So 230 Seminar On The Cayman Islands Syllabus SM 23

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The mission of the International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI) is to prepare students for career
placement and enhancement. The ICCI education instills attitudes, behaviors, sensitivities, skills and
knowledge that are essential to life and learning. The ICCI experience advances the potential for
leadership and a commitment to community service. ICCI equips graduates with practical skills of
critical thinking, problem solving and self-directed learning for success in the 21st century job market.

Course Title: Local & Global Citizenship with Experiential Learning

Course Number: SO 230/SO 235
Course Description: Study of the history, and the social, economic, cultural and political
structure of the Cayman Islands, includes lectures, readings and field

Prerequisite(s)/ EN 101, EN 102, SO 201

Instructional Credits: 5 hours
Instructor: Melisa Hamilton
Contact Information: 323-4414;
Office Hours: Upon request

Dates: June 28 – September 7, 2023

Seminar Week: November 10-18, 2022
1. Explain heritage and its importance to a given culture.
2. Discuss the significance of various historical sites in Cayman.
Student Learning
3. Demonstrate adequate written communication skills by
satisfactory completing written assignments.
4. Demonstrate adequate oral commination skills by satisfactory
participating in group discussions and completing oral
5. Utilize critical thinking skills to interpret, analyze, and evaluate
a chosen topic related to Cayman Islands heritage.
6. Explain the concept of global citizenship and its importance in
today’s world.
7. Discuss how to bridge differences and work together to create a
more unified world.

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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Instructional Methods Craton, Michael, Founded Upon the Seas: A History of the Cayman
Islands and Their People, 2003, Ian Randle Publishers

Bodden, J.A. Roy, The Cayman Islands in Transition, the Politics,

History and Sociology of a Changing Society. 2007, Ian Randle
Publishers (Recommended Text).

Assessment Criteria and Content Weight Percentage Grade

Methods of Evaluating
Students Intro Video 5% 90-100 A
Oral Reflections 5% 80-89 B
End of Quarter Reflection 5% 70-79 C
Islander Interview 5% 60-69 D
E-Portfolio 10% Below 60 F
Community Outreach 15%
Women vs Men in 15%
Politics Interview (2 pax
Chapters Presentation 20%
Global Citizenship 20%
Project Presentation (2
Total 100%
Participating/Attendance You must attend all field trips, activities, and lectures associated with
this seminar in order to avoid grade deductions for participation. Please
aim to participate by making valuable contributions to discussions
throughout the duration of the seminar. For every “missed” day of
seminar’s field trips, 5 points will be deducted from your total
Reflection Grade. Late submissions and/or late arrivals will attract
point deductions as well.
Course Outline Introductory Meeting
Thursday Official Seminar Meeting
July 6th Time: 7:30 pm (via Zoom)
Thursday, Aug. 10 – Thursday, Aug. 17, 2023
Detailed Itinerary will be provided.

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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1. The Intro Video requirements will be as follows:
Create an introduction video of yourself for the rest of the class. Please be sure to tell us:
- What you are studying at ICCI.
- What you hope to get from this seminar, from your instructor, and from your colleagues.
- What you expect from yourself during this Seminar.
- Share if you have been on any of the Sister Island and how was that experience.
- Share one place of interest you like to explore/visit on each island during this seminar.

Your video post is due by Sunday, July 9th at 11:59pm.

2. The Oral Reflections’ requirements will be as follows:

You will verbally reflect on the day's event by answering the following:
1. What did you learn?
2. Did the tours meet your expectations?
3. How can you relate what you learnt to what you read in the textbook, “Founded upon the
Seas” or the Know Your Cayman Islands Workshop?
4. What were the most interesting aspects of this day?
5. Any recommendations/improvement/suggestions?

Your oral reflections will be due at each evening’s session during Seminar Week.

3. The Islander Interview requirements will be as follows:

You should create a short recording (can be audio or visual) of an interview with an islander who
has lived on that particular island for at least 20 years. Obtain responses based on the following

1. What is your name and how long have you lived on the island?
2. Have you visited any of the other two islands? If not, why not?
3. What do you consider to be unique or special of your island?
4. What are the main differences noticed about all three islands or at least the ones you are
familiar with?
5. How do you see the island in the next 10 years? Do you see yourself welcoming these
developments and if you plan to stay on island?

Your Islander Interview will be due on August 17th during the Seminar Week.

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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6. Community Outreach Activity requirements:
As a class, you will participate in three (3) community outreach activities. One on Grand
Cayman and the other on each of the sister islands. Further details will be given at the
appropriate time.

You will need to take photos featuring you doing your part in the outreach activity to add to
your E-Portfolio. Write a short summary of the importance of giving back to the community in
this tangible way and what other way have you given back or will give back to your community.

Word Count- 100- 150 words.

All Community Outreach due date is Wednesday, August 27, 2023 at 11:59pm.

7. Chapter Presentation requirements:

You will prepare one lesson (max. one hour) on your given chapters. The lessons must be
highly engaging for your colleagues and include a class activity. Key grade points are Time
Management, Class Engagement, and Delivery.

The dates for the assigned chapters are from July 9 – August 6, 2023. You will be assigned
your respective date to present.

8. Women vs Men in Politics Interview requirements:

In teams, prepare a recording (visual) of one woman and a man currently serving as a Minister of
Parliament sharing their experiences in politics in the Cayman Islands with you. The following are
the questions to get answers to:
- Their career path in politics (incl. reasons for this career path)
- Some of their challenges in politics
- Some of their achievements in politics
- What are you reading now and why?

Then choose ONE from the following to ask:

- If you should become the next Premier, what three main things you would work to implement
- What is their vision for the Cayman Islands in the next 5 to 10 years?
- What advice would they give to other persons considering a career in politics?

At the end of your interview, be prepared to discuss what is your (personal) vision for the Cayman

The Women vs Men in Politics Interview due date is August 13th during Seminar Week.

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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9. Global Citizenship Presentation requirements:
From the lesson on “Seven ways to become a Global Citizen”, join with another classmate to
prepare and present on your chosen country and its culture. Areas to be presented include:
- Overview of country and its culture
- Pics or samples of food/music/dance
- Pics of cultural sites/events
- Recent newsworthy events/activities
- How does its economy or society influences/impact nations globally?

Global Citizenship presentation will be due on August 12th during the Seminar Week.

10. E-Portfolio requirements:

Create an e-portfolio to house all the documents and activities covered in the Seminar. Please
note the following sub-sections in order to successfully complete this assignment.

a. Home Page with Intro of Self, including:

- Intro Video
- Written bio about you
- Written description about the course (upload syllabus as well)

b. Community Outreach Section

- Written summary of community outreach activities
- Upload photos (at least 10) of the community outreach activities being completed

c. Islander Interview Section

- Recording of Interview
- Brief bio and photo of interviewee

d. Women vs Men in Politics Show Section

- Written summary of the interview show
- Bio and photos of interviewees

e. Chapter Presentation Section

- Upload Chapter Presentation Summary or PowerPoint

f. End of Quarter Section

- Upload EOQ reflection paper

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g. Global Citizenship Presentation
- Upload at least 10 pics of the presentation with a summary attached.

Due by Thursday, August 31st. No extension will be given.

11. End of Quarter Reflection requirements:

In no less than 300 words, please provide your end of course reflections to include the following:

1. In terms of course content what were three of the most important things you learned?
2. What did you like most about the course?
3. What would you change if you could?
4. How important is the course for all students?

Due by Friday, September 1, 2023. No extension will be given.

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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Name of Assignment

Your Name

International College of the Cayman Islands

Instructor: Melisa Bent-Hamilton

Course Code: SO 230/235
Due Date

Last Reviewed: June 2023 MBH

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