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Introduction (Drop down)

This instructional materials CD is intended as a perfect accompanying teaching material to the

Senior High School worktext published by Rex Book Store, Inc. It contains a set of PowerPoint
presentations aimed at equipping teachers with appropriate enhancement tools to help them
effectively deliver the lessons in the worktext.

Each presentation includes lesson objectives and discussion points, and may also have examples,
solutions to examples, and exercises.

Through effective use, this CD hopes to boost teachers’ creativity and resourcefulness―key
components in training 21st-century learners.

Table of Contents and Learning Competencies (Drop down)

Presentation No. Title Learning Objective/s

Exercise for Fitness
 To understand the importance of living a
(To be clicked to
1 healthy lifestyle
open PPT)
 To know how to design an exercise
program that is specifically suited for an
Exercise Program
 To know the principles of exercise
2 (To be clicked to
training and the risk factors that must be
open PPT)
taken into consideration in designing an
exercise program
 To know the different types of fitness
Types of Fitness activities and important aspects of each
Activities  To understand how fats and
3 (To be clicked to carbohydrates are converted to energy
open PPT) and how they are useful to fitness
Modifiable Risk
Factors of Lifestyle  To understand the different risk factors
Diseases of contracting diseases that are related to
(To be clicked to unhealthy lifestyle
open PPT)
 To know the importance of proper
5 Fuel for nutrition in performing physical
Performance activities
(To be clicked to  To know the different kinds of nutrients
 To identify the effects of poor nutrition
open PPT)  To know the ways of improving eating
 To know the definition of stress
 To identify the different sources of stress
6 (To be clicked to
open PPT)  To learn the different coping strategies to
deal with stress
 To know the definition of injury
Safety Practices in  To identify the risk factors that increase
Sports the risk of injury
7 and Exercise  To know the common acute and chronic
(To be clicked to injuries as well as their causes
open PPT)  To know helpful tips in minimizing
injury during training
Sports Injury  To identify sports injuries that are life-
Management threatening
(To be clicked to  To know how to manage acute and
open PPT) chronic injuries
 To know the definition of sports and its
different classifications
 To learn the important aspects in
Sports: An
learning a sport
9  To understand the technical and tactical
(To be clicked to
skills in playing sports
open PPT)
 To learn the safety measures to avoid
unnecessary Injuries in playing games or

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