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1. Are you in hiring mode? If no would you love to hire someone who will help you to grow
your business quantumly?
2. Do you have a co-founder? If yes who are they and what position do they have in the
company? / If no why you don’t want to have one?
3. What difference between your products and your competitors products?
4. If someone come up with a better product than yours, will you compete with them?
5. Have you ever upgrade your product to be better since you have started this business? If
yes, How often?
6. What percent of market share do you have in your industry?
7. Is your sales grow or discounted? If it grow so for how much percent in each year? And if
it discounted for what percent in a year?
8. What are long term goals for your company?
9. Have you ever thought about growing your company geometrical/quantumly through
merger and acquisition?
10. What is your exit strategy?

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