Interview Transcript Template

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Location of the Labor Adda

Google Map Link of the exact Location:

Header Answer

Name of the Person



Family Size

Average Annual Family Income (In INR)

Role Laborer/Labor Broker/Any Other Please


If Laborer then:

What kind of work do they do?

How long have they been doing this work?

How regularly do they visit this labor adda for


How do they find work at the labor adda?

How do they decide whether to accept work

or not?

How do they arrive at the wages for the


How do they handle situations where they are

not paid wages at the end of the work?

If they don’t find work at the labor adda then

what do they do?

Do they have any alternate source of income

apart from work?

Any other questions based on the

conversation, please specify and document
the answers in additional rows.
If Labor Broker then:

What kind of labor do they search for?

Does the kind of work they brokerage for

change over time?

How do they get to know where the work is

for the day?

How do they identify the right labor for the


How do they negotiate wages for the


What happens if they don’t find the right labor

in a labor adda?

What do labor brokers do when they don’t

have work?

Do they have any alternate source of income

apart from work?

Any other questions based on the

conversation, please specify and document
the answers in additional rows.

If any other than laborer/labor broker

name their role and then follow up with
similar questions and answers using
additional roles.

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