . .

Table 6 [cont.]

Hazard Source of danger Effects
Electromagnetic field caused by
Danger to life for people with a pace-
TH-10 Electromagnetic radiation permanent magnets (linear drives,
magnetic sheet metal splitters)
Linear drives, magnetic plate dis-
TH-11 High magnetic attraction Injuries, cuts
Class 4 laser radiation during ser-
Permanent damage to the retina, ther-
TH-12 Laser radiation vice, calibration or improper use of
mal damage to the skin, erythema
Intense, visible radiation at the Permanent damage to the retina, ther-
TH-13 Laser radiation (secondary)
treatment site by plasma formation mal damage to the skin, erythema
Main axis servo converter (control
Burns, paralysis, disorders of the organs
cabinet), faulty electrical installa-
TH-14 Electric shock of the nervous, respiratory, circulatory
tion, use of faulty devices and power
systems, unconsciousness, death
Thermal radiation or splash-
TH-15 Splashing slag pieces Irritation and skin burns, eye damage
ing molten substances
TH-16 Thermal burns Hot workpiece parts Skin irritation and burns
Dust and dust escaping during the
TH-17 Pollination work process by transporting and / Respiratory diseases, pollinosis
or processing materials
Influenza of various types, complica-
TH-18 Influenza virus (type A, B, C) Direct contact with flu patients
tions e.g. pneumonia
Changing atmospheric condi- Unloading or loading of materials,
TH-19 Colds, flu, pneumonia
tions objects outside the production hall
Fire, arson, short circuit, improper
Body burns, soaking, disability, death,
TH-20 Fire storage of flammable materials,
non-compliance with smoking bans
Contact or inhalation of toxic Poisoning, loss of health, damage to the
Cutting gas, dust, aerosols, cutting
TH-21 liquids, gases, mists, vapors respiratory tract, damage to internal
oils, polyethylene coated profiles
and dusts organs
Means used to maintain laser ma- Allergies, irritation of the mucous mem-
TH-22 Allergies chine tools (e.g. oil, grease, liquids branes of the eyes, throat, larynx,
for cooling workpieces) headache, malaise, intoxication
Manual transport of materials,
Dynamic load on muscu- Muscle and joint pain, tendinitis, spinal
TH-23 workpieces and waste, performing
loskeletal system organs degeneration, limb cramps
cleaning works
Embedding materials on the tem-
Pain, musculoskeletal system diseases,
Static load on musculoskeletal plate, entering data into the control
TH-24 flat feet, varicose veins, spinal curva-
system organs computer, supervision over the cut-
ting process
Work that requires accuracy, poor Visual impairment, pain, burning, tear-
TH-25 Eye load
lighting ing, conjunctivitis
Somatic symptoms (e.g. headache, in-
Employee interpersonal relations
ternal organs), depression, problems
TH-26 Load on the nervous system with superiors
with concentration, dizziness, stomach
and other colleagues
upset, coronary artery disease
Source: own study

44 Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021

Management and Production Engineering Review

Analysis of results – occupational risk ployees confirmed that so far none of the employees
assessment as a laser cutter operator had an accident at work or work-related illness.
As part of the occupational risk assessment, the op-
portunity to avoid or reduce damage was also identi-
Occupational risk assessment for the laser cutter fied (A). Also in this case, individual threats are as-
operator was carried out using the matrix JSA (Job signed the lowest values, i.e. 1 – obvious or 2 – likely.
Safety Analysis) method. Based on the observation of Based on the sum of these three parameters, the prob-
the workplace, interview with employees and analysis ability of consequences (P ) was estimated. Given the
of internal documents of the company, hazards were consequence classes C (expressed in terms of severity
identified. Then, for each identified threat, the indi- of employee injuries), the risk value and its category
vidual risk parameters were evaluated and the risk were read from the matrix. The results of the risk
category was determined. assessment are presented in Table 7.
The basis for adopting specific values of individual An important issue in the field of occupational risk
risk parameters were the technical and organizational assessment is the correctness and adequacy of the re-
safeguards already implemented in the enterprise. sults. Therefore, attention should be paid to the re-
The analysis carried out in this respect showed that quirements that guarantee the correct assessment of
the machine tool thanks to the technical solutions occupational risk.
used meets the highest safety standards. As an ex- First, such an assessment should be carried out by
ample we can point to various types of protection, company employees or external specialists. However,
locks, safety covers that prevent accidental starting it is important that the person (or a team of employ-
of the machine, and thus it was possible to reduce the ees) has knowledge in the field of technical safety and
risk associated with even laser radiation (characteris- labor law, and shows knowledge of the workplace (e.g.
tic for this type of equipment) to an acceptable level. employment structure, machines, devices, processes,
In addition, the employer has equipped each machine technology). Employee involvement in the risk assess-
operator with specialized glasses and work clothes to ment process very often reveals a lot of informal in-
protect his eyes and skin against possible damage (e.g. formation about inconvenience at the workplace or
in the event of machine tool failure). employee behavior. It should also be emphasized that
It should be emphasized that an element of health reliable identification and assessment of threats will
and safety in the case of the audited enterprise is the also be influenced by consultations with the employer
maintenance of the proper condition of the technical and employees. Hence, the person performing the oc-
infrastructure, as well as compliance with all safety cupational risk assessment should have analytical and
rules. Because disregarding any of these preventive interpersonal skills.
measures may increase the risk to an unacceptable In view of the above, the author of this work, as
level. part of his research, he used not only the source
The analysis of occupational risk at the position documents of the company, but also carried out ob-
of the laser cutter operator shows that all identified servation of the workplace and formal and informal
occupational hazards are at an acceptable level. Main- talks with a health and safety specialist and employ-
taining such a level of risk, however, requires constant ees of the company. Additionally, the prepared ini-
monitoring of preventive measures introduced and un- tial version of the occupational risk assessment card
dertaking quick responses in the event of any devia- was also consulted with the management and employ-
tion. ees of the enterprise. The author’s assumption was to
Analyzing individual parameters of risk assessment, make the results of the risk assessment as objective
it should be stated that for all threats the same occur- as possible.
rence frequency (F) was adopted, i.e. at level 5 – daily. Moreover, the occupational risk assessment was
Because these threats are typical for activities carried carried out using two methods in parallel: the JSA
out by operators on each business day. Another esti- method (described in this paper) and the Risk Score
mated parameter in occupational risk assessment was method. When comparing the obtained results, it
the probability of occurrence of an event (O). In this should be noted that they do not differ significantly.
case, the individual threats were assigned the values: The conducted analysis showed that the identified
1 (irrelevant) or 2 (unlikely). Such values were deter- threats are characterized by a very low or low risk
mined, among others on the basis of the register of value and it is at an acceptable level. The detailed
accidents at work. Because in the examined indus- methodology of the research as well as the results and
trial plant no accidents have occurred so far at the conclusions of the evaluation are presented in the pa-
indicated workplace. In addition, interviews with em- per (Palega and Krauze, 2020).

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M. Palega: Application of the JSA Method to Assessment Occupational Risk at the Workplace . . .

Table 7
Occupational risk assessment card for the laser cutter operator

Risk assessment
Hazard Preventive measures P
symbol F O A C Risk
Designation of a zone for moving C4 5
Capture by moving
TH-1 machine elements, motion sen- 5 1 1 7 risk
machine parts sors, blockade Death
Use of protective clothing, use C2 4
Injury from sharp
protective gloves and tools when Short
TH-2 or rough edges 5 2 2 9 risk
inserting and removing work- inability
and surfaces pieces acceptable
to work
Designation of machine moving C4 5
Dump by the zones, compliance with the pro-
TH-3 5 1 1 7
machine hibition of staying in the danger risk
zone acceptable
Designation of machine move- C4 5
TH-4 ment zones, marking of passages, 5 1 1 7 risk
by machine Death
caution acceptable
Securing the object against C3 4
falling from a height, securing
Hit by falling Prolonged
TH-5 the displaced load, prohibiting 5 1 1 7
objects risk
being in and crossing the danger inability
zone to work
Keeping order in the workplace, C3 5
wiping up spilled liquids, use of
Fall at the Prolonged
TH-6 shoes with non-slip soles, unfold- 5 1 2 8
same level risk
ing mats and non-slip floor cover- inability
ings, caution to work
Maintaining order at the work- C4 5
Fall to a lower place, using a functional ladder
TH-7 5 1 1 7
level and platforms, marking platforms risk
and any possible inequalities acceptable
Wearing hearing protectors, re-
pair (or replacement) and main- C2 3
TH-8 tenance of equipment that gen- 5 1 1 7
erates excessive noise, conduct- Short
ing periodic checks and measure- inability
ments of noise values to work
Observe the deadlines for mainte-
nance work, disconnect the power C2 3
High pressure supply safely before starting the
TH-9 maintenance of the cutting gas 5 1 1 7
supply system, carry out mainte- Short
nance work on the hydraulic sup- inability
ply with the machine switched off acceptable
to work
People with pacemakers should
keep the required distance from C4 5
Electromagnetic the source of danger, inform em-
TH-10 5 1 1 7
radiation ployees, visitors and foreign per-
sonnel about the danger to people Death
with a pacemaker acceptable

46 Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021

Management and Production Engineering Review

Table 7 [cont.]

Risk assessment
Hazard Preventive measures P
symbol F O A C Risk
Do not keep heavy ferromag-
C2 3
netic objects (sheets, tools) in the
High magnetic hands of danger, keep watches 5 1 1 7 Short
attraction risk
and other magnetic data carriers inability
(e.g. credit cards) away acceptable
to work
C3 4
Use protective clothing, protec-
Laser Prolonged
TH-12 tive glasses for working with 5 1 1 7 risk
radiation lasers and laser radiation shields inability
to work
Do not look directly at the place C3 4
of processing, do not start the Prolonged
TH-13 radiation 5 1 1 7 risk
machine if the protective win- inability
(secondary) dows in the cabin are damaged acceptable
to work
Compliance with the principles
of safe operation of machinery, C4 5
equipment and power tools, con-
TH-14 Electric shock 5 1 1 7
ducting periodic inspections and
measurements of electrical instal- Death
lation parameters acceptable

C3 5
Thermal radiation
TH-15 Wear protective clothing 5 1 2 8 Prolonged
or splashing risk
molten substances acceptable
to work
C2 4
The use of personal protection (if
TH-16 Thermal burns required), the use of special tools 5 2 1 8 Short
for removing hot workpieces inability
to work
C2 3
Ensuring adequate air ventila- Short
TH-17 Pollination 5 1 1 7 risk
tion inability
to work
C2 5
Influenza virus Prevention, voluntary, vaccina- Short
TH-18 5 2 4 11 risk
(type A, B, C) tion inability
to work
C2 4
TH-19 Adaptation of clothing to the 5 2 1 8 Short
atmospheric risk
weather conditions outside inability
conditions acceptable
to work
Implement fire protection mea-
C4 5
sures (in accordance with regu-
TH-20 Fire lations), keep snow extinguisher 5 1 1 7
(class B) and powder extin- risk
guisher (class D) ready for use acceptable
Contact or inhala- C3 4
Ensuring efficient suction instal-
TH-21 tion of toxic 5 1 1 7 Prolonged
lation, ensuring adequate air ven- risk
liquids, gases, mists, tilation inability
vapors and dusts acceptable
to work

Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021 47

M. Palega: Application of the JSA Method to Assessment Occupational Risk at the Workplace . . .

Table 7 [cont.]

Risk assessment
Hazard Preventive measures P
symbol F O A C Risk
C2 3
Ensuring adequate ventilation in
TH-22 Allergies the production hall, following the 5 1 1 7 Short
material safety data sheets inability
to work
Adherence to the rules regarding C2 3
Dynamic load on
manual transport work, the em- Short
TH-23 musculoskeletal 5 1 1 7 risk
ployee adopting the correct pos- inability
system organs ture acceptable
to work
The employee adopting the cor-
C2 3
Static load on rect body posture, providing
TH-24 musculoskeletal breaks at work for rest or rota- 5 1 1 7 Short
system organs tion of employees (in the case of inability
permanent or frequent exposure) acceptable
to work
The use of appropriate lighting,
C2 3
cleaninand maintenance of light-
TH-25 Eye load ing fittings, current replacement 5 1 1 7 Short
of used bulbs and fluorescent inability
lamps to work
C2 4
Load on
Responding to conflict situations, Short
TH-26 the nervous 5 1 2 8 risk
leisure inability
system acceptable
to work
Source: own study

Conclusion special situations. Because the lack or disregard

of the preventive measures indicated in the risk
assessment card will increase the likelihood of a
1. In order to identify threats, research was carried work-related accident or illness and, consequently,
out consisting of observation of the workplace (us- increase the risk category, even to an unacceptable
ing a checklist), interviews with the employer, em- level.
ployees and a health and safety specialist. In ad- 4. Ensuring the safety of machine operation requires
dition, the following company documentation was the use of a number of technical measures (e.g.
analyzed: disease record, accident documentation, covers, housings, light curtains, two-hand control
measurements of harmful factors, workplace in- devices, and undertaking organizational and pro-
structions, machine and device manufacturers’ in- cedural measures.
structions, safety data sheets. 5. An important element of preventive measures is
2. The working environment of the laser cutter op- to inform employees about potential hazards as-
erator is characterized by the occurrence of many sociated with the operation of machinery in the
factors hazardous and harmful to the health of the workplace. Therefore, the employer is obliged to
employee. However, the occupational risk assess- provide employees with current health and safety
ment has shown that due to the preventive mea- instructions. These instructions should contain in-
sures used they are at an acceptable (acceptable) formation on hazards at the workplace and how to
level. use machines and other technical devices.
3. Maintaining an acceptable level of identified occu- 6. The laser cutter analyzed in this work is equipped
pational hazards requires systematic monitoring of with many different types of technical protections,
technical and organizational security measures ap- thus meeting the highest safety standards of its
plied. In this respect, it is also necessary to raise users. Thanks to the use of technical measures
employees’ awareness and to exercise caution in such as protection, blockades, safety covers pre-

48 Volume 12 • Number 3 • September 2021

Management and Production Engineering Review

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