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Story Central

Name:___Samnang_____/ Level:__5C____/
Room:__51___ Score:_______

I Complet the conversation with phrases from the box.

*Is now a good time? There is somehing …….. Asking if someone has time to talk
*Can I have just a little of your time….. Sometimes a person may not be happy if you
*Do you have a minute? I would like to talk to interrup them to talk about a problem or ask for a
you….. favor without warning. It is important, and polite,
*I’m wondering if you could spare a few minutes to ask if someone has time to speak with you-
so that…. especially if the topic is sensitive or problematic.
*If you have a moment, I would……..

1 A: Dr. White, ___Do you have a minute? I would like to talk to you so that __we could talk about
my assignment.
B: I’m really busy now. Could we meet later? How about 5:00?
2 A: Hi Jessy. ____ Can I have just a little of your time I would __like to get your opinion about
B: Sure. What is it?
3 A: Excuse me, Teacher. __ If you have a moment, I would to talk to you ___about your biology
B: Yes, come in.
4 A: ____ Is now a good time? There is somehing there is somthing __we need to discuss about your
job performance.
B: Sure. What is it?
5 A: __ I’m wondering if you could spare a few minutes so that we would like _to talk about
something I’m worried about?
B: Ok. What’s up?
II Answer the question
Write a response of about 200 words to the following questions. Use specific reason and examples to
support your response.
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
*Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.

Answer: Paragraph about ‘’ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
*Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart.’’

True beauty is not just about physical appearance, but also about the qualities that make us
who we are. It is not something that can be bought or applied like makeup, but rather a quality
that radiates from the heart and soul of a person. Beauty is not about perfect features or a
flawless complexion, but about the goodness and kindness that shines from within. True beauty is
not something that can be bought or applied like makeup, but rather comes from within. It is the
light in our hearts that shines through our actions and words. Being kind, compassionate, and
caring towards others radiates beauty, and living with integrity is also beautiful.

Beauty is not just about physical appearance, but also about our character, values, and beliefs. It
is about how we treat others and ourselves, and it is unique to each individual. In a world where
so much emphasis is placed on physical appearance, it is important to remember that true beauty
comes from within. It is not something that can be achieved through external means but rather
something that we cultivate within ourselves. By focusing on developing our inner beauty, we
become more confident, fulfilled, and beautiful in every sense of the word.

Let us strive to be beautiful not just on the outside but also on the inside, cultivating the light in
our hearts and letting it shine for all to see. True beauty is not in the face, but in the heart. And I
agree with that because beauty is not about their face or their appearance beauty is in their heart
for example there is a very beautiful woman she has a very nice looking but their manner or their
heart is beauty like their appearance or their face, but for some woman they have a beatiful body
and somehow their heart is also like beauty. For a bad looking woman like they are not look so
beautiful, but their heart can make people fall in love with them even they not that beauty it
because they have a very good manner and beautiful heart.

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