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535/3: S4 PHYSICS
Paper 3: Exam 5
Nurture your
Dr. Bbosa Science dreams

2 hours 15 minutes
Instructions to candidates:
 Answer questions 1 and one other question. You should use the 1st quarter

of an hour reading through the questions and planning your work.

 Marks are given mainly for a clear record of the observations actually

made for their suitability and accuracy and for the use made of them.

More exams? Browse: or Call +256 776 802709

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0757318839

1. In this experiment you will determine the relative density S, of the material of
solid x provided

A P 100 B

d z y Q


(a) Record the mass, M of the solid x provided

(b) Suspend a metre rule from a clamp using a piece of thread
(c) Adjust the metre rule until it balances horizontally
(d) Read and record the distance of the balance point, P of the rule from end A
(e) Suspend the solid x at a distance d = 10cm from end A of the metre rule
(f) Emmerse solid x completely in water in the mug
(g) Suspend a 100g mass from a point Q between P and B
(h) Adjust the position of Q until the metre rule balances horizontally, with x
completely immersed and not touching the mug as shown in the figure above.
(i) Measure and record distances z and y
(j) Repeat procedure (e) (i) for values of d = 15,20,25,30 and 35cm.
(k) Enter your results in a suitable table
(l) Plot a graph of z against y
(m)Find the slope S, of the graph
(n) Calculate the relative density S, of the material from the expression  = M
M – 100s

More exams? Browse: or Call +256 776 802709

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0757318839

2. n this experiment you will determine the relative index, n of the glass block
P1 

P2  i

S c R
P3 

P2 
(a) Fix the white sheet of paper provided on a soft board
(b) Place the glass block in the middle of the sheet of paper and trace its outline
(c) Remove the glass block
(d) Draw a normal MB to PQ at B near P
(e) Draw a line AB at an angle i of 10o to MB.
(f) Replace the glass block on its outline
(g) Stick to pins P1 and P2 vertically along AB
(h) While looking through the glass block from the opposite face SR, stick two pins
P3 and P4 such that they appear to be in line with P1 and P2.
(i) Remove the glass block and draw a line CD through P3 and P4.
(j) Join B to C
(k) Measure and record the distances c and f
(l) Repeat procedures (e) to (k) for values of i equal to 20o, 30o, 40o, 50o, and 60o
(m)Enter your results in a table including values of sini and elf
(n) Plot a graph of sin i against e/f
(o) Find the slope, n of your graph.

More exams? Browse: or Call +256 776 802709

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0757318839


3. In this experiment you will determine the resistivity of the bare wire labelled B

Dry cell


* *
crocodile clip
Wire B cello tape
cello tape crocodile clip

(a) mount the bare wire B on a bench using cello tape

(b) connect the circuit as shown in the figure above
(c) adjust the distance L to 0.20m.
(d) close switch K
(e) read and record the reading Z of the ammeter
(f) open switch K
(g) repeat procedures (c) to (f) for values of x = 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60 and 0.70m
(h) record your results in a suitable table including values of 1/Z
(i) plot a graph of 1/Z against L
(j) find the gradient G of the graph
(k) calculate the resistivity  of the wire from the expression  = 1.2 x 10 –7 G


More exams? Browse: or Call +256 776 802709

Sponsored by The Science Foundation College, O and A-Level, Mukono, 0776802709, 0757318839

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