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- Salcedo Coronado, Ivan - U21101253

- Santa Cruz Cano, Alicia Nayeli – U21207985

- Solano Delgado, Pedro - U22101752

- Solis Guerrero, Naomy - U19213616
Unusual experiences.
1 Food In a restaurant in Ica, I ordered a chicken broth but there were no noodles.
2 Shopping I bought some shirts online but when I picked up the delivery, I got some pants.
3 Sport In one game I saw a player fracture his arm in a fall.
4 People I was once able to talk to a celebrity from several years ago, it was Susan Leon.
5 Other Once I couldn't sleep in a tent because of all the noise from the outside
6 Other  I once saw a ghost in my house.
7 Other  I had an out-of-body experience once. It was like I was watching myself from above.
8 Other  One time, I saw a UFO in the sky.
9 Other  I've had flying dreams
1 Transport I paid a ticket that was not



Ivan: Hi guys. Have you ever had any unusual experience?

Alicia: Yes, one of the unusual experiences I had was the time I saw a ghost in my house. I

got really scared and went to look for my parents.

Naomy: If I had that experience I'd come out screaming.

Ivan: And you, Pedro? Has something unusual ever happened to you?

Pedro: When I was about 17 years old. I once had an out of body experience. It was as if he

was looking down on me.

Iván: Wow, how interesting. I myself have had some strange experiences. Once, I saw a

UFO in the sky.

Alice: Really? It is already very common for people to have this kind of experience.

Pedro: Nothing like this had ever happened to me.

Naomy: Yeah, me neither. But once I had a dream in which I was flying.

Ivan: That's good. I have also had dreams of flying.

Alicia: I think I'm the only one who hasn't had those dreams.

Naomy: You may have them one day. On the other hand. Have you ever had another

unusual experience?
Alice: Yes, I have. On the bus. When the collector was asking me for my ticket, I saw that I

only had to pay him up to María Auxiliadora when he had to get me off at the San Juan


Naomi: Really? and what did you do?

Alicia: The collector hadn't charged me yet, but when he did I told him to go to María

Auxiliadora, but I got off in San Juan.

Pedro: And the collector and the driver didn't notice?

Alicia: I don't think so, I just got to that station, I quickly left through the back door.

Iván: I would have liked to see that because it sounds funny

Naomi. These experiences are very interesting, has anyone else been through unusual


Naomy: Yeah, more or less. When I was in Ica visiting my uncle, we went to a restaurant

and I ordered a chicken broth, but it didn't have noodles and my uncle's did. It was so much

fun and we were laughing until they brought me my broth noodles.

Pedro Yes, it was definitely fun. I just remembered something that happened last week.

In one game I saw a player break his arm in a fall. We are all surprised.

Iván: I would be surprised to see that too, but that happens a lot in football. Another strange

thing I had was when I bought online because I ordered a polo shirt and a pair of pants


pedro: that was fun Another unusual moment I had was being able to talk to a celebrity from

several years ago, it was Susan Leon.

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