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All night – Whole night

Entire – butun
Long story short – uzun sozun qisasi
In short – qisacasi
To sneeze – asqirmaq
Bless you – saglam ol
Jail – hebsxana
Branch – budaq , filial
in or to the central part of a city –
to clutch – tutunmaq (adətən qorxu,
narahatlıq və ya ağrı içində bir şeyi sıxmaq
və ya tutmağa çalışmaq: )
I have never heard of him –
I think about you = I think of you
To hang = asmaq hung
To twist – bukmek \
To take a picture (of) – sekil vekmek
To run business – biznes idare etmek
Paw – pence
Let’s = davay
Bald – kecel
Bold – cesaretli
To be in charge of something = hansisa
ishden mesuliyyet dashimaq, mesul shexs
Who is in charge ? – bura kim baxir ?
To be located – yerleshmek
My home is located in Merdekan
Warehouse – anbar
To be a father = being a father
Being – olmaq
God damn it – lenet olsun
Patient – sebrli , pasiyent
To get away with something – neinse yanina
To spit – tupurmek spat
Where were we = harda qalmisdiq
You were saying ? - ne deyirdin ?
To waste – israf etmek
I don’t think so = men bele dusunmurem
Is that so ? - bu beledir ?

First things first = birinci ve onemlisi

I don’t care = vecime deyil
I don’t care about you –
To murder – qetle yetirmek
Murderer – qatil
Better + verb = yaxsi olar ki
You better go – yaxsi olar ki
Ain’t = am not, is not, are not , have not,
has not
I got a car = I have a car
Imagination – tesevvur
Vivid – rengareng
Could have + verb + ed / 3rd form
Neyise ede bilerdin amma etmemisen
Don’t drive fast , we could have died.
Got to = have to
I find it easy – bunu kolay buluyorum (asan
hesab edirem)
Excuse – behane
Alibi – behane
Mobster – gangster
Make yourself comfortable - ozunu rahat
hiss et
make yourself at home – ozuvu evdeki kimi
hiss et
I am going to call you

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