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Dominic’s International School


Internal Assessment Criteria

How to write a lab report Guide

Practical Investigations – labs cover sheets

Name: __________________________

Sept 2012


Table of Contents

CHEMISTRY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................................4

WRITING A LAB REPORT GUIDE................................................................................................................................6
LAB WRITE-UP CHECKLIST........................................................................................................................................8
MY INTERNAL ASSESSMENT GRADES.....................................................................................................................10
TOPIC 1 – QUANTITATIVE CHEMISTRY...................................................................................................................11
Flame tests (Topic 1)..........................................................................................................................................12
Finding the Formula of a Hydrate (Topic 1)........................................................................................................13
Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide (Topic 1)..............................................................................................14
Quantitative Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate (Topic 1)...........................................................................16
Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield (Topic 1)..............................................................................................18
Limiting and Excess Reactants (Topic 1).............................................................................................................19
Quantitative Chemistry Lab: deduce the HCl Concentration (Topic 1)...............................................................22
Chlorination of Water (Topic 1)..........................................................................................................................25
TOPIC 2 – ATOMIC STRUCTURE..............................................................................................................................26
Emission Spectra Activity (Topic 2).....................................................................................................................27
TOPIC 4 –BONDING................................................................................................................................................29
Solubility of Salts Design (Topic 4)......................................................................................................................30
Evaporation rate of a liquids Design (Topic 4)....................................................................................................31
TOPIC 5 – ENERGETICS...........................................................................................................................................32
Enthalpy change of combustion of different alcohols (Topic 5).........................................................................33
Calorimetry – Enthalpy of Reaction (Topic 5).....................................................................................................35
Calorimetry – Hess’s Law, MgSO4 Hydrate and Anhydrate (Topic 5)..................................................................37
Thermometric Titration: Acid – Base Neutralization (Topic 5)...........................................................................39
Comparing Bond Enthalpies, Hess’s Law and Enthalpy of Formation (HL only) (Topic 5)...................................42
Experiment 1 - Solid sodium hydroxide dissolved in water to form an aqueous solution of ions..................42
Experiment 2 - Solid sodium hydroxide reacts with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution to form water and an
aqueous solution of sodium chloride.............................................................................................................42
Experiment 3 - A dilute sodium hydroxide solution reacts with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution to form
water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.......................................................................................42
Testing Different Methods of Insulation (Topic 5)..............................................................................................44
TOPIC 6 – KINETICS.................................................................................................................................................45
Design Lab: Rates of reaction (Topic 6)..............................................................................................................46
Kinetics Lab – Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction (Topic 6)................................................................................47
Part A: Concentration (measured by volume increase)..................................................................................47
Part B: Temperature (measured by mass decrease)......................................................................................48


Determining the Activation Energy of a Reaction (Topic 6)................................................................................50

Rate (SL) and order of reaction (HL) using a colorimeter (Topic 6)....................................................................51
Iodine + Propanone + acid (Topic 6)...................................................................................................................53
Determining the rate of reaction (SL) and order of reaction (HL) (Topic 6)........................................................54
TOPIC 8 – ACIDS & BASES.......................................................................................................................................55
Titrations Lab (Topic 8).......................................................................................................................................56
Titration Lab (Topic 8)........................................................................................................................................61
Investigation of pH titration curves (Topic 8).....................................................................................................62
TOPIC 9 – OXIDATION & REDUCTION.....................................................................................................................64
Redox Reactions – Reactivity (Topic 9)...............................................................................................................65
Experiment 1: Reaction of Halides with Silver Nitrate (do this first)..............................................................65
Experiment 2: Metal Displacement Reactions................................................................................................65
Experiment 3: Halogen Displacement Reactions............................................................................................65
Experiment 4: Reaction of Alkali metals with water (do Na and K inside the fume cupboard)......................65
Determination of atomic mass using an electrolytic cell (Topic 9).....................................................................66
Investigate one or more electrochemical cells (Topic 9)....................................................................................68
Investigate a factor affecting the rate of electroplating a metal (Topic 9).........................................................70
TOPIC 10 – ORGANIC CHEMISTRY..........................................................................................................................71
Investigate a property of a homologous series (Topic 10).................................................................................72
Preparation and Properties of Esters (Topic 10).................................................................................................73
Synthesis of Aspirin  (Topic 10).......................................................................................................................74
Organic Chemistry – Design Lab (Topic 10)........................................................................................................75



There are five assessment criteria that are used to assess the work of both SL and HL students.

• Design—D

• Data collection and processing—DCP

• Conclusion and evaluation—CE

• Manipulative skills—MS

• Personal skills—PS

The first three criteria—design (D), data collection and processing (DCP) and conclusion and evaluation (CE)—
are each assessed twice.

Manipulative skills (MS) are assessed summatively over the whole course and the assessment should be based
on a wide range of manipulative skills.

Personal skills (PS) are assessed once only and this will be during the group 4 project.

Each of the assessment criteria can be separated into three aspects as shown in the following sections.
Descriptions are provided to indicate what is expected in order to meet the requirements of a given aspect
completely (c) and partially (p). A description is also given for circumstances in which the requirements are not
satisfied, not at all (n). A “complete” is awarded 2 marks, a “partial” 1 mark and a “not at all” 0 marks.

The maximum mark for each criterion is 6 (representing three “completes”).

D × 2 = 12 DCP × 2 = 12 CE × 2 = 12 MS × 1 = 6 PS × 1 = 6
This makes a total mark out of 48. The marks for each of the criteria are added together to determine the final
mark out of 48 for the IA component. This is then scaled at IBCA to give a total out of 24%. General regulations
and procedures relating to IA can be found in the Vade Mecum for the year in which the IA is being submitted.

Internal Assessment Criteria

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for collection
variables of data
Formulates a focused problem/research Designs a method for the Develops a method that allows for
Complete/2 question and identifies the relevant effective control of the the collection of sufficient relevant
variables. variables. data.
Formulates a problem/research question Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for
Partial/1 that is incomplete or identifies only some some attempt to control the the collection of insufficient
relevant variables. variables. relevant data.
Does not identify a problem/research Designs a method that does Develops a method that does not
Not at all/0 question and does not identify any relevant not control the variables. allow for any relevant data to be
variables. collected.


Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw Presents processed data
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including data correctly. appropriately and, where relevant,
units and uncertainties where relevant. includes errors and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, Presents processed data
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with but with some mistakes and/or appropriately, but with some
some mistakes or omissions. omissions. mistakes and/or omissions.
Does not record any appropriate No processing of quantitative raw Presents processed data
Not at all/0 quantitative raw data or raw data is data is carried out or major inappropriately or
incomprehensible. mistakes are made in processing. incomprehensibly.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, Evaluates weaknesses and Suggests realistic improvements in
Complete/2 based on a reasonable interpretation limitations. respect of identified weaknesses and
of the data. limitations.
States a conclusion based on a Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial
Partial/1 reasonable interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is improvements.
weak or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion Identifies irrelevant weaknesses Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 is based on an unreasonable and limitations.
interpretation of the data.

Manipulative skills (assessed summatively)

This criterion addresses objective 5.
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Following instructions* Carrying out techniques Working safely
Follows instructions accurately, Competent and methodical in the use of a Pays attention to safety
Complete/2 adapting to new circumstances range of techniques and equipment. issues.
(seeking assistance when required).
Follows instructions but requires Usually competent and methodical in the use Usually pays attention to
assistance. of a range of techniques and equipment. safety issues.
Rarely follows instructions or Rarely competent and methodical in the use Rarely pays attention to
Not at all/0
requires constant supervision. of a range of techniques and equipment. safety issues.
*Instructions may be in a variety of forms: oral, written worksheets, diagrams, photographs, videos, flow charts, audio tapes, models,
computer programs, and so on, and need not originate from the teacher.

Personal skills (for group 4 project assessment only)

This criterion addresses objective 4.
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Self-motivation and
Working within a team Self-reflection
Approaches the project with Collaborates and communicates Shows a thorough awareness of their own
Complete/2 self-motivation and follows it in a group situation and strengths and weaknesses and gives thoughtful
through to completion. integrates the views of others. consideration to their learning experience.
Completes the project but Exchanges some views but Shows limited awareness of their own strengths
Partial/1 sometimes lacks self- requires guidance to collaborate and weaknesses and gives some consideration to
motivation. with others. their learning experience.
Lacks perseverance and Makes little or no attempt to Shows no awareness of their own strengths and
Not at all/0 motivation. collaborate in a group situation. weaknesses and gives no consideration to their
learning experience.
The assessment can be assisted by the use of a student self-evaluation form, but the use of such a form is not a requirement.


Learning how to write a good lab report is like learning to ride a bike. Once you’ve figured it out, you can do it
over and over again.
Writing good lab reports is very important in IB as they make out a big part of your final grades in the science
subjects. The key to writing a good lab report is to find out what is asked for and include all those parts in your
report. Here are some steps to follow:
1. First you should give the aim of the investigation. It should be clear and concise. If the teacher states the
aim you shouldn’t just copy that down, you need to change it to get a full score.
2. Second, you need to write the hypothesis and prediction of the investigation. The hypothesis needs to
be very clear, giving an exact and complete description of what might happen (and why). The prediction
is written like: If …then…
3. You can also give a general background to the study if you feel like it’s relevant and necessary.
4. Here you should present the different variables. The independent variable is the one that you alter
throughout your experiment. For an example, if you investigate the effect of temperature on yeast
fermentation, then the different temperatures that you use are the independent variable.
5. The dependent variable is the variable that you measure. Using the yeast example, the dependent
variable would be the amount of CO 2 produced by the yeast (this shows how well the fermentation is
6. The controlled variables are the ones that you try to keep constant throughout your experiment so that
they don’t affect your experiment. If investigating the effect of temperature in yeast fermentation, the
controlled variables would be the amount of yeast and water, the time for fermentation, etc.
Materials and method
1. First give a list of all the equipment used in the experiment. Give the size of beakers/measuring
cylinders, etc., used, give the names of any chemicals that are used in the experiment.
2. You can use a diagram (picture) to show the experimental set up if you find it necessary.
3. Now you should describe the method. It should be written in past tense (i.e. not written as a guide on
how to carry out the experiment again, but rather, how you did it). The steps in the experiment are
either self-evident or explained.
4. In this part you should explain the different variables. Write how the independent variable was varied.
Using the yeast example, the independent variable can be varied by placing the fermentation tubes in
hot water baths of different temperatures.
5. Write how changes of the dependent variable were monitored. You should write how you got your
results, e.g. by reading from the scale on the fermentation tube to see how much CO 2 that has been
6. Write how the controlled variables were controlled. Using the yeast example, you write that you made
sure that the amount of yeast used in each fermentation tube was the same (because you used a scale),
that you used a watch to make sure that the time that the tubes were allowed to ferment was the same
for all tubes.
7. Write how you made sure that the sufficient relevant data was recorded. Describe the method for data
collection, i.e. if you had several trials, if you used controls, methods of measurements, if your
calculations are correct, etc.


Data collection
1. Record all your raw data in tables. The tables should be numbered and have captions in which you
briefly describe the contents of the tables and how you recorded the results. Titles, units and the
uncertainty should be given in the headings of the tables.
2. Underneath the table you can briefly describe the results. You can describe the main trends and account
for any anomalous result. You don’t have to discuss the significance of the results to the aim of the
Data Processing and presentation
1. The data should be processed (calculated) correctly and presented in tables (as above) and graphs. If
you use graphs, they should have a caption in which you describe the contents of the graph. The axes of
the graphs have to be labelled with units and the points have to be plotted correctly. Make sure that
you use the correct type of graphs. If both variables are continuous, use a scatter graph.
2. For HL: Error analysis should be carried out if possible (calculate the percentage uncertainty, etc).
1. In the conclusion you should discuss the results you obtained in relation with your hypothesis. Write a
conclusion based on an interpretation of the gathered results.
2. Compare your results with literature values if possible.
1. In the evaluation you should evaluate the method used. Write about the main weakness of the method
used and the weakness in the method of manipulation of data.
2. Write about the source of error, but don’t include personal mistakes.
3. Suggest real improvements (that can be carried out in the school lab) to the investigation.
4. Discuss further investigations that are of interest and can be carried out and new questions that could
be posed. 1

Retrieved from, June 2012.


1. Research question: Did you state the question/purpose? (How will ... affect …?
2. Independent Variable:
a. Have you identified the Independent Variable
b. Have you listed levels of the Independent Variable?
c. Have you justified that the number of levels, the range of levels, and the intervals are good enough?
d. Have you stated how each level of the Independent Variable will be made?
3. Dependent Variable:
a. Have you identified/defined the dependent variable?
b. Have you stated how DV is specifically measured?
4. Control variables:
a. Have you listed controls?
b. Have you compared your list with the list in the lab guidelines?
c. Have you explained what effect not controlling each variable will have?
d. Have you explained how each one will be controlled?
5. Materials: Have you listed all the materials you will be using?
6. Method:
a. Is it clear what is being done in this experiment?
b. Does your method allow and show the control of all variables?
7. Analysis: Have you addressed what analysis will be done to answer the lab’s question?

Data Collection
1. Do tables have labels/units?
2. Do all quantities have uncertainties present?
3. Do uncertainties have the same number of decimal places as the measurements?
4. Do significant figures show precision of tool used?
5. Are there any deviations from normal sig fig/uncertainty protocol stated with reason.
6. Are qualitative observations included?
7. Are qualitative observations are thorough? (Each trial? Before, during, after?)
8. Is there other data to be used (literature values, concentrations, etc.)
9. Do you have titled, numbered and well organized tables?
10. Are sources of data looked up included?

Data Processing

1. Are calculations labeled?

2. Are the relevant equations shown?
3. Are units displayed?
4. Are the correct significant figures reported?
5. Are the calculated results presented in table?
6. For labs that have analysis questions: are all questions answered thoroughly?
7. Are the important patterns discussed?
8. Are the important patters displayed in graphical or tabular form?
9. Do graphs have good scale, labels and tick marks?

1. Conclusion drawn? (Answer the lab’s question!)

2. Final values (data) included?

3. Conclusion is justified
a) Comparison to expected (hypothesis, literature value, percent error)
b) Meaning of results (in terms of theory, at molecular level)
c) Is your value accurate? How do you know?
d) Have you addressed the magnitude of the uncertainties in calculated data and identified the data that
contributed the most uncertainty to your final result/conclusion?
e) Qualitative observations have been included in discussion
4. Reasoning is logical and based on sound understanding of chemical principles involved.
5. Have you identified the limitations of your conclusion? Overall, is your data valid? Can your pattern be

1. Have you identified ALL the weaknesses and errors in this experiment?
- errors that lead to lack of precision
- errors that make value to low or two high
- errors in the assumptions you made about how this would work or how easy it would be to measure a
particular value
2. Have you stated the magnitude of each error (was it significant or minimal? Does it explain the error in your
result or is it something that appears to have no effect?)
3. Have you identified a specific improvement for each error?
4. Is each improvement you’ve listed realistic?



(out of 48)








Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HL mark range 0-8 9-16 17-22 23-27 28-33 34-38 39-48

SL mark range 0-8 9-16 17-22 23-27 28-33 34-38 39-48




Flame tests (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

As we know from the spectroscope lab, gases can give off characteristic coloured line spectra when energized. In this
activity we will investigate the changes that occur to salts when they are heated in a Bunsen burner. The colours obtained
can then be used to identify the metals present in unknown compounds.

Chemicals and Apparatus

 lithium chloride n
 strontium chloride  Pestle and mortar
 potassium chloride  7 small beakers
 barium chloride n
 Sodium chloride  Bunsen burner
 copper(II) chloride  Nichrome wire  Wooden splints
 calcium chloride  1 mol/dm3 HCl
NB: Wear your safety glasses.

Wooden splints soaked overnight in water work quite well in place of the platinum wire, which is quite expensive. You will
need a wooden splint for each sample to avoid cross contamination. Nichrome wire can be used in place of platinum wire

1. Crush a little of the salt to be tested with a pestle and mortar.
2. Label 6 beakers, and place a small quantity of the corresponding salt in each.
3. Dip the soaked splint in the salt to be tested. Some of the salt should stick to the splint.
4. Gently wave the splint in the flame of the Bunsen burner and note the colour given off. Be careful not to hold the
splint too long in the flame, as charring may occur and give a false colour.
5. Repeat the experiment for each of the other salts. To avoid cross contamination, use a separate splint for each
salt. Again, note the colour in each case.
6. Repeat the experiment again using the nichrome wire. Between samples, dip the wire in a beaker with a small
amount of HCl(aq) and then pass it through the flame to clean any remaining salt and HCl from the wire.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.


made in processing.


Finding the Formula of a Hydrate (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total
Aim: To find the molecular formula of a certain hydrate of copper (II) sulphate, CuSO 4 • xH2O.
Record and label your results carefully, including units, significant figures, and uncertainties. You will be
comparing this to the true value of the hydrate. Also pay attention to any variables that should be controlled
during this experiment.
 Ceramic evaporating dish  Retort stand, ring clamp, clay triangle
 Electronic balance  Glass stirring rod, scoopula, crucible tongs
 Bunsen burner  Copper (II) sulfate hydrate crystals
 All students must wear safety glasses at all times during the lab, even when not working directly with the chemicals or apparatus.
 Be careful around the hot plates, even when they are unplugged – they may still be hot!
 Do not inhale the copper (II) sulphate hydrate
 Do not touch the copper (II) sulphate crystals
 Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling any chemicals.

1. Gather all the equipment you need for this lab.
2. Use evaporation to determine the formula of CuSO 4 • xH2O. Use between 3-5g of crystals per trial.
3. Place the clay triangle on top of the ring clamp, and set the evaporating dish on top.
4. Light the Bunsen burner. You will hold the Bunsen burner throughout the entire experiment and wave it gently
back and forth underneath the evaporating dish.
5. Use your stirring rod to CAREFULLY mix the crystals in the dish so that they do not burn. Continue allowing the
crystals to heat until ALL the crystals have changed colour. Do not lose any crystals during the heating. Record any
observations you notice during the heating of the crystals.
6. If you hear sizzling, then the heat is a little bit too high.
7. Once the colour change has finished, use the tongs to remove the evaporating dish from the clay triangle. Be
careful, it is very hot.
8. Let the sample cool down for 1-2 minutes before measuring.
9. Place the anhydride into the storage beaker provided by your teacher. Wipe the evaporating dish using paper
10. Repeat all steps of the experiment a total of 3-4 times, depending on time.
1. Find the average of your 3-4 trials.
2. Use your average values to calculate the molecular formula of the hydrate (the value of x).
What is the molecular formula of this hydrate?
Conclusion and evaluation
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.



Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Metal oxides are formed when a metal is reacted with oxygen. In this lab, you will convert Magnesium metal
(an element) to magnesium oxide (a compound). Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal, which reacts vigorously
when heated in the presence of air to produce magnesium oxide and magnesium nitride. We only want
magnesium oxide, however, so water is added to react with the magnesium nitride and convert it to magnesium
hydroxide. This is then further oxidized by burning to convert all of the Mg to magnesium oxide. Based on the
weights of the reactants and the product, the percent composition of the product can be found. Using this
information, the empirical formula of the oxide, Mg xOy can be determined.

Aim: To discover the empirical formula of magnesium oxide by oxidizing magnesium.

 Magnesium ribbon  Bunsen Burner  Crucible tongs
 Distilled water  Ring stand Clay triangle  Electronic Balance (at least
 Ceramic crucible & cover  wire gauze 0.01g accuracy)

Burning magnesium produces a very bright white flame. DO NOT look directly at the flame, it can damage your
eyes. Crucibles can become very hot but still look cold. Be careful around any crucibles because they may be
extremely hot. Always use crucible tongs to carry crucibles carefully; this is also so that oils and impurities from
your body do not get onto them.

1. Place a clean, dry crucible and crucible cover on a clay triangle on a ring stand over a Bunsen burner.
Adjust the height of the ring so the bottom of the crucible will be in the hot part of the flame. Place the
cover so it is slightly ajar, allowing air to leave the crucible.
2. Heat the empty covered crucible for about 10 minutes. The bottom of the crucible should be red hot.
Turn off the burner and allow the crucible to cool for 5 minutes.
3. When the crucible is cooled to room temperature, transfer it to the balance with crucible tongs and
record the mass.

4. Prepare to heat the magnesium inside the crucible. Record whatever measurements you need. Never
touch the crucible with your hands or place on the lab bench, this may result in contamination.
5. Obtain about 0.15-0.2g of magnesium ribbon. If the metal is not shiny, rub it with steel wool to remove
oxidized metal.
6. Fold the magnesium ribbon and then place it inside the crucible. Place the crucible on the clay triangle
over the Bunsen burner and start heating.
7. As soon as the magnesium glows, place the cover on the crucible, so that no smoke escapes.
Periodically lift the cover to check the progress of the reaction and to allow oxygen into the crucible.
When the reaction is complete, remove from heat and place on wire gauze.
8. Add 10 drops of distilled water and observe, including smell.
9. Heat the crucible slightly covered until the water has completely evaporated. Allow the crucible to cool
down for 5 minutes, then record readings.
10. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

1. Determine the mass percentage composition of your product. What are we assuming about the
conversion during this reaction?
2. Determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide.
3. Find out the correct empirical formula of magnesium oxide and compare your results. Give some
possible reasons for any discrepancies.
4. Why is it important to heat the empty crucible at the beginning of the lab?
5. Write a balanced chemical equation for the conversion of magnesium to magnesium oxide, using the
experimental empirical formula found for Mg xOy.

Write a suitable conclusion for this lab.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Quantitative Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: To determine how much oxygen is in any sample of potassium chlorate

In this experiment, oxygen is produced by thermal decomposition of potassium chlorate (KClO 3). The rate of the
reaction is increased by addition of a catalyst, MnO 2, manganese dioxide.

1. Weigh the empty test tube and record this mass in the table below.
2. Add approximately 2.0 grams of potassium chlorate to the test tube. Weigh and record mass.
3. Add a small amount of manganese dioxide (the tip of a wooden stick) to the test tube and reweigh and
record the mass.
4. Heat the test tube over a hot flame and make observations on the reaction.
5. After approximately 5 minutes, stop heating the sample and let it cool.
6. Once the sample has cooled, weigh it again and complete the table.
7. Dispose of the test tube contents into the “inorganic” container.
8. Clean up and replace all materials to the correct location.

Mass (g) Error
Mass of test tube
Mass of test tube + KClO3
Mass of test tube + KClO3 + MnO2
Mass of test tube + KCl + MnO2
Calculated Values
Mass of KClO3
Mass of MnO2
Mass of KCl
Mass of O2


1. Determine, from the above data, the
a. % (by mass) of oxygen in potassium chlorate. (How much oxygen is in the total compound?)
b. % (by mass) of potassium chloride in potassium chlorate. (How much potassium chloride is in
the total compound?)
2. Calculate using the molar masses of the elements the same information as above.
3. Determine the percentage error for your data. Remember:
% error = [accepted value – experimental value] x 100
Accepted value

Complete a lab write up which includes the data analysis and a conclusion and evaluation.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Limiting Reactant and Percentage Yield (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: In this experiment you be identifying the limiting reagent in an experiment and then you will attempt to
determine your ability to obtain 100% yield in an experiment.

 100mL beaker  Distilled water  Filter paper  Iron filings
 Measuring Cylinder  Hot plate  Evaporating dish  Copper (II) sulphate
 Electronic balance  Weighing boat  Funnel  Dilute sulphuric acid
 Spatula  Stirring rod

1. Measure approximately 3.00 g of copper (II) sulphate crystals into a small beaker. Record the exact mass obtained.
2. Dissolve the crystals in about 15 cm 3 of water, and warm the solution to about 70˚C on the hot plate.
3. Measure out about 5.00 g of iron filings.
4. Add half of the iron to the warm solution of copper (II) sulphate and stir well.
5. Slowly add remaining iron, stirring constantly, until all the copper ions seem to have reacted and the solution begins
to effervesce slightly.
6. Weigh a piece of filter paper and an evaporating dish and then filter the mixture immediately into a clean
evaporating dish and wash the solid residue with three 5 cm 3 portions of pure water. Ensure that there is no solid
left in the beaker.
7. Acidify the filtrate with 5 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid.
8. Leave the filtrate in the oven at a low temperature to crystallize.
9. The next day, weigh both the filter paper and the evaporating dish.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.



Limiting and Excess Reactants (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

To investigate the reaction between aluminum and aqueous copper (II) chloride. The blue colour of the CuCl 2
solution is caused by the Cu2+ ion. Here is the balanced chemical equation:

2 Al(s) + 3 CuCl2(aq)  3 Cu(s) + 2 AlCl3(aq)

Aim: To determine the concentration of an unknown CuCl 2 solution. You will react with varying quantities of
aluminium and try to determine the concentration of the CuCl 2 by stoichiometric calculation of solutions.

 100mL Beakers,  Glass stirring rod, spatula
 Measuring Cylinder  Aluminum foil
 Electronic balance  Copper (II) chloride solution (unknown concentration)

1. Gather all the equipment you need for this lab.
2. Use a graduated cylinder to pour 50.0mL of the CuCl2 solution into each beaker.
3. Measure out some Al foil. It can be made of more than 1 piece. (hint: the correct amount you need is
somewhere between 0.15g and 0.25g.
4. Stir the beaker and observe the reaction. When the reaction is complete, finish your observations, choose a
different quantity of Al, then go back to Step 2.
5. Carefully pour the beaker contents into the aqueous waste jar.
6. Wash all the equipment you used and return them to their proper places.

1. How can you tell when CuCl2 solution is in excess?
2. How can you tell when Al foil is in excess?
3. One of your trials should have CuCl2 in excess. Calculate the amount of each substance that reacted in this
4. Determine the concentration of the CuCl2 solution to as many significant figures as possible.


5. If the concentration of CuCl2 was 0.1500M, how many grams of CuCl2 solid would be required to make exactly
1.000dm3 of solution?
6. If the concentration of CuCl2 was 0.1800M, how many grams of CuCl22H2O hydrate solid would be required
to make exactly 750 cm3 of solution?
Data collection and processing
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Refer to p255 in McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 11 textbook for template. Adjust the lab slightly for the class
CuCl2 + Al foil lab.
CuCl2 concentration:
700mL of 0.25M diluted to 1.000L = 0.175M For 50mL requires about 0.1575g of Al foil.
You can simply add slightly more and more Al each time and stop when the last Al does NOT react anymore!
Unless you use too much of course


Quantitative Chemistry Lab: deduce the HCl Concentration (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

HCl reacts with Mg metal to produce H2 gas in a slightly exothermic reaction. Using the balanced chemical
equation and basic stoichiometry, we can calculate the concentration of an unknown HCl solution. We can
measure the amount of H2 gas that was produced in the reaction by collecting it in an upside down graduated
cylinder. The concentration of the HCl is somewhere between 0.5M and 1.0M.

Aim : To quantitatively determine the concentration of an unknown HCl solution using the reaction between Mg
and HCl that produces hydrogen gas.

 Mg ribbon  Rubber bungs
 HCl (unknown concentration)  100mL Graduated cylinders
 Erlenmeyer/conical flask with gas delivery nozzle  10mL Pipettes and Pipette fillers
 Rubber tubing  Large Plastic Tray
 Gas syringe

Figure 1: Gas syringe - method to collect and measure the volume of gas

1. Gather the materials listed
2. Setup the conical flask and gas syringe as shown in figure 1.
3. Obtain a sample of acid (about 10mL) and place it in a conical flask. How are you going to collect this sample to as
many significant figures as possible?
4. Obtain at least 8cm of Mg ribbon.


5. When you are ready with the stopwatch and the tubing, place the Mg inside the flask. Immediately start timing
and cover the flask with the bung.
6. Take volume measurements every 15 seconds until the reaction finishes.
7. The final volume of gas is not only hydrogen gas; it has water vapour as well, because the gas was bubbled through
water. You must include this water vapour pressure in your calculation.
8. Repeat this process 2 more times. Use your results to calculate the concentration of the HCl solution.
9. Test the gas produced with a flaming splint.
10. Used acid should be thrown in aqueous waste, and the magnesium strips should be collected and returned to your

Record all necessary observations including units, significant figures, and uncertainties in an appropriate format. Also pay
attention to any possible sources of error for CE.

Calculate the concentration of the HCl acid as accurately as possible. Present the results in a suitable format.

What is the concentration of the HCl acid? Evaluate the procedure based on its validity and the controlling of relevant

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Rate: time every 10 seconds to plot the rate of reaction
Quantity of H2 gas: obtain moles, calculate concentration of unknown HCl
Use Mg, way faster (Zn takes forever) , no less than 1M acid, around 20mL?

10mL of 0.800M HCl, 8cm strip of Mg, 10 minutes, 75-95mL gas


Chlorination of Water (Topic 1)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

AIM: To identify the amount of chlorine present in the water sample and to see if any of the samples of water
provided represent unsafe concentrations of chlorine.

Chlorine is added to pool water to decrease the growth of bacteria which are harmful to our health. A safe level
is around 1-3 parts per million (ppm).

 Water samples (tap water, pool  Weighing boat  Dropping pipettes
water and distilled water)  Spatulas  Burette
 100mL measuring cylinder  Potassium iodide  Retort stand and clamp
 Electronic balance  Starch  Sodium thiosulphate

1. Obtain 100 cm3 of the three water samples (pool water, tap water and distilled water) using the measuring
2. Add 0.5 g of solid potassium iodide to each of the water samples and stir until the solid has dissolved.
3. Note any changes to the solution.
4. Add three or four drops of starch solution to the beakers that had a change in step 2 (this acts as the indicator for
the titration to follow).
5. Using a burette, add the sodium thiosulphate solution dropwise. The solution colour should change from black to
green to blue then finally colourless. Stop when the blue colour is JUST lost, but permanently.
6. Record the volume of sodium thiosulphate added.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.




Emission Spectra Activity (Topic 2)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total


If light from an incandescent bulb is passed through a prism it is separated into a rainbow of colours ranging
from red to violet.  When the light produced by passing an electric current through a gas is viewed in a similar
manner, however, the result is quite different. 

Each gas has its own spectrum of coloured lines.  In attempting to explain why gases emit line spectra, Neils
Bohr took the concept of the atom proposed by Rutherford and developed his "solar system" model.

According to Bohr's model, electrons can travel only in certain fixed orbits. In each orbit, an electron can have
only a certain definite energy (a quantum).  Electrons normally occupy the lowest energy levels (ground
state) possible.  When an electron absorbs energy from an external source (a current), it gains sufficient energy
to jump to a higher energy level.  The "excited" electron then gives off its newly acquired energy in the form of
light as it falls back to it original energy level. 

Aim: To identify if and why elements and compounds produce different emission spectra.


1. Obtain a student spectroscope for use during the activity.

2. Go to a window and look through the spectroscope at the sun. Make observations.
3. Look at the light from a ceiling light through the spectroscope. Again, make observations.
4. Your teacher will set up some light sources for you to view. Make observations on the sources provided.

Questions to guide your conclusion/evaluation:

1. Explain in your own words what a spectroscope is doing when used to view a light source.
2. Using a diagram, explain (in your own words) Bohr’s theory on the structure of the atom. You should
include words like “quantum”, ground state, excited, fall back…
3. Are the spectra for the sun, the in-class light and the different gases shown continuous spectra or line
spectra? Explain.
4. Why do the line spectra for the gases differ?
5. Suggest an explanation for the differences in the brightness of the lines in the line spectra.
6. Why did each gas only show a single color when electricity was passed through it?
7. How does the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom explain the spectrum of hydrogen?
8. Does Bohr’s model support other elements spectra?
9. What is one practical application of passing an electrical charge through a gas?
10. The spectra observed in this lab are emission spectra.  What are emission spectra?  How would they
differ from absorption spectra?


Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.




Solubility of Salts Design (Topic 4)

Criteria Assessed: D Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________
Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Common salt (sodium chloride) is soluble in water. That doesn't mean that we can dissolve infinite amounts of
salt in a specific amount of water. There is a certain point where no more salt can be dissolved and the solution
is then called "saturated".

• How can we measure what is the maximum mass of salt that can be dissolved in a specific volume of

• Do we have to measure how much has been dissolved or is it enough to measure how much has not
been dissolved?

• Do we have to measure the salt itself or we can measure one of its ions? Which one? Have we
performed already an experiment where the amount of such ions was measured?

What factors may affect solubility?

• If we change the metal part of the salt (K instead of Na), will the solubility change?

• If we change the temperature of water, will the solubility change?

• If we change solvent (ethanol instead of water), will the solubility change?

• What other parameters may affect the solubility of salts?

You are asked to design an experiment to investigate the solubility of salts.

The general research question is the following:

“Investigate a parameter that affects the solubility of salts made from Group 1 metals
and halogens (Group 7).”
Select dependent, independent and controlled variables, write your specific research question and describe the
detailed procedure required for investigating this question.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.


Evaporation rate of a liquids Design (Topic 4)

Criteria Assessed: D Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________
Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: To investigate a parameter that affects the evaporation rate of a volatile liquid.

Select dependent, independent and controlled variables, write your specific research question and describe the
detailed procedure required for investigating this question.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.




Enthalpy change of combustion of different alcohols (Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: __________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total


 Tie your hair back if long

 Alcohols are flammable liquids. Keep bottles stoppered when not in use and well away from naked
flames. Avoid skin contact and do not breathe vapour. Do not open the spirit burner (e.g. to refill) in a
laboratory with naked flames
 Dispose chemicals as instructed bearing in mind pertinent environmental issues


 Copper calorimeter  Spirit burners with following alcohols: methanol, ethanol, propanol,
 Thermometer butanol, pentanol
 Wicks  100 cm3 measuring cylinder
 Balance  Stand with clamps
 Distilled water  Draught shielding
 Ruler


1. Carefully measure 100 cm3 of cold distilled water with the 100 cm3 measuring cylinder.
2. Pour the water into the copper calorimeter and carefully record its temperature
3. Measure the mass the spirit burner with the analytical balance
4. Support the calorimeter over the spirit burner containing the methanol. Hold it with the clamp using the
clamp at the appropriate height and measure this value with a ruler(take every necessary step to make
this a fair test)
5. Arrange a suitable draught exclusion system and any other features you can think of to reduce energy
6. Light the wick
7. Use the thermometer to stir the water all the time it is being heated. Go on heating until the
temperature has risen about 15°-20°C
8. Extinguish the spirit burner. Keep stirring the water and note the highest temperature reached
9. Mass the spirit burner with contents. Use the analytical balance for this measurement bearing in mind
what you have learnt about proper conditions of measurement.
10. Record results and observations as appropriate
11. Repeat steps 1-10 for the sake of precision (pay due attention to controlled variables). If time permits
repeat a third time after finishing step 12
12. Repeat steps 1-10 with each of the remaining alcohols.


A full write up is required for the lab. This sheet will be the cover sheet for the lab.
Don’t forget to present all results with their uncertainties and calculate all errors. If applicable determine the
% error.
You are expected to plot relevant graphs and write conclusion as well as evaluation.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Calorimetry – Enthalpy of Reaction (Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

The reaction between copper (II) sulphate and zinc metal is exothermic, and will produce heat. The amount of
heat produced can be measured by calorimetry. This is a process by which the heat is captured by a vessel (a
calorimeter) and a medium (usually water). The amount of heat captured is measured in terms of a
temperature increase, and is equal to the heat generated by the reaction.

Aim: To determine quantitatively the enthalpy of reaction between copper (II) sulfate and zinc metal.
Think carefully about what measurements you need to make. Always consider uncertainties and significant
figured with numerical data.


 Copper (II) sulphate solution (1.00M  0.01M)  Data Harvest Temperature probe
 Zinc metal  Weighing boat
 Copper Calorimeter  Pipette and pipette filler
 Data logging software

1. Gather materials for lab.
2. Use a pipette to measure exactly 25cm3 of CuSO4 solution into the calorimeter.
3. Close the lid of the calorimeter and begin the data logging software, set to a reasonable rate of readings.
Wait until they stabilize.
4. Measure out about 2 grams of Zn powder into a weighing boat. This is the excess reactant.
5. Put all of the Zn metal in at once.
6. When the reaction has completed, continue measuring the temperature for a few minutes to let the
temperature cool down a bit.
7. Dispose of the materials in the inorganic waste beaker and wash out the equipment carefully.
8. Repeat this experiment a total of 3 times.

Data Collection and Processing

 Since we are using data logging software, you must be careful to take the raw data and present it in your
own words and your own table. Then you must process your own data yourself, and not just use the
computer-generated graph.
 Make sure your data tables, diagrams, and/or graphs all have meaningful titles, units, significant figures,
and uncertainties, where appropriate.
 Do not draw a line of best fit.
 Extrapolate the graph data points backwards until the appropriate time. Why is this necessary?
 Calculate the enthalpy changes in this experiment, making assumptions
 Calculate the enthalpy of the reaction between copper (II) sulphate and zinc.

Conclusion and Evaluation

Compare your value with the true value of ΔH = -217 kJmol -1
State possible sources of error in this experiment.
Describe ways these errors could be eliminated or reduced.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Calorimetry – Hess’s Law, MgSO4 Hydrate and Anhydrate (Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Hess’s Law is used to relate several different reactions and their enthalpies. The enthalpy difference from 1
state to another is the same regardless of how that change was achieved. Some changes cannot occur, such as
the direct hydration of MgSO4(s) to form MgSO47H2O(s). Using Hess’s Law, however, we can measure separate
enthalpy changes involving both of those 2 states and relate them using a 3 rd state which is common to both
substances, in this case, their aqueous solutions.

Aim: To calculate the enthalpy of reaction for MgSO 4(s) + 7 H2O(l)  MgSO47H2O(s)

 MgSO47H2O(s) crystals  Data logging software
 MgSO4(s) crystals  Data Harvest temperature probe
 Copper calorimeter  Stopwatch
 Distilled water  Weighing boats
 Electronic scale

1. Calculate the appropriate quantities of each compound that you need to add. The number of moles of
MgSO4 must be the same in each case, and the number of moles of H 2O must also be the same. You
must also make sure that those amounts will fit into the copper calorimeter.
2. Gather required materials for the lab, and set up the data logging software with the temperature probe.
3. Take any initial measurements that you need to make.
4. Obtain the calculated quantity of water and place it within the calorimeter.
5. Obtain the calculated quantity of MgSO 4 crystals in a weighing boat.
6. When you are ready, pour the crystals into the calorimeter, record readings until the experiment has
finished, then take final measurements.
7. Repeat steps 3-6.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 with the MgSO47H2O(s) crystals.

Data Collection and Processing

Make sure your data tables, diagrams, and/or graphs all have meaningful titles, units, significant figures, and
uncertainties, where appropriate.
Calculate the enthalpy change of the hydration of MgSO 4 crystals: MgSO4(s) + 7 H2O(l)  MgSO47H2O(s).
Explain why it is not necessary in this lab to extrapolate the temperature time graph backwards.

Conclusion and Evaluation

Compare your value with the true value of ΔH = -104 kJmol -1
State possible sources of error in this experiment.
Describe ways these errors could be eliminated or reduced.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Thermometric Titration: Acid – Base Neutralization (Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Titration is a method by which a specific quantity is neutralized by another substance and the exact amounts are
measured, usually using a burette. The end-point of the reaction is when 1 reactant has been exactly
neutralized by the other, in the stoichiometric ratio. Usually, the purpose is to determine the concentration of
an unknown liquid. In this case, you will also calculate the enthalpy of the acid-base neutralization reaction.
Temperature will be used to monitor the end-point, this is called thermometric titration.

Aim: To determine the concentration of an unknown acid and the enthalpy of neutralization for 2 acid-base
reactions, between NaOH and CH3COOH and HCl.

 Burette  HCl (unknown concentration)
 Pipette and Pipette filler  CH3COOH (unknown concentration)
 Data Logging Software  Copper Calorimeter
 Data Harvest Temperature Probe  Funnel
 Standard base solution (NaOH 1.02M  0.01M)

1. Obtain exactly 25.00mL of the NaOH solution into the calorimeter. Insert the temperature probe and
initiate the software.
2. Clean the burette with water, and then rinse once with HCl acid.
3. Fill the burette to the top with HCl.
4. You are about to begin this exothermic reaction and the thermometric titration. In order to be as
accurate as possible and not lose too much heat, you will have to work quickly but accurately. You must
think carefully how you are going to take readings.
5. Perform the thermometric titration and make sure you go past the end-point so that the temperature
starts to decrease.
6. When you finish, repeat steps 1-4.
7. Repeat steps 1-5 using the CH3COOH instead of HCl.

Data Collection and Processing

Make sure your data tables, diagrams, and/or graphs all have meaningful titles, units, significant figures, and
uncertainties, where appropriate.

Conclusion and Evaluation

The enthalpies of neutralization for these 2 reactions are given here. These were obtained by the teacher
having done the experiment earlier.
ΔH neutralization of HCl with 1.02M NaOH: -49.26 kJmol -1
ΔH neutralization of CH3COOH with 1.02M NaOH: -52.83 kJmol-1
Why do you think there are no standard values for enthalpy of neutralization of HCl and NaOH?

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


NOTES for all 3 Energetics Labs

3 major DCP and CE labs here, also ICT using probes, graphing software simulations??

Zn + CuSO4 DH = -216 kJ/mol

Very exothermic
With these specifications: 20-50°C in about 8 minutes, total 12 with lead and lag time.
Very easy to measure the max temperature reached

MgSO4: not very exothermic at all, need a sensitive measuring device

10 minutes to dissolve completely, requires lots of stirring
how will this be measured accurately?

Acid-base: somewhat exothermic, need a fairly accurate measuring device, or a fairly high concentration
25mL 1M NaOH titrated with 2M acid takes about 12 mL and 6-7 minutes turnaround, rise 6-8 °C
Look at Excel file: thermometric titration for results, plotting the graph, extrapolation, etc.
Mass beforehand and after of calorimeter and stirrer and liquid
Density of liquid
Endpoint of titration: via graph = volume and max temp. (proportion of volume added at endpoint
Q=mCDT to find heat released
Heat released goes into 0.025moles of the acid = enthalpy of neutralization

Or perhaps doing by rate would work. Set the probe to record every second, and get ready to start the
stopwatch or simply read time 0 from the graph. Set the burette to drip every second, and just continuously stir
the mixture. Should see the curve exactly, and then when it declines, stop the burette flow and the stopwatch,
calculate the rate. Problem = rate changes as the level decreases because of pgh.


Comparing Bond Enthalpies, Hess’s Law and Enthalpy of Formation (HL only)
(Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

AIM: To compare the results obtained for the enthalpy of neutralization of HCl in a reaction with NaOH.
Processes compared will be bond enthalpies, Hess’s Law (actual data), Hess’s Law (empirical data) and the
Enthalpy of formation (HL only).


Experiment 1 - Solid sodium hydroxide dissolved in water to form an aqueous solution of ions.
1. Obtain approximately 2g of solid sodium hydroxide. Record the exact amount obtained.

2. Obtain approximately 100 cm3 of water in your Styrofoam coffee cup. Again record the exact amount.
Determine its initial temperature.

3. Add the sodium hydroxide to the water, place the lid and stir constantly until there is no more
temperature increase. Record the final temperature of the system.

Experiment 2 - Solid sodium hydroxide reacts with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution to form
water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
1. Obtain approximately 2g of solid sodium hydroxide. Record the exact amount obtained.

2. Obtain 100cm3 of 0.50M hydrochloric acid in your Styrofoam cup and record the exact volume and
determine the temperature.

3. Add the sodium hydroxide to the hydrochloric acid, place the lid and stir constantly. Continue until there is
no further temperature increase. Record the final temperature.

Experiment 3 - A dilute sodium hydroxide solution reacts with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution to
form water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
1. Obtain 50cm3 of both 1.0M solutions (sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid). Record the exact volumes
of each and determine the temperatures of both solutions.

2. Mix the two solutions, stirring constantly until there is no further temperature increase. Record the final

Note: All solutions can be disposed of down the drain with lots of water


Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Testing Different Methods of Insulation (Topic 5)

Criteria Assessed: DCP Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

AIM: To investigate the ability of different modes of insulation to increase the experimentally determined value
of the enthalpy of combustion for ethanol. The effectiveness of the insulation will be studied graphically by
looking at the % of energy lost in the form of heat with the different insulations within the experiment.


Independent: The types/methods of insulation of the system

Dependent: The energy transfer within the system

Control: Depends on method of investigation

Using the above information and the materials available, design and conduct an experiment to complete the
AIM given above. You need to complete this within the double period provided and you must:

o Show me your design to initial before you start

o Show me the data collected for me to initial on your way out
o Complete the proper lab report at home and include the initialed work with your final draft

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.




Design Lab: Rates of reaction (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: D, DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h for design and 1.5h to run the experiment

Name: ________________________
Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Investigate a factor that affects the rate of a chemical reaction. Choose a suitable reaction, identify all relevant
variables and devise a method that allows the control of the variables and the collection of sufficient relevant
data. After the design is handed in, you will run the experiment.
All assessment criteria will be assessed in this lab.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.



Kinetics Lab – Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

There are several factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Two of the most important are
concentration and temperature. In this lab, we will investigate and quantify the effect of concentration and
temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction. This will be measured in 2 different ways: through mass
decrease, and through volume increase. We will be using the reaction between an acid and calcium carbonate:

CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Aim: How does the temperature and concentration of the acid solution affect the rate of reaction between
calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid?

Make sure you collect appropriate data and process it accordingly. Do not forget about units, uncertainties, and significant
- Construct graphs of every trial
- Use the graphs to find initial rates of reaction
- Graph initial rate of reaction vs. Concentration
- Graph initial rate of reaction vs. Temperature
- Qualitatively describe the effect of changing temperature and HCl concentration on rate of reaction
- Determine order of reaction with respect to HCl (HL students)
- Determine the effect of temperature on rate of reaction (HL students)

Part A: Concentration (measured by volume increase)

Controlled variables: temperature, volume of acid, mass of calcium carbonate, measuring device, gas syringe
Independent variable: concentration of hydrochloric acid
Dependent variable: rate of reaction (rate of gas produced)

You will be measuring the rate of the reaction by measuring the rate at which gas is produced (by feeding it
directly into a gas syringe).
1. Gather 1.0g of CaCO3 powder into a 250mL Erlenmeyer flask with a gas discharge outlet. Have a bung ready
to cover up the top of the flask.
2. Attach a tube from the gas discharge outlet to an empty gas syringe with the plug all the way in.
3. Obtain 50cm3 of 0.02 moldm-3 HCl in a 100mL graduated cylinder.
4. Have a stopwatch ready and decide how often you will take measurements.

5. When you are ready, pour the acid in, cover up the flask with the bung, and begin the timer.
6. Stir the flask continuously throughout the reaction.
7. Take readings until the reaction is finished.
8. Dispose of the finished materials and clean the flask out as much as possible.
9. Repeat the experiment for the following concentrations of acid:
0.05 moldm-3, 0.10 moldm-3, 0.20 moldm-3, 0.50 moldm-3 (this experiment requires 2.0g of CaCO3)

Part B: Temperature (measured by mass decrease)

Controlled variables: concentration/volume of acid, mass of calcium carbonate, measuring device, electronic
Independent variable: temperature of HCl
Dependent variable: rate of reaction (rate of mass decrease)

You will be measuring the rate of the reaction by measuring the rate at which the mass of the reaction
1. Gather 1.0g of CaCO3 powder into a 250mL beaker.
2. Obtain more than 250mL of 0.1 moldm-3 HCl in a beaker and begin heating it.
3. Once the temperature reaches 95°C, stop heating.
4. Use a graduated cylinder to measure 50cm3 of it into another beaker.
5. Have a stopwatch ready and decide how often you will take measurements. Place the CaCO 3 beaker onto the
electronic scale.
6. As soon as the temperature drops to 90°C, pour the acid into the beaker with the CaCO 3, and start the timer.
7. Stir the flask continuously throughout the reaction.
8. Take readings until the reaction is finished.
9. Dispose of the finished materials down the drain with water.
10. As the acid cools down, repeat the experiment for the following temperatures: 70°C, 50°C, 30°C, 10°C (you
will need ice to cool the acid)

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Calculations (DCP or just course?)

1. Construct several plots of C vs. t
2. Find the initial slope of the graph at t=0, this will be in units cm 3t-1
3. Change the units using PV=nRT to molt -1 (this is rate)
4. Each of your plots will ield 1 rate value
5. Using these rate values, plot 1 master Rate vs. Concentration graph
6. This graph represents the relationship between rate of reaction and acid

1. Construct several plots of m vs. t
2. Find the initial slope of the graph at t=0, this will be in units gt -1
3. Change mass to moles using M=m/n to molt-1 (this is rate)
4. Each of your plots will yield 1 rate value
5. Using these rate values, plot 1 master Rate vs. Concentration graph
6. This graph represents the relationship between rate of reaction and acid concentration


Determining the Activation Energy of a Reaction (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: DCP Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: To determine the activation energy, Ea, for the reduction of peroxodisulphate (VI) ions, S 2O82-(aq), by iodide ions, I-(aq),
using a `clock´ reaction.


Peroxodisulfate(VI) ions can be reduced by iodide ions as follows:

(1) S2O82-(aq) + 2I-(aq) → 2SO42-(aq) + I2(aq)

If a small, known amount of thiosulfate ion is added to the reaction mixture, which also contains some starch indicator then
the thiosulfate reacts with the iodine formed in the above reaction as in the following equation:

(2) 2S2O32-(aq) + I2(aq) → S4O62-(aq) + 2I-(aq)

At the instant that all the thiosulfate has reacted, free iodine is produced in the solution and its presence is shown by the
appearance of the blue-black colour of the iodine-starch complex.

The thiosulfate ions act as a ‘monitor’ indicating the point at which a certain amount of iodine has been formed. For this
reason the reaction is often referred to as a `clock´ reaction. In general, for a `clock´ reaction:

Rate of reaction α 1/t where t is the time taken to reach a specified stage.


1. Using a burette, measure 10 cm3 of potassium peroxodisulphate(VI) solution into five boiling tubes. Label each and
place them in the water baths that have been prepared.
2. Using other burettes, measure out 5 cm3 of the potassium iodide and 5 cm 3 of sodium thiosulfate solutions and 2.5
cm3 of starch solution into the five more boiling tubes. Again, label and place one in each water bath of 50˚C.
3. While the solutions are warming, obtain a piece of white paper and trace a circle with an X in the middle the size of
a 50 cm3 beaker.
4. Place a thermometer in each of the solutions in one water bath until the temperature of the two solutions are
equal and constant (to within 1˚C).
5. Pour the contents of the two boiling tubes into the beaker which is sitting on top of the paper and start the clock.
6. When the X disappears from view through the solution, stop the clock and record the time.
7. Repeat the experiment at temperatures close to 45˚C, 40˚C, 35˚C, and 30˚C.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.


Rate (SL) and order of reaction (HL) using a colorimeter (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

HL: To determine, using a graphical method, the order of the reaction with respect to the thiosulphate ions
for a reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid to produce colloidal sulphur.

SL: To calculate the average rate of reaction and determine the effect of a change in concentration on a
reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid to produce colloidal sulphur.

Materials and Apparatus

 Colorimeter  10 cm3 measuring cylinder (x2)
 Data logging equipment  Distilled water
 Cuvette  1 mol dm-3 HCl
 Plastic pipettes  0.25 mol dm-3 Na2S2O3

1. Attach the Colorimeter to the unit and ensure that “Transmission” is selected.
2. Prepare a blank cuvette (using water), insert it into the colorimeter and insert the blue filter.
3. Open the graphing application from the “sensing science library” programme group.
4. Select test from the tools menu and adjust the offset control knob to give a transmission reading of
100%. Remove the cuvette and empty and dry the cuvette.
5. Select the new recording wizard and select real time with a 5 minute recording time. Select overlay
mode from the display wizard in the display menu.
6. Place 0.5 cm3 of the hydrochloric acid into the cuvette. Place the cuvette in the colorimeter.
7. Measure out 3.5 cm3 of the thiosulphate solution and add to the cuvette using a pipette. The addition
will cause them to mix.
8. Close the lid and click on the start button.
9. When the recording has ended, wash and dry the cuvette and repeat the experiment from step 6 using
the following dilutions:


Test Volume thiosulphate Volume water Volume HCl Total volume

solution (cm3) (cm3) (cm3) (cm3)
2 2.5 1.0 0.5 4.0
3 1.5 2.0 0.5 4.0
4 0.5 3.0 0.5 4.0

2HCl(aq) + Na2S2O3(aq)  2 NaCl(aq) + SO2(aq) + S(s) + H2O(aq)

HL: The following is the relationship between % transmittance and concentration of sulphur formed using a
dilution experiment:
S (mol/dm3) % Trans. S (mol/dm3) % Trans.
2.5 x 10-2 17.5 2.5 x 10-3 82.4
3.8 x 10-3 52.9 1.0 x 10-3 93.2

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Iodine + Propanone + acid (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Use Neuss handout or ILPAC book has even more detailed resource.
Explain principles of colorimetry
Explain calibration using test tube standard samples
Run through procedure
Explain reaction, gets lighter (transmittance/absorbance)
Set the program to record appropriate data

Amounts of Iodine and Water for Calibration of Colorimeter

Iodine Water
5 5
1 9
0.5 9.5
0.5 19.5
0 10

Graphs tend to slope down like a hill for some reason. The reaction appears to go FASTER as time progresses,
instead of slower. This may be because of the colour settling at the bottom of the cuvette, not stirring to ensure
proper mixing, etc.

Calculations (instructions already given on the lab handout)

Plot absorbance vs. time (or transmittance vs. time) graphs for each trial, and find initial tangents (rates). Use
these tangents and your calibration curve to convert the Absorbance/Transmittance into [I 2] values. With [I2]
rates, you can determine the initial rate of the reaction for varying the concentrations of I 2, HCl, and propanone.
From this, you can determine the order of the reaction wrt each of those components


Determining the rate of reaction (SL) and order of reaction (HL) (Topic 6)

Criteria Assessed: DCP Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

HL: To determine, using an algebraic method, the order of the reaction with respect to the hydrochloric acid
in a reaction between HCl and Calcium carbonate powder. The relationship between pH and H+ is:
pH = -logH+ or H+ = 10-pH
SL: To determine, using a graphical method, the predicted rate of reaction for a reaction between 2.00 g of
Calcium Carbonate and 60.0 cm3 of 1.0 M HCl in a total volume of 100 cm 3.

Materials and Apparatus:

 pH probe  Beaker (250 cm3)  Electric balance  Spatula
 data logging equipment  1.0 mol dm-3 HCl  Weigh boat  Stirring rod
 50 cm3 measuring cylinder (x2)  Calcium carbonate powder  Distilled water

1. Attach the pH probe to the unit.
2. Calibrate the pH probe using the buffer/known solution.
3. Open the graphing application from the “sensing science library” programme group.
4. Weigh out 2.00 gram of calcium carbonate and add to 50 cm 3 of distilled water to it in the beaker. Stir
briefly and insert the pH probe.
5. Measure out 50.0 cm3 of the hydrochloric acid.
6. Add the hydrochloric acid to the calcium carbonate and click on the start button.
7. When the recording has ended, wash and dry the BEAKER and repeat the experiment from step 4 using
the following dilutions;
Test solution Volume HCl Volume water Mass Calcium Total volume
(cm3) (cm3) carbonate (g) (cm3)
2 25.0 75.0 2.0 100.0
3 12.5 87.5 2.0 100.0
4 6.5 93.5 2.0 100.0

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.




Titrations Lab (Topic 8)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Purpose: Acid/Base titration is the process of determining the concentration of an unknown acid by reacting it
with a base of known concentration (standard). (Example: A 1.000 M NaOH solution could be used to figure out
what the concentration of an unknown acid is). The idea is that we can observe a color change from an
indicator or a rapid change in pH when all of the acid that was present reacts with a known amount of base. The
reverse process can also be done in which a standard solution of acid is added to an unknown base. This is a
very specific use of solution stoichiometry.

In this lab you will titrate a sample of vinegar, dilute acetic acid, to make sure it meets quality standards of
having a concentration between 0.6 and 0.8 mol/dm 3.

Pre-Lab (Design)

1. It took 2.0 L of 6.0 mol/dm3 NaOH to titrate 3 L of an unknown concentration of HCl. What is the
concentration of the HCl? (the next three steps will lead you through the steps needed to solve this
a. Write a balanced neutralization reaction

b. Set up a stoichiometry problem to solve for moles of HCl reacted

c. Find the concentration of HCl by dividing the number of moles calculated in step a) with volume
in problem statement. (4.0 M)

2. Read through the following vocabulary.

A standard solution is one that has a concentration known to several decimal places. In some cases, this can be
determined directly by dissolving a known amount of solid in liquid. Some solids, however, will have inaccurate
masses because of their ability to absorb water from the air. Sodium hydroxide is like this. Because its mass is not
precisely known, you cannot determine a precise concentration from measuring the mass. Instead, the NaOH
solution must be standardized through a titration.

Titrate: Titrate means to use another solution of known concentration to determine one of unknown concentration.
It requires that the experimenter identify when the precise stoichiometric amount of the known solution has been
added so that all of the unknown has reacted.

Titrant: the titrant is the solution of known concentration that is added to the unknown (sometimes, the unknown is
added to the titrant)

Analyte: the solution for which you do not know the precise concentration. In this lab it will be vinegar.

Equivalence point: This point occurs when the moles of acid equals the stoichiometry amount of moles of base. For
the titrations you will be doing, it occurs when the moles of base = moles of acid. (Acids with 2 H + ions, like H2SO4,
will require twice as much base so we cannot really say that the moles of acid = moles of base in that scenario).

End point: End point is the pH at which the colour of the indicator changes. This does not depend on the
equivalence point. It is up to the experimenter to make sure that the indicator has an end point that occurs as close
to the equivalence point as possible.

3. You will be trying to determine the concentration of commercial vinegar using a stock solution of 1.000*
mol/dm3 sodium hydroxide.
a. What is the analyte? __________________
b. What is the titrant? ___________________
c. What is the standard? _________________
*The precise concentration will be recorded on the bottle. Make sure you record in it in the data section.
4. Sketch and label the titration set-up.
5. Given the mock data below, determine the concentration of the analyte:
Volume of analyte 25.00  0.05 mL
Initial Volume of NaOH 0.04  0.02 mL
Final volume of NaOH 46.34  0.02 mL
Concentration of NaOH: 1.204 mol/dm3
6. What is the assumed mole ratio between the analyte and sodium hydroxide?

7. How would the calculation differ if the acid had two hydrogen ions?

8. What equipment will be used to:

a. Contain the vinegar? _______________________________
b. Deliver a precise volume of vinegar? _________________________
c. Contain and deliver the sodium hydroxide standard? _____________________
9. State the number of decimal places and uncertainty you will you have for the volume of
a. Vinegar
b. Sodium hydroxide
10. How many significant figures in the concentration of sodium hydroxide? (Look at the bottle!) ____
11. How many significant figures will you have in your calculated concentration for vinegar? _____
12. Read procedures and look at data table. Make sure you understand what goes in each part of the data
table. Please ask if you have questions.
13. Highlight the parts of the procedures that if not done correctly will make the results inaccurate.
14. If the pink colour is too dark, will this give a concentration of analyte that is too low or too high? Explain.


15. If the initial volume recorded was read to be 0.05 mL lower than it really was, will this make the
concentration of the analyte too high or too low? Explain.

16. If there is water in the burette that mixes with the standard NaOH solution, does that increase or decrease
the concentration of the NaOH? Will this make the concentration of vinegar appear higher than it is or
lower? Explain.

Set-up Buret

1. Make sure your burette is clean: does water run down the sides in even sheets or bead up? If it beads up,
wash with a burette brush and soap.

2. Set up a burette on a ring stand using a double or single burette clamp. Place a funnel in the opening at the
top. Place a beaker or other flask underneath. Make sure the stopcock is closed. Pour water in and check
for leaks.

3. Drain the water out and check that the stopcock valve is not plugged up.

4. Lower the burette so that it is easy to pour and you will not have liquid run down your arm. Pour in about
10 mL of the solution you will use for titration into the burette. Take the burette out of the clamp and turn
it on its side enough to wet the burette with the solution, but not enough to let the solution pour out.

5. Put the burette back in the clamp. Open the stopcock to let the liquid drain out into a waste beaker.
Because the whole point of this is to know a concentration to several decimal places, a small amount of
water in the burette can change the concentration significantly. By rinsing with your solution, you reduce
this error. You can do this up to three times, but one or two times should be enough!

6. Fill the burette with the titration solution. Remember to fill properly. It is not necessary, nor worth the
effort most of the time, to fill the burette to the 0.00 mark.


7. Use a volumetric pipet or burette to accurately transfer a known volume of your analyte to a flask. Record
this volume.

a. The burette tells how much liquid you have added. Read the volume right off the burette. Don’t record
how much is in the burette. Remember that the burette can be read to  0.02 mL

b. It is not necessary to take measurements of the volume as you titrate; the initial and final volumes are all
you need.

c. If a titration requires more than 50 mL, make sure you do not go past the 50 mL mark before refilling! Note
the end volume. Refill and proceed.

8. Add a couple drops of indicator. Usually phenolphthalein is used which is colourless in acid and pink in basic
solutions. Swirl to mix the indicator.

9. Begin adding titrant (stuff in burette) into analyte while swirling at the same time. For the first trial you can
do this rather rapidly to get an idea of how much titrant you will add to reach the equivalence point
(neutralization point).

10. Continue adding titrant until a pale pink colour persists. It should be very light pink. If you have
disagreements about whether it is pink or not…you’re probably there. During the first titration its ok if you
get a bit darker colour since you are only trying to see approximately how much titrant to add.

11. You should at this point have an idea of what volume of titrant it takes to reach the equivalence point. You
will repeat the titration much more slowly 3 times (really, you repeat until you have 3 trials that vary by no
more than 0.05 mL, but you might not have enough time for that).

12. Pipet or use the burette to transfer a known volume of analyte to a clean Erlenmeyer flask. Add a couple
drops of indicator and swirl.

13. Refill burette and record initial volume.

14. Begin adding titrant to analyte while swirling at the same time. You can add quickly at first until you are
within 4 mL of the equivalence point.

15. When you are within 4 mL of the equivalence point you should begin to go more slowly – a drop per second
or so. Continue to swirl.

16. As the colour persists, slow down the drips. At some point you should only drop one drop at a time. You
can touch the side of the flask to the burette tip and then use the wash bottle to get the drop of titrant into
the flask.

17. Once you’ve reached the equivalence point (pale pink colour persists) record your final volume. Repeat the
titration two more times.

18. Calculate the concentration of vinegar for each trial and average.


Table 1: Volumes for the titration of Vinegar with Sodium Hydroxide

Trial Rough trial 1 2 3

Volume of vinegar (pipet)
Initial Volume NaOH (buret)
Final volume NaOH (buret)
Change in Volume: NaOH
Moles NaOH
Moles of vinegar
Concentration of Vinegar


Givens: Molarity of NaOH: ___________________ Expected Concentration of Vinegar: _________________

Sample Calculations

The concentration of vinegar should be between 0.612 mol/dm 3 and 0.769 mol/dm3. Comment on whether
your value for concentration falls within that range and calculate percent error from whichever value is closest
to your measured value.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Titration Lab (Topic 8)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________
Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total
Problem: Determine the concentration (molarity) of an unknown acid solution.

Safety: Wear eye protection at all times! Be careful handling the acid and base solutions. Wash off any that gets on your
skin and clean up any spills immediately.


 50mL burette  150mL beakers  Phenolphthalein

 150mL conical flasks  Droping pipette  1.0 mol dm-3 NaOH solution
 25mL graduated pippete  HCl solution of unknown  Digital pH meter

1. Set up a suitable table in your lab notebook to record the initial and final readings and the total volume of the acid and
base used for each titration. Be sure to record the type of acid and base used in the investigation. Note that all your
burette readings should be to the nearest hundredth of a mL with the error on the burette (usually ± 0.05mL).
2. Fill the 150mL beaker with the HCl of unknown concentration.
3. Obtain 25mL of HCl With a graduated pippete and pour it into the conical flask.
4. Fill the burette with NaOH up to the 0mL line.
5. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution to your flask + acid.
6. Carefully add base from the burette until the indicator solution changes color. Try to regulate the addition of base
solution so that it takes only a single drop to produce the final color change.
7. Use a magnetic stirrer or swirl the flask as the base is added to insure even mixing.
8. When the titration is complete, record the final reading on the burette (the total amount of base that was required to
neutralize your acid solution).
9. Thoroughly rinse the 125mL flask and repeat the titration procedure. You should do at least 3 trials. Do more if time

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.



Investigation of pH titration curves (Topic 8)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________
Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: The aim of this practical is to plot and investigate the pH titration curves for the titration of a strong with a
strong base and of a weak acid with a strong base.


Part I

1. Pour 30 ml of the HCl solution of unknown concentration in a 100 ml beaker.

2. Add a few drops of phenolphthalein and a stirring magnet.
3. Place the beaker on the magnetic heater and activate the rotating motor but not the heater.
4. Insert the two probes of the calibrated pH-meter in the beaker and record the pH.
5. Position a burette over the beaker and fill it up with the NaOH solution of unknown concentration.
6. Add NaOH in progressively shorter steps until you observe a change in colour.
7. Record the pH each time.
8. Continue adding NaOH in progressively longer steps until the pH does not change considerably.

Part II

Repeat the above procedure using the ethanoic acid solution of unknown concentration


Part I

1. Plot pH versus volume of NaOH added to the acid

2. Calculate the initial concentration of HCl
3. Find from the graph the equivalence volume
4. Calculate the concentration of NaOH

Part II

5. Plot pH versus volume of NaOH added to the acid

6. Find from the graph the equivalence volume
7. Find the concentration of HCl with two ways:
a. from the pH axis
b. using the equivalence volume and
8. Compare the two concentration values
9. Find the pH at half of the equivalence point with two ways:
a. from the graph
b. using acid-base pH calculations
10. Compare the two pH values
11. For which range of volumes is the mixture a buffer solution?
12. Explain why the mixture is a buffer solution at this range

13. Compare the two graphs in terms of the shape of the curves. Find similarities and differences.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.




Redox Reactions – Reactivity (Topic 9)

Criteria Assessed: CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

In this lab, you will perform several simple experiments in test tubes. These reactions will be simple
displacement reactions that you have investigated before, but never from a redox point of view. Read through
the hand-out before you start performing any of the experiments (some have to be performed early because it
takes time for the reaction to occur).
For each experiment:
- record observations
- write a balanced chemical equation
- indicate oxidation states of all elements in reactants and products
- indicate which elements were oxidized/reduced

Experiment 1: Reaction of Halides with Silver Nitrate (do this first)

1. Put about 3mL of the unknown halide solutions into 3 different test tubes
2. Add 1 pipette full of silver nitrate to the test tube#
3. Ensure the solutions are properly mixed, then observe to determine which halide is Cl, Br, and I

Experiment 2: Metal Displacement Reactions

1. You will be performing these reactions in test tubes. Use no more than 3mL of each solution, or a few grains of
solid (when using solids).
a. CuSO4 + solid Mg d. CuSO4 + solid Pb g. KI + solid Mg
b. FeSO4 + solid Mg e. MgSO4 + solid Cu h. KI + solid Fe
c. CuSO4 + solid Fe f. ZnSO4 + solid Cu
Experiment 3: Halogen Displacement Reactions
1. Obtain 3mL of halide solutions into each test tube.
2. Add 2mL of Br2 water to each solution, then add a few drops of hexane
3. Add 2mL of Cl2 water to each solution, then add a few drops of hexane
4. If you do not observe anything, wait for several minutes, then come back to it

Experiment 4: Reaction of Alkali metals with water (do Na and K inside the fume cupboard)
1. Carefully cut a rice-sized piece of Li metal and react it in a large test tube 1/3 full of water. Do not use a piece that
is too large
2. Repeat for Na and K metals.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Determination of atomic mass using an electrolytic cell (Topic 9)

Criteria Assessed: DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: __________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total


Metal nitrates are strongly oxidizing. Do not heat with oxidizable materials

Heavy Metal salts are poisonous. Wash hands after use

Background: The mass of a metal lost from a pure anode during electrolysis of a solution depends on:

a) The current flowing through the electrolyte

b) The time for which the current flows
c) The charge on the metal ions
d) The relative atomic mass of the metal

Assuming the first two variables are kept constant and the relative charges are known, it should, in theory, be
possible to determine the relative atomic mass of one metal by comparing it with another of known atomic


 0.1M Zn(NO3)2 (aq)  2 electrodes of an unknown metal M  Connecting wires

 0.1M M(NO3)2 (aq)  12V DC power supply Ammeter  Stopwatch
 100 mL beakers (x2)  Rheostat  Balance
 2 zinc electrodes  Switch


1. Rub two zinc and two M electrodes with emery paper (over newspaper) to expose plenty of fresh metal.
Wipe them with a dry paper towel and then accurately determine the masses of one zinc and one M anode
using a precision balance.
2. Set up the circuit shown below using zinc electrodes in Zn2+ solution and M electrodes in the M2+ solution
(your pre-weighed electrodes should be the anodes). Have it checked before continuing.


3. Zero the stopwatch and set the power supply to 12V. Close the switch and using the rheostat maintain a
current of exactly 110 mA for at least 20 minutes. (Note the exact time)
4. Switch off the power and carefully remove the anodes. Carefully rinse with a little distilled water then
acetone without damaging the new surface. Dry briefly with a hair dryer and determine the new masses.
5. Repeat the same experiment to obtain several results using the same solutions and dry freshly sanded
electrodes each time.
6. Use your results to calculate the Ar of the mystery element taking into account uncertainties and errors.
The result should be 207.2.

A full write up is required for the lab. This sheet will be the cover sheet for the lab.
Don’t forget to present all results with their uncertainties and calculate all errors. If applicable determine the
% error.
You are expected to plot relevant graphs and write conclusion as well as evaluation.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Investigate one or more electrochemical cells (Topic 9)

Criteria Assessed: D, DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h for Design, 1.5 for carrying the lab

Name: _________________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Materials available

Solid metals: Solid salts (if you want something else we MIGHT have it):
Iron (steel wool) NaOH CaCl2 CuSO4•5H2O
Nickel KOH SnCl2•2H2O FeSO4•7H2O
Copper Pb(NO3)2 FeCl3 Fe2(SO4)3•H2O
Magnesium Ba(NO3)2 MgCl2 ZnSO4
Lead Ni(NO3)2 KCl NaH2PO4•H2O
Zinc Fe(NO3)3•9H2O LiCl KH2PO4
Tin KNO3 NaCl KI
ZnCl2 CuCl2 NaBr
HCl 6 mol dm-3 H2SO4 6 mol dm-3

Any standard lab equipment may be used and any equipment you bring in yourself (within reason!) may also be
used. Note that limited numbers of certain pieces of equipment are available and may need to be shared.

You will have 1.5h to carry this experiment.

Your solutions (e.g. quantity) and equipment requirements must be approved in advance of the lab itself.

A full write up is required for the lab. This sheet will be the cover sheet for the lab. Don’t forget to present all
results with their uncertainties and calculate all errors. If applicable determine the % error. You are expected
to plot relevant graphs and write conclusion as well as evaluation.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Not at all/0 Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow


and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.
Data collection and processing
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.

Conclusion and evaluation

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Investigate a factor affecting the rate of electroplating a metal (Topic 9)

Criteria Assessed: D Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: Investigate a factor affecting the rate of electroplating a metal.

Select dependent, independent and controlled variables, write your specific research question and describe the
detailed procedure required for investigating this question.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.


TOPIC 10 –


Investigate a property of a homologous series (Topic 10)

Criteria Assessed: D, DCP, CE Time allowed: 1.5h for Design, 1.5 for carrying the lab

Name: _________________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Due to safety considerations and limited chemical availability, we will not actually be carrying out the experiments you
design for this experiment. HOWEVER the following considerations and restrictions should still apply to your experiment.

• Since we are not carrying out the experiment you are not limited to chemicals that the school uses. It is expected
that you check and use appropriate safety considerations for the chemicals you choose. You should try to minimize
the quantities of materials used (good lab practice)

• You may request any reasonable equipment – but limit it to something a school would conceivably own (in other
words, yes you can request 6 water baths or a thermometer that goes above 100°C even if our school does not have
them, but you should not request something like a mass spectrometer)

• You should be able to conduct your entire experiment within 1-2 lab periods (up to 2.5 hours approximately).

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.
Data collection and processing
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.
Conclusion and evaluation
Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Concluding Evaluating procedure(s) Improving the investigation
States a conclusion, with justification, based Evaluates weaknesses and limitations. Suggests realistic improvements in respect
Complete/2 on a reasonable interpretation of the data. of identified weaknesses and limitations.
States a conclusion based on a reasonable Identifies some weaknesses and Suggests only superficial improvements.
Partial/1 interpretation of the data. limitations, but the evaluation is weak
or missing.
States no conclusion or the conclusion is Identifies irrelevant weaknesses and Suggests unrealistic improvements.
Not at all/0 based on an unreasonable interpretation of limitations.
the data.


Preparation and Properties of Esters (Topic 10)

Criteria Assessed: MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

 glacial acetic acid  10 cm3 measuring cylinder (+/- 0.5)
 concentrated sulphuric acid  cold water
 pentanol  boiling chip
 pear shaped flask  boiling water bath
 reflux condenser  cold water bath

Caution! Both acids are concentrated and very corrosive to skin and clothing. Safety glasses must be worn at
all times!

1. Place 2 mL of glacial acetic acid, 3 mL of pentanol in a pear shaped flask and add cautiously 1 mL of
sulphuric acid.
2. Add the boiling chip, place the reflux condenser in the top of the flask, and heat in the boiling water
bath for 15 min.
3. While the flask is heating in the water bath, observe the samples at the front of the room. Set up a
chart with the headings:
Sample, Odour, Chemical Name, Chemical Formula, Alcohol Reactant, Carb Acid Reactant
4. Cool the test tube enough to pour the contents into 50 mL of cold water in a beaker. Note any odours
in the tubes by gently wafting the vapour towards your personal odour sensing device.
5. Pour the contents of the tubes into the organic waste bottle at the front of the room.


Synthesis of Aspirin  (Topic 10)

Criteria Assessed: DCP Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Aim: Determine the percent yield in a reaction of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride to form Aspirin TM.

 100cm-3 Erlenmeyer flask  electric balance (±0.01)  acetic anhydride
 Glass stirring rod  hot water bath  concentrated sulphuric acid
 Tongs (for conical flask)  10cm-3 graduated cylinder (± 0.5)  ice-water
 Funnel  50cm-3 graduated cylinder (± 1.0)  ice bath
 filter paper  salicylic acid  distilled water
 500mL beaker

1. Weigh out approximately 3g of salicylic acid into an Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Obtain approximately 6cm3 of acetic anhydride and add carefully, stirring constantly.
3. Add 10 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid (in the fume cupboard). Swirl the contents of the flask.
4. Heat the flask in the boiling water bath for 15 minutes.
5. CAREFULLY remove the flask from the water bath.
6. While the contents are still hot, cautiously add 5mL of ice water at once.
7. After the reaction subsides, add 35mL of water and chill the contents of the flask in an ice bath. Using a stirring
rod, break up any clumps of solid that have formed.
8. Fold and weigh a filter paper and record the mass.
9. Collect the product by filtration with a funnel – rinse with ice water as needed.
10. Carefully remove your filter paper and allow drying overnight.

Data collection and processing

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Recording raw data Processing raw data Presenting processed data
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes the quantitative raw data Presents processed data appropriately
Complete/2 associated qualitative raw data, including units correctly. and, where relevant, includes errors
and uncertainties where relevant. and uncertainties.
Records appropriate quantitative and Processes quantitative raw data, but Presents processed data appropriately,
Partial/1 associated qualitative raw data, but with some with some mistakes and/or omissions. but with some mistakes and/or
mistakes or omissions. omissions.
Does not record any appropriate quantitative No processing of quantitative raw data Presents processed data
Not at all/0 raw data or raw data is incomprehensible. is carried out or major mistakes are inappropriately or incomprehensibly.
made in processing.


Organic Chemistry – Design Lab (Topic 10)

Criteria Assessed: D, DCP, CE, MS Time allowed: 1.5h Name: ________________________

Internal Assessment
Criteria Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3 Total

Ms Metteau, our Lab Technician, has found a bottle in the organics cabinet from which the label has fallen off.
She needs to determine what the bottle contains. She knows, from its position in the cabinet that it contains
only C, H and O atoms (no N or S). In her hour of need, she asks you to determine for her, experimentally, to
which homologous family that substance belongs.

You can have as much of the unknown substance as you need to complete the experiment(s) and you are given
access to any other equipment, chemicals and other materials you may need.

You get the entire double to plan but you are submitting your work at the end of the period.

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3
Levels/marks Defining the problem and selecting Controlling variables Developing a method for
variables collection of data
Formulates a focused problem/research question Designs a method for the effective Develops a method that allows for the
Complete/2 and identifies the relevant variables. control of the variables. collection of sufficient relevant data.
Formulates a problem/research question that is Designs a method that makes Develops a method that allows for the
Partial/1 incomplete or identifies only some relevant some attempt to control the collection of insufficient relevant data.
variables. variables.
Does not identify a problem/research question Designs a method that does not Develops a method that does not allow
Not at all/0 and does not identify any relevant variables. control the variables. for any relevant data to be collected.


Sources and Acknowledgements

 Tam, Tiffany. "Welcome." Ms Tam's IB Chem. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2012.
 "Teacher resource exchange." Online Curriculum Center. IBO, n.d. Web. 27 June 2012.





































































































































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