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Notice of freezing of all episode items

Thank you for your continued use of our wiki.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of convictions for violations of
copyright laws, including convictions of fast movie and spoiler sites, and this
year, a "wiki with a huge number of pages" in the same vein as our wiki was closed
due to copyright infringement.
As a result of our review of this wiki, we have determined that there is a very
high possibility that the episodic sections of this wiki are seriously infringing
on the interests enjoyed by the authors of the episodes.

As the administrator, I understand very well that the episode items are loved by
everyone, so in order to balance the two points of "minimizing the risk of closure
to this wiki" and "keeping the existing items alive as much as possible," I have
decided to draw a line between "episode items that cannot remain because of high
risk" and "episode items that are low risk and However, this attempt only resulted
in a great deal of confusion for users, and we had no choice but to conclude that
it was impossible to draw a line between the episodic items.

For these reasons, we have come to the conclusion that in order to keep the wiki
alive, we have no choice but to freeze all episode items with "administrator-only"
viewing privileges.
In principle, we will not take action on items other than episodic items, as they
are easier to deal with in case of emergency.

I understand that the episodic items are well-liked and loved by many users, and I
understand that there are those who are confused, angry, or unconvinced by the
decision to take a scalpel to them.
As the administrator of the wiki, I too have a strong emotional attachment to
several of the episode items, and this decision is one that I feel I must make with
great reluctance.
However, I hope you will understand that this is a necessary measure to keep this
wiki alive.

The following is a summary of the freezing of all episode items.

The same information is also included in the rules for the creation of items.
In addition, the recently issued rules for "items that may be in violation of
copyright" will be replaced by the new rules.
The freeze of existing items will be implemented from 9/1/2023 as follows.

Items with episodic subject matter

Episodic items are banned due to the strong possibility of copyright infringement
and past cases that make it difficult to handle them in this wiki.
Items that are based on episodes should be based on the title of each episode of a
manga, anime, or drama, or an item that describes an episode by separating it with
"~" or "-hen".
This is prohibited regardless of the content of the item, such as if it describes
something other than the episode, or if the spoiler element is not written until
the end.
However, we will permit the use of copyrighted material if the copyright has
expired, the material is copyright-free, or the author has given permission for the
reprinting of the material.
Other gray areas will basically be judged as black (if the person who wants to keep
the material can provide a convincing explanation, it may become white).
New creation will be prohibited, and existing items will be frozen with
"administrator-only" permissions.

Other items such as "the work itself" and "the movie" are allowed, including
episodes within the item, because it is easy to delete the synopsis when it becomes
necessary to deal with them.
However, if the administrator determines that the content is extremely harmful to
the interests of copyright holders, etc., it may be subject to a freeze.

The freezing of existing items will be implemented as needed from September 1,

In the meantime, you can change the name of an existing episode item so that it is
not the subject of an episode (for example, by editing the content to focus on the
episode's guest character and making it a guest character item), or you can change
the name of an existing episode item so that it is not an episode item (for
example, by moving part of the content of an existing episode item to a different
item). (For example, by editing the content to focus on the guest character of the
episode, and then making it a guest character item).
In such cases, a comment should be left in the comment field of the item, such as
"Edited to protect copyright" or "Moved a part of 00 to O✕✕ to protect copyright".
When renaming an item, leave a note in the comment field that you have changed the
name of the item from the "original page name" to the "new page name" and be sure
to also repost all links to other items, as links to that item from other items
will be broken.
Also, be sure to tag the "original episode item" when these actions are taken.
Although consultation in the comments section or at the consultation office is
normally required for large-scale editing or renaming of items, consultation is not
required for editing or renaming items in response to this case.
However, items that are apparently only talking about episodes may later be
discussed and be subject to deletion.
Even if the item is not an episode, it should be noted that if it is deemed
problematic, the relevant part or the item itself may be deleted immediately.
This is also because it is easy to delete the relevant section when it becomes
necessary to deal with the problem.

It is permissible to archive existing items that are the subject of this report, or
to reprint them on other sites and evacuate them.
However, the administrators of this wiki will not be held responsible for any
problems that may arise as a result of such actions.

If there is a good reason to lift the freeze, or if we can find a good line where
we can do so, we will consider whether or not to lift the freeze again.

Thank you in advance for your kind attention to the above.

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