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Uzma Ali
Video Writeup

Good Day, Hi this is Uzma Ali and I am Chief Opera�ons Manager.

We at Divine Success are always on the lookout for likeminded
business people who are aligned with our values and could
ul�mately serve our customers in accordance with the true values of
our organiza�on. We have a thriving rela�onship with businesses all
around the world. We strive to bring companies under our umbrella
with Unique brands and exquisite products that add value to our
business vendors and ul�mately end consumers under the Divine
Selltiply system. Our customers come first and nothing minutely less
is acceptable to us. Excellence is the only way for us.
We have established mutual product partnership with businesses
worldwide. We take keen interest If a product qualifies as adding
value to the lives of our business merchants and end consumers. We
carry a dizzying range of products. If you as a business owner are
interested in introducing your product to a huge pool of consumers,
which are growing exponen�ally, Contact me on the info men�oned

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

__________ _____________ _______

Abdul Ghani Miss. Ruchi Joshi Ali Raza
Social Media Coordinator Group General Manager Founder / President
Services / Administra�on
Web intro

Mrs. Uzma Ali

Chief Opera�ons Manager

I am entrusted with the duties of Chief

Opera�ng Officer. I ensure the smooth
flow of du�es and info between core
departments within the company. I am
excited about the exponen�al growth in
our company. We are a dynamic
company at every level we improve and
tweak our systems to benefit our
Business Merchants.

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

__________ _____________ _______

Abdul Ghani Miss. Ruchi Joshi Ali Raza
Social Media Coordinator Group General Manager Founder / President
Services / Administra�on
Miss Rameesha,

Hi there this is Rameesha with you. I am the logis�cs manager at

Divine Success. We have established a worldwide network of
logis�cs. From industrial Shipments for B2B to cat food for your
lovely pet is delivered to your doorstep with gapless tracking. We
at Divine success strive for excellence and we believe it to be a
lifelong pursuit.
We are always probing new ideas to enhance the end consumer
experience. Our Business Merchant is simultaneously our end
consumer too.
Vendor Partnerships created now will become hand and glove
partnerships over�me for mutually beneficial opera�on.
When all our partners and distributers are pouring in their hard
work. My department makes sure everything on the back end
works flawlessly. Because we want your peak atten�on on your
business while we ensure a smooth logis�c flow.
I am a firm believer in our firm and believe in the values of our
esteemed organiza�on and because of that I can and will always
deliver my best efforts towards our vision.

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

__________ _____________ _______

Abdul Ghani Miss. Ruchi Joshi Ali Raza
Social Media Coordinator Group General Manager Founder / President
Services / Administra�on
Web Writeup.
( Miss. Rameesha)
Logistics Manager

I am Logistics Manager at Divine

Success. We offer with pride world wide
shipping services. Unlike big
conglomerates and massive shipping
giants we are at the pulse of our
business and I make sure nothing slips
through cracks. We believe in zero
tolerance policy in servicing our
business merchants and end consumers
through our Divine sell�ply system.

Prepared By: Checked By: Approved By:

__________ _____________ _______

Abdul Ghani Miss. Ruchi Joshi Ali Raza
Social Media Coordinator Group General Manager Founder / President
Services / Administra�on

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