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Cardiovascular Lab

Berenice Rico 8/29/2011

Table of Contents Page Design Page Number




Materials needed

Acquirement of Material


Variables: Independent, Dependent, Controlled

Procedure for Lab/ Method


Data Collection and Processing

Phases: Tables of raw data


Background Information

Notes during Data Collection


Processing of Data


Conclusion and Evaluation





Design Purpose: To evaluate the heart rate [bpm] as it undergoes varying activities to compare mental
fitness with physical fitness.

Mental fitness meaning happiness, shock, and relaxation. [emotions]

Physical fitness, as it implies, the body moving to a physical activity.

Question: Does the heart rate increase more with physical activity as compared to a mental
activity? Is being older more affected by one than the other; does age skew the results of an activity?

Hypothesis: In strictly speaking to the comparison between physical activities and mental
activities, I predict that physical activities will cause the heart to work more; this prediction based upon my logical reasoning that by working out physically, one increases blood circulation in order to sustain homeostasis. Physical activities will most likely affect those who are older; their heart having been working for a longer period of time, this fact will take in effect when doing a simple activity as compared to a younger subject. The younger subjects will, however be more affected by mental activities, primarily those of shock/horror. Since I have assumed that due to their lack of experiencing them, it will be an unknown frightful experience; as compared those who are older, having experienced shock/horror prior [another assumption].

Materials Needed
For general lab: o At the least about 3-5 people. [The 3-5 people must be of different ages in order to compare the difference in results between the ages.] o A stopwatch o A computer with internet service or videos from CDs etc. [For phases 4 & 5] Materials needed for activities: o Phase One / Resting: a quiet room to rest in. o Phase Two / Jumping Jacks: a spacious area indoors. o Phase Three / Anger: A pillow. o Phase Four / Horror: A horror movie: For this lab the movie chosen was Hide N Seek [movie can vary based upon level of thrill] and a screamer video, The Exorcist Maze. o Phase 5 / Amusement: Parkour episode 1 from Season 6 of The Office.

Acquirement of Materials
3-5 people were volunteers; however primarily in this lab the volunteers are all family members including myself. o Background of each discussed in page 8. A stopwatch was acquired via the internet: A computer was acquired through my own means; Lenovo Win 7 PC was used for this experiment. Materials for Activities: 3

o Phase 1: quiet room was an upstairs room at Perris, California [chance location due to the time lab began] where no one was allowed to enter except for the subject being tested, other than that person, no one, besides myself, was allowed to intervene. o Phase 2: Jumping Jacks was as well conducted in the spacious upper level of a two story house. o Phase 3: Pillow was easily acquired from just someones bedroom. o Phase 4: Hide N Seek was acquired through borrowing from a friend. The Exorcist Maze game was found at: o Phase 5: Parkour episode was watched through Netflix account. However can also be viewed from:

Independent Variable: The activities chosen: Resting, jumping jacks, anger, horror/shock, and amusement. The different activities will result in differing BPMs.

Dependent Variable: Beats per minute [BPM]. Controlled: Heart rate is personally checked by me placing my fingers on the volunteers jugular vein. [As I myself partook in this lab, I checked my own pulse.]

Method: *Must be done for every volunteer/subject.

Preparation for the lab suggestions:

1. Room must be empty and no other person, aside from the test subject and conductor, should be present. 2. Preferably the lab should be conducted in a quiet room. No outside noises if possible. 3. Count pulse by either Method A or B: a. Count the subjects pulse for 30 seconds and multiply by two. b. Count the subjects pulse for 1 minute.

Phase 1: Resting

1. The subject must be left alone for 5-10 minutes. This to ensure a calm mind. a. 10 minutes preferred. 2. Music is optional; however the subject during the 10 minutes must be still. Still as in either laying down or sitting. 3. After the 5-10 minutes conductor places fingers on the subjects JUGULAR vein. 4. Once the jugular vein is found count the subjects pulse by either method A or B. 5. Record BPM.

Phase 2: Jumping Jacks

1. Have the subject take off their shoes.

2. The recorder/conductor must have stopwatch ready to begin once the subject begins this activity. 3. The subject must do jumping jacks for an entire minute. Note temporary lapses of exercise. 4. Once the stopwatch reaches a minute, stop the subject. 5. Place fingers on jugular vein. 6. Count the subjects pulse by either method A or B. 7. Record.

Phase 3: Anger

1. The key to this part of the lab is to make one genuinely angry; hence easiest way is to do so without mentioning to the subject what this activity tests. 2. Begin by inquiring what makes them angry: Hence for this activity, the task at hand is to start a debate in which one contradicts everything that is argued. Become the villain. 3. Pry for anger signs such as perhaps language, gestures, movement that implies impatience [walking back and forth], or tears of any sort. Record such down. 4. Continue on for at the most 20 minutes. 5. Once the subject has reached the time limit, have them muster up all anger and yell into pillow. 6. If unable to reach anger point, note and record. However still have the subject yell into pillow as loud as they possibly can. 7. Place fingers at jugular vein and record with method A or B.

Phase 4: Horror/Shock. 6

Exorcist Maze:

1. Have the subject put on earphones. *Set around medium power. 2. Allow for complete isolation until the maze is over. 3. Begin to observe the subject as they focus. 4. Once the maze is done, immediately place fingers on jugular vein. 5. Count the subjects pulse as soon as possible using method A or B.

Horror Movie: *Hide N Seek segment: Intro segment where Emily is playing hide and seek with Charlie, ends up in basement, and the light goes off with Emily screaming.

1. The subject must wear earphones. 2. Begin movie segment as the subject is left once again in isolation. 3. Observe the subject as they watch the movie segment. 4. Before the actual scary scene, jumpy scene where light goes off; record pulse with method A or B. [This to test the anticipation of a horror sequence] 5. Continue video. 6. Once the movie segment is done immediately place fingers on subjects jugular vein. 7. Count pulse with method A or B. Record.

Phase 5: Amusement: Parkour/ the Office beginning segment up into introduction song. Estimation: 1 minute and 26 seconds 1. The subject doesnt necessarily have to wear earphones, but they are preferred. 2. Begin video. [Beginning being beginning of the episode.] 3. Observe subject as they watch video segment. 7

4. As soon as video ends immediately place fingers on subjects jugular vein. 5. Count pulse with method A or B. Record.

Data and Processing

Test Subjects




Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice Quick Background:

12 9 24 16 55


Do you participate in daily exercise [30 minutes+]? Yes. No. Yes. No. No.

Jasmine: Middle School student of around 12 years of age; has just recently started school PE that takes place every day, at home, typically the only exercise she receives is from walking up and down house stairs [2-story house] or riding her bike occasionally.

Yessenia: Around same as her sister, the only difference that she does not have PE nor is she a middle school student; however, if anything, she is more active in that she prefers to not stay still for more than 5 minutes.

Jesus: Plays soccer every Friday, yet participates in soccer practice every day. Aside from working, hours are from 5 am-3pm [on average], drinks water and he attempts to stay healthy.

Berenice Jr: Only exercise she participates in is walking to school every day, roughly 20 minutes. Yet that has only taken into effect recently this 2011 school year at AVHS [Arroyo

Valley High School]; she has allergies and asthma. More so, in times of heat, she is prone to nosebleeds and fainting.

Berenice [55]: Has undergone serious heart surgery, in which a pacemaker was inserted into her right atrium [or so I have assumed since the right atrium is where the pacemaker lies in the human body]. Her heart count will assumedly be higher than the rest. Lab was conducted on the following days: August 20th and 21st.

Phase 1: Resting [sitting]

Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice Phase 2: Exercise [jumping jacks]

BPM [taken after 10 minutes of resting time] 70 68 64 76 80

Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice

BPM [taken after the exercise] 120 114 126 100 ---

Phase 3: Anger [heated arguments/yelling; moments of truth venting]

Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice

BPM [taken after one has reached anger point] 66 74 73 68 95

Phase 4: Horror


Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice

BPM [taken after maze] 72 80 74 74 ---

Movie: Hide N Seek [up to scene in the basement]

Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice

BPM[before] 60 68 64 60 ---

BPM[after] 80 70 55 60 ---

Phase 5: Funny Moment. [The Office: Parkour (season 6 episode1) ]

Test Subject Jasmine Yessenia Jesus Berenice Jr. Berenice

BPM 90 98 94 84 --


Notes during Phase 1 of each participant:

Jasmine: During resting there was no notable uncertainty. Things went rather smoothly, except for a few spontaneous moments that Jasmine would insinuate lapses of laughter. The resting period should perhaps be cut down to 5 minutes, since eventually it seemed that she would fall asleep and not awake to continue the rest of the trials; hence to keep herself awake she resorted to random thoughts to keep herself awake, thus leading to laughter.

Yessenia: It seemed with more time that passed by she would feel more paranoid. The beginning 5 minutes went fine, she calmed down however any more time and she appeared confused or paranoid about too much time passing; a state of awkwardness may have affected results.

Jesus: He easily entered a calm state, so much so I believe he may have relaxed so much to the point that he napped for at the least 2 minutes. For future reference shorten relaxation time. Too much relaxation has led to drowsiness, more than intended.

Berenice Jr.: Almost fell asleep. Shorten relaxation period.

Berenice [55]: Has a history of heart problems and has undergone surgery for it. For purposes of curiosity to see how she fared as compared to those who are supposedly healthy. During relaxation period heart could be heard without having to check jugular vein, surgery had implanted a pacemaker making it easy to check pulse, perhaps more accurate than the rest. Time was the same dilemma as the others, note to shorten.


Notes during Phase 2 of each participant

Jasmine: During jumping jacks it had been noted that Jasmine had a tendency to complain and stop. Familiarity with me, as the conductor, perhaps led to unnecessary humor, had to constantly tell her to keep going and not become lazy during the activity. For the most part she had undergone 50 seconds to a minute exercise.

Yessenia: Seemed eager to begin, yet would die out from quickening her pace; this partly due to the fact she was new to the idea of doing jumping jacks [another assumption made upon age]. There is however an uncertainty in this case as in she wasnt properly doing jumping jacks, from quickening her pace may have unintentional raced her heart more than what it would have been, if she had known how to properly do the activity. For future reference, make sure to show an example beforehand.

Jesus: As he was the biggest, physically, of the entire volunteer group, it did not necessarily surprise me that he was going to receive a high mark. Yet as he was experienced enough to know how to do jumping jacks, in his case, the BPM I would say was the most accurate.

Berenice Jr.: Doing jumping jacks gradually became tiring by 30 seconds, I would say for the purposes of this lab, a minute was a nice estimate for the duration of this activity. Pulse grew, and it was easy to check pulse as it raced.

Berenice [55]: For fear of possible step-back, more so to not rush the heart as there was a possibility of something going wrong; she did not participate in this part of the lab. Prior to coming to a decision she was tested for about 15 seconds, however a problem occurred that required me to decide her exemption. 12

Notes during Phase 3 of each participant: Anger Jasmine: It didnt take long for this participant to grow anger, it seemed she had built up frustration for a while now, which somewhat surprised me in that she was 12. However, she grew angry yet there was an amusing smirk she kept for the entire time, she couldnt be serious or become genuinely mad. She had the thoughts but not the feeling. So to this, in her case the activity/phase was a failure. She started fine however ended without much avail. Think of new ways for anger.

Yessenia: Somehow it seemed a lost cause at first but then after walking around and, on accident, hitting herself against a table; anger was an easy task. Recorded right away and it seemed through her own mishap, she grew angry from her own mistake. Note for future reference.

Jesus: During his own trial, along with Berenice and Berenice Jr.; their activity was unintentional. The phase wasnt conducted as like the others, for BPM was a direct result of a genuine family discussion that grew very heated. Heated in the sense, anger was rampant, tears were shed, and a lot of yelling occurred. After the debate/discussion came to an end, pulse was taken for this lab. There is the uncertainty that due to perhaps sleeping, BPM dropped below 60. Berenice Jr.: Taken around same time as Jesuss; participated in the heated family discussion. Genuine anger was successfully attained.

Berenice [55]: Taken around same time as Jesus and Berenice Jr; due to heated argument heart rate was racing quickly, more so with her heart history, it somewhat worried me her high blood per minute, once it had been taken.


Notes during Phase 4 for each participant Jasmine: [The maze] She wasnt so focused into game, she looked as if she expected what popped up; More so she quickly found the cheating the maze part, perhaps from past experience with games. So for the most part got through the maze and wasnt focused really when the Exorcist girl screamer came up.

[Hide N Seek] Genuinely was terrified; with the built up anticipation that something was going to come up, especially from checking pulse before the actual [somewhat] scary scene; her response as the scene itself came up, it was obvious she was scared as she jumped up. As noted her heart rate spiked.

Yessenia: [The Maze] Immediately gave reason to exempt from this part of lab since she has never really seen anything remotely scary/screamer/horror so far in her life. This in due part since she is a sheltered child as compared to her older sibling Jasmine. She had no knowledge whatsoever of screamer at the end up maze and screamed at the pop up. She focused on game since she didnt know cheat, especially level 3, her concentration was astonishing.

[Hide N Seek] After last activity, she was worrisome from the start of the movie segment. Due to continuation of this phase, Yessenia had preconceptions most likely of a horror genre; since she doesnt watch them typically, her heart rate didnt spike yet physically she looked traumatized. Immediately had to take a break, hence an uncertainty could be drawn due to the fact she deviated from procedure.

Jesus: [The Maze] Due to wanting to take on the Maze without cheating, his concentration was exceptionally into the game. So for the most part I left him alone until such was obvious that the 14

exorcist girl had at last popped out. He had noted, Man that got me, after the pop up had come up.

[Hide N Seek] From having a past history of watching horror movies for most of his life, watching this movie did not at all move him, I noted some yawns and eyes seemed to look around, it was quickly noted he became bored and lost interest of movie. Once the intended segment came around, he thought of it as boring and cheesy, nothing scary. No effect and if anything the opposite of what the younger subjects had thought of it.

Berenice Jr.: [The Maze] Since I decided the lab itself, I knew beforehand what was to come. Typically finding humor in horror genres, pop ups fare differently in that my usual response is to jump. So I already had the preconception that the Maze game would inevitably scare me. As the game progressed, the anticipation annoyed me to the point I cheated through the game by holding left click and scrolling to end. Yet even so with this, I jumped to see exorcist pop up.

[Hide N Seek] I did not receive full effect of this segment due to the fact I had watched it the day beforehand. More so typically horror movies [aside from pop ups] dont have a great effect on me, as I am a horror genre fan and look to be scared. So re-watching the segment for the 3rd time really had no effect on me as it did the first time. Hence it can be said that my knowledge and experience with the movie affected the overall result. Berenice [55]: Due to personal request, she was exempt from this category; wouldnt go into much detail as to why specifically, however I did not mind this said exemption. Time would be lost in trying to pry a volunteer into forcibly watching a horror segment, more so the maze. So that was just set and done.


Notes during phase 5: Amusement/Parkour

Jasmine: Immediately found the video amusing and started laughing almost instantaneously.

Yessenia: Showed similar reaction as Jasmine, however from laughing so much she broke into tears.

Jesus: Found the video amusing however a bit overdramatic, especially near end of clip where Mike and the crew are devising their epic plan on how to get from point A to point B. Overall not much to say except that he was amused.

Berenice Jr.: Having seen the video a few times, laughing was not as strong as watching it a first time.

Berenice [55]: Simply did not participate in the video due to a barrier in language, speaks solely Spanish, so video would have been confusing.


Final processing


Phase 1 [resting]

Phase 2 [jumping jacks]

Phase 3 [anger]

Phase 4 [Maze]

Phase 4 [Movie]

Phase 5 [amusement]



(120) - (70) = 50

(66) (70) = -4

(72) (70) =2 (n) (70)

(90) (70) = 20

=0 Yessenia 68 (114) (68) = 46 (74) (68) =6 (80) (68) = 12

(n) (68)

(98) (70) = 28

=1 Jesus 64 (126) - (64) = 62 (73) (64) =9 (74) (64) = 10

(n) (64)

(94) (70) = 24

= -4.5 Berenice Jr. 76 (100) (76) = 24 (68) (76) = -8 (74) (76) = -2

(n) (76)

(84) (70) = 14




(95) (80) = 15


= -16 NA


Comparison of mental vs. physical activities

Phase 1: Normal resting time; will be used to compare to the rest. Phase 2: (Result of pulse after the activity) (normal resting time pulse) = net BPM


Phase 3: (Result of pulse after the activity) (normal resting time pulse) = net BPM Phase 4: (Result of pulse average) (normal resting time pulse) = total net BPM

Average: (before movie segment + after movie segment ) / (2) Phase 5: (Result of pulse after the activity) (normal resting time pulse) = net BPM

Net BPM is meant to display net increase/decrease with every activity as compared to resting BPM.

Last notes:

Physical activity increased BPM more than any mental/emotion activity. Anger: Heart BPM affected mainly by the activity of anger were those who were older. Maze: Shock activity affected the young more than those older, with exception of Berenice Jr.

Movie: Anticipation of horror movie development affected the young as compared to the older audience; if anything the older audience showed no response to it.

Amusement/humor: By far, a universal increase in all BPMs; affected the younger audience more.


Conclusion and Evaluation

Conclusion: My hypothesis that physical fitness increased heart rate [BPM] more than mental fitness proved to be true in this case. I would assume that such is true due to the bodys need to maintain homeostasis; hence blood circulation increases to provide the body with more oxygen. This finding really isnt much of a surprise; however as for mental activity, older audience/subjects are more affected by anger as compared to other emotions tested. If anything, the young are not so easily angered, as commented in Jasmines data on page 13 of Phase 3, she couldnt be serious or become genuinely mad. She had the thoughts but not the feeling. It would seem according to my results, that younger children are prone to an almost non-existent understanding for the emotion Anger; associating it with humor, ex. Jasmine smirking. Yet in order to draw such a conclusion would require further testing upon the subject. As for other emotions, younger children are affected more by activities such as horror/shock; since as the processing table reveals on page 17, older audiences typically were in the negatives [exception Berenice Jr. in the Maze activity]. As for the last activity Amusement, aside from physical activity, this activity increased the heart rate more so than the other mental/emotional activities tested.


Systematic Errors: The use of the online timer could have very well been susceptible to lag [due to using it from internet], or a few seconds could have been off from manual timing; this leading to a higher/lower BPM. More so manually checking jugular vein, possibility of miscount.

Random Error: Inconsistency of equal timing to all subjects who participated in lab; more so equal timing of every activity. There would always be some variation of timing, this due to the 19

fact most was manually handled, hence perfect accuracy would be impossible due to natural human error.

Improvements: Shorten resting time from 10 minutes to 5 or else the subjects sleep [phase 1]. Perhaps using technology to handle monitoring of BPM, that way it could be used as the lab progressed rather than before and after [finding the net]. Some level of accuracy is lost from estimation. More physical activities, only one was used, is there a difference in heart rate with varying physical endurance tests? Had I used another activity would my results greatly differ? Such questions could be answered with a larger variety of activities. Last note, a break between each activity; immediately going into the next activity could result with possible uncertainties due to a lack of recovery time back to normal BPM. Errors and Uncertainties: Possible error on Jesuss relaxation BPM; could be due to the fact he fell asleep, being unconscious would obviously lead to a lower BPM as compared to the others. Possible error on phase one in general, management in the beginning was in my opinion messy, due to my trouble finding jugular vein at first. Uncertainties in this lab would be counting of pulse manually by finger. Possible miscount is always a possibility, more so the uncertainty in Yessenias case, where I allowed her to deviate from procedure in order to recover.


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