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Broken Heart

A broken heart is a metaphor used to describe emotional pain or hurt that a person feels after losing a
loved one. As a human being, a broken heart is normal. The teenager is the age where a broken heart often
occurs. Most of them who have a broken heart are lodgers. A broken heart is often a problem for lodgers
because it’s can make them become depressed, confusion, and etc. On this occasion, I will explain the secret of
lodgers who have a broken heart. And also what they usually do to overcome feelings of sadness and pain
because of having a broken heart.

I did research on two of my friends who have experienced a broken heart as lodgers. There are two
things they do when they are broken hearts. The first one is to drink alcohol until they get drunk. The second one
deletes all photos with their ex-girlfriend. Sometimes it’s sad and painful, but sometimes it’s funny because
lodgers who have a broken heart feel confused with the situation that they experienced through the funny status
that they made on social media to express what they feel when they have a broken heart. There are other unique
things that are usually also done by the lodgers who have a broken heart. But I just explain two main things from
my research that I did before.

The first secret is to drink alcohol. Drink alcohol until getting drunk is often the thing that the lodgers do
when they have a broken heart. Based on my friend’s statement that gets drunk makes them become happy and
forget about a broken heart that they feel. Even like that, they also say that they are wasteful because of buying
alcoholic drinks. They said that usually spend one hundred thousand Rupiah in a week to buy alcohol. Besides
making them wasteful, alcohol also dangerous for their health. They think that drink alcohol is one way to self-
entertaining. My friends said that after they got drunk, they felt calm and happy. But when they realized they feel
sad and confusion again.

The second secret has deleted all photos with an ex-girlfriend. Delete all photos with an ex-girlfriend
when the lodgers have a broken heart is a common thing to do. My friends said that delete photos the way to
forget the ex-girlfriend. Because they have to forget the memories with their ex-girlfriend. It means that we have
to delete all photos with our ex-girlfriend to make it easier to move on. That makes them do that. Almost of
lodgers who have a broken heart will delete all photos with their ex-girlfriend to make easier to move on.
Therefore, my friends chose to delete all photos with their ex-girlfriend to make them easier to forget their past
with their ex-girlfriend.

Finally, the can move on because of two things that they do. Even though it hurts, everyone has
experienced it. Two of my friends that I interview experience it. They passed sad days that make them felt very
bad. But in the end, they can get through it all. Until they felt happy and pass the days with enthusiasm. That’s all
the explanation above about broken heart and the story based on the research on two of my friends, those who
have experienced broken heart till they can move on by doing get drunk and delete all photos with their ex-
girlfriend are the main way to make easier to move on

By: I Wayan Widyastana

Barone, F. (2014, october 24). Retrieved from SiOWfa14 Science in Our World:
Thesis Statements : Two things that the lodgers do when they have a broken heart

Supporting Details :

-Drinks alcohol until get drunk can make them be happy when they have a broken

-Delete all photos with their ex-girlfriend to make them easier to move on.

Conclusion : If we have a broken heart we must make ourselves calm first, and then do positive
activities so that we will not feel depressed. We must make it a valuable experience
for our life and learn from the experience that my friends got so that our life be
better than before.

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