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Activity Sheet # 6

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ______________

Year & Section: _________________________________
Directions: Complete the table below by identifying the negative or positive effects of religions by analyzing the
given situations or examples and answer the essay question as well.
A. Negative Effects

Impedes Scientific Success and Development Affirms Hierarchy

Serves as an economic Tool for controlling masses Causes Discrimination
Obstruct the use of reason Triggers Conflicts and Fights


1. Caste system in India reflects politics in religion that divides the scholars,
warriors/soldiers, merchants, professionals and laborers.
2. People treat others as inferior against their religion on the basis of claiming to
be the right religion and that only their followers will be saved
3. In Palestine, the Jews are in conflict with the Muslims, In Kashmir, it is the
Muslims against Hindus
In the Renaissance Period, bourgeoisie (Upper-class) keeps proletariat
4. (workers) in control through religion. The Spanish colonies where control
through religion in Medieval Period
During the cholera outbreak, the dead body will be brought first to the church
5. for a mass
The Trepanning or the practice of creating holes in the human skull – a
6. surgical procedure performed on epileptics and mentally ill, with the belief
that through the hole the evil spirit will leave the person.
B. Positive Effects
Gives positive in life Explain the unknown Provide Social Change
Provide Moral Values Promote Social Harmony Provides Social Harmony


The religion helps promotes unity among people such as the creation of St.
Lake Temple in Utah a 210-foot-tall temple out of solid granite that is 9 feet
7. thick at the base and 6 feet thick at the top that took 40 years to build, from
A religious group can provide counsel, help the sick and unprivileged
9. Mahatma Gandhi became an instrumental in India struggle against British

10. Religion helping the people find goodness in them. Teaching people the
consequences of doing and not doing the right thing
11. In religion prophets where ordinary people were given important mission in
life such as Moses & Muhammad
12. Obeying the Ten (10) Commandments will earn a reward of eternal life

13-15. Is religion a double edge sword? Why or why not?


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