Closing Remarks

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Salutation - - -

The Bureau of Fire Protection is among the agencies once

known to be male dominated. It was once inside a bubble that
encapsulates and define work as that that require only virile
muscles. However, the turn of time burst the manly bubble and
widened its world to a workload which both men and women are
capable of doing.

In one occasion a few years back, then P/CINSP KIMBERLY

MOLITAS quipped “if men are the muscles, then women are the
brains and the hearts of an organization.” Her line stirred
laughter and applause from the audience; at the same time, it
ignited the idea that in an organization, both men and women
have roles to play.

Prejudice is common in both men and women. It acts as a

barrier within the workplace and within the society as a whole. In
many ways, it negatively influences countless behaviors and
outlooks in life. As such, learning to be sensitive and respectful
with one’s gender paves a way in demolishing the wall that
hinders development. Similarly, it teaches everybody to work
together for the betterment of the organization.

The plight in the promotion of gender sensitivity is not

about knowing who is better among the opposite gender. Rather,
it is about recognizing the strengths and of both and lifting the
other in his or her weakness. UNESCO clearly expresses that
gender sensitivity is not about pitting women against men. On
the contrary, it is about educating both to determine which
assumptions in matter of gender are valid and which are only
stereotyped generalizations.
In my experience in leading a unit, I witnessed how the
organization functions better if both gender work hand-in-hand
without any discrimination. The collaborative effort leads to the
efficient achievement of goals and objectives laid out. The success
of an organization starts with respecting the opposite sex.
Likewise, its failure jumps from sexism or prejudice against the

As young generations of fire officers, I challenge you to be

wise and critical. Learn to be open-minded but sensitive and
respective to the opinion of the other gender. Be mindful to quest
the truth behind all the stereotyping you have encountered. As
we conclude today’s activity and you return to your respective
units, remember what you have learned. Bear in mine that both
sexes matter in the Bureau. In the operations, the strength of
both men and women are needed. In the daily office works, the
opinion of both lead to a wider range of ideas. Remember, gender
sensitivity is not about who is better. It is about understanding
that working together builds an empowered and resilient

Thank you and good day!

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