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Pg Pro

Inn by Design
Business I Engineering I Design

Batch 2 | 28th May, 2022

'' Master the know-how of innovation, turn
great ideas in to scalable businesses,
acquire the skill-set to innovate & lead. ,,

The ability to innovate on demand is an organizations differentiation to become a leader in today's highly
competitive and unpredictable market. The economic significance of innovation and its use as a strategic
business tool is undisputed in today's business context. Most leading companies list the ability to innovate as
one of key core values, yet few are able to internalize and deploy that capability repeatedly. Master the
proven cutting-edge innovation practices from leading global practitioners, learn to turn great ideas in to
scalable businesses,acquire the skill set to lead innovation programs.

This executive program is meant for professionals and executives engaged in value creation processes
within start-ups, businesses as well as public sector organization.

Innovations are organizations capital to be a leader in a highly competitive and unpredictable market. The
economic significance of innovation and its use as a strategic business tool has increasingly gained
importance in today's business scenario. Most leading companies have introduced innovation as one of their
core values.
The Program
■ A program based on a unique model of innovation that adapts to strategic and operationa I business needs
with a customer focused outlook

■ International faculty from world renowned institutions

■ Offered in a format that allows you to learn while being able to maintain work, family and social life

■ Sponsoring companies will see a return through more motivated employees and the innovation project
chosen by the company

■ Learn powerful techniques through in-depth learning, hands-on exploration and discussion with your
fellow practitioners

Program Outcomes

Better understand Foster an environment Develop your Promote innovation

the innovation process that encourages ability to commercialize and entrepreneurship
innovative thinking intellectual property in your organization

It is "a shared investment between organizations willing to develop talented people and
individuals willing to boost their career"

Program Benefits fl
n u
1. The program is beneficial for both - Individuals as well as Corporate. Thanks to the
combination of project and learning modules you and your company will benefit directly: You
will develop new products, services and business models, and create value for your company or
your own start-up within the program

2. The program is a combination of theory and strategy contained in a design thinking context

3 An in-program project designed to affect organizational change, an innovation challenge

driven by real-world issues that are of vital interest to the corporate

4. Residing at the intersection of business and innovation, w� leverage the experience of the
[ n faculty and the talent of the student body to develop solutions for the corporate

u S Multi-disciplinary teams study corporate-proposed innovation challenges from many

perspectives, including cultural factors, business design, market potential, & technical feasibility
Progran, Modules
This accelerated 70 months executive program is built around 08 modules. Delivered in a studio
fashion the modules mirror the unique innovation framework from insight to prototype.

� Design Thinking
1 2
� &Strategy

This introductory module will explore In this module participants will learn the
what makes design thinking such a rationale, strategies and methodologies
powerful methodology to solve today's of User Research. The module will include
complex business challenges. The topics like anthropology, sociology,
module will cover the principles of psychology, semiotics, cultural analysis,
design thinking, business strategy and and context research. Participants will
will train the participants in techniques learn how to use methodologies like
for imbibing possibility thinking & observation, interviews, focus groups etc
developing innovative mindset. to get maximum insights.

3 4
•Problem •--leation

In this module participants will be This module will help participants to open
exposed to the different methods of their minds to the user of their intuition,
analyzing data, defining problems and guide them with methods of thinking of
identifying patterns and insights. alternative ideas to address problems.
Participants will be exposed to
methodologies of conducting a structured
brainstorming focused on specific
problems and their solutions, creative
problem solving and systems thinking.

• co Creation
IJ Prototyping

This module offers participants a broad

In this module participants learn
exposure to prototyping methods.
different approaches to actively involve
Participants also learn about the social and
the end users in the innovation process
political issues involved in bringing
to help ensure that the product or
prototyping into the product/ service
service designed meets their needs and
development life cycle. Participants will
is usable.
acquire competencies like quick
prototyping, Scenario building, storytelling,
effective communication & feedback
Learning Managen,ent Systen,
Access our World class "Learning Management System" powered by CII GEKO. GEKO is a one of
its kind knowledge and capacity building platform that has been created specifically by the Industry,
to keep the Indian workforce at par with the best in the world. It offers unique, industry-specific, learning
and training sessions designed by CII Centres of Excellences and also aggregates the best generalist
courses from different industry experts.

Geko platform will facilitate :

1. Access to course material uploaded by faculties and assignments
2. Access to session recording
3. Offline discussions with faculty and other participants enrolled for the module via group chat

Session will be hosted on Zoom/ Webex

platform integrated with Geko.
International Masters
A sincere and deep-rooted passion for the world of design
allows Michele to leverage his inclination for forging and
nurturing new business relationships, navigating and
embracing cultural diversity in search for always new
opportunities for collaborative industria I endeavours and
innovative business initiatives. An Industrial Automation
Engineer by training he soon shifted professionally to
project management and business development, initially
for FCA group, setting up robotized powertrain assembly
lines in Canada, USA and Brazil, and finally, opening up
and running the first Comau subsidiary in China.

After joining Pininfarina in 2005 he dedicated most of his time exploring and paving the road to Russia,
Japan, Iran and finally to India where he activated exciting collaborations with NID in Ahmedabad and
Tata Motors in Pune. In 2010 he started up and managed the first, and very successful, Pininfarina
studio in Shanghai. More recently he activated North American operations of lcona Design and then,
after briefly coming back in 2018 to Pininfarina to support its operations in southern California, he
started his own management consultancy practice focusing on the vibrant EV/AV and new mobility

Shunsuke is Partner of KESIKI inc, an impact &
transformation design firm focuses on fostering 'kind
economy'.Prior to co-founding KESIKI - he was a Head of
Design/Strategic Design Director at BCG Digital Ventures
and a founding member of IDEO Tokyo. Where he lead
and built teams as Design Director and PDD innovations
as Creative Lead. Shun advises senior executives of start­
ups and large companies. He also serves as a professor
and a program director of the Creative Leadership
program at Tama Art University.

An industrial designer by training, Shun has earned numerous design awards and has exhibited work
in Tokyo including Designers Block, Milano Salone in ltaly and Good Design Award. He has participated
in several design awards such as Good Design Award and D&AD. His books, Future ofWork and HELLO,
DESIGN are widely read in Japan. He is also one of the designers selected by Forbes Japan under "39
Designers who impact theWorld". Shun holds a BA degree from Centra I Saint Martins College of Arts &
Design in the UK.
M ar y
Rei sel
Mary is an applied anthropologist and designer who specializes in
research & development in high-tech, studies of user psychology, and
development of virtual tools and networks. She is based in Japan and
has been working globally for twenty years, and her work includes
research of different virtual platforms, development of services and
products, behavioral psychology and consumer needs, UX, and
cultural analysis for adapting products according to values and norms
in each culture. She worked with various global companies in cultural
adaptation, development of platforms and social networks, design of
pet and service robots for human needs, and construction of apps.

Mary worked voluntarily with an India NGO in development of an app that supports the ASHA during Covid period in
order to help rural areas receive medical support and care. She is the founder and manager of a consultant agency,
Ceruleans, that specializes in ethnographic market research and R&D of virtual tools and swarm robotics. Mary started her
career as a cultural anthropologist of Japan, and she has been pursuing her academic career along her work. She arrived
in Japan in 2000 and has been living in Tokyo since. She joined Stanford’s Design Thinking course for the executive course
which she teaches online from Japan, and she has been teaching at universities at Tokyo. Her academic research supports
her professional work and keeps her up to date with innovations and with philosophical questions related to the virtual
life and the meaning of being human.

Ge orge
Ea pe n
George is a Strategic and Functional Innovation practitioner with a
research background, co-developed the framework - Innovation 3x.
He is responsible for delivering consulting engagements and
developing the leadership team. He has designed and delivered
workshops and facilitated strategic interventions globally with large
multinational clients such as Danone, Axa, Tata, Valeo and L'Oreal and
responsible for nurturing client relationships.

Having 20+ years of experience in designing and developing Value

Innovation / Blue Ocean globally, and held various academic roles

including Affiliated Professor (Practice of Management) at INSEAD - Abu Dhabi, Academic Programme Director at CEDEP
- France and Visiting Professor at Russian School of Business - Skolkovo.

As an active member of the Blue Ocean Strategy Network, George co-founded Strategy Regeneration group, that uses the
Blue Ocean methodology to run in-company workshops for identifying new potential market spaces.

He was fortunate to work with Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, authors of The Blue Ocean Strategy, in the development
and delivery of those programmes and Seminars for Executive Development in the globally to Clients like Abbott, AXA,
Aviva, Danone, Pfizer, Starwood among others. He had also adapted the methodology to meet the challenges at the Base
of the Pyramid and Sustainability, collaborating with the Center for Social Innovation at INSEAD.

Prior to his academic career, he was in research and consulting that focused on innovation in management and strategy.
He worked in various sectors such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, electronics, software and Infrastructure domains.

Having graduated with a MBA from INSEAD, he is fluent in English, French, German, Hindi and other Indian regional
A sh i sh
Ashish has over two decades of professional journey with a palette of

experiences, from supervising blue-collar shop floor workers to

training IT professionals to strategic contribution with C level leaders.

The journey exposed different shades of establishing relationships,

delivering projects, problem solving, managing teams, maintaining

clients, dealing with unknown, working across cultures and time zones,

sharing knowledge and experiences and technology transformations.

In retrospect, his engagement with production, product design, eLearning, User experience and training, in

manufacturing and IT consulting, across multiple domains, through tactical and leadership roles has been instrumental in

rounding off his creative, analytical, managerial, consulting and interpersonal skills.

Ashish is a UX/Strategy/Design Consultant, previously he has worked with Human Factors International.

Si m on a
Simona Maschi is a co-founder and director of the Copenhagen
Institute of Interaction Design. Leading the overall organisation at CIID
she heads a team that encompasses a world class consultancy,
education programme and a research lab.

Simona is an expert in service design, scenario design and design

methods and is passionate about design solutions that create a
positive impact on the world. She supports this vision through creating
a design culture that works in collaboration with academia and
industry. Recent projects have explored topics such as private and
public transportation, health and wellbeing, sustainable housing, and
smart cities.

Widely respected in industry, Simona regularly speaks at conferences and events, bringing inspiration on how people
centred design can create new and reinforce existing innovation paths. She is a member of the jury for the IXDA
Interaction Awards 2014 and part of a board of experts implementing new design strategies at the University of Macau in

Simona has over 15 years teaching experience at various institutions including Denmark’s Design School (DKDS) and the
IT University in Copenhagen. She has lectured at the Politecnico University in Milan, and was a visiting scholar at the
Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago. Until June 2006, she was an associate professor and
researcher at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy.

Simona studied at the Polytechnic University of Milan where she completed both her PhD in Industrial Design and
Multimedia Communication (2002), and her MA in Architecture (1996).
Su r ya
Va n ka
Surya Vanka is a transdisciplinary designer who has worked at the leading

edge of physical and digital experiences for over 25 years. He is founder of

Authentic Design, president emeritus of the Seattle Design Festival, chair

of Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) prestigious 50th

Anniversary conference, and chair of Interaction Design Association (DOA)

Interaction Week 2019.

Surya was director of user experience at Microsoft for over a decade

leading the central design excellence team, a tenured professor of design

at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a fel low atthe highly

respected Center for Advanced Study.

Surya has facilitated design leadership programs including UX Leadership Program, PARK Raymond Global Design

Leadership Retreat, DMI Design Value Scorecard. He led the annual Microsoft UX Day and Microsoft UX Awards for over a

decade, helped shape the influential industry framework, the UK Design Council Double Diamond. Surya won the

Microsoft Engineering Best Practice Awards twice, Ohio State University 50th Anniversary Distinguished Design Alumnus

Award, Microsoft Achievement Award, the Accessibility Achievement Award, the World Brand Congress Leadership

Award, and several other industry recognitions.

Feedback from Participants
of previous batch:
1. All the faculties and their training methodologies were appreciated
by the participants (Terms used in the feedback form: Knowledgeable,
distinguished, great, best, well prepared, incredible and exceptional)

2. Each module is designed and explained perfectly

3. Useful in day to day activities

4. Good exposures to various tools used internationally for ideation part.

Thinking patterns while developing the product, need finding etc.
were really good.

5. A brilliant program from CII, a perfect bridging course that helps

the participants to feel more confident and effectively apply
the learnings in their businesses.
Fee Structure
Indian Nationals

Module-wise Fee Fee (CII Discount Discounted Fee

regulations: (CII members) non- members)

M1: Design Thinking and ₹ 40000 ₹ 50000 - -


M2: Insights ₹ 40000 ₹ 50000 - -

M3: Problem Framing ₹ 20000 ₹ 25000 - -

M4: Ideation ₹ 40000 ₹ 50000 - -

M5: Co-creation ₹ 20000 ₹ 25000 - -

M6: Prototyping ₹ 20000 ₹ 25000 - -

M7: Experience Design ₹ 40000 ₹ 50000 - -

M8: Business Model ₹ 20000 ₹ 25000 - -

All modules registrations: Fee Fee Discount Discounted Fee

₹ 240000 ₹ 300000 20% Members: ₹ 192000

₹ 240000

Foreign Nationals

Module-wise regulations: Fee (USD) + Taxes Discount Discounted Fee

M1: Design Thinking and Strategy $ 800 - -

M2: Insights $ 800 - -

M3: Problem Framing $ 400 - -

M4: Ideation $ 800 - -

M5: Co-creation $ 400 - -

M6: Prototyping $ 400 - -

M7: Experience Design $ 800 - -

M8: Business Model $ 400 - -

All modules registrations: Fee Discount Discounted Fee

$ 4800 20% $ 3840

Other Discounts
Applicable on Module-wise registrations and Full program registrations:

• More than Two participants registration: 5% Discount on overall fee

• Group of Five participants registering from same organization: 15% Discount on overall fee

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