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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia https://ee.kobotoolbox.


Digital divide (gap) among students at two public

universities in Cambodia
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey questionnaire on the topic "Digital divide (gap)
among English major students at the Royal University of Phnom Penh and Svay Rieng University".
Digital divide here is defined as the gap between people who can access and have skills to use modern
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and those who do not. The survey consists of six
sections, and it will take around 20 minutes to complete. You will be asked a number of questions
regarding the way you use ICT in study and real life. Your honest responses, which will be kept with the
researchers only, will be most appreciated, and no individual will be identified when findings are
disseminated in a presentation and publication. This study is conducted by Dr Bophan KHAN, Ms
Somphospheak HENG, and Mr Phengheng KHORN. Please do not hesitate to contact us for clarification
at 089 98 46 18 and/or

Participant's Consent

Do you agree to participate in this survey? *

Yes (I volunteer to complete this survey.)

No (Thank you. Please click "Submit" to end the survey.)

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Section 1: Participant's Personal Information

1.1 Gender *



Prefer not to specify

1.2 Age (Please provide a number, e.g., 20)

1.3 Permanent residency *

Phnom Penh


1.3.1 If you are from a province, which area is it located in? *


Provinces close to Phnom Penh (Kampong Speu, Takeo, Prey Veng, and Kampong Cham)

Provinces in the coastal area (Kep, Kampot, Sihanoukville and Koh Kong)

Provinces around Tonle Sap lake (Siem Reap, Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, and Kampong Thum.)

Provinces bordering Thailand (Pailin, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, and Preah Vihear)

Provinces bordering Vietnam (Svay Rieng, Kratie, Mondulkiri, and Ratanakiri)

Provinces bordering Laos (Stung Treng)

1.4 How far are you currently staying from the university campus?
Under 3 km (kilometers)

3-5 km

6-10 km

11-20 km

Over 20 km

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

1.5 Year level you are studying in at the RUPP or SRU *

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Post-graduate student (MA, MEd, etc.)

1.6 What is your major? (Choose multiple majors if you are doing more than one program.) *

Business-related subjects (accounting, finance, banking, etc.)

Humanities (languages, arts, history, literature, etc.)

Applied Science (agriculture, architecture, engineering, medicine, etc.)

Formal Science (computer science, mathematics, etc.)

Natural Science (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.)

Social Science (psychology, education, philosophy, etc.)

1.7 What is the highest qualification (education level) your father completed?
Did not complete lower secondary education (ឌីបូ�ម)

Completed lower secondary education but did not complete upper secondary education (�ក់ឌុប)

Completed upper secondary education but did not complete a Bachelor's degree

Completed a Bachelor's degree

Completed a Master's degree or higher

1.8 What is the highest qualification (education level) your mother completed?
Did not complete lower secondary education (ឌីបូ�ម)

Completed lower secondary education but did not complete upper secondary education (�ក់ឌុប)

Completed upper secondary education but did not complete a Bachelor's degree

Completed a Bachelor's degree

Completed a Master's degree or higher

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

1.9 What is the average income level (before tax) of your whole family per month? *

Under $500





Over $4,000

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Section 2: Access to ICT technologies

2.1 Which ICT devices and services do you have physical access to? You may choose multiple

Desktop computer *

At home At school At work Not available

Laptop computer *

At home At school At work Not available

Wi-Fi network *

At home At school At work Not available

USB flash/external hard drive *

At home At school At work Not available

Paid cloud storage (Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) *

At home At school At work Not available

Smartphone *

At home At school At work Not available

iPad/Tablet *

At home At school At work Not available

Smart TV (Internet-enabled) *

At home At school At work Not available

Printer *

At home At school At work Not available

Licensed Office software *

At home At school At work Not available

Statistical software *

At home At school At work Not available

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Learning management system (Google classroom, Canvas, Coursera, etc.) *

At home At school At work Not available

2.2 Which of the following is your main Internet connection? *

Wi-Fi network at home

Wi-Fi at a workplace

Wi-Fi network in public spaces (school, cafe, etc.)

Mobile Internet

2.3 What is the download speed of your main Internet connection? *

Under 5 Mbps (megabits per second)

5-8 Mbps (Can watch HD 1080p streaming videos, with some lagging)

9-10 Mbps

11-15 Mbps (Can watch HD 1080p streaming videos without lagging)

16-20 Mbps (Can watch 4K streaming videos, with some lagging)

Over 20 Mbps (Can watch 4K streaming videos without lagging)

2.4 How much do you pay for your mobile Internet connection per month? *


1-2 dollars

3-5 dollars

6-10 dollars

11-20 dollars

More than 20 dollars

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

2.5 How much does your household pay for the Internet connection per month? *

My household does not have an Internet connection.

1-10 dollars

11-20 dollars

21-30 dollars

31-40 dollars

41-50 dollars

More than 50 dollars

2.6 How many hours on average do you spend on the Internet per day? Give a number, e.g., 2.

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Section 3: Motivation for using ICT in life and study

3.1 The following items examine your internal motivation for using ICT in life and study. Please tick
the option which is true about you

Note: Select 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree, or 88 = Don't Know

Question 3.1 1 2 3 4 88

Using ICT does not offer *

additional benefit to me. I try to
avoid it if possible.

Using the Internet can provide *

me with information that would
lead to better decisions.

I use ICT and the Internet *

because I believe I can be more

I enjoy using ICT and the *


3.2 The following items examine your external motivation for using ICT in life and study. Please tick
the option which is true about you.

Note: Select 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree, or 88=Don't Know

Question 3.2 1 2 3 4 88

Seeing other people using ICT *

and the Internet inspires me to
use them, too.

I use ICT and the Internet *

because my study/work requires
me to use them.

Using ICT and the Internet *

improves my performance in

I am interested in adopting *
digital technologies because the
government of Cambodia
prioritises this area of work.

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

I am interested in adopting *
digital technologies because my
prioritise this area of work.

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Section 4: Skills and competencies for using ICT in life and study

4.1 The following items examine your operational skills and competencies for using ICT in life and
study. Please tick the option which is true about you.

Note: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, or Select 88 if you don't know.

Question 4.1 1 2 3 4 5 88

I feel comfortable in creating *

and editing documents using
computer programs offline,
such as Microsoft Word and

I feel comfortable in creating *

and editing documents online,
for example, using Google Docs,
Slide and Canva.

I can save images and text from *

a website on the hard disk.

I can send an attachment to an *


I know enough about *

transferring files from one
platform to another, for
example, inserting/editing media
files from the Internet in a Word

I feel confident in creating *

content for posting on social

I feel confident in posting *

content on social media.

I feel confident in using Artificial *

Intelligence (AI) technologies
such as (ChatGPT, Google Bard,
and Microsoft Bing) to generate
content I need.

I feel confident in using AI *

technologies to assist with my
work/study, such as Grammarly,
Quillbot, etc.

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

I can use various technologies to *

collaborate with my peers
online, including video
conferencing, working on
documents, etc.

I can manage data storage on a *

drive, including deleting and
changing locations of files.

I can use e-services, including *

online banking, for study
purposes such as paying school
fees and purchasing study

I can protect my computers and *

smartphones against viruses
and threats caused by

I can protect my accounts for *

online activities, such as using
passwords and two-step

I can manage privacy settings *

such as safe sharing of my
personal information.

I can identify technical problems *

with ICT devices.

I can solve technical problems *

with ICT devices.

I am aware of new digital skills I *

will need to perform better in
life and study.

4.2 The following items examine your informational skills and competencies for using ICT in life and
study. Please tick the option which is true about you.

Note: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, or Select 88 if you don't know.

Question 4.2 1 2 3 4 5 88

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

I always know what search terms *

to use when searching the

I feel confident to evaluate *

reliability of the sources of
information found on the

I feel comfortable synthesizing *

online information.

It is easy for me to retrieve a *

website I visited on the Internet.

I can easily choose from search *


I am fully aware of ethical *

conducts for using AI

I am knowledgeable about *
copyrights and license issues.

I can identify online bullying, *

such as verbal harassment
during online discussion.

I know what online behaviors are *


I can identify fraudulent (false) *

information, such as scamming.

I am aware of digital wellness to *

maintain my physical and
mental health when using ICT
and the Internet.

4.3 The following items examine your strategic skills and competencies for using ICT in life and
study. Please tick the option which is true about you.

Note: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, or Select 88 if you don't know.

Question 4.3 1 2 3 4 5 88

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

I can reach my intended goal *

while using the Internet despite
the distraction.

I know how to use ICT and the *

Internet in a beneficial way.

I feel confident in making *

decisions with the help of the

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Section 5: Usage of ICT and the Internet

The following items examine your usage of ICT and the Internet for general and educational purposes.
Please select the item which is true about you.

5.1 Do you use email regularly? *



I do not have an email account.

5.2 Which social media do you use regularly? (You may select more than one option.) *









5.3 How regularly do you do the following activities related to ICT and the Internet for general
communication purposes?

Note: Select 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely (A few times per month), 3 = Sometimes (2-3 times per week), 4
= Often (Everyday, less than one hour per day), 5 = Almost all the time, or 77=Not applicable

Question 5.3 1 2 3 4 5 77

I search for the information I am *

interested in on the Internet.

I use email as one of the primary *

means of communication.

I use chat applications such as *

Facebook messenger and
Telegram as one of the primary
means of communication.

I make voice/video calls via the *


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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

I read news websites to stay up- *


I read news social media pages *

to stay up-to-date.

I use digital technologies to *

watch movies or television

5.4 How regularly do you do the following activities related to ICT and the Internet for educational

Note: Select 1 = Never, 2 = Rarely (A few times per month), 3 = Sometimes (2-3 times per week), 4
= Often (Everyday, less than one hour per day), 5 = Almost all the time, or 77=Not applicable

Question 5.4 1 2 3 4 5 77

I use email as one of the primary *

means of communication for
study purposes..

I use chat applications such as *

Facebook messenger and
Telegram to communicate with
other students for study

I make voice/video calls via the *

Internet for study purposes.

I read e-books instead of *

physical copies for study

I collaborate with other students *

to complete an academic task
using ICT and the Internet.

I take a course online or in a *

blended mode.

I search for information, such as *

websites and digital media, on
the Internet for study purposes.

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

5.5 Have you received any prior training in how to use ICT and the Internet? *

Yes. I have received formal training at school and/or work.

I taught myself by learning online, such as Googling for troubleshooting tips, watching YouTube clips, etc.


Section 6: The challenges of using ICT and the Internet

6.1 What challenges do you face in using ICT and the Internet?

Note: Select 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 = Strongly Agree, or 88=Don't Know

Question 6.1 1 2 3 4 88

There is not sufficient internet *

access (useless Wi-Fi and/or few
Wi-Fi zones).

The Internet speed is too slow to *

meet my needs.

Technology infrastructure (such *

as computers) is not widely

Lack of administrative and *

technical support at my school.

It is expensive to access the *


The devices I use are too slow. *

I have received insufficient *

training in how to use ICT and
the Internet for study purposes.

6.2 What other challenges do you face in using ICT and the Internet for general and educational
purposes? If you have no other challenges, type "none"

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Digital divide (gap) among students at two public universities in Cambodia

Chance to win a USD 20.00 voucher

The research team will select lucky winners of a USD 20.00 voucher (up to 40 vouchers in total). If you
would like to participate in the draw, please provide your full name, phone number, and email below.

Are you interested in participating in the draw? *



Full Name

Phone Number


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