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Case Problem-1

Vestis Wholesale Suppliers Jacinta Safar is an inventory manager at Vestis Wholesale

Suppliers, a major clothing supplier for stores and vendors across the United States.
Every week Jacinta compiles an inventory report for different warehouses, detailing the
contents in the warehouse, the value of those contents, and the anticipated time until
those contents need to be restocked. Jacinta wants you to make workbook containing
the weekly report for the Akron, Ohio, warehouse easier to read and understand.
Complete the following:

1. Open the NP_EX_2-3.xlsx workbook and save the workbook as NP_EX_2_Inventory

in the location specified by your instructor.

2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name in cell B4 and the date in cell B5.

3. Change the theme of the workbook to View.

4. In the Documentation sheet, make the following formatting changes:

a. In cell A1, change the font to Impact, increase the font size to 20 points, and
change the font color to Brown, Accent 6.
b. Change cell A2 to a 14-point bold font.
c. Add borders around the cells in the range A4:B6.
d. In the range A4:A6, change the fill color to Brown, Accent 6 – 60% Lighter and
top-align the cell contents.

5. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the range A1:A2 in the
Documentation sheet to the range A1:A2 in the Inventory worksheet.

6. In the Inventory worksheet, add borders around the cells in the range A4:B7 and
change the fill color of the range A4:A7 to Brown, Accent 6 - 60% Lighter.

7. Enter formulas to add the following calculations to the Inventory worksheet:

a. In the range G10:G391, calculate the value of each item in the warehouse
inventory by multiplying the item’s unit price by the quantity in stock.
b. In the range I10:I391, calculate the difference between the Quantity in Stock
values in column F and the Reorder at Quantity values in column H to determine
whether items have dropped below the automatic reorder level.
c. In cell B5, use the COUNT function to count the values in column F to calculate
the total number of items in the warehouse. Use the range reference F:F to
reference the entire column.
d. In cell B6, use the SUM function to sum the values in column G to calculate the
total inventory value.
e. In cell B7, use the AVERAGE function to average the values in column J to determine
the average days to reorder new items.

8. Add the following formats to the worksheet:

a. Format cell B6 with the Currency style.

b. Format cell B7 to show one decimal place.
c. Format the nonadjacent range E10:E391, G10:G391 in Currency style.
d. Format the range A9:J9 with the Accent3 cell style.

9. Display the inventory table with banded rows of alternating colors by setting the fill
color of the range A10:J10 to Olive Green, Accent 3 - Lighter 80%, and then using the
Format Painter to copy the formatting in the range A10:J11 to the range A12:J391.

10. Use conditional formatting to highlight all of the values in the range I10:I391 that are
less than 1 in a light red fill and dark red text to make inventory items that must be
immediately reordered stand out.

11. Format the Inventory worksheet for printing as follows:

a. Set the print area to the range A9:J391 so only the inventory table will print.
b. Remove the column page breaks that would divide the inventory table into
separate pages.
c. Set the print titles so that rows 1 through 9 of the worksheet print on every page.
d. Set the header of the first page to display the file name in the left section and
your name and the date on separate lines in the right section.
e. For the first page and all subsequent pages, display a center footer that shows
Page followed the page number followed by of followed by the number of pages
in the printout.

12. Preview the workbook. If you are instructed to print, print the entire workbook.

13. Save the workbook, and then close it.

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