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1. The Portuguese probably introduced chilly peppers to Asia.

Portuguese (adj./n.): Bồ-đào- nha
( Chilly peppers are thought to have been introduced to Asia by Portuguese.
2. People think he succeeded through hard work and determination. (put)
( People put his success down to his hard work and determination.
3. Greeks consume more cheese per capita than any other Europeans. Per capita :
trên đầu người
( Greece has the highest per capita consumption of cheese in Europe.
4. Everyone must have noticed the change in temperature. (failed)
( No one can/could have failed to notice the change in the temperature.
5. He even divulged the secret of good feta. (far)
- divulge (v.): betray, give away, reveal Even = go so far as + to Inf. = do sth
extreme : đi xa đến nỗi mà
( He went so far as to divulge the secret of good feta.
6. Apparently, he applied to take leave but his boss said no. (down)
( Apparently, his application for taking leave was turned down by his boss.
7. If you have no experience, getting a job can be impossible. (unless)
( It can be impossible to get a job unless you have experience.
8. The organizers went out of their way to help. (not)
- go out of sb’s way to do sth = make a special effort to do sth - (be) nothing if not
= very, extremely
( The organizers were nothing if not helpful.
9. It is absolutely essential to get this parcel off today or we’ll lose the contract.
( This parcel must be dispatched without fail or we’ll lose the contract.
10. Central gallery is nowhere near as good since there was a change of ownership
last autumn. (downhill)
- go downhill : to get worse, to go from bad to worse, detonate - change hands : đổi
( Central gallery has gone downhill since its changing hands last autumn.
11. In my youth, cycling 80 km a day was easy, but I couldn’t do it now.
( When I was young I had no difficulty (in) cycling 80 km a day, but I couldn’t do
it now.
12. Sarah’s mother complained constantly but Sarah had stopped paying attentions
years ago. (notice)
( Sarah no longer took notice of her mother’s constant complaining.
13. Geoff is unlikely to be invited to the wedding given the way he has behaved
recently. (doubtful)
( In view of his recent behavior, it’s doubtful whether Geoff will be invited to the
14. They were playing so well, there was no way they would lose the last match of
the season. (bound)
( Such was the standard of their good playing that they are bound to win the last
match of the season.
- Such + (be) + N + that + S V O
15. You’re so lazy, you don’t deserve to pass the exam next month. (fail)
- serve sb right = not deserve/merit/sympathy
( You’re so lazy, it’ll serve you right if you fail the exam next month.
16. Now that their parents have consented to their marriage, their future happiness
is guaranteed. (stands)
( Now that they have their parents’ consent to their marriage there’s nothing stands
in the way of their future happiness.
17. Puzzle-solving is one of her favorite pastimes and always has been. (passion)
( She has had a passion for puzzle-solving since she was a child.
18. Do you mind if I don’t come back to the office after I’ve been to the dentist at
lunchtime? (afternoon)
Mind (v.) :object ( have objection to
( Would you have any objection to my taking an afternoon off after my dentist
appointment? 19. They all agree that the new dress code was a complete success.
(The new dress code was hailed as a complete success.
20. Everyone knows you aren’t allowed to smoke on domestic flight these days.
(It’s a common knowledge that smoking on domestic flight is prohibited.
21. She knew nothing of her husband’s impending promotion. (about)
impending(adj.) :be about to happen
( Little did she know that her husband is about to be promoted.
22. He can’t possibly have said something like that. (misheard)
( You really must have misheard him completely.
23. Such attention is quite normal for a contemporary work

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