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Because all ML algorithms use historic data, the risk of algorithmic bias due to biased data sets emerges,

which may endanger the ethical principle of nondiscrimination.

The integrity of nondiscrimination may be jeopardized as a consequence of the potential existence of

algorithmic bias, which is because of the input of prejudiced data.

mistrust alone of AI in the recruiting process may not be enough to dissuade candidates from intending to
complete the process, but when combined with anxiety about AI in the process, the combination can tip
the scale and cause their intent to decline.

When using AI for recruiting, the sole presence of mistrust will not cause candidates to abandon the
recruiting process, however, when taking anxiety into consideration, it will lead to the rejection of
continuing the process.

This may in the aspect of ‘human approach’ during face-to-face interviews that absent when conduction
video interviews using AI. It is hard to explain this situation but most experienced interviewer always can
see ‘something’ special from a candidate that are not visible in resumes and physical appearance.
Currently, this kind of observation can’t be replicated by AI software.

For the time being, it is impossible for AI tools to perceive a candidate’s unique characteristics from CVs
and facial expressions, which is something only skilled HR personnel can accomplish.

Challenges when incorporating AI in recruiting activities

How do managers gain benefits from AI recruiting?

This suggests that mistrust alone of AI in the recruiting process may not be enough to dissuade
candidates from intending to complete the process, but when combined with anxiety about AI in the
process, the combination can tip the scale and cause their intent to decline.

Definition, Effects, Problems

We find that applicants accept AI-support for CV and résumé screening as long as they know about the
usage of AI upfront, but the applicant’s acceptance decreases for AI-support in telephone and video
interviews nevertheless.

Depending on the situation, respondents may possess different attitudes toward AI-enabled technology
in recruitment activities. For example, should interviewees fully understand how AI works when sorting
CVs, they will agree with the usage of AI. Nonetheless, when it comes to incorporating AI in telephone
along with video employment, the ratification rate will drop.

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