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1 Sytematical Review of Sustainabale Development in

2 EU Higher Education
3 Prof. Dr. Kosga Yagapparaj 1*
4 1
Professor, Faculty of Business, Putra International College, Malaysia
5 *Correspondence: drkosga@iputra.edu.my

8 Higher education has stepped up its efforts to assist sustainable development. The idea
9 of sustainability has been broadly carried out in EU higher education. These studies target to
10 develop a concept of enforcing the concept of sustainability in higher education
11 organizations, specifically, universities and colleges of higher education in the EU. Higher
12 education institutions are essential partners in turning in the European Union's approach to
13 drive forward and maintain sustainable growth. The Europe 2020 approach has set a goal that
14 by 2020 40% of young Europeans have a higher education qualification. The strategies used
15 in this research are literature review and content evaluation of reports of universities that have
16 applied the concept of sustainability inside their groups. This systematic review includes
17 predominant elements. The first component focuses on drafting principles for implementing
18 sustainability in better training establishments. The second part discusses ways to establish a
19 sustainable university. The results of these studies will use resources in compiling and


20 developing our purpose. This research will body the coverage that can be implemented to
21 form a sustainable university and pick out limitations and demanding situations for the equal.

23 KEYWORDS: Sustainability Development, Higher Education, Systematical Review,

24 Quality Training, Young Europeans, EU development.

26 1. Introduction
27 According to University World News, the United Nations defines sustainable develop-

28 ment as “development that meets the existing needs without compromising the ability of fu-

29 ture generations to meet their wishes.” Sustainable development is no longer the most

30 straightforward offer with environmental issues but monetary, social, and cultural problems

31 as nicely given the improved demands on societies and the surroundings due to different ele-

32 ments, extended human migration, expanded urbanization, and industrialization. It is clear

33 that global motion is wanted to create a more fantastic sustainable future. Given its primary

34 role as an understanding producer, higher education can serve as a powerful way to assist cre-

35 ates an extra sustainable future. Hence, the concept of ‘education for sustainable improve-

36 ment has come to be, in recent years, one of the center educational initiatives to address most

37 of the problems related to human development. Indeed, higher education’s position in grow-

38 ing a sustainable destiny will possibly take on extra significance as the world maintains to

39 emerge as more and more globalized and interdependent.

40  Access and sustainable improvement:
41     According to Punch Newspapers Consistent with UNESCO, education for sustainable de-

42 velopment “empowers human beings to alternate the manner they suppose and paintings to-

43 wards a sustainable future.” It, consequently, includes making access to correct-high-quality

44 training to be had at each degree of lifestyles.

45 Greater mainly, it includes educating students on the need for sustainable development by in-

46 tegrating sustainable development issues into all coaching, research, and service components.

47 It means reorienting the education system at all degrees to assist humans to assume and be-

48 have in ways that foster a more sustainable planet (for example, worldwide citizenship, re-

49 cycling, weather change, biodiversity, renewable energy, and social obligation). In exercise,

50 it way of equipping students with the needful knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and values to

51 create a sustainable future. To that stop, students must cultivate essential and creative think-

52 ing abilities, interact in actual interdisciplinary learning activities and expand a price system

53 that emphasizes responsibility to self, others, and the planet. 


54 Accordingly, education for sustainable improvement and the UN Sustainable develop-

55 ment goals (SDGs) cross hand in hand. Indeed, more and more universities are presenting de-

56 gree and certificate applications in sustainable development.

57     Local studies have proven that a pluralistic attitude in education wherein more than one

58 actor’s information and attitude of single phenomena is discovered crucial to maximum

59 higher education establishments in ESD implementation (Rieckmann, 2012). Complementary

60 to the bottom-up implementation of ESD based on college students, more than one view, and

61 a transformative manner, pinnacle-down implementation is mentioned as successful in better

62 education (Holmberg et al., 2012). A hierarchical setting presents a reliable manner to de-

63 velop towards predefined goals of SD. However, it is probably less a hit in engaging all indi-

64 viduals within the organization.

65      Scott (2015) studied consistently with a transformative orientation to sustainability in

66 higher training is a query of the agency. He distinguishes between a tight framing of sustain-

67 ability with a free framing. In an unfastened framing, sustainability is applied critically. How-

68 ever, structural and instrumental limitations save deliberation in the way education is organ-

69 ized and progressed. A shift from free to tight framing may contain modifications to the cur-

70 riculum, control, leadership, and governance throughout the complete enterprise. The HEI it-

71 self is an actor within the improvement of society in a suitable framing of sustainability. That

72 is what researcher Sterling (2004) expresses as a systemic manner of wondering and regard-

73 ing how SD should affect the entire corporation of higher education.


75 2. Literature Review
76 Ciburiene et al., (2019) The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the role of higher

77 education in economic development. They argue that economic modernization and transform-

78 ation rely heavily on the knowledge economy. Innovative, sustainable, and comprehensive

79 economic growth is based on higher education and is closely linked to higher education. The

80 population (percentage of the total population aged 1564 and over) was selected for the sur-

81 vey when analyzing higher education. This relationship between Lithuania and EU28, 2005-

82 2013 was analyzed, and 2005 was selected as the starting point. The Pearson correlation coef-

83 ficient calculated from the survey results shows that the higher-educated population (over

84 1564) is science, technology, research, and development. Households with a real adjusted

85 total disposable income per capita in Lithuania and most other EU countries.

87 Armeanu et al. (2017) purpose of this study empirically investigates the impetus for

88 sustainable economic growth in EU-28 countries. Panel data regression models are used in

89 fixed effects and random effects models and systematic generalizations of moments. Some

90 factors for actual gross domestic product (GDP) growth: higher education, business environ-

91 ment, infrastructure, technology, communication and media, lifestyle, and vital changes. Em-

92 pirical results show that higher education and traditional spending per-year-old student posit-

93 ively correlate with sustainable economic growth for higher education. Science and engineer-

94 ing graduates have real GDP growth. It indicates that there is a negative correlation. In terms

95 of the business environment, the total R & D spending and the employment rate of young col-

96 lege graduates contributed to sustainable development. However, the Corruption Perceptions

97 Index was negatively correlated with economic growth. In addition, the results confirm the

98 negative impact of infrastructure and technical measures on economic growth. We also found

99 that there is a negative relationship between aging rates and continued economic growth.
101     Shephard (2015) studied how higher education has to technique the undertaking of in-

102 structing for sustainability after which sets to answering it. It offers a guide for individuals

103 who recommend sustainability and those who do not and makes a factor of emphasizing that

104 all in higher education have the capability and willingness to contribute in some manner. The

105 challenge is to find an approach that unifies the efforts of higher education instructors closer

106 to sustainability goals in place of dividing them. People at universities internationally have

107 been consulted, and a grounded theory becomes devised. It encourages all university instruct-

108 ors to teach what they want to train openly and clearly, about sustainability or now not, but in

109 the manner to ensure that their college students broaden the essential skills to allow them to

110 fully recognize what's being taught and what they're studying.
111     Society et al. (2001) studied education in all its forms performs an absolute position in ad-

112 dressing the critical, demanding situations in today's sustainable development. The related

113 problems latest globalization, poverty comfort, social justice, democracy, human rights,

114 peace, and environmental safety require inclusive partnerships to create a contemporary inter-

115 national environment. Higher education has a catalyst position vis-à-vis training for sustain-

116 able development and the building latest a learning Society. It has a unique duty to behavior

117 the scholarship and scientific studies essential to generate the new information needed and

118 train the leaders and teachers modern the following day and communicate this information to

119 decision-makers and the general public-at-huge. The remaining intention of brand new

120 schooling for sustainable improvement is to impart the understanding, values, attitudes, and

121 talents to empower humans to make the necessary adjustments to acquire sustainability.
122     Pleśniarska (2019) researched this paper's reason to become aware of and talk the max-

123 imum critical tasks and the strategic framework of the European Union (EU) assisting the

124 2030 schedule for Sustainable development. This paper additionally provides a top-level view

125 of the progress toward the 4th Sustainable development purpose (excellent training), espe-

126 cially in tertiary and grownup training in the EU context. The followed research technique in-

127 cludes a literature survey, a look at regulation policies, and strategic documents of the EU

128 and their critical evaluation. The primary axis of empirical investigation is a comparative ana-

129 lysis. The thematic scope of the evaluation embraces indicators along with tertiary academic

130 attainment, the employment charge of recent graduates, and person participation in getting to

131 know. The effects of the comparative evaluation verify the diversity among the Member

132 States in accomplishing sustainable improvement goals. Ordinary excellent trends in the im-

133 provement of acceptable schooling can be observed within the EU. However, the gender gaps

134 in tertiary educational attainment and inside the employment price of new graduates were

135 widening.
136 Furthermore, the European Union is not on course to satisfy its 2020 benchmarks for

137 grownup participation in gaining knowledge. The paper systematizes information on initiat-

138 ives of the EU for sustainable development and dietary supplements with comparative evalu-

139 ation inside the subject of statistical data. Better knowledge of the kingdom and the prospects

140 of imposing the idea of first-rate education at the European level.

141 3. Building a sustainable future for higher education in the EU
142     Keller (2008) For better education, the time is ripe. The international higher training net-

143 work has an opportunity. A few might argue a duty – to step up and display that building a

144 sustainable future relies upon each knowledge introduction and collaboration. At the same

145 time, global educators should discover methods to shut the instructional fissures which have

146 contributed to the upward thrust of nationalism, nativism, xenophobia, and racism, which

147 might be growing in hotspots around the globe.

148     The priorities for higher education, and mainly for global training, are tremendously clear

149 in these surroundings:

150     Make certain more equitable get entry to higher education for college students from all

151 backgrounds at the countrywide stage: The massification of HE stays some distance from

152 reality in many places around the world – moreover, plenty of the increased access this is to

153 be had is of uncertain satisfactory, leaving lots of room for unscrupulous actors to entice un-

154 witting college students into signing up for deceptive courses (WES.org).
155     Increase and adhere to a broader method to internationalization: The dominant method to

156 international education these days is targeted at selling and facilitating international scholar

157 mobility. Such a method is, though high quality for people who can take part, highly unique.

158 It leaves many who cannot manage to pay to travel overseas for long or even short-term take

159 a look. One remedy is the internationalization of the curriculum at the domestic. It begins by

160 way of:

161 4. Strengthening the worldwide/intercultural size of instructor education

162 The Collaborative Online International Learning initiative provides an exquisite

163 instance of the way this may be completed.
164 Cost and promote worldwide schooling in all disciplines, past commercial enterprise, and
165 control. More interest needs to take delivery of to a broader array of disciplines – engineering
166 and remedy, for instance – to raise the fine of existence worldwide. Arts and arts continue to
167 be severely essential to building go-cultural empathy and critical thinking abilities,
168 encouraging deeper information of moral dilemmas and more enlightened policy-making.





174 5. Integrate Sustainable Development (SD) in Higher Education

Educate Sustainable Support Research on
176 Development 1 2 Sustainable Develop-
177 ment


Engage and Distrib- Green Campuses and
180 ute Information with maintain Local Sus-
International Net- 3 4
181 tainability Efforts



185 Figure 1. Integrate Sustainable Development (SD) in Higher Education.

186 Translation of commitments to SD into implementation calls for a coordinated alternate at
187 multiple degrees – in governance, planning, educational programs, facility management, and
188 economic systems. More profound innovation in a team of workers improvement and
189 throughout establishments is essential to convert curricula and pedagogy. Disciplinary
190 limitations remain limitations to the exploration of complicated problems and the training of
191 beginners with the ability to deal with complexity.
192 4. Discussion
193 The concept of sustainable development is primarily based on the stability of social,
194 financial, and environmental components of improvement if you want to make the world
195 more extraordinary egalitarian, healthy, and truthful. These issues originated the 2030
196 timetable for Sustainable development, signed by united countries member states and targeted
197 on 17 desires. Thru teaching, studies, and network offerings, higher schooling institutions
198 play a relevant position in assisting neighborhood and national governments and groups to
199 attain those goals. This paper gives a literature evaluation to confirm how the relationship
200 between higher schooling and sustainable improvement desires has been mounted and to find
201 out if there are any gaps inside the studies undertaken to this point. Results verify the
202 relevance of the concern and discover destiny studies possibilities in this subject, also
203 thinking about all getting to know to be generated via the brand new international schedule.

204 The analyzed papers spotlight the significance of sustainability reporting and assessment for
205 the establishments and show the need to integrate sustainability dreams inside the
206 institutions? Techniques. It is also proven that there is a loss of researches demonstrating how
207 the establishments had been considering the sustainability dreams of their strategic plans.
208 5. Findings and Suggestions
209 University Management: The University Management has to recognize that the software

210 of the concept of sustainability could be crucial for developing internal procedures in the uni-

211 versity. The college control needs to remember that the idea of sustainability will be part of

212 the college's lengthy-time period plan. Higher education institutions want to take a holistic

213 function concerning sustainability issues. Many steps and packages may be taken through

214 university control to achieve a sustainable college. By reaching a sustainable university, the

215 college will offer excellent blessings not simplest to stakeholders however also to the more

216 extensive social network.

217     University Stakeholders: university stakeholders have an important position in assisting

218 the university to use the concept of sustainability. College stakeholders can offer recommend-

219 ations and input associated with the implementation process and assist the university manage-

220 ment to lessen barriers and challenges inside the implementation technique. University stake-

221 holders have the right to obtain data about the college's long-time period plan and regulations.

222 Stakeholders must understand that a stakeholder engagement method or mechanism is a man-

223 ner that ambitions to oversee and display university management. This manner goals to en-

224 sure that college applications and rules are in line with the main targets of the college.
225     Policy Makers: This study has recognized that one of the limitations and challenges in im-

226 plementing the concept of sustainability in universities is that there are no standards or re-

227 commendations for implementing the idea of sustainability in universities. The life of these

228 standards or guidelines is wanted so that university management has complete suggestions for

229 adopting and enforcing the idea of sustainability. Furthermore, the Sustainability Accounting

230 Standards Board (SASB), a company targeted at growing sustainable accounting, has evolved

231 pointers and standards for implementing sustainable accounting in better training establish-

232 ments. Inside the destiny, the implementation of sustainability cannot simplest be implemen-

233 ted inside the higher training environment: Public region groups may be capable of the

234 concept of sustainability. While the concept of sustainability may be broadly implemented,

235 policies and requirements as helping infrastructures are necessary.

236 Conclusion
237     These objectives to develop a concept for the process of imposing sustainability in higher

238 education establishments in the EU. In preferred, the concept for implementing the idea of

239 sustainability in higher training establishments consists of three essential steps, precisely the

240 initial stage, the center level, and the final stage. Each of these degrees consists of several in-

241 terrelated procedures. The primary purpose of the implementation of the concept of imple-

242 mentation is to shape a sustainable university. Sustainable improvement no longer deals with

243 environmental issues but monetary, social, and cultural troubles as nicely. Given the im-

244 proved demands positioned on societies and the environment because of, amongst different

245 factors, multiplied human migration, expanded urbanization, and industrialization, as well as

246 the continued depletion of non-renewable resources, it's far clean that global action is wanted

247 to create a greater sustainable destiny. Higher schooling can function effectively to create a

248 more sustainable destiny given its number one role as an expert manufacturer. Accordingly,

249 the concept of 'schooling for sustainable improvement has ended up, in current years, being

250 one of the core instructional initiatives to assist with some of the troubles associated with hu-

251 man improvement. Indeed, better education's role in developing a sustainable future will pre-

252 sumably tackle more importance as the sector continues to emerge as an increasing number of

253 globalized and interdependent.



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