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Midterm Reviewer in ➢ Accuracy refers to how close a measurement

is to the true or accepted value.

GENERAL PHYSICS 1 ➢ Precision refers to how close measurements
of the same item are to each other.
➢ Precision is independent of accuracy. That
Professor: Sir Rozene Santiago
means it is possible to be very precise but not
very accurate, and it is also possible to be
accurate without being precise.
SIGNIFICANT FIGURES ➢ The best-quality scientific observations are
both accurate and precise.
• When we express measured values, we can
only list as many digits as we initially
measured with our measuring tool. Using the
method of significant figures, the rule is that
the last digit written down in a measurement
is the first digit with some uncertainty. In
order to determine the number of significant
digits in a value, start with the first measured
value on the left and count the number of RANDOM ERROR vs. SYSTEMATIC
digits through the last digit written on the
right. ERROR

Rules for Significant Figures ➢ Systematic error - (also called systematic

bias) is consistent, repeatable error associated
- Any digit that is not zero is with faulty equipment or a flawed experiment
significant. design.
- Zero/s between nonzero digits ➢ Random error - (also called unsystematic
are significant. error, system noise, or random variation) has
- Zero/s to the left of the first nonzero no pattern. One minute your readings might
digits are not significant. Their be too small. The next they might be too
purpose is to indicate the placement large. You can’t predict random errors and
of the decimal point. these errors are usually unavoidable.
- If a number before the decimal is
greater than 1, then all zeros written The main differences between these two error types
to the right of the decimal point count are:
as significant figures.
- If the number before the decimal is • Random errors are (like the name suggests)
less than 1, then only the zeros that completely random. They
are at the end of the number and the are unpredictable and can’t be replicated by
zeros that are between nonzero digits repeating the experiment again.
are significant. • Systematic Errors produce consistent errors,
- For numbers that do not contain either a fixed amount (like 1 lb.) or a
decimal points, the trailing zeros (i.e. proportion (like 105% of the true value). If
the zeros after the last nonzero digit) you repeat the experiment, you’ll get the
may or may not be significant. same error.


➢ Precision and accuracy are two ways that ➢ Resultant Displacement - is represented by
scientists think about error. the arrow labeled Dr. The subscript R stands
for resultant.

© Penn from STM214

➢ Vector Equation - the feature of adding two
vectors that are not along the same line is that
the magnitude of the resultant vector is not
equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the two
separate vectors but is smaller than their sum.
➢ Tail-to-tip Method - Adding vectors can be
extended to three or more vectors. The
resultant is drawn from the tail of the first
vector to the tip of the last one added.

➢ Parallelogram Method - The two vectors

are drawn starting from a common origin,
and a parallelogram is constructed using
these two vectors as adjacent.

➢ Mechanics - The study of the motion of
objects, and the related concepts of force and
- Kinematics - description of how
objects move.
- Dynamics - deals with force and why
objects move as they do.
➢ Reference Frame - Any measurement of
➢ COMPONENTS - Any vector can be
position, distance, or speed must be made
expressed as the sum of two other vectors.
with respect.
➢ Position - coordinate axes, to represent a
frame of reference.
➢ Displacement - how far the object is from its
starting point.

*To add vectors using the method of components, we

need to use the trigonometric functions sine, cosine,
and tangent. ➢ Average Speed - total distance traveled along
its path divided by the time it takes to travel
this distance.

➢ Velocity - how fast an object is moving and

also the direction in which it is moving.

© Penn from STM214

➢ Average Velocity - is defined in terms of x for the displacement of an object, which is basically
displacement, rather than total distance the distance it moves (Δd "delta d" or change in
traveled. Also, defined as the displacement displacement in some references)
divided by the elapsed time. t for time object was moving
a for acceleration
Vo for initial velocity
V for final velocity

➢ Instantaneous Velocity – the average

velocity over an infinitesimally short time


➢ Average Acceleration - is defined as the
change in velocity divided by the time taken
to make this change.

➢ Acceleration - specifies how rapidly the

velocity of an object changes.
➢ Deceleration - Velocity and acceleration
point in opposite directions when there is

GRESA Method * For an object moving with a constant velocity, the

slope of the straight line in a position–time graph
Given – given quantities in the problem
gives the velocity.
Required – what to solve or look for in a problem
Equation – What formula to use
Solution – how the formula is written in a portion
Answer – final answer
➢ Constant Acceleration - when the
magnitude of the acceleration is constant.

© Penn from STM214

• Horizontal Projectile Motion – launched
from height.

• Vertical Projectile Motion – launched at


*the slope of the straight line in a velocity–time

graph is the average acceleration.

➢ Free Falling Objects - The speed of a falling

object is not proportional to its mass.
- It changes (due to
*At a given location on the Earth and in the absence gravity), and does NOT
of air resistance, all objects fall with the same cover equal displacements
constant acceleration. in equal time periods.
Distance covered increases
with each second.


PROJECTILE MOTION Examine the y-component

➢ Projectile - is an object moving in two • Once the ball leaves the table (t = 0 s), it
dimensions under the influence of Earth's experiences a vertically downward acceleration g,
gravity. the acceleration due to gravity.
- The object thrown is called a 𝒂𝒚 = −𝒈
projectile. • Thus, v0y is zero but increases continually in the
- Its path is called its trajectory. downward direction until the ball hits the ground.
𝒗𝟎𝒚 = 0

© Penn from STM214

-It NEVER changes and covers equal displacements
in equal time periods. This means the initial
horizontal velocity equals the final horizontal

-In other words, the horizontal velocity is

Applying these conditions in our kinematic
Examine the x- equations,
• In horizontal
motion, there is no
influence of the
𝒂𝒙 = 𝟎
• The horizontal
component of
velocity 𝑣𝑥
remains constant,
equal to its initial value 𝑣0𝑥 and thus has the same
magnitude at each point on the path.
𝒗𝟎𝒙 = 𝒗𝒙

© Penn from STM214

VERTICALLY LAUNCHED PROJECTILE Dynamics - is the study of the forces that cause
objects and systems to move.
• Newton’s laws of motion are the foundation
of dynamics.
• These laws provide an example of the breadth
and simplicity of principles under which
nature functions.
Force - is a push or pull.
• An object at rest needs a force to get it
moving; a moving object needs a force to
change its velocity.
• SI unit is Newtons (N) - 1 N = 1 kg m/s2

The magnitude of a force can be measured using a

spring scale.


interactions between FORCES: Attract or
objects that touch. repel, even from a
• Applied force • Magnetic force
There are several • Spring force • Electric force
things you must • Drag force • Gravitational
consider when doing force
these types of • Frictional force
projectiles besides • Normal force
using components. If
it begins and ends at THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL FORCES
ground level, the “y” displacement is ZERO: y = 0.
➢ Gravitational Force - is the attraction
between two objects that have mass or
energy, whether this is seen in dropping a
rock from a bridge, a planet orbiting a star, or
the moon causing ocean tides.
➢ Electromagnetic Force - also called the
Lorentz force, acts between charged
particles, like negatively charged electrons
LAW’S OF MOTION and positively charged protons.
➢ Kinematics - deals with the concepts that are ➢ Strong Nuclear Force - also called the
needed to describe motion. strong nuclear interaction, is the strongest of
➢ Dynamics - deals with the effect that forces the four fundamental forces of nature because
have on motion. it binds the fundamental particles of matter
Together, kinematics and dynamics form the branch together to form larger particles.
of physics known as Mechanics.

© Penn from STM214

➢ Weak Nuclear Force - The weak force, also Inertia, Mass, and Weight
called the weak nuclear interaction, is ➢ The tendency of an object to resist any
responsible for particle decay. attempt to change its velocity is called
Vector Nature of Force ➢ Mass is the property of an object that
• Arrows are used to specifies how much resistance an object
represent forces exhibits to changes in its velocity.
(just like vectors). ➢ Mass is the measure of the inertia of an
• The length of the object. In the SI system, mass is measured in
arrow is kilograms.
proportional to the ➢ Mass is not weight. Mass is a property of an
magnitude of the object. Weight is the force exerted on that
force. object by gravity.
• When forces are Inertial Reference Frame
applied • An inertial reference frame is one in which
perpendicularly to Newton’s first law is valid.
each other, the • In accelerating reference frames, Newton’s
resultant (or net) first law does not hold.
force is the For example, if your reference frame is an
hypotenuse. accelerating car, an object such as a cup resting on
• Forces are vectors, so you must use the rules the dashboard may begin to move toward you (it
for vector addition to find the net force acting stayed at rest as long as the car’s velocity remained
on an object. constant). The cup accelerated toward you, but
If two people push in different directions on a third neither you nor anything else exerted a force on it in
person, as illustrated, we might expect the total force that direction.
to be in the direction shown. Since force is a vector,
it adds just like other vectors for two ice skaters, Net Force - is the vector sum of the forces acting on
an object.
-is a technique used to illustrate all the external
forces acting on a body.
If the sum of the forces is equal to zero there is no
The body is represented by a single isolated point (or
net force thus, they are considered balanced, and the
free body), and only those forces acting on the body
object is at rest.
from the outside (external forces) are shown.


➢ Law of Inertia - It defines a special set of
reference frames called inertial frames. We
call this an inertial frame of reference.
“Every object continues in its state of rest, or of
uniform velocity in a straight line, as long as no net
force acts on it.”

© Penn from STM214

• Balanced Forces - forces acting on an object *To every action there is an equal and opposite
are equal in magnitude but opposite in reaction.
direction and lie along the same line.
• Unbalanced Forces - is no more force that
counteracts the pull of gravity.

Forces are said to be balanced forces if the net force

is equal to zero and there is no motion.

Forces are said to be unbalanced forces if the net

force is not equal to zero. Unbalanced forces may
cause acceleration and change in object motion,
When a cord or rope pulls on an object, it is said to
speed, or direction.
be under tension, and the force it exerts is called a
tension force.
➢ Static Equilibrium - is a system that remains
at rest without any external force acting on it.
➢ Friction - when an object is in contact with a
➢ Dynamic Equilibrium - a system that
surface there is a force acting on that object.
continuously moves in a straight path without
acceleration (constant velocity).
➢ Frictional Force - the component of this
force that is parallel to the surface.
➢ STATIC FRICTION - when the two
“The acceleration of an object is directly surfaces are not sliding across one another the
proportional to the net force acting on it and is friction.
inversely proportional to the object’s mass. The
direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the
net force acting on the object.”

Weight - is the force exerted on an object by gravity.

• Static friction opposes the impending relative
Close to the surface of the Earth, where the
motion between two objects.
gravitational force is nearly constant, the weight is:
• Kinetic Friction - opposes the relative sliding
motion that actually does occur.


“Whenever one object exerts a force on a second

object, the second object exerts an equal force in the
opposite direction on the first.”

© Penn from STM214

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