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MARCH 19, 2023

SPEAKER: Sir Johnson Dave Fadri


The Dinosaurs existed, and the fact that their remains have been found all across the
world offers information on their appearance. The article continues, nevertheless, by claiming
that dinosaurs are merely utilized to bolster the hypothesis of evolution. According to
evolutionists, dinosaurs lived more than 200 million years ago and perished before humans
arrived on the scene, possibly as a result of an unexpected calamity. Some evolutionists believe
that birds evolved from dinosaurs. The Bible, however, takes a different stance on dinosaurs.
The verse draws a comparison between the biblical worldview and the scientific perspective of
evolutionists, notably in relation to the origin and demise of dinosaurs.

I came to see that the Bible is a book of history as well as religion. It is counter to the

idea of evolution, which holds that all living things were created by natural processes. The Dead
Sea Scrolls and the Ebla tablets provide archeological proof that the Bible is accurate.
Evolutionists' historical narrative of millions of years of evolution is all that it is. Evolutionists
attempt to include the dinosaur myth into their theory despite the fact that no scientist has
ever seen a dinosaur die. God judged the earth with a global flood, and Noah was given the task
of building an ark to protect his family and certain animals. Dinosaurs on the ark are believed to
have reproduced on earth after the flood, although life was not the same. Disease and a lack of
food likely led to the extinction of dinosaurs.

In conclusion, drawings of ancient artifacts that depict dragons and humans together
clearly prove that man and dinosaurs coexisted. It's also crucial to remember that dinosaur
drawings have been found on ancient pottery, stones, and other objects. This is a crucial
question since, contrary to popular belief, dinosaurs did not extinct before the appearance of
humans. The simple explanation is that they observed them, knew what they looked like, and
were able to depict them in drawings as a result. This demonstrates that the Bible is authentic
and disproves evolution.

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