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Monera D.


As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal experiences dealing with children.
However, I can provide an example scenario and offer insights on how to deal with a challenging child
based on child development theories.

This scenario can normally see in our barangay but one time my nephew threw temper tantrums
frequently and refuses to follow instructions from us. This behavior may be a result of various factors
such as temperament, environment, and experiences. One possible theory that may explain the child's
behavior is the social learning theory.

According to the social learning theory, children learn by observing and imitating the behavior of others
around them, particularly their parents or caregivers. If a child observes that throwing tantrums results
in getting what they want, they may continue to engage in this behavior. Similarly, if a child observes that
their parents or caregivers are inconsistent in their responses to their behavior, they may become
confused and continue to test boundaries.

To deal with a child who exhibits challenging behavior, it's essential to provide consistent and clear
expectations and consequences. It's also essential to model positive behaviors, reinforce good behavior
with positive reinforcement, and avoid reinforcing negative behavior. Additionally, providing a safe and
structured environment with clear rules and routines can also be helpful.

Overall, dealing with a challenging child requires patience, consistency, and understanding of the child's
developmental needs and behaviors. It's essential to consider various theories of child development and
their applications to understand and address the underlying causes of challenging behavior.

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