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Operational effectiveness is Rediscovering Strategy

not strategy
For almost two decades, managers have been learning A company may have to change its strategy if there
to play by a new set of rules. Companies must be are major structural changes in its industry. In fact,
flexible to respond rapidly to compet- itive and new strategic positions often arise hecause of
market changes. They must benchmark continuously to WHAT IS industry changes, and new entrants unencum- bered
by history often can exploit them more easily.
achieve best practice. They must outsource
aggressively to gain efficiencies. And they must
nurture a few core eompetencies in the race to
STRATEGY? However, a company's choice of a new position must be
driven hy the ability to find new trade-offs and
leverage a new system of complementary activ- ities
stay ahead of rivals.
into a sustainable advantage.

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Strategy Rests on Unique 3 Fit Drives Both Competitive
Activities Advantage and Sustainability
A Sustainable Strategic Position
Strategic competition can be thought of as the Positioning choices determine not only which activities
Requires Trade-offs a company will perform and how it will configure
process of perceiving new positions that woo cus-
individual activities but also how activities relate to
tomers from established positions or draw new
Choosing a unique position, however, is not one another. While operational effectiveness is ahout
cus- tomers into the market. achieving excellence in indi- vidual activities, or
enough to guarantee a sustainahle
Strategic positionings arc often not obvious, and functions, strategy is about combining activities.
advantage. A valuahle position will attract
finding them requires creativity and insigbt. New imitation hy incum- bents, who are likely to Strategic fit among many activities is fundamen- tal
entrants often discover unique positions that copy it in one of two ways. not only to competitive advantage but also to the
bave been available but simply overlooked by The essence of strategy is choosing what not sustainability of that advantage. It is harder for a
established competitors. to do. Without trade-offs, there would be no rival to match an array of interlocked activities than
need for choice and thus no need for it is merely to imitate a particular sales-foree
strategy. Any good idea could and would he approach, match a process technology, or replicate a
quickly imitated. Again, perfor- mance would set of product features. Positions built on systems of
once again depend wholly on opera- tional aetivities are far more sustainable than those built on
effectiveness. individual aetivities.

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