Value Reflection

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Nathan Neil A.



To see things with the eyes of faith means that we see things not just in the physical sense, but
we also analyze it according to our own faith. For example, is the things we do everyday. When we do
them, we should not just ask ourselves if it is beneficial for us, but we should also ask if it is good in the
eyes of God, and if it aligns with our faith. I would manifest faith in my daily life means that I am living in
my faith. This includes praying, and following the Word.

I have been practicing the characteristics of a zealous Lasallian recently. I give donations for my
classmates in their NSTP classes, which in turn will be donated to less fortunate families. They serve as
the bridge for us who want to help but do not know how. The main challenge and obstacle that prevents
almost everyone is the pandemic. The pandemic is preventing us from helping in the traditional way and
the way most know how. Aside from that, there are so many things to do in school that I cannot make
time for helping others, since I need to help myself first. Aside from that my laziness is also a very big
obstacle that I need to overcome. What I can do to be more zealous is to stop procrastinating and have a
concrete schedule. This will help me overcome the obstacle that makes me so piled up with school
works, and have time to help others in my free time.

As a student, I demonstrate this by joining different groups that enhances the communion in
mission value of Lasallians. These groups include groups in churches such as Bible study groups where
not only do we study the Bible, but also try to apply it and share it with others. I believe that just by
inviting others into the study group and encouraging them, I am practicing the Lasallian value. As a
professional, I would be able to manifest that by having God present in my business. This means that it is
ethical and it spreads the word of God. This can be done by having chapel together with employees and

The founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, manifested all of these values in his lifespan. Even
though he had so many hardships, such as his parents dying one after the other, and him having to take
care of his family, he was still able to teach to the poor children in France, and was able to devote his life
to education and training teachers, whose effect we still feel today. That is why it is no excuse for us to
be unable to practice these values, since he was able to do it even with his problems.

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