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First Term Exam (Part 2)/ 2nd Semester, SY 2020-2021

Name: King David O. Audencia Signature:

Course/Year/Section: BS ABE 2-1 Date: March 09, 2021

Essay: Analysis. Answer smartly, concisely and clearly.

1. What are the implications or impacts of discovering “fire” in the ancient times? 5 points
Fire is the greatest invention of people in ancient times. Through the discovery of fire, the ancient civilization had a source of
warmth and light, and as well as protection to wild animals, especially at night. Also because of fire, the advancement of
hunting tools became easier and they learned how to cook foods. This discovery paved the way for human spatial dispersal,
cultural developments, and dietary and behavioral improvements.

2. Name one (1) household device that makes your life easier and how is life without this? What could be the positive/negative
effects of this device to the new generation? 5 points
Gas stove a device that made cooking quick, you wouldn't have to wait an ample amount unlike if you will use wood or
charcoal to cook your food. Without this life will be very hassled because in charcoal and wood you need to blow it to
prolong the fire. Despite its advantages and help to humans, there are still disadvantages to this device, if you forget to turn
it off, it will burn your kitchen, or worse, it might explode. Another, it produces nitrogen dioxide and sometimes also carbon
monoxide which is very dangerous for health when inhaled.

1. Refer to the photo below. It is undeniable that “Agriculture” is one of the most remarkable inventions/discoveries of the
Ancient civilizations. What was life before the Agricultural Revolution? How did farming change people’s lives?
20 points

Before the discovery of agriculture, humans are nomadic because they are lived by hunting wild animals and wild plants as their
sources of food. They didn't have permanent houses because if their sources in that specific place run out they will again move
to another place which is a cycle. Through the discovery of farming, human beings did now not need to go to different places to
gather and find food. Instead, they started to live in the community, permanently. They learned to grow crops and raise animals,
on close-by land, as their source of food. As time pass by, the community they build eventually became advance and modernize
until the present time

2. Choose one (1) among the photos shown below. These are three of the top 10 greatest modern inventions.
What do you think life was like before this was invented?
What kind of problems did the invention solve?
In what ways did it make life easier for people and society?
20 points


b. .


A written letter is the medium of receiving and sending messages to other people way back when there is still no telephone.
In modernize cities, there are servants of a specific family that used to be a delivery servant of a letter. They will send it to
the other home and will eventually wait for the reply of the receiver. They even have a sender of messages riding in a horse,
conquering long distances just to get and send the mail in the right place at the right time. And these ways took a very long
time which is very hassle. It is the most basic form of sending and receiving messages before the invention of the so-called
'Telephone'. The invention of the telephone has achieved positive results. Now we can contact our family and friends
immediately. The invention of the telephone opened an unimaginable door for our society. In today's era, owning a phone
has become a crucial part of our lives.

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