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● To understand how to show courage in Everyday Life

● To intercept the examples of what courage is and isn’t

● To know what the ingredients are to develop courage

● To get clear idea about the chapter we’re not afraid to die if
we’re together


● To take responsibility and accountability in the project

● To Keep My commitments and make goals.

● To Have My idea clearly visible in the topic


Courage is the mental state in different circumstances, and it showed by

physical action. It means how we react to different situations. It is an
identity that everyone wants. Courage is not the ability that a person
builds in his/herself it is a function of our body. Moreover, courage is
the thing that helps people to overcome their fears and achieve their
goals. Everyone wants to become more courageous because brave
people are always successful and achieve their goals. There are also
movies, stories, and many books to motivate people to be courageous.
Courage is not limited to physical power it is also about our decisions
and taking risks financially. I also believe that we should become brave
and do what we want instead of thinking.

We all have a lot of problems in our life like our studies, jobs, fear of
losing someone beloved, and many more. These all problems are
common, but the diverse thing is how we tackle these problems.
Courage is not limited to just doing heroic acts if you are not physically
strong you are not brave it is linked to all our daily actions and when we
try something new. 

 Furthermore, there are also many jobs in which a person really makes
his/her self-brave like army, fire-fighter and so on. In these jobs, a
person should mentally and physically strong because they always work
in difficult situations and save people’s lives and do adventures things
like underwater diving and also gutsy. If we think about persons with
disabilities, then we think how difficult their lives are, but these persons
are brave because they never think they are disabled instead of they
make themself mentally strong and achieve their goals. In the
Bollywood movie Rocky Handsome, the hero is trying to save a little
girl who is his neighbour he also has a lot of problems in his own life
but he overcome them and help her and always try to live happily and
never show his problems to others.

However, courage is not always about the physical features of bravery it

is also about mental and emotional. Sometimes in life, we need to take
decisions that are sometimes life changing. Doubtless, they are difficult
and risky. Mark Zuckerberg is the inventor of Facebook social media
site on which he starts working in his college days to complete this
project he dropped college and completed the Facebook project
probably this decision was difficult for him but that courageous action
help him to change his life and make him famous in the world. There
are many other examples of many famous people whose decisions make
them famous and change their life. Stephen Hawking was a famous
scientist but becoming a scientist was not easy for him because he was
suffering from a serious disease that make his body disabled and push
him toward death he refuses to live as a disabled person and he invent a
machine with which he communicate with people and continue his
career. This all happens by the courageous action of his life which
totally changes his life if he accepts his disability and lives life without
any goal then maybe he will not be famous and died as a poor disabled
person, but his courageous action makes him famous. Moreover
speaking for rights is also a courageous thing there is a lot of speaker
who speak against the government and or any party from they want
justice like in India when the English government tries to get control of
India then freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and many more against
them and want them to leave their country and for this, they speak
against the government which was a brave action on that time.

Finally, we can say that by doing courageous actions even if they are
physical and mental, we always take decisions beyond our comfort zone
and enhance it. If we want to do something and achieve our goals, then
we should believe in doing instead of thinking. We always do things
outside our comfort zone and enhance them. If we think about the new
job then it also is challenging for us because we need to find a new job
and fit ourselves in a new environment, make new friends, and maybe
the way of our work will also change.
Courage is the ability to face any dangerous or painful situation.
Courage can be physical or moral. Physical courage is when one can
face any physical pain. Moral courage is to do the right things in every
situation. We have many examples of courageous people like freedom
fighters and soldiers.

Courage comes from many things. Some people have courage in them
and some people learn it. Confidence plays an important role. One can
face a difficult situation when one is confident about one’s skills.

Knowledge is also important because it helps to know how to deal with

some situations. Some people train themselves with time to fight their
fears. They do not run away and try to face those things which make
them afraid. Moral courage comes from a strong will. A person always
does the right thing if he knows that goodness is always rewarded.

Courage is good quality and it helps a person in many ways. It increases

one’s confidence and he can do things easily. Courage helps a person to
experience many situations. This helps him to know about different
places, people, things. It also helps a person to live a true live. He does
the right thing and so he lives happily. Such people are always admired
by everyone and he becomes an example for others. This makes the
entire society good.

Courage is a quality which we all should learn. It is a quality which

helps us to stand against any wrongdoings. We should remember that
even our small contribution can change society.

What is the importance of courage?

Courage helps to develop your personality. It helps to face the situations
by being bold and wise. One should have both physical and moral

What are the different kinds of courage?
These are different kinds of courage

 Physical Courage
 Moral Courage
 Spiritual Courage
 Emotional Courage
 Social Courage
 Intellectual Courage

Courage is a very important human trait. Some people think that brave
people are exclusively soldiers, rescuers, firefighters and do not
consider themselves as such. But I do not agree with this opinion, I
believe that everyone can be courageous.
Courage, in my opinion, is a characteristic of a person that complements
his boldness. Courageous people are not afraid of responsibility, do not
shy away from actions, they have a sense of duty and will always come
to the rescue. It may sound a little exaggerated and festive, but in
everyday life, courage can be manifested in different ways.
You can often see students at school, having received bad grades,
tearing pages from the diary, trying to hide this fact. But there are other
students: they go home, show their parents the diary and are responsible
for their grades. I can call these children courageous, because even such
an act requires moral courage.
Someone will disagree with me and say that it is empty, that it is not the
case at all. But everything in life starts small: the responsibility for
evaluation in the future can lead to the responsibility for greater actions.
How to become courageous? You need to believe in yourself, look
around and ask yourself the question "What can I do?". Maybe someone
needs help? You do not have to go far - you can help your mother,
grandmother. You can reach out to them for help on the first request,
without referring to school workload or headaches. Furthermore, you
can protect the weaker when the opportunity arises. You can confess to
bad deeds and endure punishment. Courage comes from within and it
begins with boldness.
As people grow older, each of their characteristics becomes stronger.
Love - in relation to their own children, courage - in more important
courageous act for society. One of the best examples of courage is
Nelson Mandela. Mandela began his adult life as an underground
resistance leader, grew up as a political prisoner, and became a symbol
of his country's transition to a multinational and multiracial democracy
when he became its president. He is a great example of a man with
incredible moral strength. In addition to political victories, he
committed other acts worthy of respect. After the death of his eldest son
from AIDS, he struggled with the spread of the disease. Thus, he once
again showed courage when he spoke publicly about this loss at a time
when the topic of AIDS was almost taboo. Mandela died as a great man
- in the eyes of many as great as his hero Gandhi, as a man who changed
the country, using not the force of arms, but a moral example.
Courageous are the teachers who spend their nights checking our
notebooks and putting all their best into us, courageous are the pilots of
the planes that take to the skies every day. Doctors, saving people's lives
every day, also show courage, because the decision to take this path
already requires determination and courage. Salesmen, janitors,
educators, police officers - all people in life at least once find
themselves in a situation where they must show courage.
Everyone is courageous in their own way, someone does their daily
work without thinking about the fact that in someone's eyes he appears
as a hero and a daredevil. You just have to look around and think about
the surrounding people, and then you can be surprised: how different
everyone is! How many brave and courageous people there are in the

We all know how it feels to be courageous. Whether standing up for a
cause, taking on a challenge, or facing our fears, courage is essential to
grow and thrive. But how can you show courage in everyday life?
Nelson Mandela once famously said, "I learned that courage was not the
absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who
does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
This quote reminds us that true courage is not about the absence of fear
but the ability to push through our fears and take action. After all, it is
only human nature to experience fear. But it takes courage to make you
do something even if you are afraid.
Building courage is like cooking a recipe. You can't just bake a cake.
You need the right amounts of ingredients and to follow the cooking
instructions step-by-step to cook something delicious.
Well, the same is true for how to show courage in everyday life! If you
follow our 'courage recipe,' you'll learn how to take small but
meaningful actions that will build your courage over time. So let's get
What is Courage?
According to Oxford Languages, Courage is:
- The ability to do something that frightens one; and
- Strength in the face of pain or grief.
Courage is when you try to do something, even though it might be hard
or scary. It means facing your fears and being brave in the face of
adversity. It means having the guts to stand up for what you believe in,
even when it may not be popular, or others might judge you.
To better explain what courage is and isn't, let's look at some examples:
an excerpt from the book First Comes Courage by Sonia McDonald.
Courage Is NOT
●    Courage is not peeking around the corner with one eye on the
calculator, trying to figure out when the odds are safest for you to step
out and say something.
●    Courage isn’t playing it safe.
●    Courage isn’t managing risk.
●    Courage isn’t a science experiment.
●    Courage isn’t working the odds.
●    Courage isn’t putting yourself first, always.
●    Courage isn’t a statement from your spokesperson.
●    Courage isn’t putting someone down.
Courage IS
Now that we've seen what courage isn't, let's look at what courage in
leadership is and why it should come first.
●    Courage is stepping up and standing out – often by yourself – when
you know something needs to be said.
●    Courage is leaping before you look, in the name of a greater good.
●    Courage can be lonely and scary.
●    Courage is making an impact and leaving a legacy.

●    Courage is knowing why you do what you do.
●    Courage requires thick skin and resilience.
●    Courage is about being strong as well as kind.
●    Courage is being able to proudly tell your kids and grandkids that
you didn’t wait for someone else’s permission, or the math to add up in
your favour, before you stood up for what you believed in.
●    Courage requires you to have something to lose, and the willingness
to potentially lose it for the wider good, or the good of someone else.
●    Courage allows you to develop with a growth mindset. To seek out
improvement opportunities and implement them to make you a better
person, a better parent, a better leader.
Why Do Leaders Need Courage?
Leaders need courage because they usually have to make difficult
decisions. They must show courage if they want to be successful, as it is
often necessary to lead others and make tough decisions that benefit
everyone involved.
Courage allows leaders to stay true to their values, stay focused on the
goals of the group or organisation, and take risks that can pay off in the
long run. It also gives them the strength to stand up for their beliefs and
face difficult conversations.

When showing courage in everyday life, certain qualities will help you
It all starts with the right ingredients. So, here’s how to whip up courage
in just a few steps!
You'll need the following:
1 Cup - Bravery
The first ingredient in the courage recipe is bravery. Bravery isn't about
being fearless; instead, it's recognising how scared you are and pushing
yourself to keep going anyway. This can be as small as taking a risk to
try something new or conquering a fear that has been holding you back.
1 Tbsp - Honesty
Being honest with yourself and others is essential for courage, as
honesty allows you to be authentic and to admit when things don't go
how you'd hoped. It's important to be open about how you feel so that
people can support you in challenging times.
½ Cup - Perseverance
Courageous people are also resilient and determined, which means they
don't give up in the face of adversity. Instead, they persist despite
setbacks and push themselves to keep trying until they reach their goals.
1 Tsp - Self-confidence
Being self-confident is essential if you want to show courage in your
life. Having a strong sense of self and believing in yourself will give
you the strength to take risks and face difficult situations head-on.
½ Cup - Conviction
Courageous people also have strong convictions and beliefs that guide
how they live their lives. They stand up for what they believe in, even if
it's unpopular because they know it's the right thing to do.
2 Tsps - Integrity
Courageous people also have strong values and act according to them,
even when difficult. This requires having integrity and staying true to
yourself in all situations.
1 Cup - Leadership
Leadership is about inspiring others to take action. Showing courage as
a leader means being willing to put yourself out there and lead by
1 Tsp - Compassion
Courageous people are also often compassionate, which means they
consider how their decisions affect others and strive to create positive
outcomes for everyone involved.
½ Cup - Objectivity
To be courageous, you must look at the situation objectively without
letting your emotions get in the way. This allows you to make decisions
based on facts and logic instead of how you feel.
1 Tbsp - Strength
Courageous people have the strength to stand up for what they believe
in and face their fears head-on. They can push through difficult times
without giving up, as they know it will lead them toward a better future.

2 Cups - Action

Finally, courage is about taking action. Courageous people don't just
talk. They also walk the walk and are ready to do so at a moment's
notice. They take risks and push themselves to achieve their goals, even
if it means facing difficult situations. 

These key ingredients will help you show courage in everyday life. If
you have these qualities and are willing to put them into practice, you
can conquer any challenge that comes your way.
However, these traits are not something you are either born with or not.
Instead, they are qualities that you can develop. So, to be more
courageous, start by incorporating these ingredients and the following
step-by-step instructions into your daily routine.
Preparation Time: It takes time and dedication to build courage - it's not
something that happens overnight. It requires a commitment to
consistently reflect on how you can face your fears and transform
them into courage.
Cooking Time: Cooking courage takes time and patience. Developing
the confidence to take risks, the resilience to keep going after setbacks,
and the strength to stand up for yourself takes practice and dedication.
You only build courage is by couraging!

Whether you're looking to take risks in your career, start a business,
move into a leadership role, or push yourself out of your comfort zone,
these seven steps will help you be more courageous.
Step 1: Believe In Yourself
The first and most crucial step in being courageous is believing in
yourself. This means having a strong sense of self-belief, even when
feeling scared or uncertain. Remind yourself of how capable and
resilient you are and how much potential you have to conquer the
challenge ahead.
Part of being able to believe in yourself is first to acknowledge how you
feel. When feeling scared, it's important to recognise that your feelings
are valid and normal. Allow yourself to feel how you feel without
judgement or self-criticism.
Chef's Tip: "Always remember you are braver than you believe,
stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." ― Christopher
Step 2: Identify Your Fears
Now that you have a strong sense of self-belief, it's important to identify
what is holding you back. Are there any specific fears or doubts
preventing you from taking action? Take some time to think about what
fears are stopping you from achieving your goals, and write down how
they make you feel and impact your life.

Chef's Tip: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” ― Franklin

D. Roosevelt (FDR).

Step 3: Face Your Fears Head-On
After identifying your fears, now is the time to come up with strategies
to face them head-on.
This is important in building the courage to take risks and push yourself
out of your comfort zone.
Sure, it can be intimidating at first. But it is for almost everyone.
Facing your fears is essential for developing your confidence to move
forward. To do so, you must be willing to confront them directly and
challenge any negative thoughts or beliefs holding you back.
You'll need to develop strategies to break your fears, so they no longer
hold power over you. With practice and dedication, facing your fears
will become easier over time and help you build the courage necessary
to succeed in all areas of life.
Chef's Tip: "Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to
face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go
with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by
the fear of it." ― Judy Blume.
Step 4: Take Small Steps To Increase Your Courage
Taking small steps to increase your courage is essential to developing
the confidence and strength you need to face difficult challenges.
Small steps can help you build up your resilience and tackle more
significant tasks that may seem daunting initially. By breaking down
large goals into smaller, manageable chunks, you can take actionable
steps towards achieving those goals more quickly.
Taking small risks in everyday life can also help strengthen your
courage muscles so that when faced with a significant challenge, you’ll
have the mental fortitude needed to push through it.
Whether it’s speaking up for yourself in a meeting, taking on a new
project outside of work, or asking out that special someone you have a
crush on, being courageous begins with taking small but consistent steps
forward every day.
Courageous people set realistic goals that they can strive toward. Break
down your goal into manageable steps so that it doesn't seem too
overwhelming, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.
Chef's Tip: "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the
little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow." ―
Mary Anne Radmacher.
Step 5: Practise Self-Compassion
Self-compassion means to treat yourself with understanding and
kindness, even when you make mistakes or fail at something. It’s about
being gentle and forgiving with yourself instead of beating yourself up
for not living up to your expectations.
Practising self-compassion can help increase your courage by giving
you the strength to take risks and face challenges head-on without fear
of failure or rejection. After all, how can you reach for the stars if you
don’t believe in yourself?
Being kind and understanding to yourself when times are tough can also
help you build resilience and develop a stronger sense of self-belief.
This will make it easier for you to take risks, trust your instincts, and
have the courage to pursue your dreams.
Chef's Tip: “If your compassion does not include yourself it is not
complete.” - Jack Kornfield.
Step 6: Stand Up For What You Believe In
Standing up for what you believe in is essential to being more
courageous. It requires conviction and courage to speak up and act
despite potential consequences.
First, you must know your values and how they are being challenged.
This means identifying the issues that matter most to you and how
current events or circumstances impact them. Then, once you've
identified these issues, take action in whatever way you can to make
your voice heard.
Whether writing letters, joining protests, or simply talking to people
about the issue, taking a stand for what you care about can help build
courage and give you a sense of purpose.
Chef's Tip: “Stand up for what you believe in even if you are standing
alone” - Sophia Magdalena Scholl
Step 7: Embrace failure, Be Persistent And Never Give Up
It's essential to accept that mistakes are part of the learning process and
to use them as opportunities for growth instead of dwelling on them.
Acknowledge how you feel when things don’t go your way, but don’t
let it stop you from moving forward.
Instead, focus on how to move past the failure and learn from it to
become even stronger. With this kind of attitude, embracing failure will
help build the courage to tackle any obstacle thrown your way.
Also, be persistent and never give up. Success doesn’t happen overnight
and requires effort, dedication, and resilience.
It's vital to keep your focus on the end goal and persist through difficult
times with courage, even when you experience setbacks or failures.
When things get tough, take a step back and remember why you started
in the first place.
Chef's Tip: “It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce that
counts.” —Zig Ziglar.


Courage is the key ingredient to living an empowered life and achieving

your goals. You don’t have to be fearless or take huge risks to show
Instead, start by taking small steps and building your confidence so you
can have the courage to take on bigger challenges and make courageous
You are capable of more than you think, and it takes courage to believe
in yourself even when the odds are against you. So don’t be afraid to
roar and show how brave and courageous you can be.
courage is defined as the possibility of success in different situations it
all depends on us how we tackle those problems and achieve our goals.
Like all the above examples show clearly how doing courageous things
change them. So, everyone should do something new even if the result
is negative or positive does not matter but trying new things is always
good and give us new experience.



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