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Section – English

This section contains 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Select the answer choice that identifies the noun in the sentence.
Sparta and Athens were enemies during the Peloponnesian War.
A. and B. were C. during D. war
2. What does ‘they’ refer to?
I asked at several shops for strawberries and the owners all told me they are out of season.
A. Shops B. Strawberries C. Owners D. Season
3. Choose the correct order of adjectives to fill the blank.
I used to drive ________ car.
A. a blue old German B. an old German blue
C. an old blue German D. a old German blue
4. Which kind of adverb is the word in capitals?
"Arvind coughed LOUDLY to attract attention."
A. Adverb of Place B. Adverb of Degree
C. Adverb of Time/Frequency D. Adverb of Manner
5. Choose the right option to fill the gap.
My cousin _______ her enrollment in the Indian military by the time I graduate
A. Will have completing B. Will have complete
C. Will have completed D. Will have been completing
6. Choose the correct use of modal verb.
A. Yesterday, I can lift the baby by myself
B. Yesterday, I might have lift the baby by myself
C. Yesterday, I was able to lift the baby by myself
D. Yesterday, I would lifted the baby by self
7. The sentence below contains an error. Identify which part has the error and choose from the
You have to admit that it is more hot now than it was seven days back.
A. You has to admit B. That it is more hotter now
C. Than it were D. Ten day back
8. Pick the right meaning for the following phrase.
Lean and Mean
A. To destroy something B. To create something
C. Using only what is necessary D. Not afraid of dangerous situations
9. Identify the correct meaning of the idiom.
You can't have your cake and eat it too
A. Everything, all the way B. You can't have everything
C. Rarely D. I made a mistake
10. Choose the correct form of the verb to fill the gap so as to make a meaningful sentence.
How many pupils in your lecture __________ from Kerala?
A. comes B. come C. came D. are coming
11. Fill in the blank with correct word.
Businesses are falling ____________ a lack of trained workers and people to by products.
A. That’s why B. Because of C. In spite of D. In addition
12. Choose the most suitable interjection to complete the sentence.
____________ I don’t like this vegetable.
A. Ugh! B. Ah! C. Oh! D. Whew!
13. Which of these words is most nearly the opposite of the word provided?
A. hostile B. biased C. dislike D. worried
14. Choose the right option to fill the gaps.
I _______ any money on the weekend because I _______ my wallet on Friday.
A. Didn't have, had lost B. Hadn't had, lost
C. Didn't lose, hadn't had D. Hadn't lost, didn't have
15. Choose one word for the following.
Government of the people, by the people and for the people
A. Democracy B. Autocracy C. Socialism D. Anarchy

Section – Aptitude
This section contains 10 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Benoy had Rs. 1200 with him. His father increased this amount by 10%. Then his
mother increased the total amount by another 20%. The final amount of money
which Benoy has is how much percent greater than the initial amount.
A. 25% B. 32% C. 40% D. 50%
2. Arun buys a scooter for Rs 16000 and sells it for Rs 18500. If he wants to gain 40%,
how much more should he charge for the scooter?
A. Rs 3800 B. Rs 4000 C. Rs 4200 D. None of these
3. Bert complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of
21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey of Bert in km.
A. 123km B. 165km C. 224km D. 234km
4. Ana can do a work in 5 days, but with the help of her sons he can do it in 3 days. In
what time can her son do it alone?
A. 6days B. 8days C. 7.5days D. 4days
5. A clock which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Monday and is 4 min. 48
sec fast at 2 p.m. on the following Monday. When was it showing correct time?
A. 2 p.m. on Tuesday B. 2 p.m. on Wednesday
C. 3 p.m. on Thursday D. 1 p.m. on Wednesday
6. If FRAGRANCE is written as SBHSBODFG, how can IMPOSING be written?
7. Starting from the point X, Jayant walked 15 m towards west. He turned left and
walked 20 m. He then turned left and walked 15 m. After this he turned to his right
and walked 12 m. How far and in which directions is now Jayant from X?
A. 32m South B. 27m North C. 25m West D. 24 m East
8. Statements: All the windows are doors. No door is a wall.
1. Some windows are walls.
2. No wall is a door.

Give answer:
(A) If only (1) conclusion follows
(B) If only (2) conclusion follows
(C) If either (1) or (2) follows
(D) If neither (1) nor (2) follows and
(E) If both (1) and (2) follow.
A. A B. B C. C D. D
9. If the first day of the year (other than the leap year) was Friday, then which was the
last day of the year?
A. Friday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Saturday
10. Question: What will be the total weight of 10 poles, each of the same weight?
(I) One-fourth of the weight of each pole is 5 kg.
(II) The total weight of three poles is 20 kilograms more than the total weight of two
A. (I) alone is sufficient while (II) alone is not sufficient
B. (II) alone is sufficient while (I) alone is not sufficient
C. Either (I) or (II) is sufficient
D. Neither (I) nor (II) is sufficient

Section – Physics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
A mass of 3kg descending vertically downwards supports a mass of 2kg by means of a light
string passing over a pulley. At the end of 5s the string breaks. From now the 2kg mass will
go ________ m.
2. A particle at rest on a frictionless table is acted upon by a horizontal force which is constant in
magnitude and direction. A graph is plotted for the work done on the particle W, against the
speed of the particle  . If there are no frictional forces acting on the particle the graph will
look like
A. B. C. D.
w w w w

   

3. A uniform rod of length L and mass 3m is held vertically hinged at its base. A mass ‘m’ moving
horizontally with a velocity ν strikes the rod at the top and sticks to it. The angular velocity with
which the rod hits the ground is
5g  2 5g  2 g 2 g 4 2
A. + B. + C. + D. +
L L2 2 L 4 L2 2 L L2 5 L L2

4. Moment of inertia of a thin rod of mass M and length L about an axis passing through its centre
is . Its moment of inertia about a parallel axis at a distance of from this axis is given
12 4
ML2 ML3 ML2 7 ML2
A. B. C. D.
48 48 12 48
5. A juggler maintains four balls in motion making each of them to rise a height of 20m from his
hand. What time interval should be maintained for the proper distance between them?
A. 1.5s B. s C. 1s D. 2s
6. A projectile can have the same range R for two angles of projection. If t1 and t2 be the time of
flights in the two cases. Then the product of the two time of flights is proportional to
1 1
A. A. R C. R2 D.
R R2
7. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
A satellite is in an elliptic orbit around the earth with aphelion of 6RE and perihelion of 2RE,
where RE is the radius of the earth. The eccentricity of the orbit is ________.
8. A mixture of two diatomic gases exists in a closed cylinder. The volumes and velocities of
sound in the two gases are V1 , V2 , c1 and c 2 respectively. Determine the velocity of sound in
the gaseous mixture. (Pressure of gas remains constant)
V1 + V2 V22 + V12 V2 − V1 V2 + V1
c1c2 B. c1c2 C. c1c2 D. c1c2
V1c22 + V2c12 V1c22 + V2c12 V1c22 − V2c12 V1c22 − V2c22
9. A certain number of spherical drops of a liquid of radius r coalesce to form a single drop of
radius R and volume V. If T is the surface tension of the liquid, then
1 1 1 1
A. energy = 4VT  −  is released B. energy = 3VT  +  is absorbed
 r R  r R
1 1
C. energy = 3VT  −  is released D. energy is neither released nor absorbed
 r R
10. Consider two process A and B on a system as shown in the figure let  W1 and W2 be the
work done by the system in the process A and B respectively then

A. W1  W2 B. W1  W2

C. W1 = W2 D. Nothing can be said about the relation between  W1 and W2

11. Consider an ideal gas confine in an isolated closed chamber. As the gas undergoes an
adiabatic expansion, the average time of collision between molecules increases as Vq, where
 Cp 
V is the volume of the gas. The value of q is   = 
 Cv 
3 + 5 3 − 5 +5 −5
A. B. C. D.
6 6 2 2
12. The surface charge density of a thin charged disc of radius R is  . The value of the electric

field at the centre of the disc is . With respect to the field at the centre, the electric field
2 0
along the axis at a distance R from the centre of the disc
A. Reduces by 70.7% B. Reduces by 29.3%
C. Reduces by 9.7% D. Reduces by 14.6%

13. Find the charge on 6 F capacitor

2 F 4 F

6 F

10 V 20 V

10 140
A. F B. 50 F C. F D. 70 F
3 3

14. The two ends of a uniform conductor are joined to a cell of e.m.f. E and some internal
resistance. Starting from the midpoint P of the conductor, we move in the direction of current
and return to P. The potential V at every point on the path is plotted against the distance
covered (x). Which of the following graphs best represents the resulting curve
A. B. C. D.

E <E E


15. Three straight parallel current carrying conductors are shown in the figure. The force
experienced by the middle conductor of length 25cm is
I1 = 30 A I 2 = 20 A

3cm 5cm

I = 10 A

A. 3 10−4 N toward right B. 6 10−4 N toward right

C. 9 10−4 N toward right D. Zero

16. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
The time period of bar magnet in uniform magnetic field is  /10 seconds .If the moment of
inertia of the magnet about the axis of rotation is 1.2 10−4 kgm2 and the earth’s horizontal
magnetic field is 30T , then magnetic moment of the magnet is _______ Am2.
17. Energy levels A, B, C of a certain atom correspond to increasing values of energy, i.e.,
E A  EB  EC . If 1 , 2 , 3 are the wavelengths of radiation corresponding to the transitions
C → B, B → A and C → A respectively then:
A. 3 = 1 + 2 B. 3 = C. 32 = 12 + 2 2 D. None of these
1 + 2
18. In the nuclear fusion reaction 1 H 2 + 1 H 3 → 2 He 4 + 0 n1 given that the repulsive potential
energy between the two nuclei 1 H 2 and 1 H 3 is nearly 7.7 x 10-14 J. If T is the temperature in
Kelvin to which the given gases must be heated to initiate the reaction. Then [Boltzmann
constant = k=1.38×10−23J/K
A. T  107 k B. T  105 k C. T  109 k D. T  103 k

19. If 5% of energy supplied to an incandescent light bulb is radiated as visible light, how many
visible quanta are emitted per second by a 100 watt bulb? (Given, h = 6.63 10−34 Js , and
assume the wavelength of all visible light to be 𝟓𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝑨 )
A. 25 1020 B. 3.5 10
C. 7.5 1019 D. 14.11018
20. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
When one of the slits of young’s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness
4.8mm, the central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th bright fringe.
Thickness of the sheet if the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20th bright
fringe should be __________ mm.
21. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
A 0.1m long conductor carrying a current of 50 A is perpendicular to a magnetic field of
1.25mT . The mechanical power required to move the conductor with a speed of 1ms −1 is
_____ mW.
22. Figure gives a system of logic gates. From the study of truth table it can be found that to
produce a high output (1) at R, we must have

A. X = 0, Y = 1 B. X = 1, Y = 1 C. X = 1, Y = 0 D. X = 0, Y = 0

23. What should be the minimum coefficient of static friction between the plane and the cylinder,
for the cylinder not to slip on an inclined plane?
1 1 2 2
A. tan  B. sin  C. tan  D. sin 
3 3 3 3

24. In the following circuit, a voltmeter V is connected across a lamp L. What change would
occur in voltmeter reading if the resistance R is reduced in value?

+ –

A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Remains same D. First increases then decreases

25. A milliammeter of range 10 mA and resistance 9  is joined in a circuit as shown. The meter
gives full scale deflection for current I when A and B are used as its terminals, i.e., current
enters at A and leaves at B (C is left isolated). The value of I is :

A. 100 mA B. 900 mA C. 1 A D. 1.1 A

Section – Chemistry
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the question
with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. 20.4 g of H2O2 solution on decomposition gives 1.68 L of O2 at STP. Percentage strength by

weight of the solution is
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 10
2. Ratio of average kinetic energies of equal masses of H2 and He at same temperature is
A. 2:1 B. 1:2 C. 1:1 D. 4:1
3. Orbital angular momentum of electron in ‘p’ orbital is equal to
A. 2 3 B. zero C. 6 D. 2
4. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
A diatomic molecule has a dipole moment of 1.2D. If the bond distance is 1.0 A , fraction of
an electronic charge on each atom is _______.
5. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
The entropy of a sample of a certain substance increases by 0.836JK on adding reversibly
0.3344J of heat at constant temperature. The temperature of the sample is _______ K.
6. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
Human blood gives rise to an osmotic pressure of approximately 7.65 atm at body
temperature, 37oC. Hence, molarity of an intravenous glucose solution be to have the same
osmotic pressure as blood is _________ M.
7. The equilibrium constants for the reaction 𝐵𝑟2 ⇌ 2𝐵𝑟 at 500 K and 700 K are 1 x 10−10 and
1 x 10−5 respectively. The reaction is _____:
A. Endothermic b) Exothermic c) Fast d) Slow
8. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
Oxidation state of Fe in Fe3O4 is _________.
9. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
Experiments were conducted to study the rate of reaction represented as
2 NO( g ) + H 2 ( g ) → N 2 ( g ) + 2 H 2O( g )
Initial concentrations and rates are as follows
(NO) ( H2 ) Rate ( M min −1 )
0.006 0.001 1.8 10−4
0.006 0.002 3.6 10−4
0.001 0.006 0.30  01−4
0.002 0.006 1.2 10−4

Value of rate constant is _________ M-2min-1.

10. The coagulation values of AlCl3 and NaCl are 0.093 and 52 respectively. Then coagulating
power of AlCl3 as compared to that of NaCl is
A. ( 52  0.093 ) times B. ( 52 / 0.093 ) times
C. ( 0.093 / 52 ) times D. ( 52 − 0.093 ) times
11. The ionic radius of Cr is minimum in which of the following compounds?
A. CrF3 B. CrCl3 C. Cr2O3 D. K2CrO4
12. Froth floatation process for the concentration of sulphide ore is an illustration of the practical
application of:
A. Adsorption B. Absorption C. Sedimentation D. Coagulation
13. The value of ______ is less for D2O as compared to H2O
A. density at 20oC B. boiling point
C. dielectric constant D. latent heat of vaporization
14. Be2C + H 2O → BeO + ( X ) ; CaC2 + H 2O → Ca(OH )2 + (Y ); then (X) and (Y) are respectively.
A. CH4, CH4 B. CH4, C2H6 C. CH4, C2H2 D. C2H2, CH4
15. Aluminum chloride exists as dimer, Al2Cl6 in solid state as well as in solution of non-polar
solvents such as benzene. When dissolved in water, it gives.
A. [Al(OH)6]3- + HCl B. [Al(H2O6)]3+ + Cl-
C. Al+3 + Cl- D. Al2O3 + HCl
16. Acid strength of oxoacids of chlorine is in order
A. HOCl < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4 B. HClO4 < HClO3 < HClO2 < HOCl
C. HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HOCl D. HClO2 < HClO3 < HOCl < HClO4
17. Which catalyst is matched according to its name and function?
A. Catalyst - TiCl4; Name - Fenton’s reagent; Function - Oxidation of alcohols
B. Catalyst - e FeSO4/H2O2; Name - Ziegler-Natta; Function - polythene preparation
C. Catalyst - Pd/C; Name – Lindiar; Function - Hydrogen to give cis-alkene
D. Catalyst - Pt/PtO; Name – Adam; Function - Synthesis of CH3OH
18. An octahedral complex with no chelate ring of M +3 with NH 3 and NO2− ligands only have four
M-N linkage and two M-O linkage, then such complex will show
A. Geometrical isomerism B. Linkage isomerism
C. Optical isomerism D. Both A and B
19. In stratosphere the number of O3 molecules destroyed by one CFC molecule
A. 107 B. 106 C. 105 D. 1010
20. Oils are purified by :
A. Fractional distillation B. Steam distillation
C. Vacuum distillation D. Simple distillation
21. The stability of the following carbocation decreases in the order:

A. IV > III > II > I B. IV > II > III > I C. IV > II > I > III D. IV > I > II > III
22. Mono chlorination of Toluene in sun light followed by hydrolysis with aq. NaOH yields.
A. o-cresol B. m-cresol
C. 2, 4-dihydroxy toluene D. benzyl alcohol

2 HBr product of reaction is

CH 3
A. B. C. D.
Br Br
Br Br

Br Br
Br Br
CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3

24. The order of basicity of the following compounds is




A. IV  I  III  II B. III  I  IV  II C. II  I  III  IV D. I  III  II  IV

25. In amylopectin the linkage absent is

A. C1 and C4 B. C1 and C6 C. C1 and C2 D. Both a and b

Section – Mathematics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. If A = ( x, y ) / x 2
+ y 2  4; x, y  R and B = ( x, y) / x 2

+ y 2  9; x, y  R ,then
A. A − B =  B. B − A =  C. A  B   D. A  B = 
2. For x, y  R, define a relation R by xRy if and only if x − y + 2 is an irrational number. Then
R is
A. An equivalence relation B. Symmetric
C. Transitive D. Reflexive but not symmetric & transitive
1 −1  2 xy 
3. If y = sin  2 and y  x then lim x =
2  x + y 2  y →0

A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 D. 
4. z be a complex number satisfying | z − 5i | 1 such that amp z is minimum then z =
1 + i2 6 2 6 2 6
A. 1 + i 2 6 B. (1 + i 2 6)
C. D. (1 − i 2 6)
5 5 5
5. If p, q, r are +ve and are in A.P. the roots of the equation px 2 + qx + r = 0 all real for
r p
A. −7  4 3 B. −7  4 3 C. all p and q D. No p and r
p r
6. After inserting n A.M.’s between 2 and 38, the sum of the resulting progressions is 200. The
value of n is
A. 7 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
3 2 
7. For the matrix A =   the values of a and b such that A2 + aA + bI = 0 are
1 1 
A. 2, 3 B. 1, 4 C. -4, 1 D. -2, 3
8. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
The value of k for which the system of equations x + ky + 3z = 0, 3x + ky - 2z = 0, 2x + 3y -
4z = 0 has a non-trivial solution is _________.
9. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
If a, b, c are three vectors of magnitudes 1, 5, 3 respectively such that the angle between a
and b is θ and a x(a x b) = c then tanθ =__________.
10. ∼ (𝑝 ∨ 𝑞) ∨ (∼ 𝑝 ∧ 𝑞) is logically equivalent to
A. ∼ 𝑝 B. p C. q D. ∼ 𝑞
11. If letters of INTER are arranged as in a dictionary, then 50th word is
12. A set has 7 elements A sub set P of A is chosen elements of P are replaced in A and another
sub set Q of A is chosen. Then number of ways of choosing so that n( P  Q) = 2 .
A. 2 B. 14
C7 C. 37 D. 21 35
1 1 1
13. Let S = + + + .....n terms. Observe the following lists and find the correct match
1.4 4.7 7.10
from the following options:
List – I List- II
A) Lt S = 1) 0
n →

B) Lt S = 2) 3/10

C) Lt S = 3) 1/3

D) Lt S = 4) 1

5) 4/13

A. A-3, B-4, C-5, D-1 B. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-2

C. A-2, B-5, C-1, D-3 D. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5
14. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)

The coeff. of x2 in (2 − x 2 ) (1 + 2 x + 3x 2 )6 + (1 − 4 x 2 )6  is _________.

15. Rolle’s theorem cannot be applicable for
A. f ( x ) = 4 − x in  −2, 2 B. f ( x ) =  x  in  −1,1

C. f ( x) = x 2 + 3x − 4in  −4,1 D. f ( x ) = cos 2xin 0, 

16. f ( x ) = x1/x is increasing when

A. x > e B. x < e C. –e < x < e D. 0 < x < e
− sin 2 x
17. If the derivative of f ( x) w.r.t. x is 2 then f ( x) is a periodic function with period.
f ( x)
 3
A. B.  C. D. 2
2 2
(x 2
+ sin 2 x ) sec 2 x
18. If f ( x) =  1 + x2
dx and f (0) = 0 then f (1) =

  
tan1 + tan1 − tan1 −
A. 4 B. tan1 −  C. 4 D. 2
1 1
19. If 2 f ( x) + 3 f   = − 2 , x  0 , then
 x x
 f ( x) dx =

2 1 2 1 2 1 2
A. − log 2 + B. − log 2 − C. log 2 + D. − log 2
5 2 5 2 5 2 5

  y2  
 2 f  2
 y
20. The solution of differential equation y. y ' = x 2 +
 x   is
x  y2  
 f '  2 
  x 
 y2   y2   y2   y2  y
A. f  2  = cx 2 B. x 2 f  2 
= cy 2 C. x 2 f  2 
=c D. f  2 
x  x  x  x  x
a3 x 2 a 2 x
21. The locus of the vertices of the family of parabolas y = + − 2a is
3 2
105 3 35 64
A. xy = B. xy = C. xy = D. xy =
64 4 16 105
22. Perpendicular is drawn from the point (0, 3, 4) to the plane 2x – 2y + z = 10. The coordinates
of the foot of the perpendicular are
 8 1 16  8 1 16  8 1 16  8 1 16 
A.  - , B.  , C.  , D.  ,
3  3  3  3 
, , - , , -
 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
23. The distance of the point (1, −2, 3) from the plane x − y + z = 5, measured parallel to the line
x y z
= = is
2 3 -6
A. 1/7 B. 1 C. 7 D. None of these
24. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
18 18
If  ( x − 8) = 9 and  ( x − 8)
i =1
i =1
= 45 then the standard deviation of x1, x3, …..x18 is _____.

25. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal places. If the
numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the value to TWO decimal

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as 2.35)
 n 
If 2 tan x − 5sec x = 1 for exactly 7 distinct values of x  0, , n  N then the greatest

 2 
value of n is ________.
Section – Biology
This section contains 25 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (a),
(b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Hot spots are regions of high _________

A. Rarity B. Endemism
C. Critically endangered population D. Diversity
2. Arrange the following taxonomic categories in their hierarchical order from highest to lowest
(left to right): Genus, Family, Class, Order, Phylum.
A. Phylum, Order, Class, Genus, Family B. Class, Phylum, Order, Family, Genus
C. Order, Phylum, Class, Family, Genus D. Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus
3. What is the induction source of development of cellular polarity in epithelial cells?
A. Vinculin B. Occludin C. Basal lamina D. Extra cellular matrix
4. Animal cell differs from plant cells in possessing
A. Plastid B. Entrosome C. Vacoule D. Golgi body
5. Ketose sugar is
A. Galactose B. Fructose C. Mannose D. Glucose
6. The water potential of pure water at atmospheric pressure is
A. Zero bar B. +2.3 bar C. one bar D. -2.3 bar
7. Excessive vitamin A in children produces
A. Irritability B. Anorexia C. Headache D. All of these
8. Rubisco content of chloroplast is
A. 5% B. 20% C. 11% D. 16%
9. In eukaryotes enzymes involved in citric acid cycle are present in
A. Mitochondria and its membrane B. Plasma membrane
C. Cytosol D. Peroxisomes
10. First step in seed germination is
A. Passing through gut of an animal B. Exploding along sutures
B. Absorption of water D. Taking in of O2
11. If glucose is to be injected in human blood the property to be matched with glucose is
A. Viscocity B. Sugar group C. Density D. Osmotic potential
12. In acoelomate groups, major excretory organ is?
A. Skin B. Gills C. Malpighian tubules D. Tracheal tubes
13. Two halves of pectoral girdle fuse in
A. Lateral sides B. Mid-dorsal sides C. Mid-ventral line D. Both b and c
14. Skeletal muscles are controlled by ______.
A. Sympathetic nerves B. Parasympathetic nerves
C. Somatic nerves D. Autonomic nerves
15. The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plants is
A. 2 + 3 + 3 B. 3 + 2 + 3 C. 2 + 4 + 2 D. 3 + 3 + 2
16. Pregnancy test is confirmed by the presence of
A. Prolactin in urine B. relaxin in urine C. h C G in urine D. FSH and LH in urine
17. Which method did Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase use to confirm that DNA is the
hereditary material?
A. Transformation of DNA in Streptococcus pneumoniae
B. Radio-labelling DNA and protein
C. DNA linkage mapping
D. X-ray crystallography
18. The first recombinant antigen vaccine approved for human use is
A. Hepatitis and vaccine B. Hib vaccine
C. Var vaccine D. DPT vaccine
19. To solve food problem of the country, what is needed
A. Increased production and storage of food grains B. GMO
C. Use of pesticides D. All of these
20. Which of the followings are used as bio preservatives?
A. Lactic acid bacteria B. Yeast
C. Bacteriophages D. All of these
21. Which of the following techniques use genes and DNA molecules for diagnoses of
A. Gene therapy B. Recombinant gene technology
C. Polymerase chain reaction D. All of these
22. The first genetically engineered insulin was produced using the microorganism
A. C. Botulinum B. S. aureus C. E. Coli D. M. Tuberculosis
23. Which of the following will not promote co-evolution?
A. Parasitism B. Mutualism
C. Interspecific competition D. Commensalism
24. Which of the following is a characteristic of a climax community?
A. Wide niche B. Low species diversity
C. High community production D. Open mineral cycling
25. Blue whale is placed under
A. Endangered B. Rare C. Exinct D. Critically endangered

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