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Admin fee: ₱61’850 – What is this admin fee for?

Attached Statement of Account

 Back pay: ₱11’585.98 – Do you have supporting evidence for all back-pay payables and the
reasoning for back-pay.

PRD: 2023-08-18 For Release-Back Pay of Luzviminda

QTY Type/ Details U/C Amount
1 Luzviminda Cacho Backpay                ₱11,585.98
Total Cost              ₱11,585.98

Reason: Resignation
Total 13th month pay Computation (January to July 31) – P11,585.98

 Income taxes: ₱548’899 – Will you be providing supporting calculations of the returns due for
the quarter? To which quarter does this relate to, (May-July?)
Corrected amount below:
QTR. II 372,827.76 113,606.72
Total 486,434.48
(Attached supporting documents)

 Maternity reimbursement: ₱120’750 – Can you let me know what the employee agreements
are relating to maternity leave, the calculation thereof and when it is due.

Here’s the guidelines from SSS on the following benefits:

The Social Security System (SSS) reminds covered employers that Sickness Benefit
Reimbursement Applications (SBRAs) and Maternity Benefit Reimbursement
Applications (MBRAs) can now be submitted online through the My.SSS Portal at

Attached supporting documents with computation for your review

All there reimbursements are usually advanced by the Employers but will be reimbursed by SSS
in less than 30days as soon as released by the employers:
Here’s the important note of the guidelines on the possible penalties and liabilities of employers:

Under Section 14 and 14-A of Republic Act 11199 or the Social Security Act of 2018,
employers are required to pay in advance the sickness benefit of qualified employees
every regular payday or on the 15th and last day of each month; and maternity benefit of
qualified employees, which must be paid in full within 30 days from the date of filing of
the maternity leave application.

Failure or refusal to advance the said benefits will be subject to penalties provided under
Section 28 (e) of RA 11199, consisting of a fine of not less than P5,000 nor more than
P20,000, and/or imprisonment for not less than six years and one day nor more than 12
years, or both, at the discretion of the court.

The filing of a criminal action against erring employers may likewise include
corresponding civil liabilities consisting of actual or compensatory damages, among

 Meals: ₱13’750 – How is the free meal incentives decided and calculated
I have shared you the link to access the computation and details of the meals incentives

 Payroll loans: ₱24’571.52 – How can we track payroll loans back to the payroll to reconcile
payable vs payroll deductions.
Attached all statement of accounts and the processed payroll per month to reconcile the
deductions per cut off vs the SOA billed by 3rd party loan providers.

 Professional fee: ₱101’272.90 – Can you please send across invoices included for this
payment.(Attached SOA from Melba of Capstone)

 Rental: ₱60’889 – Can you please send me a summary of all rentals (office & apartments)
with payment terms and agreements

Attached file for your review.

 Separation pay: ₱60’000 – Can you please provide details on this, agreement and
The employment for these 2 employees is terminated on September 7, 2023 due to
They were both regular employee in less than a year.
Please see guidelines from DOLE re Separation Pay (Attached)

How To Compute Separation Pay in the Philippines: 2 Ways

There are two ways to compute separation pay. Note that a fraction of six months is considered
one year:

1. If Dismissal is Due to Installation of Labor-Saving Devices and Redundancy

One-month salary, or one-month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher.

Formula: (One Month Pay) x (Years of Service) = Separation Pay

If for instance your monthly salary is PHP 20,000 and the years of service are 5, your separation
pay will be PHP 100,000.
20,000 x 5 = 100,000

Let’s say you’ve been with your employer for 4 years and 6 months. This will be considered 5
years since a fraction of six months is regarded as one year. 

2. If Dismissal is Due to Retrenchment, Closing of Business, or Disease

One-month salary, or half-month salary for every year of service, whichever is higher.
Formula: (One Month Pay / 2) x (Years of Service) = Separation Pay

With a monthly salary of PHP 20,000 and 5 years of tenure, the separation pay will be PHP

(20,000 / 2) x 5 = 10,000 x 5 = 50,000

PRD: 2023-08-17 For Check Release-Separation Pay of Mr. Benjamin Pacis 

Type/ Details- Attach Invoice

U/C Amount
when completed
Benjamin Pacis Separation
Pay             ₱30,000.00

Total Estimated Cost ₱30,000.00

PRD: 2023-08-17 For Check Release-Separation Pay of Mr. Ashmer Ortado

Type/ Details- Attach Invoice
U/C Amount
when completed
Ortado Separation Pay              ₱30,000.00

Total Estimated Cost ₱30,000.00

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