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Vivi questions: 1 What os chenmeal oxygen demand? Meawunc of oxygen coyuiveeast 6 eryoue ound inonaaae Compounds iv a WOOL Go thot cour be oucdised by a chyey chouleal oxidaut. ve i 2. Why dilute 180.8 added during the preparation of standard BAS solution’ Prevect the Wuydra lysis thot the Fe* tions undergo, Ato prarert oxidation of Fe™* iw do Fe * iow 3. Why equivalent weight of FAS is same as its molecular weight? As Fe ion crcidised to Fe® tion diuing tedox stracton, only One watt hainge in oXidattrn ¢ aire, beth wrolur Acidified ky C5, 0: 5. What is the role of 1:1 Ha8O; taken in conical flask for titration? Ts provide aridie wedim fo Ky Cry Oy 6. What are the products of oxidation oxidation of an organic compound? C0, and H,0 7. What is the role of AgsSOy in this experiment? wad os cobatysts dpeecticany Sowontasy cbalyshy Tt os Used +0 oxida SPraigt- Chain Irion contours , 8. What is the role of HgSO.” Has, binds te hoide iow aad woke them unovailable 9. What is chemical composition of ferrain indicator? [Fe (o-prer)s | 90, } Oper > 440 ~ phenarthreline 10, How do you express COD af waste water sample’ oils COD is xpivsed Os mg of 05 aesyuired to oxidise at ret ijt . 4% onidisnble impute paul in A000 cer Of waste wocter Vive questions: 1 What is the meaning ef total hardiens: The Amount of dicsolved calcium oad magnesium , detiranuned Using EDTA and expressed inctoums 4 ‘aio million 4 lt, Name the compounds that cause temporary hardows: ppm) Sulphater oad chlorides Of maoynedinnr tnd calecusy a. How can temporary hardness of water be removed? Betling of water, 1. Name the compounds that cause permanent hardaess? rscolved aulphots ond cllowdes & calecune vad Wihgnidiun 3. Why disodium salt of EDTA is preferred to EDTA? EbTB us spasuvgly solulde, huace nore soluble oldso dian galt UEDTA is wed 6. How many donar utoms are present in EDTA ligand? 6 donor atoms What pH is required to conduct the experiment? Why? el yt inva 7. decwering pH-40. The asaction wwolmet swleat to ph. Heats 8. Why Ho you get the wine red colour :fter addition of indicator to water sample? As Eriodwrome Black—T binds fy metal fons, acdcng the imdicoton fy the dompte Carns it wine red. 9. Why do you get blue colour at-end point? Blue is tu colour 0) the {rus indvcoter (EET) 10, How is the total hardness of water expressed’? Exposed in Lerma 6A pasets + willin (pen) ol Cal 0g Viva questions: 1. What ie the composition af hnomatile wre . Aw S10, Ee Os , Saradl Awa 2. What is the tule of SaCl? Redurcu Fe “ern toy dy Fe? Cferrous) aad slight excus os added tr rivw complete seduction 3. Why haematite solution 1s boiled withof cone, HCL before addition of Sal.” T? weave ivdoluble 4ilten hei dae dg & rockon 1. What is the role of Hg Remons exes SACI, Ie in this experiment? 5. What is the silky white precipitate obtained on addition of HeCl.? Mourdus clloride (Hos ch) 6. Mention two conditions under which HgCle-is added? = Sutton showd be cooled > Selutiin thoutd be otrlee 7. What happens if HgCly is added in hot condition? Block pre . 8. What is the reaction, whee K2Cr.0; is added to ferrous solution during titration” Fort —> Fe ty em “x & i ’ Cfa0q + IWH+b6e —> ICr+4 Ho 9. Why does indicator gives bluc colour at the beginning of the titration? A Pot sFitm Peniujanide Produces au iucteue clip Hue Crlewr vith forms Jom due fo “formation *\ fesro ~ fers 10. Why colour of indicator does not change at end point? favicke wi AU Fe" ions ane Converted to Fe™* iow. Hen, ns reacou ooath ro formation of Compleres. > é ; / Viva questions: 1 Which partmeter ts meastired in colorimeter? Conc. of Coppes Reer-Lambert’s law Radiation alse bed a Conc. ef Species in soln Radiation absorbed of path lenge of salu Which is the colouring a Nits solu gent used in ex netric estimation of copper? 4. What is the change in colour on adding ammonia to copper sulphate solution? Deep blue « 5. How ammonia imparts deep blue colour to copper sulphate? Forms cupaationivun eulphacte Complex volutdr ta exp blue. Why cuprammonium sulphate complex is deep blue in ealour? Enuits mmclledtron of deep blue. 7. What is the radiation absorbed to maximum extent by cuprammonium sulphate compler (mas)? 620 nm. What is the use of blank solution? To Se device to 0 - measure the absorban al glass tubes be o Candi No, path lengtty roay Nay 10, Why series of standard solutions are prepared? To detain coltberatton graph. viva questions: jaeonductometne titraben” yer in wluich, cud point u detiannined by yy aug ia onductrvity OBLONY qihnat is dpectfie conduetivity” Conductuiity of solu of unit Yume specific conductivity? | Which electrode is used to men ot cleetrede 4, What is conductivity cell made of? Prcellr dep apnnt by lear § crest Sec of Sens 5, Which are the main factors that decide conductivity ofa solution? L) Ne. t mobile a ain aot 2) Maiti a Gf fend 6, When NaOH is Ault jed fo acid mixture, fey acid first neutralized? RU. 7. Why HCI is neutralized fare . * Feu ochreng aes tok duneciaks dix ty common mM €. 8. Why conductivity eerie rapidly in the beginning? bu to suplncaent of Lifoly weckile HT ies Ay Nat few. 9. Why conductivity increases slowly after first neutralization point? Nadel # oddlud snp ts ae) Te wudiobgs LHC! whi che A weobe aud 10, Why conductivity increases rapidly after the neutralization of CH»COOH” Durto sult HOW jou, — iwa questions: 1, What ts a potentiometric titration End poirt cletesmincel by Aaneasuuting Chosage AW poterctial volt dung AUbouien Which are the electrodes used to measure potential? (alwel 4 yr. dcctiole 3 What ts the role of KoCrn0:? Oneidt Sing ageril 4. What is the reaction when K2Cr.O; is added to FAS” Kdqog onidied foreus (G4) into (Fe®1) 5. What is the oxidation state of Cr in Kage and after the reaction? wv +6 +3 G. What is the role of sulphuric acid? . Wlrrb4 can oxidise nly in acidia medium chin uw provided by Hy S 7. Explain the variation of potential w.r.t. volume of KoCr:Oz. Petinctial vasa slowly vin Legining FU Lopuivalure point 5. Why potential inereases slowly in the beginning? , oe Rylr04 Odded ith Leeginning Ach cqptvalurn point iF jumps Sddenty OFC 24 pein’ Fe™* eons duereases, 9. What is the meaning of equivalence point? Vol Cindy Aequded to couplikely madd FAS to Fe 10, Why potential increases rapidly at equivalence point? ck. poeet viva questions: son pe and strom " weak dent are rotated" He 1) fp pe t tog fatty A (CH\COOH) — 1.75 and pKa of formic nerd (HCOOH) 4-74, wheels or? 5 pka of acett junds mores Fore Aud is tng What ts pl? (eu. of i iow |, Give the mathematical rvlation between ph I and pKa. z pls a ly (ary 5. At what point pll and pK. are equal? Vou ign Une polud 6, Why at half equivalence point, pH and pK, are equal? Cn. of auid = cour. if gal 7. Why at half equivalence point, [salt] = foci? Volt Ure taid Auncks wit hase 5 terns salt 40 att = [acc J S. What is the reaction when NaOH is added to acetic acid? Natl +CH,loolt —> EltyCooNa + Hr. 4. Which is an indicator electrode used to measure pH? - Gloss % talomel Lhichinde 10, Why pH increases rapidly at equivale Uh cH factor occur wang uly pos wt Lou cme. Lreomes Jow , te Anes 0 LaF of Gan to Meow Ht eonc a chouges 19 a > srt fe SS eeeseeeseeteoseeeeeeeoeeeeveeerererr er & * viva questions: 1, Define viscosity ofa liquid? paepemtt oy Liqquidl dyaradune wlide Ht Juste Hu Hew bu 4s Joyere the time Now measuremonts of liquel or + Why should viscometer be dried be water? f avid format ba AY tauiagion au, whlch charges Fh cconditinger rare fo ff Uuid 3. Why 1s acetdne used for cleaning viscometer? Roucner Aettlra water and acgaue plats 4. Why is the viscometer not rinsed with the given liquid or water? Sines, bie of How varies wilh arehume Xo owsid prunes 44 (bieptel » viscometer winced - 5. Why should the laboratory temperature be recorded for the determination of viscosity” Dengeiyy Wditority, saat of Hew avany ace fo desup . 6. How does viscosity vary with temperature? Tuy prop. 7. How are viscosity and time of flow related? Dimetly prep, 4. Explain the effect of density on viscosity \Jisceuthy & deushy 9, Which part of the viscometer mainly decides time of low? Nove Gpilleny Habe . 10. Why same viseometer is used to measure the flow tume of water and liquid? Unarrge in Wibewuetix , aowges clianetioe 4 fiube antl afferts dee 6 (lew :

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