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Aprign ment -10 (Solubiong) L. Find ah fellewing- Limits Gif uxists) tay Lim 3 378 “F Simm a = sim &-19) = ti) 7° 370 [Gane 9) Lab meR and allow 370 along dhy Sins ie Then, by syvetion a) him lay Ninny (eet ma) tmx gre (arly) © “70 Cetin = him (sim x = ({-im) HO Utim) * (ata) Sineg dhe Limp dsband & on m, thurs bore dhe Limit dary nek aind , (b) Lim Ind 320 NF Rn TRG 2 Sm 2 ae Vt p70 (eer) lub HER and alow 3-70 along Shy Jang jos , the» me =m hin Taal) = jim wea mx? mk) eee Sing ah diy ndp on™, theory Simi lows nab sain. ©) Mim (3% 53+!) Z> uth Jim (gr-sgtl) = (ti) = F044) Ho goat 2 S+3i (a) Jim la mal no i Consider th path na 0 fellowes ba co. vt ° rif 470 pol ir naa F in li: al" [ Hip qo Sing th Meth ip nab unig, Sh Jimi} dow hot wa) pte 2. Tart dh corinvil dh followin. fonckons ot eA t { a @) (w= ae ‘| ate a ip are him May = Jim KEE, = him sind see gre mp Lt meR and allow 370 chong shy Ji wo. + nee fun . : me. mI = be Ta - dim ak fxr ca Since ate Lit dabend p on ™, Hhofert de shim} gay at urint, Thera fr jm! 1K nof conkinvor-p, (b) P= [ae if ae iy a2 Sim pay = Mim RGD 2 by 30 B70 1) Bp Vetry) lub meee ands avalos 3.9 along thy Java Y= ma. Thin a (m= Jim Se o —L. x0 Gt emt Vd +m?) Sine th dim dhindg on my, dheredore We ets der ot ein te at 320+ Thetabert fy dp nak Codinvov, of gro : Im( 3%) s _ (c) He- | 7 af 3# 6 rif Be oe t= Lin a ee 370 (4% + ging) ; ti meh ond stew oo along th Sing qm: Then i t= ae he mrad $ BIKINI amxn 3 am = him _ 1 HO (L-mez gimp? U-m*+ain) Sinea dhe Savi + daband p on », Sheufory dh SMmib daw, hat doit Hina dh fonction (Ip nat conlinvov & ot ABO : 2 3 Tash th differen tiabikity. | 4hy fella fonctions af 350. ta) fld= lal {= fim ty 19) (Ce) In UAL Sim Ltt he hee AH hao Ch tha) when wr choosy the bath ha me fob by hye, ue gt . ‘ . [hy +0ha tn = Bo [cas | hoe 4, 20 ‘ tl | een = im =| hoe 2 tim il das nop sata & > fons\al in nat difpombiably af Z=0. (b) {a)= Rs) {= be Be [ tetas the ha eR) - ti Rah a lim, Ah) © Le meR and allow ho along thy Mine hy = AL: chim lh) = dim 4 | A, hoo oH hy 20 Ay Lmhy L+im) Sineo Aho Mm} dsfand p on mm, herd Je Sit dows not dri at. > [d= Rls) Ap nob difyrentiable af 3. © fey=as \ an . fle)= Sr HO HD [ Ar het ih teen) = Lim n> = Lim Ad = Lim Heo hro HR hao nA hore Satoh ip differmbieble ot 3°2- 4 Ub fwme= oO it fo | ° if 3=e | Show theb (a) {) a condi nvevp Surg ahery on C. Sing both 3? and 32 avy continvevp on ete rho} and 3° Fo, a= 3 ip coninvowy on C. AL gee, tow him 1tl7a] = Jim \z\- din [al =o gr0 gro as Bre and hanes Sim {im =o- fe). B70 5 } ip also conti nvovs ab cond hingy Continvovp sary where on C. (b) THe comblec — deviveting fle) des nef sais Th complex darivebing {© rit siple, ip 33 Hn Py diy TMP = dh 2 329-3 -0 Bo 3? Ai Bath: 3 yee and K 0, thon Yim 22 = din el. ‘ wo gore? on dh ther hand, | =O and yoo thn fin Be Sim CHD? +1, 32 A490 a woo cai? g3 So th dint Lim _ and dines flo) ga5 dbo nat Jot ab. 5: Show thet >) =| Rls) Im(39}"2 paki adios thy Cauchy - Rivmann ayretions al ge0 bub {© dows not aciat. 4lay= (req, = won + iucmyy (Ae) Thin WOH) = (iz and Wlsy)=o. Now, at thy origin (BL), = din Weten-uted) = Jim (S38}x0 9 Alo) yo - ays yo t QV = Lm wl) -Vlee) = in (SS\= oO UR at{o.0) yA0 m Ko Bed PSE > Me B od Be wd at igi Again fo) = Nim #)-He)- Sim SPT o7° 70 + x 3 “HY Jabing 326 along ye Jim SOS 2 tim (Tree 2 Ser 30 mY x20 Gime Utim) Thip Vwi tt dsfand p on ™ shorafong fie) dor, not atl: 6. Show that followings forckons arg haremonic, and find itp Harmonic. cenjugals. (a) Ulery) = xg Wr saxyr Une = 44-3784 34s Urn= -6% MAG eka f Uyy = 6% Uaut “yy =o > umy op harmonic. CR sqvetions y= Wee 44-324 OY U agrehy Ny agvetion Sead 3 > 2 g w= Cay ax raysyay + $ We Sere geet italy ee Row y= “Wa F 6x4 t P= - (eet 647) > Bex) =- 4% > *W= Hak by squetion per y= agr aety ty eet te) wap= E*C+Sing- For 4) Une E*Sing- 2ETSing + |] E'Con Usa = “RE sing + e* sing ~ + e*con 4 -w Uy = LE Cony +4 EX Sin gf ~ econ yy = ~XE Sing TRE Sing + YE” Cory —@) ty aqvelion W ard &) Unx thy =O. > UD dp hermenvec . From th CR sqvotions Ua= Ve = E* Sing — e* Sing +4 2% con 4 Tnhgroty ip Jyvelion wrt 4, rushing x Constan ve - cca raed Aes “Ost +Cop 4) tH) a iy, (eR sgrehion) 3 -yO™Sny x ereany FE “Cony T $9 =~ Ye sing — KEM Coad — ¥ E*Sin => dw=eD 4wr RCCombect) (bub is sgvetion 3) Wo = fer Sind + KE* Cosy +R, (Cc) Uweryy= 2O-3x 98, ee anh ay", Unxr= 6% Ug = - 6% , Ugy = -6% =o ey WU Ap harmonic > Van ty wonky ly ch agyotion Wy =x By vel tant ay ay TH) 3 ye ae Pt ee —O by ch sqvelion Bx = “Uy. 3 ont +O = - (-6*4) > dyeo > t= REConptet) ( pobls syertiont) = By Pte (d) Ulr,e) = singe Palas form of he Loplo apretion dp. givn by. Une +4 Uy + 2g Yoo =o —W Us = 28 Sing 8, Une = & Sind Ug =e 280 , Uy = - FF RSiNVO Une + A Ur TE Noe = 881026 +8 SingO—+Sink 0 =) Ul) Tp hectnota . CR aguebionp is paler fem ah gi by Ure We ©) Vy = ~ 4. —B®) by aqelion &) Vox TUr a Wo = ¥ CAT SiA89) = 262% Sh20 Integroty din agvetion wrt 6 uu oblun Yar aeieen ee (HEHE ye —reconae tO) — & ty tgoetion (3) Wy=-Xo 7 F(-ReCOpRO + HOD) = ~ ay ACarAO 7 gen =e > gD = R CConate+) pet Vath) ye —TicmrtotR . 4. Using Caveha - Reno syvellonys , Show tha f= Ci tadyady ap nowhas analyte Ung = Yr ond vor = 2 A oh lparheal daaiveliwes aris} and ars continvavy in C. Howe, dh CR sgvolion ate roltpfiad only shen axyrs rate and ght = nye Ue) and my (erp =a. >cR syrelionA shold only along. thy Jing a=0r4=o and nowheny ANAL. > farutiv ip diffran abl only. along. poitp on She rea} and imagina OnL and newhsrs al ax. Noky Shot, ais Yuigh bor hood Juuny point on dh Jany weoland eo, Tanpactly ) wi contain points off thy Nn ak ube dh CR syvali ons dvs nb told. 94 {allows Shab foye wri Ap newhey only he. 7 x if 3#e 6) Wb Pade 4 Ta ip a0 oO Show drat flo) ip continvers gues ushin§ but newly anelybic ont Sinex both J ad [al att continvers ont, ap continue p on c Therefore, fly ip Conknvevp on c* To wu thet it ip cont, teh haw vs sKipus OdtkKad = m, {= Ha V4 Be tire: 3 | Lion, Thip filews ie im a | = Jin, Var = dim Ia =o. or “13 gro ITH Bae Thite (%) Ap conti nuev~ 0” e. To show tha} {> Ap nowhens andyke , S pollicrn to show thet CR aqvetions a Ho) 0 CF. Tip wns {en (a -13 >) 2 Gk D(A): a 3s) (HF 13 ia per _ he tr afto analyh'c . ‘ las SA tp nouhery gt for= uray be analytic an @ domain J. Pro Shot 4 dp conptard in D if ony om of dh following shold. OT PE {a {H Noniphip din D- Sinep fly =uriu Le anelehic an D> wand WY oti shins CR syrehions, dn D. le. Ux and Us = Ue Now. qiuen dha} { Nani ship in D ies yee 4 3ED Now lev = Ux +AU, = vy Ty Thasabert Wat IW =0 = Vy ~ Uy. > Ue=e= Ve and ae Us sy re AU dy cong bet~ ee AV ap constant— > quo dp conptant. (d) Rofo) =U= conphant Wan =O Uge ° ; [Cry = Vat ate Ue dy = 0 > {oO Ap cenatant. ©) Tin (2) =U = Cong tort. Ux =o =u 5 qlery = Ue FAW = Vy HIV EO = HW) ip conptet. (A) | (39 | = conphert- \ {leo = | uri) = Ceonplert) > ul+urte es Differ Hating por Wally wI7rb. Se and } us yeh UU FVUL=0 + UY +UYy =o => Ux VUy =o, Uty + UU = 6 Elininoting Uy ous gob (UrrvHUn=2 => Ux=0 Sirs larly. y Uy = Ves Uy =o ft) = Ux tidy = } i) tm Ap conglent. \o. wt $0) = uti ban andy hic jomten in a demain D dveh the uk. Then show thet flo) Lp cenptant , oe ieee = ate AU 15 S a Vyy = RUuyy + gu —&) Sineg U and YW are harmonic ind, Hy addjHon te Wp and B) Syvelon p phow Shot Ux +Uy =0 ie Uszo= Uy . ot 10 = Oz Uy “Thos { dp Consbanf. Show thab thers saint ne onely he secon } such thab Rifl9) = 9% te Us yan Wee As, Uaxn zo Ug = ab , yt 2 Unt Wyy = Fe JU can not bi veel pect + ong analyhic porch n, $a. Pro the following. ptatsmurts (8) A “crab -valusd. forekon a Complex Niaviably aides “has dariveliy gure or the doriveliy deus net saint Subpore thot { ap 4 real-valud fonction a combi varvabl whos oly vedi Gre eral boink a. Thin ' ; tath) — 9) join fe’ youu dah Se Dinif Roe along a coal aaip, drm 10) AP Mowe lok Re dink Ae leg SN Shon tt) bicomip 4 nom bir: Th \ma qinetg ania » poral ima ginar a. Va most haw {10 =e (b) 4} KO dp continverp af 3=3e thn LY ip alpe Ccontnvorp of BA Be. LE Hay = WED HWY. Sra fa) Ip Qont. at Boz ottfe, UY and Vt) om con. at (Hore). Thrafery ur+ue Sp conhinve rg at Ute p) sing the sump and preduebs cont nvern fonctions ats continvers. 44 fellows Shot \too! = J uttur ip continue vp ob Se pinw th compe sition p | conkinveyp frrctions ars cortinvov}. CY fm rekintig te CR apections at 3= 30 then yoo)” also patipfius Sh CA vyvelionp ab B= 90 - Sing Yl) elaine CA syrotionp A Se, Shifters (3, +4) tae at 3. —W) Thers}or ts . n ‘ (% +i 33) oy’ = 3.40) +4 Fe jon)” = yoo 2k +140)" RF Te =f) | +4 a) Haso ty Y af 3r>. > (y)" are sotisfiu, th of game - e-R squelions (a) 4 wand v any harmonic Conyegaly to toch othr In pom domain D fren Uo and Yo moat by conptant dhe. Sing USP hormeie conjugate af Wand Uw LB shar monic. conjvgats | \ Shonifery {ruriv and Ze FH any anelyhie in D, By CR sgvelion p Ux =Vy and Uy = Ve — a) Us F) Wa= Uy and Uy = Ux &) Lie i) Oy Lyrek on Q) and &) Uns Vy =Uxelly =o = Wand VU ant Conplenf {> cH onp . (e) A ruaspary condi on fer a Compl valucd fonction fie ustiv to by differsfabl ab 32 de ip thet aaa” ; a4 3=3e Gt fia, Wea + NST) 3 YEG ry ' oD) 2 at =) (2442 rR TS Teo AGE = & \arive) + i(4y + ivy) =a] dete + Shy te) = ey ta (ry +) . by CAR tgvehon p ef 7 Cane?

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