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(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in her daily
task note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked in the next step of this
Learning Episode, NOTICE).
Participate actively by assisting your Resource Teacher in his/her daily task. Take the initiative
to offer your assistance. Don’t wait for your Resource Teacher to ask for it.


1.Take note of the following:

 Your Resource Teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures and actions in class
 Student’s comments, facial expressions, gestures and behavior in class
 How your Resource teacher relates to you
 The classroom proceedings
 The classroom atmosphere- relaxed or threatening?

 Your Resource Teacher comments, facial expressions, gestures and actions in class
I wanted to deeply understand the idea of Participating and Assisting my Resource Teacher, it
helped to start with the basic idea of classroom as a place where teacher and students gather for
the purpose of learning. As I participate actively by assisting, my Resource Teacher comments
are Excellent! Keep up the good work. You approach of embracing change and adapting to
changing work situations encourages others do the same and I know your helpful attitude makes
it clear that you can continue to take on new challenge in school. The facial expression of my
Resource Teacher is smiley, appealing, beatific and meaningful. The gestures and actions of my
Resource Teacher frequently used pointing through a simple action of movement it makes the
student understand and internalize content.

 Student’s comments, facial expressions, gestures and behavior in class

The student comments are You truly care about us/ student and admire what you do lastly Thank
you it’s simple but meaningful phrase that people in this profession just don’t hear often enough.
While their expressions are curious, mischievous, and radiant. While their gestures are frequent
hand gesture, arms waving, pointing.

 How your Resource teacher relate to you?

Respect Boundaries, modeling this respect can also help me to identify and respect others and I
can relate to my resource teacher Be Trustworthy, showing with them that they can trust you is a
fundamental step in building strong relationships with them.
 The Classroom Proceedings
The students will appreciate your consistency, and once they internalized classroom proceedings,
the day will run that much more smoothly, my resource teacher choose the right classroom
proceedings, but my resource teacher respect sure to define what the students expect from the
very beginning. Explicitly outlining classroom proceeding will help will me and my resource
teacher to communicate expectations with the students make the school year smoothly.
 The classroom atmosphere- relaxed or threatening?
The classroom atmosphere is relaxed, because the atmosphere of the students is one of the most
important and most influential, because it enhances a student’s learnings. So that means, the
physical classroom condition must always be good.

LEARNING EPISODE 2- Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching


You must have experienced in your past subjects, doing some activities or accomplishing
tasks similar to an action research. These are activities that required you to do Reflection and
Make Action or the other way around. Schon (I987) distinguishes Reflection in Action or
Reflection on Action as two different things.
Perhaps your mentor teacher has already done an Action Research. Now is the
opportunity for you to participate and assist in ways that you are capable of doing.
Here is what you will do.
Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles by teachers in the Field
1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research Titles
Conducted by Teachers
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below.
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Research Studies to your mentor as

Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors

Ex. Differentiated Instruction in Teaching Mary Joy Olicia

English for Grade Four Classes
1.Improving Student’s Reading Skills Through Rara Diska Nurhana
Interactive Media for Grade 8th Classes

2. The Effects of Social Emotional Learning Lauren Stang and Andea Wells
Strategies on Promoting Positive Behavior
3.The impacts of Peer to Peer Collaboration Erin Wilmess and Elizabeth Bonhert
on Science Efficacy among Grade 8th Student
4.Enhancing students understanding given Wilfred Admiraal
different type of Assignment
5.Improving Reading Skills Though effective Hulya Kucukoglu
Reading Strategies

Congratulations…You have done a good job. By doing so, you have assisted your
mentor and together you will journey towards becoming an action researcher.

Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
out what you have noticed by answering the following questions.
Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about 1. Identified problem to be solved in title no. I
the action research titles? Do  Lack of willingness and active participation
the action research (AR) titles of the students in understanding the material
imply problems to be solved? subject taught by the teacher, which can
Yes__/__ No______ reduce the desire of students master the
material being taught
2. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 2
 Lack of social emotional skills, they may
If YES, identify the problems from the exhibit undesirable and aggressive behaviors
title you have given. Answer in the that can lead to lower academic performance
space provided. and negative peer relationship.
3. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 3
 Students with low efficacy
4. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 4
 Assignment with the purpose of enhancing
class instruction is not presented.
5. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 5
 Lack of solid foundation for teaching those
reading comprehension strategies

2. What interpretation about Title of the Action Research:

action research can you make ‘’Improving Student’s Reading Skills Through
out of your answer in Question Interactive Media for Grade 8th Classes’’
No. I?
‘’the Effects of Social Emotional Learning Strategies
on Promoting Positive Behavior’’

‘’The impact of Peer to Peer Collaboration on

Science Self-efficacy among Grade Eight Class’’

‘’Enhancing Student Understanding by Different

types of Assignment’’

‘’Improving Reading Skills Through Effective

Reading Strategies’’

From the title, I think, the study

‘’Improving Student’s Reading Skills Through
Interactive Media for Grade 8th Classes’’, the study
should be ‘’Enhancing the Reading skills of Grade
8th Students Through Interactive Multimedia’’,
followed by topic 2 ‘’Impact of Social Emotional
Learning Practices on the Development of Positive
behavior’’ followed by topic which should be
‘’Effectiveness of Peer to Peer Collaboration of the
3. Write the Title and your
Students’’ followed by the next topic which is the
interpretation of the study from
topic 4 ‘’Enhancing Student Comprehension of
the title.
Various types of Assignment and lastly the topic 5 it
should be ‘’Developing Effective Reading Strategies
to Reading Skills’’

4. What do you think did the I think the author/s…………
author/s do with the identified I think the author is reflected in the way he writes the
problem as presented in their study with the said identified problem as presented
title? above, The author tells us the importance place upon
the improvement of understanding as well as practice
upon the improvement of the situation.




You are now ready to participate and assist!

Understanding fully the concept and the process of Action Research will enable you to learn and
provide the needed assistance to your teacher mentor in doing Action Research

What concepts have been emphasize in the task and Infographics? Give at least four.
4. ACT
Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?
3. ACT


What five problem have you identified from the words that you have encircled? Make a
statement. Write in the space below
The problems I identified are

1. Financial
2. Modules
3. Connectivity
4. Resources
5. Attendance
Excellent! Let us see how we can assist and learn at the same time
Suppose the problem you have spotted is COMPREHENSION
Make a Choice for your ACTION.
A. Conduct a tutorial lesson.
B. Show video lessons to help enhance comprehension.
C. Make a learning task to develop comprehension.
Suppose you chose letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So, you have identified the SOLUTION that
matches the PROBLEM which is difficulty in Comprehension.
How can you assist your mentor, after knowing that the learners have difficulty in

The action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension of Conduct a Tutorial
Suppose you chose letter B: Show video lesson as a SOLUTION.
Explain: The use of videos stimulates the cognitive processes of thinking, reasoning, problem-
solving, decision-making, and creating. Making videos for your students doesn't only help them
understand written directions. Videos can also help them understand any part of your lessons,
including the content. Research shows that 94% of the teachers have effectively used videos
during the academic year and they have found video learning quite effective, it is even better than
teaching students through traditional text-books. Majority of part of the human brain is devoted
towards processing the visual information

The action is:

Difficulty in Comprehension o Show video lessons

What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why?

Explain: Learning Tasks are opportunities you create for students to engage with the content you're teaching.
You want to be sure your plans and commentaries clearly describe the learning tasks you create. In designing
your learning tasks, ask yourself. And Learning tasks play an important role in instructional settings. They
may be characterized as an interface between the learners and the information offered in the learning
environment. They serve to activate and control learning processes in order to facilitate successful learning.

The action is
Difficulty in Comprehension of Make learning tasks to improve c
Interesting, isn’t it? Now, you can assist your mentor by identifying observed problems in the
class and suggest actions to be done.


What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one solution to
the problem? ____ Explain
I noticed of the problem identified above is that it closely the teaching-learning
environment in the classroom, and an issue or a problem which was reported by teachers in the
field. YES. My explanation to this and because I believe, A creative and innovative teacher can
find one or more than one solution or answer to the same problem. Each solution matches with
the problem. The more solutions identified to choose from, the better for for an action researcher.

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