Transport Commerce

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THE CALA LEARNING AREA LEVEL SYLLABUS TOPIC ‘SUB-TOPIC. CALA TITLE COMPETENCESISKILLS. Background Roads in Zimbabwe are currently congested for a number of reasons. Movement of ‘people and goods from one point to the ather is increasingly becoming dificult. Research (on the modes of transport that can be used to carry goods from one point to another. Provide a write up on the possible ways these modes of transport can be of use in reducing congestion, ‘The CALA COMMERCE Form 4 Transport Syllabus Page 17 Modes of transport Examining the ways of reducing congestion Business Communication Critica thinking Problem solving Creativity and innovation Decision making Enterprise development Technical and innovative ‘The CALA has two parts, Part A and B. You need to complete both parts, IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE LIAN AKA MAI ISAIAH Part A ‘= carryout a research identifying modes of transport that can be used to carry goods and passengers from one point to the other. = research on how these modes can be of use in reducing congestion. ‘to do your research include: observations. Make use of the internet in researching on the different modes of transport, also download pictures or take pictures from your local area, Part B + Prepare a document that exolains how the modes of transport are of use in reducing congestion, + Make a presentation on your write up. How you willbe assessed + Toassess your write up, your facilitator wil consider your research materials, explanations on the use of different modes of transport in reducing ‘congestion ¥ explan: ions about methods of reducing congestion ‘+ Achievement standards specific to this CALA will be provided so that you are ‘aware of the assessment criteria CALA Tips. + As you camry out your research, remember to write notes, use ICT tools or take pictures + You can read your notes IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE LIAN AKA MAI ISAIAH LEARNER CALA GUIDE LEARNING AREA. COMMERCE, LeveL FORM4 CALA TYPE RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION CALA TITLE Examining the ways of reducing congestion NAME ‘SCHOOL CLASS DATE CALA Context Roads in Zimbabwe are currently congested for a number of reasons. Movement of ‘people and goods from one point to the other is increasingly becoming dificult. Research ‘on the modes of transport that can be used to carry goods from one point to another. Provide a write up on the possible ways these modes of transport can be of use in reducing congestion CALA Desctiption To come up with ways of reducing congestion ‘= camry out a research and make observations in the local community, remember to take pictures of the different modes of transport (10) * Prepare a document that explains how congestion can be reduced, Make use of the different modes of transport. (15) IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE LILIAN AKA MAI ISAIAH ‘presentation of the document and showing how congestion can be reduced, showing the different modes of transport that can be used (5) How you will be assessed + The CALA will be assessed out of 30 +The facilitator will assess: > Pictures provided for the different modes of transport, making use of the observations made > the write up on the ways congestion can be reduced > your oral explanation. CALATips tn your research questions consider: + the availability of the diferent modes of transport. «the suitably of he different modes of transport + Making use ofthe internet # Using different materials ike pictures, charts etc. IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE LIAN AKA MAI ISAIAH ‘TEACHER CALA GUIDE LEARNING AREA COMMERCE LeveL Form 4 CALATYPE Research and presentation CALA TITLE Examining the ways of reducing congestion Topic Transport canara, = Business Communication [ Critical thinking + Problem solving ‘+ Creativity and innovation + Decision making ‘Enterprise development + Technical and innovative Dimensions) | * The evidence provided for observations made in the local Ciiteria ‘community, and evidence of a research done. ig be) «a write up. prepared using the information obtained as iessessed guidelines. ‘+The communication skills in presenting the ways of reducing congestion in the roads ‘Objectives’ ‘identification of the diferent modes of transport available a be). identication of diferent ways of reducing congestion achieved ‘= making use of the modes of transport in reducing congestion ‘© Spot on communication skills and explanations IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE LILIAN AKA MAI ISAIAH CALA Context Roads in Zimbabwe are currently congested for a number of reasons. Movement of people and goods from one point to the other is increasingly becoming dificult, Research ‘on the modes of transport that can be used to carry goods from one point to another. Provide a write up on the possible ways these modes of transport can be of use in reducing congestion. The CALA is assessed out of 30 marks. Assessing suitabilty and usabilly of the pictures provided for the observations made (10) + Assessing the writeup of the methods that can be used to reduce congestion, (15) + Assessing the presentation ofthe document. (6) ‘Assessment Procedure + Assessing the observations made ad the research material provided + Assessing the write up submited + Assessing the presentation made inthe class ‘+ Awarding of marks. IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE IAN AKA MAI ISAIAH ag reaing reauing rang ongeston cezngeston congeston congestion pieeaion es a 7 of wate up tote ease Ercslent — ‘Salstadory ‘Colo pesertaton| | presertaton | | presanaton resent ns ” TOTALS IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE IAN AKA MAI ISAIAH ag reaing reauing rang ongeston cezngeston congeston congestion pieeaion es a 7 of wate up tote ease Ercslent — ‘Salstadory ‘Colo pesertaton| | presertaton | | presanaton resent ns ” TOTALS IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE IAN AKA MAI ISAIAH ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS FOR THE RESEARCH AND PRESENTATION TITLE: Examining the ways of reducing congestion DINENSIONS CRITERIA ‘Gosstons a a 7 prepared are spproprito Ercan ‘Goo ‘Saistaiony ‘Gault Trot questions questons questens questions rat ought || that beuste | | hat browse | | hat brought cout desred| | out dested| | out desied |» | cut esos responses responses. responses. responses aeeeratores [TOT 7 a 2 made oe perp aan ‘Setsiaaony nsatsaner Coda inerews interviews ¥ Inieriows | | cary out nd nd nd Intervie bseraton obser cobseratons ne s made in| |= made in| | mado in the |_| cbesraton te soc the society sie 2 te society prea a [TS 28 7 a watle_up._ on ways ot reson cengeston icatene ‘Gast wile |] —] Sa Carer wie up| | uppropared| | wite up |_| propre prepared showing prepered wie wp sowing wos || showng showing wast ways ot | ways ot IFYOU NEED ASSISTANCE CONTACT 0719212470, NIERERE IAN AKA MAI ISAIAH

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